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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Surferbird Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>88179782

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page

>Divegrass suggestions poll. Got any ideas for the team? Send them over!

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
>in school when sonic was still cool
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Is fit Doki really ok to like?
>Doki is outside touching grass and having fun
>Mint is not feeling good and canceled the stream
At least Muad'Doob is streaming later.
>You guys are not ready for our setlist
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I won't even get to hear it, so I'm pretty ready
>they are gonna sing a romantic japanese song
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same goon
Don't lose hope!
Someone's definitely going to record it.
>inb4 it's all Daft Punk
Warm Dokilen hugs...
>they are gonna sing Obsydia - Black Out
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While fucking hilarious, I could see Mint singing fairy of akiberse.
But realistically they're too smart to poke the bear like that right now.
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Lord forgive me for I have sinned
And then they had a hot steamy sex Mint was on top
O mi Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferni, perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent.
Dorime to you too my good goon.
I WILL sin now.
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I don't know how to phrase this better but,
something about it gives me a anime-delinquent-asking-who-you-are-and-why-you're-here feel.
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Aight, I'm gonna head to Bed soon now bros, hope Doki's having a good time with her friend on her rest day(s)...
Goodnight Goons~
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Imagine being between them...
GN goon o7
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Good night.
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Witchlen and Dokiwitch my beloved.
The clocks have gone back. Should make it just that little bit easier to catch Doki's streams.
I forgot that was happening this weekend. It's fucking stupid that we still change the time during the summer; it serves no purpose in the modern world.
Don't think have been posted https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Wzsp2U0dhkQ
I hope U-san is one of the guests.
This was adorable
if Doki ever released another dakimakura with her bounty hunter outfit I would probably do unspeakable things to it
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god bless u anon I immediately ordered the second one
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The cutest.
This was Hina's guess about what her new skinsuit would look like by the way, she was very close.
Vietgoons it's your time!
happy for them
For some reason whenever i see that i can't help but to think of this
Huh I completely forgot Hina basically called it lol she got it striking close except for the shirt
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SEAgoons who were crying now it's your chance!
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I need to GTFO from my shit country i'm wasting my life here
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wherever your people settle, your country's problems will emerge.
This ain't /pol/, kid.
Very eepy apparently...
Did i imagine it, or has Doki mentioned she wants to do virtual concerts/meet and greets next year?
Also didn't she do one as Selen? How did that work/go?
Dooby collab?
I don't get her appeal, but if Doki looks up to her that much then sure, why not.
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>I don't get her appeal
autistic gremlin who likes Overwatch and CounterStrike.
Imagine if she get a Doki/Chibi/Dooby collab, the sheer chaos of that stream might be too much to handle
I have a hunch that it's going to happen sooner than later, despite the fact that they're both introverted dorks (affectionate).
>I don't get her appeal
Maybe it's just me because Myth was my introduction to vtubers and Ame was the one I watched the most - but the similarities are very clear. Ame was the one who organised and paid for chibi models for Myth - if it wasn't for her EN vtubing wouldn't be as big as it is. When Lazulight debuted I stopped watching Holo as much and then when Obsydia/Selen debuted I saw in her Ame unfiltered and so I moved entirely over. Those debuts coincided with her stepping back from projects and streams. They're very similar.
Can't post images at work but CUTE
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Wasn't a goon back then, but IIRC she was in a Niji VRchat world for a day or two, and all you had to do was join that world.
Nah, I'm sure I'm in the minority here, not you. The project stuff isn't what I like about Doki, and to me Dooby just looks like someone who leans even more heavily into that.
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Whenever a vtuber is known for multiple things, it's likely you'll have fans who only are only really excited about one aspect and are meh about the rest.
Personally i love both streams and events, and i really appreciate the fact that she's such so positive and does tournaments to promote EN unity.
I also love that dragoons, especially /here/ have taken some of those traits. It genuinely makes me happy whenever i'm lurking in another thread or during a collab and i see a dragoon post words of encouragement and support to the other fanbases
I'm a relative latecomer to vtubing as a whole, but I assumed it was usually the opposite. Either way, even if this stuff isn't the best fit for me, it's still something that I really respect Doki for, and the fact that others like you love it as much as you do is good enough for me.
Fully with you on this one. I'm thrilled whenever I see the opposite too, like that one guy who really loves Snuffy who always shows up here for collabs. It's the kind of thing I try to encourage with our divegrass team too, things like cheering /mint/ or /lig/ on when they play their matches, or being cool with other fans during and after our matches.
Whether here or elsewhere, goons being awesome and supportive is a big part of why I became a big fan. Doki's got a community that's as wonderful as she is, and I love it and want to see even more of it.
as a Wisp, the Goon's helped us get the Mint thread started, and I appreciate you guys for being supportive and kind, it made an impact early on when things were up in the air
>but I assumed it was usually the opposite
i think the context is more of doki having her fanbase be split into mostly fps fans, mostly event fans, mostly stream fans etc who also watch the other stuff they aren't superfans of to varying degrees.
>positive vibes
also agree as a newcomer, the positivity of dragoons is what makes me stick around here and lurk even though i think this site is a cesspool of mental illness
My Dokinium reserves are starting to run low...
Shorts or vods or the archives help
Be strong, goon. Think to all the stories we'll get next week.
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Doki on the telly!
Not sure if this was mentioned before
is there any third party archive of her member only streams?
Selen or Doki?
no idea, i'm sure someone out there is archiving streams but doubt it's public
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Oh waiter! There appears to be some Judas in my Purple dragon!
Please take this back to the kitchen and remake it!
El demonio!!
It's now a Dokibites!
old doki...
my beloved...
It's so cute. Glad she got permission for that.
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I'm the chonker at the door, waiting lovingly for my oshi to do something dumb again.
fat FUCK
Mischievous Doki
Dont do it, Doki...
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I like this art.
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Chibidoki my beloved.
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>Doki after being sat on by Mint
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It applies on both sides!
>Whether here or elsewhere, goons being awesome and supportive is a big part of why I became a big fan.
Chat reflects the streamer. She's always been pro-unity (which is actually one of the reasons this general split off from /nijiEN/). If you watch a chuuba who is constantly collabing with and talking about how much she likes the """enemy""" you'll eventually filter the tribalfags.
Teamates are quite similar
Halloween special (?) frame up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB8oE9bnhMc
spooky waiting room
Something Spooky's about to happen on Halloween!
Those are some chubby fingers on that thumbnail, those ARE fingers right?
They're Garfield's.
So, that's the thing she wanted to schedule after Mint's stream. Any guesses?
>3AM and on a weekday too
Welp, guess i'll have to VODwatch this...this is slightly later than i can usually handle.
Looks like a Halloween skin of some sort
I thought they looked more like feathers to me, they resembled the things in her hair.
Trick or treat
Kiss Doki's feet
i dunno, i've lurked in their thread and they seemed extremely insular and ignorant of things outside holo
>Frog halloween skinsuit
>Matching with mint cause frogbert
proportions look like a new chibi maybe
>inb4 Mint crow skinsuit
You have to give allowances for raiding and falseflagging - I'm sure some of them are uncomfortable with leaving the Holo walled garden but there are a lot of shitposters trying to rile people up.
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I believe this
i think fps gaming insulated doki from the stupid idol culture stuff
>every match is an impromptu collab
>having enemy teams on your friends list is normal
>teams that won't play against each other are ridiculous
Yes and no. It's more the culture of the "other place" that was more receptive to stuff like that but yeah, Doki being known as one of the boys from the get go was a blessing in disguise
I was a little worried I was about to miss something today.

