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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>88275352
sex with my cute wife
Before I started browsing this general I didn't know Sanrio was a thing and that there were other mascots besides Hello Kitty
Yes thank you, it feels like Sonny takes any opportunity he can get to touch his friends or maybe I’m just crazy
>oogi raid and suddenly I'm hearing yugo's voice
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!
>uki raiding into leo's collab w/ u-san
Noctyx love...
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nijien for this feel
I believe it
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he's very touchy hehe
IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND??????? why am I seeing it here get out get out get ou
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would you prefer i start asking about classpects instead
FNAF jumpscare
>white rabbit
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Is there a single NijiEN liver capable of doing the yoinky sploinky?
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Arknights crossover fanart with the hero boys
this shit reminds me when anons made a joke about shu fucked uki during seup offcollab for elira.....
I think Sonny and Vox could. Maybe Feesh too
I just noticed that noctyx is just 3 white boys and uki....
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You can't guess what song this is.
Add it to the collage
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nijien tarot merch when?????
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he's not white
excuse me?
>one japanese police officer
>one chinese princess
>one japanese whore
and uki!
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I hope she's having a wonderful time in Japan, and I hope your day is growing great! =w=
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i guessed black parade so i was close
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ill always love my big sisters
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cocksleeve material
It's a dog
Assuming I don't know any mcr songs is a risky gamble cub
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Luca love! Good morning(morning)!
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luca rabu!
my head still hurts augggggh please dont be too loud
How in the fuck did you know it was MCR?
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haha cylinder legs
GM cuties, just don't listen to my vocaroo links if head hurty I'm singing emo and rock songs.
*kisses you*
*doesn't kiss you*
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Good morning(morning), Lucub!
Sonny actually replying to a sanipape tweet… I miss you negir
good morning
good morning
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I remember the shaved Weewa...
I used to be a major autist for them... now I watch pngs, not much different
When will riko collab with her niji oshis???
>Hololive took Ame's steam account away from her so she had to make a new one and rebuy everything
I'm sure they'll get shit for that like how Niji did for taking Selen's account.
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i choose to believe that she specifically asked for claude to not join her hopcon with finana because she would have creamed her pants uncontrollably and ruined her career
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I love my bird wife Enna!
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I wanna stick her in a giant blender and slowly turn the speed up as she tries to dodge the blades
https://voca.ro/1bjNHTGMiqNy new guess the song before you listen.
Oh me two...
i don't think you know what a blender is
Rapist energy
This why you always have a business account.
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this but Aia
Anykara please fast track Lunlun's 3d so she can show up for Ren's debut
i thought of them like those round pegs for kids going in the round hole and it was kind of funny
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shhh lateworlder
Anon, she is worth millions of dollars. A couple thousand on a steam account is nothing.
It's like saying you stole a paper cup from a party
The last time sonny tweeted from his pc was on the 24th of October
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this is slander
this is her fantasy but she was made to be bullied.
That HOT NEW GAME known as webfishing has a goober title.
Aia should play it.
what the fuck kind of cope is this
sorry claude was understandably pretty menhera in the first half of his stream, i promise to diligently warm his cock with every part of my body so he'll be in tip top shape to meet her next time
They're never going to criticize Cover for anything other than Holostars existence.
but she lost her sick chievos
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Ennaschizo you're coping really hard
before I listen? hmm... if we're following a theme with mcr as the last example... anything fallout boy?
She'll lose her progress, achievements, saves, cosmetics and her ability to look back on the memories of it especially collabs beyond watching her own vods.
I thought this was going to be The Game for a meme but okay you're still being emo
Riku 3D debut when?
All this is telling me is that Cover was to afraid to say she's outright graduating.
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it is now time for bibi
aia likes to be bullied but unfortunately she'll 'try' to fight back to make the encounter more exciting but accidentally knock out the two guys and she'll sigh very loudly and complain how molesters these days are so lame
isn't he already...
