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Towa Thread
Previous >>88005705

Please listen to her latest cover!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jNnT1Mn0b8 「Tenbyouno Uta」

Upcoming shows/events:
>(09/29-11/08) Break! Lookout for some streams in between during it!
>(11/14) 18:30 JST Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 “Spectra of Nova” Hoshimatic Project

Previous shows/events:
>Tokyo Online Party 2024 Autumn 3on3 with Tachikawa and Daigo
>SCARZ CUP Apex Legends vol.4 with Crylix and Arisaka
>Oogiri Derby
>Latest Shorts
>Latest Hologra
>Game Shop Maruyama

Channels and socials:
Official 3D Model:

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos/Manga archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Mail/Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact
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Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jNnT1Mn0b8 Tenbyouno Uta (with Cpt)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEIo7LHOxK8 8.32 (with Startend)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35hMALocac8 Integral (with Startend)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T-1Vvm1fPA Kaisei (with Startend)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>hololive Omanjuu Niginigi Mascot #1
>Nendoroid Tokoyami Towa
>Tokoyami Towa Birthday Celebration 2024
>holoRêve collection no.2
>hololive CITY’24
>Startend Gaming Chair
>hololive friends to Go vol.2
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B
towa is cute
if towa's happy then i'm happy...
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I hate Towa
I hate SF6 arc Towa
>SF6 arc Towa
That's just "Towa" now
one day they'll break up and the arc will end...
it'll never be the same again
what was once towa is now completely dead
sometimes i think about that kenzie that said he was using her sololive as a grand finale and moving on, i hope he actually went through with it and his memories of her are untarnished...
it'll never end until she reaches master and seems insistent on delaying that for as much as possible and even then there's a chance she'll switch mains and just repeat the process.
the progression of this thread into a pure /vt/ melodramatic retard pit is a sight to behold
everything is fine
i miss akwa…
She'll be back tomorrow
2 post stream tweets for Tachi but 0 for mario party...
Make that 3
>in the usual c part (Tachi vs Twa)
nearly puked
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this is just freakish looking going this far
It's insane how infatuated with him she is
she seemed distracted during mario party too.
its clear what, or who, her priorities are
weird that she didn't get distracted once during a 6 hour stream
Considering there's literally proof she has been watching his stream during her solo streams recently, it shouldn't really surprise you. She can't stand to be away from him for even a second.
this thread is vastly more obsessed with him, i'll be the only one posting about a tsunemos stream and there's 75+ posts about the guy.
>this thread is vastly more obsessed with him
This isn't true, which is really saying something.
>reacting to towa's streams and tweets means you're obsessed with the person she mentions
Towa's lovely boy curves...
she'll graduate before then...
I wonder if all the kenzies who cancelled their membership back in May (?) ended up leaving...
Ohh, don't be so tsun-tsun, Tachitomo. You watch all his streams just like you claim she does, don't you? On the other hand you've never been caught watching streams without tachi in them so nobody can accuse you of being straight.
I'm just disappointed in her taste in men desu...
I still like her, I've talked shit about her in these threads for more or less justified reasons, but I still like to watch her, she's funny and pleasant even in situations which are garbage in concept. I had to be honest.
>You see, I'm one of the good and mentally stable users of /vt/
it wouldn't be as bad if it was at least someone that she had known for a while or someone likeable but to fall in love at first sight with the biggest and most blatant creep she could find and completely abandon her fans and the rest of her career for him... i hope it bites her in the ass one day...
nene isn't that bad
I miss the /jp/ colony days...
Kenzies used to rule the board...
Femzies would rise when we said the word...
Now in this thread I post alone...
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Towa should get her boobs out like the girl on the right
On this boulevard of broken dreams...
Hey that's from a different song
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APEX has come to pass...
The peak of Towa could never last...
Wake me up when sf6 ends...
she only does that when she's alone with the girl on the right
If there's no femzie beside you when your streak embarks...then I'll follow you into the dark...
why are kenzies so retarded…
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cut my towife into pieces...
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we should let more yummies in the Towa Thread… they can do all our low-skill jobs…
yummie jannies
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They will steal all the femzies...
femzies arent here… they’ve all been captured and sent to towa’s sex dungeon…
Good night Towa and menheras!
Towa’s here…
Off to page 11
One last Twi post before sleep...
page tenwa…
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is this real...
No way, bibi is too fat to fit in Towa's tiny head...
i remember when i used to defend towa...
i remember when i used to offend towa…
page tenwa…
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That explains a lot.
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me on the right...
you got nice thighs
please tweet towa
i will see akwa soon...
why is towa doing the cunnilingus hand gesture...
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You just know. Also, Bae's chuuni 3D live ended with a purple version of herself spawning from a giant rose that was blooming in the mud. I think Towa is still on her mind.....
