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>What is /tingles/?
/tingles/ is a thread to discuss and find English-speaking vtubers who do ASMR. Be it short audio roleplays or lengthy audio trigger sessions.

>Can I shill my oshi here?
If she does ASMR somewhat regularly at least, sure. The minimum is at least once every other week.

>Can I talk about corpo vtubers here?
As long as they fulfill the above requirements.

>What about lewdtubers?

>What kind of ASMR is the best?
It depends.

>Who's live right now? Any lists?
More lists to come. Probably.

>How to archive?

>Friends of /tingles/

We have yet to find more. (´・ω・`)

Previous thread: >>88073977
if chibidoki munched on some crackers with her mouth open i would jork my bean so hart
Oh she speaks spanish
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I've become increasingly emotionally invested in Menace and that member's ASMR was a hit straight to the heart. I just love cute girls with positive outlooks so much...
her bio having an espanol section didn't clue you in? yu didn't no?
multilingual streamers are fun
That's why she's the best to me.
It's really interesting to me that there are girls out there who are able to be so intimate, kind and genuine to a bunch of near strangers on the internet while snuggling a mannequin head or set of silicone ears. Even if they are *trying* to be like that for their content, it's still a shock to me just how GOOD they are. Like, most amateur actors are pretty stiff, but ASMRtists seem to be able to tap into a very real part of themselves to offer comfort to others. I'm really happy girls like that exist, and Menace is undoubtedly one of my favorites because of how amazing she is at it.
don't even think it takes real effort for a lot of them
it can be an urge constantly bubbling trying to get out, and there's often not a lot of good outlets for it--or at least ones that also recognize it and act in kind--unless you get a dog/really good friends/partner that appreciates it, so ASMR it is
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>love ASMR
>also wish I was a cute girl's dog
It's all coming together...
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>unless you get a dog
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Youtube is being really weird today
I think he means outlets for affection
let anon yjkpost
(they're probably right)
I think this is where Menace and other girls sell themselves short. They excel at that intimate and caring mindset so it feels like nothing to them and they fail to realize it's a rarer trait then they give themselves credit for.
Yeah, being a wellspring of comfort for others and getting something out of it for yourself is pretty special. I don't have the emotional vulnerability to do that at this point, which is part of why it helps so much to get that from girls.
seiso straya sheep
comfy weekend hours
We're gonna die
My oshi just got 3Dio mic, hopefully more ASMR to come.
is this cunny?
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sex time
>go to her youtube channel
>exit her youtube channel
anon... it's time to groom
sorry nobody makes voice content for babies
you'll get some some day
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I wonder if the "kiri kiri" part at the end was a reference to Audition
the poster is being called a baby because they're upset that all the tags don't say "F4M"
If it's not specifically targeted at male listener, why would she cut her reach using F4M?
Any swedish asmr?
Like fully in Swedish or just some words?
I'd be okay with just a word here and there since I have not found anything.
none that I know of, but I'd just keep the twitch asmr directory open filtering for swedish and refresh it during your active hours
not likely to pull up much most of the time, so easy to see if they're vtubers or not and block the fleshies if there even are any
The tag isn't the issue I just like being referred to as male when it's relevant because it feels more personal. It's fine when it doesn't happen but it advertises it's not going to so I'm less likely to be interested. It could be worse though you could refer to me as a woman or as "chat" to break my immersion.
I know that Moisi is swedish and does ASMR, but I have never understood a single word she has said to be able to tell you if she speaks it in her streams.
who even does what you want
Nta, but some non vtuber "asmr" roleplay girls do that
I found you the smallest starting indie possible.
Holy shit I'm so sorry anon, I just decided to listen to her. It's a troon with a shittiest mic possible. My fault, just posted him without actually listening.
https://www.twitch.tv/mysko/ is swedish i think
dunno if she actually does asmr in it
most asmr is already F4M without the tag
i'm retarded, i meant most asmr is already F4A without the tag
unless they're specifically saying something like "good boy" which is not that common
I feel like a theres few girls refer to you as male especially during roleplay but I haven't got a list if that's what you're asking. Off the top of my head though I know Zenya refers to you as an older brother in her deadlock ASMR and presumably in others too.
Based. I don't even follw any english ASMR tubers because they are all LGBT
zenya's understandable
just wanted an actual example or three, because unless f/m roleplay is a central part of the draw, what would be the point