To be fair to them, I can barely keep up with Doki and Co.'s streams, so I wouldn't blame them for not having the time to keep tabs on things outside of their oshi's company of ~90 peers.
I wasn't talking about idol culture - I was talking about tribalfaging - but yes her being a toxic FPS gamer who was happy from the beginning to collab with guys probably filtered a lot of schizos thankfully.
I made this post in jest but the more I look at the fingers the more I am convinced that this is indeed something related to Garfield. Doki...
Collabs with men genuinely bothering so many people on /vt/ is bewildering to me.
Imagine if she landed a Garfield sponsorship.
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The weird thing is, is that it's an EN issue. Many JP Holos have collabed with men, ID constantly collabs with men. I really don't understand what the issue is - there was one KFP who went mental because she collabed with Neuro - and Neuro was programmed by a man, but there was no on-stream interaction between Kiara and Neuro's programmer.
Oh no...
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>muh idol culture bad
>muh male collabs good
what happened to this general, I thought it was pretty clear the reason doki doing male collabs rarely bothered even her goslings is because she's smart enough to not just use them as an excuse to flirt with dudes on stream unlike many of her colleagues
I was referring more to how friendly they are, right now any anti-holo AND anti-indie posts are considered shitpost and they were always VERY sympathetic towards Doki, Mint and others.
Not sure what this convo is but happy spooky stream next week!
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Thoughts on this bird?
Extremely cute
Probably tourist trying to stir shit, I just ignore them
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right now things are chaotic and everyone's adapting to their new relationships. For now, I think it's best to just be nice and helpful to everyone, especially since the two people have very similar vibes and will probably work together in some fashion in the future.
slow day, so people are bored and trying to stir shit
Anyways, let's move onto more productive matters like how i miss Doki...
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My Dokinium is kill...
2 days without Doki and the dragoons have already devolved into anarchy...
Punk songs karaoke when?
How fucking funny would it be if the closer song is "Last Cup of Coffee".
>Closer is Last Cup of Coffee
>It gets picked by Doki as her song of choice to upload on her channel
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I miss her.
My second is stuck in japan right now.
Mint is sick
I'll be smoking a fat dooby until the next shipment of doki brand selenium comes in
>Both songs were her graduation songs
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This is still one of my favorite emotes
This goon is not ogey.
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Do we not get any streams before the Halloween Special?
Is Doki actually having a rest week finally?
I don't think her pre-planning a special stream before she's even had her schedule finalised would be out of the question either.
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I'll head to Bed soon now bros, whatever happens next week is probably gonna be spooky that's for sure...
Goodnight Goons~
GN goon o7
I don't think so. She's probably still deciding on the schedule, and in tne meantime she put up the frame for the only certain stream of the week, that we know she's preparing for a while.
Good night.
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Rest well Dragoon!
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VERY busy this week it looks like!
Cool week
I already got my icon but I hope she goes back to the ones from her past life, I felt bad for them that the last drawing icons stream was only new people
I wanted to see Hina getting her icon, for example
what pc troubles will attempting to play the game cause
Expected a more spooky week but I'm ok with this.
>that membership stream
Nice way to end the week, peak comfy.
kino solo streams incoming
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Guess I'm picking up Gamepass this month for Black Ops 6. Was on the fence already anyway
GN goon.
at least 1 crash
ooh finding frankie is scary parkour
Raptor cute
Cougar POWER
BO6 Frame is up!
I fucked it up, I'm retarded!!!