Pavlovian response
towa doesn't tweet anymore... she hates us
Good morning Towa and menheras!
Towa's not here...
where is towa? she's going to miss the onions return...
her face remind me of tsuna...
Suisei tweeted about it...but nothing from Towa...
Based. Traitors deserve no quarter. Niji traitors don't count.
Do you think なる gonna have rurudo make her vtuber model?
She doesn't even want to stream, why bother?
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towa is so sexy…
>I want to take a diferent direction
>Actually I want to do the same thing but not here
Did I just miss them or did Towa stream nothing but esports for week? I want comfy gamus..
comfy towa is gone...
She streamed Mario Party but she was constantly distracted by a mysterious entity...
Nvm she was there but didn't stream it, she only streamed crap.
she is on "break"
and by "break" she means she's just doing the same things she always does except she doesn't have to come up with excuses not to solo stream for a month and a half
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Who took this picture towa?!
Who are you with?!
And when mysterious entity was on stream with her she wasn't distracted...
shuba getting towa drunk to take advantage of her...
at least its not bibi's doing
You unleashed Satan back into this thread kenzie...
what do you think those movie dates really are...
Satan will never leave the thread...
He's a devil like Towa. They're great friends.
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But the Morning Mio announcement...?
Was towa distracted again and accidently posted early?
nah, it releases at 18JST and asamio is at 730JST. it's not like it's meant to be a direct funnel and i can't recall many covers in hololive being released that early in the day.
Why Taa...
Towa keeps ruining everything...
towa should post more ass to apologize
you can't handle towass...
It's still a bucket of cold water, they never collab so it could have been a cute surprise, but it probably was just management's fault, otherwise she would have deleted it by now.
never collab as a duo*
i get your point, but there's really only so much it could be for the two of them. still need my icarus cover though. it's just not really a big deal, the collab will still be fun.
>icarus cover
you're not allowed to get my hopes up
isn't this kinda gay
We don't talk about Taa anymore...
5 hours left until towa...
she won't wake up...
1 second left until page 11...
i hate you...
might go schizo
>常闇トワ followed
>majamari @majamari17
yeah i'd never use 4chan...
Towa used to read this thread...but not anymore...
maybe she reads it and likes to watch our pain...
Now she conjures up schizo scenarios in her head to get mad at kenzies...
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towa likes to kiss girls...
i want to suck her fingers...
i wish she would touch my penis with those on...
wake up towa...
you're going to be late to your mio collab...
wake up kenzies...
the Towa Thread's on death's door...
She didn't sleep tonight..
Mysterious entity kept her awake all night...
why are you calling mio that…
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What's the lore here...
Was there a kenzie exodus that I am unaware of...?
a bunch of femzies disappeared when meeting towa in person… we can’t seem to find them anymore…
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I am serious...
What happened....
i told u the truth…
how disappointing was meeting towa...
they haven’t been able to sleep for months after meeting her…
Towa happened...
wonder if she'll bother tweeting it out
towa isn't real...she can't hurt you...
towa is still asleep...
Unlikely but I hope we get Towa-kun...
And this board is randomly fast again for some reason...
Oh I see well at least now I know.
Seem to be some holos on it right now.
Would lick butthole.
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I'm sorry for giving Kenzies a certain reputation on another board.
towa wife...
towa life...
towa wrist...
towa knife...
Not Towa-kun...
dv everyday...
my poor poor shuba...
She sounds like she's been up all night....
towa made me wet...
She was working out all night...
towa is a menhera...
i miss towa...
I miss Towa...
i miss you too...
She really didn't sleep...
wonder who she was up with all night...
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Towa just liked this...
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cat huffing...
are we still substituting Bibi with him...
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towa should show off her ass more...
towa fan service is meant for bibi now...
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this is gay…
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Good night Towa and menheras!
towa went to sleep with bibi already
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where is my Towamei cover...
Mumei needs to man up and ask towa for a cover...
i find it a bit funny that towa and mio where with suisei fubuki and miko at that fortune teller thing and they just weren’t mentioned
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Where are the AkuTowa singles in my area...
I don't miss akwa anymore...!
I miss towa... hopefully bibi lets her stream again...
check towa's house...
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im glad kenzies are using bibi’s name in place of “him”, now we can have a real bibi thread…
when are they going to release the Bibi onahole...
Bibi dildo…
It's impossible to deliver him, he's too fat...
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Good morning Towa and menheras!
This year has been awful.
Starting in a bit.
That was great, I love it.
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常MOS 10/31 20:00
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Isn't Towa on AZKi's baseball team? She might make her in character creation soon.
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