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>el no sabe
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Fujo throne
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im still annoyed about p3
molesting vantacrow bringer, my oshi is live with a short talk before mad father
Close, a solo emo singer who goes by his band name.
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Vivitan rabu
Cinnamoroll is a racist?
>A couple thousand on a steam account is nothing.
Holo drones are insane. Yagoo can take thousands from you and they'll still lick his shoes clean.
oh it's panic, don't threaten me with a good time?
>stealing is okay if it's just a little bit
Fucking nigger.
I would've guessed brendon urie but I don't know about the last part. can I listen now?
saito-san debut!
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woah… sex
It was ye. I'll mix things up next time and not be Emo.
You may.
You're comparing someone who made millions of dollars (Ame) to someone who made a couple hundred G's (Selen)
all japanese are racist
yeah you're a whore, vanta
You know the artist draws gay porn!
Kill yourself ennaschizo
Belmond gets such hotass art
>Defending any corpo
Also why didn't she just do family sharing or change her account email or whatever.
i'm not comparing anything, it's shitty no matter how much it is and you're a fucking retard
keep on sucking that asian businessman's cock dude maybe he'll give you an in to "destroy china" while he's bending over for them
this but with ryugal and hairy pussy famelira
you give the vibe that you're sounding pretty low today
Is this look possible natty?
they won't get shit because it literally didn't happen... this is about as factual as the retards coming here the other day thinking wiwa had moved to japan or something
pomu will never get to have sex with this now
Cover treats their employees extremely well. Remember they still have a merch partnership with her because they're just that generous.
LMAO at this cope
She should kill herself
make the bait atleast subtle
vanta wants to collab with lucien? the fps boy and just use their fugis
I thought riko is a lucub....
When I realized I got baited by the posts about her shitting on Holo and it just happened to be a completely different character saying that I got really annoyed, anons if you’re gonna tribalfag at least do it when you’re actually right about something
Guess before or after for this one https://voca.ro/1kqaS9dZzF5i
she didn't say that explicitly, i think they're extrapolating this from her saying that she has to use one steam account at all? "i didn't realize i can't launch steam apps on 2 different computers", presumably steamvr and the game she wants to play, but she also mentioned having to switch accounts to make it work so i dunno
either way this is a nothingburger because no shit, this is how it's always (supposed) to work and we've know this for years
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Our bombers are ready.
>"generously" profiting from her "old uniform" that she doesn't care about anymore
>"just until the contract expires"
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Never a dull day on a doppio stream.
/nijien/ - tribalwar general
Comfortly Numb? I had to listen tho
what happened with p3?
oh it is panic! in this thread but it took me too long to figure out the song, it was on the tip of my tongue so I cheated and checked my spotify. Have you sung mr brightside /here/ before?
>either way this is a nothingburger
Because nothing ever goes wrong in holo. There's no war in ba sing se either.
I wonder how Sonny feels when he sees briskadets on twitter surprised over him interacting with them
Fake news Twisty is 145.5 cm she's very small and cute
damn, she really is on-topic
>Do...pio? I don't know anybody by that name
I like how Doppio is insane
>because Ame is worth millions of dollars so we decided to take her account away
Man, where was your elementary English teacher? This sentence doesn’t make any sense; it straight up sounds like theft
aie amara...
Ye. We played it at my dad's funeral.
No but not while playing guess the song that would be too obvious now.
sonic is so cool, I love sonic the hedgehog. I want to be a hedgehog just like sonic the hedgehog
he said he's not going back to it because it's too long.
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>smallest possible twisty is noticeably taller than feesh
I just woke up but barca 4-0 madrid is really fuck up
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nijien for this feel?
Doppio turning this simulator game into a lore rp for a new side persona. Just insane.