Rent free
>I don't even follw any english ASMR tubers
>/tingles/ - EN ASMR Vtubers
It's just a mix of autism on my part plus I guess if it's GFE I like it feeling more personal/natural. If it's just nice sounding asmr sounds like wood or water or something then obviously it doesn't matter to me because that's not what I'm there for.
Not sure why you're here but is it more common for Japanese ASMR vtubers to refer to listener as male?
I'm here because I might find one that isn't gay
A bit weird to think about fags all day
Haha anon why is this litter haha
>non binary gender neutral shit
Do you know how to speak to normal human beings
>"straight" male making posts for a 100% asmr audience
>he still panders to the puppeteers of fake culture wars
Why is anon like this?
Discord, trans sisters???
That's a no
I appreciate you anon
what's her name?
Are you retarded?
I can't think of a single woman that I'm confident is 100% straight which is odd when you think about it.
>mindbroken newfag imbecile thinks f4a = lgbt
anyways >>88270200 that's Alias
How is F4A not LGBT?
Her asmr is honestly shit tier since she constantly interrupts herself mid trigger to respond to chat messages.
Go outside
So true sis
F4C (Female for Chat)
just yt-dlp'd Nene's asmr playlist... 174 streams goddamn
To fit in. If we expand from vtubers to just anime aesthetic asmrtist, it's amazing how so many start out making mega straight audios and then instantly pivot to gender neutral shit the second they get big enough to be involved with the "community"
Name 3
Why do you keep replying
I can't remember most because I just immediately unsub, block and go on with my day. The names yubi and aiko come to mind though
How did you go from
>it's amazing how so many
>I can't remember any names
I'm looking for good
>Anti-anxiety ASMR
>Sleep/coma-inducing ASMR
Any recs?
I feel like this is super broad. Any specific scenarios or themes you like in particular?
Good question, that.
I've had enough yandere and tomboy for a lifetime, tsundere is still somewhat fresh, and I sort of equally like being doted on and reverse comfort. Femdom is nice, but it easily ends up a little bland unless well-executed or somehow mixed up.
I'm also open to something that's not necessarily any of the above, or only tangentially related.
Light degradation can work, but mostly I just want someone to be nice to me.
that comes with the territory when you grow too big
expect better HalO to become regular HalO in due time
Ok, genuinely, are you retarded?
Remembering 1 thing is easy, remembering 10 is harder, and remembering anymore than that is even harder. This is very basic stuff, anon. Have you gone to school?
>Yeah I know tons of people who have tiger vtuber models!
>Wait you want me to name some? Uhh idk
This is you. You have a developmental disability
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fuckin hell
Why would I remember the names of small vtubers I don't like and haven't thought about for months/years? Retard lol
I don't have anything against the girl but you are a nice anon homophobe anon. I guess this became a tourist thread since no one here knows about you
Halo stream was so sex. She's top 3 when she doesn't yap
do you sometimes feel overly simulated or under simulated? and not a single asmr hits
>pillow gets nt5s
>zenya gets nt5s
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna notice
Pillow asked Kanna what her opinion on them is a few months ago, that's probably where she got the idea to get them
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desu? I am not in nippon
It's over
how do you fags feel about the nt5? zenya's whispers sound better to me. i watch flesh asmr bitches with that mic too, it feels better with certain triggers like tapping or scratching on the mic. vtuber asmr meta just retarded for some reason. from 3dio to ku100 lel no one bothered with these other mics
what are you even on about
cute sheep (fairly) soon
the new 15m timer is kicking my ass, it keeps getting reset because I clear cookies on browser exit
nt5 mic
i miss cupping
The audio is super crisp but I agree with >>88290132
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it's my first time hearing nt5 or whatever but it sounded MUCH better to me on zenyas stream. and now that i'm looking at it i'm kinda wondering the deepthroatability of this thing.
oh I didn't read the title
will pay closer attention when I listen to it before bed
Is it waterproof? It does have a 10 year warranty at least
my yapper is licking ears
i've seen korean bitches nibbling on it, haven't seen anyone deepthroat it. i don't think it would sound good anyway
Usagi Kira's YouTube channel got hacked.
she's so nice
You'd think these bitches would use 2FA for accounts that are literally tied to their financial stability.
>With that outfit
Something isn't adding up
damn what happened, was she not feeling ok?
A JP did a short comparing three different mics way back when. The meta is the meta for a reason
Is Halo EN? And if she is, then what the fuck is garchu? Why did they never teach it in english class?
>You'd think woman would be intelligent
Would I though?
>Is it waterproof?
No. lmao
type !garchu in her chat
I hope ikumi goes full whore after her redebut
She really is the better HalO
don't worry about it
those are definitely sheep horns
