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Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtubers from Luxiem, Noctyx, ILUNA, XSOLEIL, Krisis, Claude, and Ryoma!

https://twitter.com/Mysta_Rias (graduated)

https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (graduated)

https://twitter.com/KyoKanek0 (graduated)

https://twitter.com/HexHaywire (graduated)




Fic Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yYiYRuPPL1ylDkqY4L9eAOcGXTMkISCBWjsZXjmcLx8

Vod Archive Guide:

Guide to finding fanart on Lofter: https://rentry.org/aum8x

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Fujo, yume, pregposting, and hornyposting is encouraged.

Previous thread: >>88157994
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This is the anchor post for fics, please reply here for archival purposes and save it's life. Links to greentexts and old posts from /nijien/ are okay too.

For organization purposes, please feel free to suggest tags for the work you are linking (ie female POV, fluff, noncon, pregnancy, etc)

If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
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alban LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thanks for baking, wife love! spooky karaoke tomorrow, i'm excited!
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sucking alien cock
NijiEN 3rd Anniversary Celebration site: https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/en_3rd_anniversary/
Shu DARS Collab: https://www.morinaga.co.jp/dars/nijisanji/
Ren at BREAKING November 29 (3D Concert): https://x.com/RenZott0/status/1816448753777156168
Ver and Sonny Doko Koko Collab Cafe opens November 30: https://x.com/DokoKoko_dkkk/status/1849035591792681458
NijiEN at NJU December 20-22 (2D/3D Concert, day 3 free): https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1832773677357859254
Outfit status:

Merch on sale:
Mini Liver VP
Summer Jam
Luxiem In Wonderland
Noctyx Cozy Night

Uki 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmoDjOIdYvI
Ver Lore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1vZtl-nEbA
Alban Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwmjXRqGeL0
Sonny 3D: https://www.youtube.com/live/co-zOk-Y62U
Alban 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXGO_juuLP4
Uki and wose NijiEncounter Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxdV3wlzhdc
Shu and Sonny Trio Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYf2bf8hOoE
Zali Duet Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CS-qJGIins
Claude Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNfKw44fWHE
Alban and Claude NijiEncounter Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WQ5vbVV5fM
Luca 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD8MmKB-jJk
Ike 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DhTc_KIUSo
Shu 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Zw6PG3BiE
Fulgur Anime OP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErfT8KtXU10
Vox 3D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycqL0XfFpPE
Krisis Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsZUoFxk5mU
Ren and Doppio NijiEncounter Orisong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psp_opqfX9c
Aster Anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0rMX-TbX_I

sucking demon cock (I'm actually going to sleep. I love nijien and I love you)
gn !!! chuchu
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gn ily bbg
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gn I love nijien too
does anyone have vantas public karaoke from 11th oct? i forgot to download it and the link expired...
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his recent unarchived karaoke?
i can upload it just give me a bit my internet sucks
wait nevermind my copy isn't opening....why.....
....I'll upload it.
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what the fuck everything i've been archiving for the past month is broken
check what its formatted in?
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nenners, do you prefer glasses or no glasses on your oshi
I was meh on the topic but then I got mindbroken irl so now I'm addicted to the concept of boys who need glasses and having the ability to blind them
it's all mp4....do i need to use vlc or something my old archives didn't have this issue..... it's over...
The only other one I have from this month is Aster's unarchived karaoke, but if the link is expired and you need it, I can upload that one too.
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my oshi is perfect and beautiful either way but he loves megane and i've worn glasses my entire adult life so i lean more towards the megane camp
aaa it's okay.... i just need to fix this issue and re archive the past few alban streams.....
saw belmond's birthday art and all i can think about is him fucking wife six ways to sunday thanks to this thread
shhh wife is /here/ he's going to get ideas
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i have no idea what i did but it fixed itself i think
turns out it's some wweird windows thingy and i just needed to install vlc my archives are ssafe YATTA
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a mediaplayer moment strikes again
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i will kill microsoft in minecraft
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sobbt brisbo
albaaaaaaan ToT
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continuing from earlier
looking down at a boy's back as you plow him with a strap is better than any therapy
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big fan
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dont worry i still need therapy ueueue
oh?! archiver anon?