She confirmed it in her mario party collab with denauth and Alban
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he calls it "too long?"
poor boy...
didn't you have shine on you crazy diamond play as he was carried in, how much of his funeral was pink floyd
When will a nijien liver narrate sonic high school?
always funny when people talk about vtuber's worth based on bad napkin maths
She's small but her ass is big
remind the fat man that aster just bought a house to really send him scrambling for cover, "shady loans" and "crypto" lmao
oh whoops, I'll wait another day then
We are gonna need an actual source bro because Twisty has been talking about her "real height" since 2.0
Enna literally told us her income
doppio is going full schizo rp right now and you're shitposting itt
that, and he doesn't want to leave chat confused or bored when he's focused on grinding. it's the same reason he's not going to play another jrpg and why any souls challenges are on hold.......it's stupid.
i miss akukindred
I chose all the music and only two songs because he loved them but I didn't want to expose roughly 500 people to experimental rock.
Sorry I'm starting to get more obscure now.
schizo loves to say that enna is poor and with his next fat breath say that she's lying about being poor for donos
>Cover treats their employees extremely well
>kronii getting ghosted by staff for many weeks
>the many examples of the girls burning out bc of "idol work"
>holostars as a whole
Very funny.
Sounds like numberfagging but with extra steps
>500 people
massive who the fuck was your dad?
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TTT anniversary collab tomorrow will be 2 PM PST/5 PM EST! she didn't mention this time but if i remember right it'll be on Vivi's channel
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>one thing that's been really frustrating to me is that I've seen some clips of me reacting to the first boss theme and I was just like "since when do sonic games go this hard?" and everybody's like "oh my god he must be new to this series, sonic games have always gone hard in music" and it's so frustrating because everybody thinks that they're so big brained and everything but me, I'm over here like no, sonic games have never gone this hard they've never done screaming they've never done metal core they've never djented, none of that stuff, the hardest, like, the heaviest song in sonic history before infinite's theme was in either I am all of me or crush 40's version of with me which wasn't even in one of the games it was on the soundtrack album for black knight, the first time they ever like went full on metalcore and chugs was infinite's theme and then in this game that's when they just said okay screw it let's just bring in kellen quinn and actually do like scene metal, like actual metalcore and djent
>sorry just needed to go on a bit of a rant there because people are calling me a fake fan because I was like "oh my god sonic has this kind of music?" BECAUSE IT NEVER DID HAVE THIS KIND OF MUSIC, IF YOU CLAIM THAT IT DID YOU'RE WRONG
>where the heck am I going, I got lost ranting about that thing
Actually Enna said her income was about $8k a month. That's likely her raw channel income without additional perks like voicepacks and appearance fees.
That isn't poor whatsoever. But she was pretending to be poor for a while to milk donos out of her viewers which was pure dishonesty
okay now can we get this with a French dub
what the purple niggas doin
Local celeb who everyone loved. My family has a history of being well known. I have a fucking IMDB page. We just do that.
>$8k a month
>just channel income
How the fuck?
i love autism
nijibear plushie keychain.. i want one of my oshi
vivi is freshly showered and damp... imagine the smel...
What do you mean? I bet it's even higher she's just a liar
between this and finana's chocolate cake thing which one is more brattier
I know you love Enna so much, but she literally was not part of the conversation.
definitely finana, because ike is correct
>more bratty
>more severe aspergers
Whorecub's not just an attenionwhore but has a imbd and her entire family is some kind of famous? I'm going insane
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Wow, I guess I'm supposed to be sad and mad that Enna, my oshi, is getting a lot of money?
But she is, because she straight up told us her income, that's very relevant
i do not care holy shit stop metaposting outside your chain
>implying finana was wrong

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thinking about fucking the fish
Because she pretends to be poor which is pure dishonesty.
>I can't afford a car
>I can't afford a monitor
>I can't afford to repair my dryer
>I have holes in my wall I can't afford to repair

Then she shells out $1k buying everyone's scale figures
I'm sorry you have poor reading comprehension.
The funny thing about this is he has done this 20 more times about other topics other than sanic
Welcome to the entertainment industry binch my sister streams and Dad was in bands, my cousin sings and her Dad is a musician too.
maybe upper management complained about numbers and he's numberfagging now. poor guy doesn't realize that his vantacrew are there to watch HIM regardless of the content.