you just know
My greatest mistake in life is that I didn't find her sooner.
>Hello everyone this video is brought to you from Fiverr! Thank you so much to Crumby_ for purchasing and also for allowing me to post this video on YouTube. For disclaimer ALL VIDEOS ARE PRIVATE unless it was agreed by the purchaser to be published to YouTube
I'm getting some very bad ideas bros... I want to corrupt this brat so bad
I'm hoping this is real sadism and not EN sadism.
kohacute she must have put that up late
kanna, alias, and nene today
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Usagi Kira’s channel got hacked
Check the community tab, it’s her
it's been hacked for a while hasn't it
Has it? I checked her Twitter to see if she knew, but she hasn’t posted since the 20th
I feel like it was mentioned last week
Someone mentioned it a couple of threads back.
Oh. I only joined this general a few days ago, and I kinda forgot she existed since she hasn’t uploaded in a while, until I saw a weird Tesla News stream in my sub box I didn’t remember subbing to
her twitter also got hit
How the fuck did she get hacked across multiple accounts? Does she use the same password for them all? lmao
that or an easily guessable modification
>still not using cross platform password managers in 2024
account recovery was a mistake
I read some hacks can access your browser cookies
I love the idea of an alternate universe where Tesla themselves is shilling her
session cookies are probably useless for that purpose in a lot of cases these days
there's a reason so many things require you to re-enter your password when making account modifications
Even if that's true wouldn't it require them putting in their password again to change it?
I've never heard of those is that when an app generates passwords for websites and you only need to log onto that one specific app? Are there any good free ones?
keypass + syncthing if you're capable of managing your database file yourself and backing it up
bitwarden if you need your hand held
there's one or two others trustable, but also a bunch of compromised ones
you don't HAVE to generate random passwords, but it's recommended, along with unique usernames unless it's for a brand
my entire life's important information is stored in keypass dbs, not just passwords, which makes it easy to get at and it gives extra reminders for things like license renewals
I like both of them, might tip the scales once nyh debuts on fansly
what kind of content is she planning?
I don't know for sure, id die for some live joi from her
how do we teach them it's that easy
>make fansly
>tease and please men a bit
>tell them to cum
>no ???, just profit
she tingle on my dingle til I scarf the pringles
Any cute tsundere girl asmr anons?
You should ask her on stream. She LOVES repeating the same 5 things every stream, they're like 3 hour time capsules.
The furries in One Piece used to say that
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Immy was doing exactly that, it's a shame I don't like her voice
garchu is a mix between garchomp and pikachu kinda like sonichu
shame really
expected yap
got surprisingly good asmr + rp
So which ASMRtists do you guys think are genuinely nice people and which of them are just in it for money/validation and dislike their work/their fans?
I don't think she ever yaps during asmr, my favorite of hers is the Kuudere maid one so far.
All vtubers are bad people.
>genuinely nice people
easy answer is menace. she actually seems too honest, even
>I don't think she ever yaps during asmr
haven't listened to her much so i'm too used to others who basically clickbait lmao
just fapped to menace counting to ten
you fell for the grift
Lumi please
>All vtubers are bad people.
I don't believe you. Schizos and menheras I can agree to though.
None of them, nice people don't exist outside of moral stories. But I don't think most of them disdain their listeners.
With the way she handled the Idol/Brave situation, I would have to disagree. I still love her though and I think she is nice to her fans
Wow you're so cool
anon shilled her before but then killed by twitch so her content now is tame(shit)
So who's this menace person anywho?
A vtuber?
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good girl
/we/ have groomed her to be a better person, cope
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My maid wife, duh
obviously miwa
kanna, stronny
I swear that bite mark makes me diamond every time
This might be controversial, but I want to have sex with Menace.
I was listening to an Erika vod without realizing Kanna was doing live asmr
Ha, women.
she has nice kisses but her accent is making me feel like I'm listening to a retard
We are used to chuubas who sound like retards here
Pulling megbert tweets to support anything now is wild, that's so many fucking years ago.
Those at least still speak like normal people. Minaowa is just, I don't know. Listening to her speak becomes very annoying after a while.
kek you just know some retards would say "hurr durr her opinions changed!" when it only changed when it benefited her
why are you still replying...
It benefits me too, so I choose to believe it.
So he can go to the other thread to say "The containment is working!" amidst all the bump posts
Some ASMRtuber should do an asmr stream where she liteally uses "yap" as a trigger.