we have sex havers!??
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yeah im a normie
world is cruel what do you mean it didn't fix everything ueee
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where is my alien
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omg nenners! new mana outfit soon!
jp boy sexxx, any prediction art?
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he just set up the tag so i dont see any yet, im just hoping we can escape the middle part. im sure mana will be hot either way though
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ill admit the silhouette does look a bit bland but i have hope that itll be a very manalike outfit im sure hell look very cute
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Classic “download mpc-hc” moment
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it's rare for alban to like untagged fanart, much less untagged sonnyban fanart.....he really likes his alien stage au....
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auban mengen
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alban :D
has wife finally fallen off the wagon? is he really going to drink at 10AM?
Where is my demon
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yeah im sure a lot of the heroes just wanted a casual outfit since the hero outfit is "cool". most of the art for mana's predictions just remind me of stuff ryoma would think is nice haha
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fuuchan soon!
I doubt I'm the archiver you're looking for, especially if you were the one asking about Yugo vods a while back. I've basically only got some karaoke and the telephone game ones that got uploaded here, unfortunately.
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i wonder if its gonna be open totsu. i want ren to sing this is halloween
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this is fine too
Fuuchan singing this song reminds me I haven't seen the nightmare before christmas in about 20 years...
probably not, he always advertises his open totsu karaokes as such! next one should be for his birthday
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https://www.youtube.com/live/npKNvTLWbDk doppio and his friend are live!
Comfydants wife in Bowie mode
Lets go!!
i'm still sad i never got to watch the movie with him .....
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i just watched this movie with my friends a few weeks ago!
I've heard the song but haven't actually seen Labyrinth in full...
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you should watch it! its a fun movie. and you get to see bowie's big bulge
I love wife so much
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no head....... you could do many despicable things with a headless wife, both with the body and the detached head
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who even gets horny singing ghostbusters wtf
whore has his tits out
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Noctyx is collecting fanart for a 3rd anni project! https://x.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1850574372144095564
sex cat looks......
wife in maririn's stream!
I finished making lunch just in time for the quiz!
with opal and twisty, this is gonna be good
The Scariest Stream of All... I Shall Sing! - Unarchived Halloween Karaoke With Fuuchan-tIDqXSdiIQ0
Sex with Doppio and his autismo friend (sorry for any machiroons visiting)

Thank you! His karaokes are always so fun
thanks anon!
ryoom and zanda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3ZsWHVapWU
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ryoji time
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ryoma pulling zanny's thong/shirt/onesie to the side and plowing him fully clothed
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now that i think about it what if ryoma had a fully clothed sex fetish. that would be pretty hot
i've never thought of ryoma in a sexual way or cared much for a fully-clothed sex fetish but i like the idea of ryoma dedicating time to get his partner fancy and high-quality clothes to wear, only for them to stand in silence in his room, feeling his eyes on them as they dress up in the outfit he handpicked just for them, just for his eyes only to look at, imagine his partner buttoning up a dress shirt and rolling up the sleeves and they watch him get hard
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yeah i dont normally but zanny is an incubus so it brought out my dirty thoughts. sorry ryoji, my mind is weak and my balls are full ueueu
This made me blush. fuck you
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alien where
check under there
>Voltaction's mini-album has a song called De Lu Lu
Not them calling us out
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under where?

nenners why type of underwear do you think is the hottest on your oshi? hard mode: dont say none
black lace for demon
Alban in tidie whities ToT
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i see that for him

briefs are cute you get to see more bare legs!
Praying for demonio sched tomorrow
claude on vivi stream
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Why must he be so good at being evil and sexy while also being a little gremlin man who plays runescape all day. I wanna put him in a blender and drink him
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I am finally watching the Luca/Ren/Shu Mario stream from last week and they're cloning themselves with the cherry powerful and... it's kind of ero? I'm kind of horny thinking about clone shenanigans is this normal
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clones are pretty hot i guess
Having sex with your clone is a common joke for a reason
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They call them The Boom because I go boom in their asses.
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i want to fuck them both and then let them give me a double facial. i need to stop horny posting good lord
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leg straps are so fucking hot
made for rape
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What's he trying to tell us??
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3d soon
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What if ren's 3d is him singing his new album
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ive been thinking that forever. just saving up all his new songs to blow the fattest load nijien has ever seen.
If vox can give us 4 orisongs in a lore film anything can happem
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yeah thats a good point
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poor anon...
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scroll up for karaoke archive if you need it
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i dont wanna go to work kill me
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gn nenners ily
gn !
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eppy boop
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this is so cute
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nijifes tickets on sale now until jan 5 next year
One of these days I'll stop being a bitch and go there by myself. I wanna see my oshis on that stage. It requiring a japanese phone number kinda bites though.
Praying for Krisis 3D on the stage
the site is cool but I felt my phone heat up upon opening it lmao
Day 1:

Day 2:
>>Uki (Solo)

Day 3:
>>Vox (Solo)
>>Neapolitan Ice Cream
I wanna go but I'll have to settle for livestreams...
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>no alban
I feel for takos.
Quildren too...
i wasn't expecting a solo or anything but it's okay....at least ike has one performance.....
maybe alban will participate next time
but i'm very happy trout is on there and i love that there's so many nijien units (looking forward to doom&bloom so much) i'll definitely buy the tickets because i love them all !!!!!!
ALSO SHIBA IN 3D?????? i need to see that at least once in my life
Doppio gets three performances, I'm so proud of him!!
At least that let's me know Trout is doing okay
Wait what the fuck
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yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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