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Can you really blame her family though?
I'd eat Finana's cake too

Wow, she's nice; she bought everyone's scale figures. I don’t know, but you just praised her, didn’t you?
I see you've only watched 21 of Ike's streams
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never forget what her sister took from her
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that’s crazy pyon pyon
snowball's a fat fuck
New song. guess before you listen though. https://voca.ro/1loQKPDKcCy2
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anyone got any pixels I can borrow
god, her fucking tits
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get a load of this stupid feesh. what an idiot!
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Weewa look like this??
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This gif makes me so happy
i refuse. he looks like he's stuck in that cup, fatass bunny
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Stupid feesh's face is the best
I thought it was going to be Fleetwood Mac for some reason but Aerosmith is good too
she blasted through the water tank puzzle in an instant, i have faith-- BAM
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alban you lucky bastard
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No he can go out whenever he wants! He's also currently flying to your place to slap your dirty mouth
Shadow is cooler than Sonic
Well now I can't use them, I was thinking of it.
>4chan is made up of twitter-like "chains" that cannot merge or split
amazing, truly outstanding. what is a forum, even
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oh yes, you're connecting the dots.
It's for um, your mum.
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I'm comfy this Saturday night, anons! I'm watching Reimu and Vivi while having dino nuggies and hashbrowns for dinner. Hope you have a comfy night or day too!
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Uh oh your house stinks now he doesn't wanna do anything anymore
*eats him*
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him fidgeting and turning away from the camera while he was crying really fucked me up man, he's really such a sweet and sensitive boy
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Reimu's stream tonight is comfy and she's extra cute too
Yeah I said I would die for Rosemi-sama but I don't feel like getting shot or something in the way to this place
>An entire failed vsinger project
The list goes on.
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last for now auughhh I'm still a mess. he looks really good from this angle
just shoot first dumb bud
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BAD! He's not a food!
I tried not to scroll so I know the band but I got the song wrong since your sister is trans and I didn't think you'd sing that
Sex withh sonny
Bud it's Tijuana not the middle of the desert, you'd be more at risk of getting shot by the US border patrol than a cartel
Ok Vox
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im having fun catching up on vods and listening to music!! tonights been great
Uki got $200 in donations in western currencies.

In Asian currencies such as Yen, Taiwan dollar, Hong kong dollar, and Korean dollar, he got $2,000
Tired but Uki 3D made me happy. I'm glad Niji is still making me happy though rough times
so did you ever post a picture of yourself or what
Wiwa's so hot
Its so funny to me that /#/trannies willingly watched uki's 3S and even keep track of his superchats.
Like how much longer are you staying in the closet?
saw a translation of uki's letter, man what the fuck. too emoi. the things that he's divulged about that time in his life are really upsetting so I'm really happy he got to have this moment
Oh I like the gold ones best! He'll go well with them!
She's cool with it, it's fine. Thinking what to sing next rn though.
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i know right....
>obsessing over a man's finances
lol gay
Anon nothings more gayer than deep throating numbers
Like seriously just imagining all the /#/ incels furiously jerking off to Uki while he's on his knees in his 3D just makes me laugh
Uki is unique because he actually did his 3D debut in western time.
And yet despite that fact, almost all his viewers were from asia
I hope he gets the ending with aya doing experiments too..
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Congrats to Petra
>one thing
I don't know I read this as linking park song.....
Found it. You can do after or before. https://voca.ro/12juQI8sVoGw
I want the umise bear so bad, she looks so derpy...
Petra really is JP
the reaction KEK
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I could have sworn alban got one of these too am I going insane
No but you were on the right track with a musical.
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im going out yall need somethin?
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Why roco is blue?
hmm I'm running out of bands of an era that I can name... yellowcard?
Nvm, her clothes is blue
So wrong, I changed genres.
