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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Ina's AmiAmi affiliate link: https://www.amiami.com/eng/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=PR&utm_campaign=2409_Inanis

Previous: >>88128432
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Who do I have to kill to get the full art of this.
Inside Ina there are two takos, one represents the weight of her duties and the other one represents her love for her jobs
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I hope Ina eats and has a good day today
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Quasarcake is so good it makes me angry.
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I can't believe Ina loves big butts too... she is just like me frfr...
She is literally winning so hard rn I am proud of her
Is LN and Gacha work pretty high on the Illustrator success ladder? Genuinely asking, I feel like yes based on the money they move, but as products they're filled with such slop.

I am praying she works on a decent anime some day cause man.
Getting credit for work at the big studios is good, doing uncredited work (Ina said before she did this) which is likely for some obscure chink gacha isn't.
I don't get it, what are you talking about?
I don't see it as a ladder, for me it's more of a skill tree with different paths. If you go the gacha + LN route then yeah it's pretty big deal working for games like NIKKE
What else is there for character illustrators?
I guess there's character design like she's done for anime (and kuroboshi's best known for this). I'm just wondering where the peak is.
there are paths like isual novel work, illustrations for ads, vtuber designs, etc but there isn't a peak unless you mean what is more profitable, in which case then idk, maybe it depends more on who you work for than on what you do
My Ina is sleeping. Wish her a good night or else
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uhh that's lewd
me on the right
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I am going to wish Ina a bad night
Oh wow, she really did do a Nikke illustration. I wonder if she does truly enjoy these types of games though, or is just in it for the opportunity as an artist, because Nikke, Azur lane, Blue archive, etc are as degenerate as it gets especially with their character designs. (Not to mention the kind of gameplay you get with Nikke too)
for the opportunity
me with my official Ina body pillow merch, oh wait...
she is doing the illustrations for the Nikke novel adaptation. In theory that game has a good story but idk I got filtered on week 1
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My Ina is so cute even in text

I'm always wishing her a good day, night, morning, afternoon, evening, work, life and everything
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get your creatures here
Sex with all of these
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I will never see body pillows as good merch, they are something I can only see ironic weebs buying to take a photo of them with the pillow and show it to their friends or post it online for likes
I have never bought a body pillow but I can understand it honestly. If Ina released an official one (even non-lewd) I would buy it in a heartbeat. I already sleep with a medium sized pillow at my sife (about 1m long, so shorter than usual body pillows) because I sleep better that way. It just feels more comfy to sleep and have sonething to hold on to. It would be amazing to have this with Ina. I bet I would never have a bad dream again.
I like to hump my body pillow. Not in a sexual way either, it’s more like a self-soothing habit that helps me de-stress. Kinda like when you used to suck your thumb as a kid.
tentacle/squishie bodypillow
Giant fat Takodachi pillow
Ina onahole
I would buy the long tako that Ina hugs sometimes
I am not up for sale! Sorry!
you may be able to buy my body but you can't buy my love
Weird, I don't remember posting this
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>Blue Archive
>Degenerate designs
Sir this is just a school uniform.
>While supplies last
I don’t get it, do people really let another guy farm for 12 Inas just because they showed up first?
now post the sexo uniforms
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>small tits, sideboob, armpits
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My wife has gone to sleep and will wake up in two months
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sadpanda updated the site and now ehunter doesn't work
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Never heard of ehunter.
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I fucked up my presentation today in front of all my coworkers... I am not gonna make it at this rate...
Depending on your line of work, they probably weren't paying that much attention
it's a userscript for scrolling through gallery pages. a manga reader
I had to present a rundown of a new process to senior management a few months ago. One of them called me a few hours later for a different thing and complimented me on the process, then she told me straight to my face she wasn't really listening to anything I said.
>wasn't really listening to anything I said.
Yeah, that's most meetings desu for anyone
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that won't fix this feeling of dread I have, it's ogre for me. Now I am the guy who can't speak in public
do you feel bad that nobody listened? or just that you weren't able to deliver your presentation properly?
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>or just that you weren't able to deliver your presentation properly?
this, now I will never be as cool as Ina...
You should try having sex with one of your co workers so she can tell everyone how cool and dope you are.
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without Ina's streams I am too depressed I might develop ED...
ah shit. well, don't think too negatively about it. at least you can use it to reflect on what you can improve on. public speaking is a skill after all.
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Someone needs to cosplay as Ina and save this man
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Do you think it would be sus if I hide 3d printed takos all over my city with papers saying "take care of me"?