first time listening to her. to me it seems like she's doing an accent to help her stay in character
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Audible kek
Like saying "yap" as onomatopoeia?
>he has to bump the other thread by talking about this one
Tragic innit?
The other thread got what it want. A thread of pure bumps and devoid of activity
I just wish she doesn't yap much with that accent. It makes her kisses go to waste.
That is unironically a good thing. I don't like spite splits but /asmr/ being nothing but links and leaks is ideal.
If there are links. It was a good thing I'm subscribed to most of the JP girls and not miss a stream without being too dependent with the thread
https://www.twitch.tv/okaree says ASMR
https://www.twitch.tv/miwa not asmr
slow day today
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Why are we biologically conditioned to want to care for women we know nothing about?
because she's cute
We are programmed to take care of cute things so we actually look after our children. This effect sometimes applies to women too.
ayyy good luck to her
Anyone know if there is a bigger story behind why this Pillow video blew up?
Just algorithm or did anyone bigger promote it?
probably the thumbnail boosted views a bit, then the algorithm did the rest
never seen anyone promote asmr and wouldn't think it would do anything anyway compared to the algo pressure
good tags/keywords + hitting a good mark so people come back to listen to it again a few times within the first few days
Pedobait thumbnail is my guess
Americans are so fucking mindbroken.
>tits means a character is not childlike
Next you're gonna tell me the middle school uniform is also not meant to evoke childishness.
I 100%'d Mako's game btw. Intentional or not, that is a pedobait thumbnail. Moron.
You have to go back.
Been here longer than you. You have to go back.
Pedophillia has nothing to with appearance and everything to do with the age. Being attracted to small adults with small tits doesn't make you a pedo but being attracted to a child regardless of whether they're tall or small does make you a pedo
Debatable, ultimately wrong
If that would be so then you're even more of a retard.
Good thing I only like small adults with small tits and am not a pedo.
While I hate to interrupt your extremely insightful discussion of what is pedo bait or not, Ikumi is making her redebut at last right now.
wide bitch a little less wide
except the tiddy
this last alias video makes me want to furiously hump something
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sad ghost pill needs u
the Shiki GFE... back this week...
Erm her hips seem very child like
When will the pedo baiting end...
Anyone know what Aluei's secret menu is? Someone asked the price she said $300 that was it.
naughty time
how fucking loud is that starting screen
lol sorry I didn't notice, I always open new tabs on mute in case of ads
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>The better Halo
20k girl
Time to jork it to Menace vods
how can you, she's the purest
More than that tonight since she is using the 3DIO too
My whoshi can beat up Master Chef and Space's Marine.
better HalO
I need Nene sex so bad
What do mean how she handled it?
All she did was split her normal streams as Coni and ASMR as Menace
Wasn't there some foolishness about them not being able to profit from Fansly streaming because of Aussie prostitution laws?
I think the VAllure girls are all from Europe
If anything, the main problem they would face would be their models looking too child-like
She even has the same cadence. Is it just a sultry ESL thing?
no, they're right
stronny lives in aus and the retard has the company there
When she was posturing to leave idol, she interacted less with fans, streamed a lot less, ramped up communication while kinda ditching Coni as a whole outside of her streams and was investing heavily into Menace. If not for her meeting up with the other idol girls and them convincing her to stay, she would have graduated.
She handled it poorly and ended up treating her fans as Coni like shit by disappearing and lying.
only so much time in the day and who knows what she was going through during it
at the end of the day, fans aren't the most important thing on the list and sometimes the priorities don't work out
holding a grudge over it would be retarded without more details
you heard it here folks, fans aren't the most important thing for a streamer
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Wait a minute…



That's just shows how good she is at her part.
I didn't know either but I saw she uploaded one ASMR and everyone was saying it was her last one for some reason so I just assumed she got a boyfriend or something but apparently she just posts ASMR on her alt instead.
sorry you've been neglected
She moans into the microphone. A proper orgasmic-like moan. She then deletes the vod and all clips and increases the price by $50.
I'm surprised the price isn't higher. It was around $200 when I last heard her do it in like March or April. I guess either people don't know or don't ask for it.
Maybe she refreshes the price at some points.

This sounded like a good idea but the constant echoing even though she tried to avoid it was too distracting, I couldn't sleep to it.
Why are the V4M girls all so good at this.

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