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Doki and Mint failed to sell out their concert. Doesn't look like any section is closed off for the Tabernacle in Atlanta. Did they really go for the full 2,600 capacity? Insane stuff.
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>2 months away from the actual thing
Retarded Nijinig, begone
Don't respond to the retard please
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Thoughts on this bird?
that is clearly a radioactive tomato
Brace for a rough time multiplayer wise, because some of the multiplayer maps in BO6 are a genuine clusterfuck.
Also if you are here Doki or anyone else playing BO6, SMGs are the meta. ARs and LMGs are not as viable like last years game, outside of the XM4 you start with.
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Good insight, I am currently having a rough time!
These maps suck, the game's not bad tho
Yeah, it’s not bad on the whole but some of these maps really are awful. One can only hope that the post launch maps make up for duds like that sports arena or that watery district.
RayNarvaezJr in the comments asking if Doki likes Mario Party
Ray's a good dude, would be fun
cool didn't ask
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That's me right now. And I've got a job interview in an hour...
Smug Elira!
Uh oh, Nijinig melty
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Nah, somehow a Limes schizo.
it's that laimushizo or whatever, just ignore him
2% cucks are mentally ill.
A lot of new viewers came in after she became Doki again, and that included a lot of anti Idol Culture people.
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This is Laimu. Say something nice about her.
She's cute
Who? Is he another IRL streamer?
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Her model is legit one of the cutest I've seen.
i want to have adulterous seggs with her
Why is this thing posting in our Bread? What does it have to do with us?
He really hates the fact that Limes collabed with Doki and that she's well liked here.
wow, that anti-spam precaution is really working
retard is mad at limes and doki for whatever reason
Its life is worthless, let a few minutes pass and its gone.
Guess we'll see it in a few days.
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https://vxtwitter.com/gin_gin_gitsune/status/1850801653038928108 Cute Witch Doki WIP from Gin!
He’s mad that Limes doesn’t collab with a group she used to hang out with anymore
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gomen dragoons for the schizo spilling over to here. liggerman loves doki
No problem, brother. Not like any of us have any control over what random schizos do.
why would anyone hate lime? She seems harmless.
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You're good bro, I feel better for myself knowing something like that exists
>why would anyone hate lime?
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Liggerman here, he isn't even mad about that. He's a splitschizo from lig who has tried on multiple occasions to break up the thread (he's the one that originally created /big/ before the current batch of posters co-opted it) and he's been falseflagging as a fan of a group he despises and has been trying to get pushed out of the thread for over a year now called 3am that Limes used to collab with to shit up multiple threads and try to incite a fan base war. Sorry you guys got dragged into his nonsense too
thanks for the info. Hope he gets help or gets bored soon. It sounds awful.
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Thoughts on this bird?
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Oh no shit? I thought /big/ was a cool thread, I looked through it a few times, seemed ok.
It's fine as it is now but most /lig/ posters don't post there. After the schizo made it people from various other threads that were intimidated by how fast /lig/ can moved in to talk about the indies they like that fall under the criteria. Most of the /big/ posters are harmless except that specific dude, and he doesn't even really post there anymore, he'd rather shit up /lig/
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I don't quite believe that it's all the same person, but let's not go into this any further here
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Seems like he can't do anything right, ah well that's something funny to learn about before bed.
Good night Goons/Liggerman
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Good night Dragooner
yeah not gonna argue the minor details, just wanted to let the dragoons here know if someone comes barging into this thread with that trash it isn't an actual /lig/ raid it's someone or multiple somones trying to start trouble. As far as I'm concerned /lig/ and /HAHA/ are brother threads
Night buddy
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True, Schizos don't represent anyone but themselves, see ya ligga
Some old goons here are so used to the bread being barged into, I feel like the beginning of this year pretty much trained us for it.
There are a few that are too nice and reply to schizos in good faith tho lol.
Appreciate you for considering us as brother threads bro!
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halloween special is just doki having steaming hot sex with the local ghost maid
Doki cute!
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Shit, I bombed it. Can't blame myself for it too much because the interview tackled stuff that was different from what was being offered, but it still sucks. What's a comfy feel-good Selen VOD I can watch to get my mind off this?

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