Would be cool desu
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I wonder if Ina saw Miko's new MV...
My Ina the cutest and kindest soul...
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My Ina is the best and deserves the world
My Shibu Ina
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Definitely a bit, but it would also be really cool.
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Ninomae Ina'nis
Ina telling me to quiet down as she masturbates me under the McDonald’s play place table
As long as you don't put cameras and tracking devices inside the Takos it's alright.
add uranium for extra news coverage
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Ina succumbs to peer suggestions very easily.
Expect a Shadow Generations stream from Past Ina.
>even Sana is streaming again
You might be right
They're openly talking about her roommate
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I laughed, I'll admit it.
I-I don't get it.
that's an old edit we made here
I-it can't be that hard to understand, surely...
Ina is seiso, shiori isn't, sunday is church day... Don't make me explain the joke any further Takito...
Yeah, I remember it being posted here a while ago.
I thought it was just shiori withuot makeup on a sunday
>Want to draw
>Been on and off on PC troubleshooting all day
Fucking stupid drivers (?) issues.
I wonder what it would take for Ina to lose that perfect seiso image she built over the years. I genuinely believe she could accidentally leak her secret stash and normies would just assume it was her reference folder.
the lalafell stash leaks
This Ina offers you a suspiciously fizzy drink at the bar before inviting you to one of her secret parties, do (You) take it?
I chug it
This is exactly why associating with shiori was a bad idea, thankfully it was a one off thing
It’s kind of crazy how YouTube just doxes so easily like that. She literally popped up in my recommended for no reason, I didn’t even know that was her channel until I recognized her voice after a couple of seconds.
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me when Ina
Oh fuck I got the recommend but ignored it cause I just saw sonic shadows and didn't see whose account it was.
Though I was previously subscribed so it's no dox for me.
Requires quite a bit of curation for it to stop, sadly it just follows the trend of the common vtuber fan which you know...
You can even see that kind of retards in this thread
I have to block channels that show mori and kiara's 3DPD but otherwise if it isn't a face reveal I don't mind getting suggested "roomates".
yo Ina could you lend me 200 bucks? I kinda want to buy a life sized lara croft statue
Went to a round1 today and managed to snag one of each Ina plushie. There were a lot of people going for the hololive stuff the workers were saying they didn't expect such a large turn out Ina was the one I saw most people getting
post your plushie
also, there is small and big plushies right? the big ones looked huge on the photos I've seen
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there's three types of plushies a small chibi and a slightly larger full body chibi then a long full body that's about 14 inches/36cm long
Do you have to win a crane machine game? I was told to come back on Sunday when they restocked
How much did everything cost in total? I want to go but I don’t think a 30 minute trip to Grapevine or Arlington is worth it if it comes out expensive.
imagine not being a cranegod like this guy >>88245861
Did any of you that went to round1 bond with other takos or nah? Ina’s never seen a tako in public (besides events I’d assume) so this would be a rare sight of takos congregating together.
how long is the round1 event going on for again?
from what I've seen online every location sets up their crane game win condition differently the one I went to had it set up where you have to pick up a coin plushie into the chute The most bullshit option
honestly not sure I just spent 110 total and got 2 large Inas 1 Gura and 1 mococo, a bunch of the smaller plushies and a miku figure. I'd say it took about 50 bucks to get all the Ina stuff
I saw a group of three people wearing omocat Ina merch I didn't talk to them though
Oh that’s not bad, I’ll probably go someday this week then. It’s gonna be sad though going alone just to play a crane game… any cute femtakos want to join me?
Crane games are a scam
If you are good at them you can use them to impress the ladies just like my Ina
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*picks you up with a crane and places you on a frying pan*
Its so unfair that this shit is again not avaiable for Euros. I really want a fat Ina plushie.
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common euro L
Then why is Ina able to win them all?
If it makes you feel a bit better the closest one to me is like 2.5 hours so I'm not getting one either
Have you ever thought about just simply not being European anymore and joining the greatest country to ever exist in the history of the Inaverse?
I will not move to canada
Ina should masturbate and eat today
how do I cope with having to wait 2 years to roll for a servant
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Ina... I told you to stop playing that trash... the devs don't even care about it anymore... you won't even get new events... you won't EVEN get reruns of old events...just let it go already...
they still keep getting new events though, also I only need to wait one year thank fuck
Ninoina... No Ina...
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thinkin bout ina butthole
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Those legs are pure sex
My wife is so sexy...
I miss her
I think about her everyday
Nino my mae
Ina soon, I can feel it
Nino's journey, the beautiful wah
Ina should stream
I wish her let’s play wasn’t Outer Wilds because the fans of that game all seem to be pretentious and insufferable but it’s better than getting nothing.
Today I will remind them.

Like anything else there are fags that attach themselves to it, but it's a great game that seems pretty up her alley if she hasn't been spoiled on it.
Then it's a good thing she's doing a let's play of it, since she won't see those autists on stream.
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>the fans of that game all seem to be pretentious and insufferable
What is giving you that impression?
Ina's ReGLOSS wife got her Hologra today.
I wonder if Ina’s into pet play
zip it, kronii.
Ina endorses this figure
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I lost 7 crane machine attempt. How do I win?
Try an eighth time
Wait for someone else to get the Inas closer
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That’s as… much as an Ebay neso
Let Ina play for you
bro... just git gud...
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d-does she smell like squid? or like kimchi?
Cute dope
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the takocar is real
>d-does she smell like squid?
yeah, because of me
Damnable Ika, get away from my Ina.
I love this performance so much bros.
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I can't believe Ina commited Mythrape live on stream...
I wanna marry Ina and then mysteriously perish
I'm glad Ina doesn't suffer from Sonic brainrot
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Ina butt in my face
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ife Ina I miss
man of dark posted a timelapse
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Wish I could’ve gotten the coaster and drink but they were all out T w T. Oh well back to the Bo6 grind
From watching people play it live the super fans are really fucking annoying and are prone to spoiling the entire game, thankfully she's playing it by herself so she won't have to worry about that
Christ. How many credits did you spent on all those Inas?
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wah me up when tsurugihime gets released
god, my father in law has such good art
How the fuck does he do it
Around $200… I would’ve spent less money if I hadn’t rushed and taken my time aligning the crane, but Ina really fucking sells. They ran out of mediums (I got one of the last 3) and kept restocking the fat long Ina’s, but they were almost out of those too. I blame the piece of shit scalper that was there and had a 39-gallon trash bag full of half of the Round1 holo merch.
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>$35 for a coaster
>Said $35 could buy 3 drinks to attempt to get the coaster
so many kidnapped Inas...
Is it worse to lewd Ina or father-in-law?
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if you lewd both, it cancels out
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This is the funniest one I saw. These are so easy to get that I got my Ina in the first try and it only costed 9 credits, which is like a dollar. The scalper is making 75 times its worth if he actually sells
He makes it look so easy...
Nice haul
Why does Hololive hate me so? Why won’t they ever do a collab in places that aren’t in California, New York, Texas or Japan?
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Ina should move to the country and eat a lot of peaches
>the country
which one?
Peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man
There should be a fan game about rescuing smol Ina plushies from scalpers
There should be a fan game about kissing smol Inas
Someone should create a time machine so I can have sex with smol Ina
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Teaching Feeling but with smol Ina
lost life but with smol ina
Starting and living in a capybara village with only me and smol Ina
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inya miss
Cute video Ina
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cats are so lame, Ina... you should get a cool dog like this one
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She's officially off twitter already isn't she...
I ordered a Shaq a Roni pizza, I’m going to save it and fast until Ina streams her let’s play. If I don’t write back in a week then I’m probably dead. This is my final message until then, goodbye…
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So I am officially Inaless until December? fuck Cover
She kinda needed this break though...
Not entirely, she has pre recorded stuff going up
this >>88363832
It hurts but hey, chances are that if she didn't take this break, come december she'd announce a month long break after being in japan working so hard for so long.
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You should have murdered the scalper
Do you think Ina ever visits here and sees how we all miss her?
Only to deflap takos
only to post cats
She's INA walls
I turned my Ina plushie around so she can't watch me, I'm ahead of her tricks
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I’m glad I got my Round1 Ina’s, but I’m still a little sad that I’ll never have the stupidly sexy water park Ina plushie
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sleepy time
My head hurts so badly and I have zero idea why
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Might need a doctor, taquito, could be a bunch of things, or nothing.
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drink water
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Your health is being sapped so Ina can stay healthy. You should be grateful to have this privilege
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Caffeine withdrawal is a lot of fun, and often unpredictable
I go without caffeine every summer and the first week and a half is a near continuous headache
I take caffeine to go to sleep so I don’t think it’s that >>88370221
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i would of loved to get a R1 plushie but spending more than 50 bucks for those chinese sweatshop plushies is kinda bullshit
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I'll post the full thing after I sleep and look it over when I'm less tired.
Also I wonder if I should add the white text on blue background from the narcolepsis poster.
pretty Ina
Kumomane get off your fat spider ass and tweet something
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