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Can I get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh McChicken
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Because she is blue
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things i wanna fuck exhibit 1
I can't remember when was the last time my oshi got cute merch.....
with fries or ice cream?
carbonara please... with garlic bread on the side
my oshi and his special needs not seeing the area behind the boxes........................
oh it was my nigga kyo... I guess I am going insane because I vividly remember what the alban bear looked like in my head
Apple juice?
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maybe you're thinking of his outfit
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Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Meroco RABU
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
Stream Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
Stream We Be Union
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you’re probably mistaking the bears for this
ah shit, Okay I'll listen now... I never would've guessed greatest showma- wait a minute... he's australian... kiwicub... wait.. YOU'RE HUGH JA-
Yeah but I've heard youtube pays peanuts in ad revenue unless you're really big and most content creators have to get by with sponsorships. She doesn't even get that many supas anymore, no one does. $8k is insane.
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wuca wuca!
Looks like an indie game character, whats the story behind the jetpack
Fries please and thank you
Oh! thats this is me!
who asked tho?
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were you the one looking for me for omori questions when benta streamed it....
My oshi probably makes about that just off of memberships
>No ロゼミ ラブロック
Oh well...
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kadet daisuki chu chu!
maybe it stemmed from this somehow but this is not what the bear in my head looked like, it was dark orange
no I remember the cats, it was different from the cats... it had two green eyes and orange fur the the triangle in the middle was light brown. and the art for it was a pose similar to petra's and it came in the second volume of nijibears. I feel like a schizophrenic having visions right now
yeah before i got pissed off about something and went to bed before he even started stream
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wakka wakka
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you’re actually a prophet and the next nijibear merch is gonna be this, thank you anon for sharing your vision
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why did I look at the catalog am I stupid
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cute anon
if you use this board for literally anything except vtuber generals then you deserve every bit of the brain damage you sustain
sometimes the delusion is so funny
ah figured, i wasn't around to watch the stream and just saw it thru the archives. nadenade hopefully you've been well either way
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Wucub love! Chuuuuu!
i have not but it is what it is. i just wanted to know if he got to knowing what actually happened to mari
I don't understand why you can't let them be delusional when nothing is tagged and it's their shipping account? I muted these accounts for a reason I don't need to see this shit in the thread
Can someone translate this to English, is she a bitch?
Nap time now.
I Think the scarling just ask for jetpack.
tho its also can be for teasing one of the holofans where they didnt get jetpack.
you're so white
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pin badge part 2 when????
With the disappointing performance of Uki, do you actually think Riku will shit out money for ILuna and XSoliel to have 3D debuts?
Need a TWEWY mod of this
I want that phantomo pin
aw. then in that case, i hope it gets better for you...but as far as i know, he didn't. he might've found out during his latest stream, but i'd watch the vod to check since i missed it
sonnyban schizo i miss you
i will be daijobu, just remember to tell the people you love that you love is all ill say! and ooh i see, thats okay. ill probably check it out tomorrow to see
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I think Rosemi's next outfit should have a whip.
https://x.com/YellowFlashGuy/status/1849807538037895195 call oliver and fuuchan
Shit sucks man...
vivi's sneezes are so cute it's killing me
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sonny so tall
ah....i shall try to do so more then! no rush, the last thing I remembered was him meeting up with adult hero and going back to the omori world, and kel had a job....? i don't remember kek
I still can't believe they tortured, raped and killed this girl in the main story....
i will curse this day to never happen, i seriously hate sonnyban shipper and how obnoxious they are when sonny and alban do nothing besides just existing. How can they not just enjoy two people talking to each other and having fun without turning off their shipper-o-meter and delusions down. The biys do nothing but shippers still found a way to make some kind of scenarios that their theories are real and that they actually are a couple(fr fr trust me) and don't even tell me how even though i block everyone that does this kind of behavior still end up appearing in my tl when they collab or even include them together in every fucking fanart even though its not even needed like i want solo art of them not a snippet of delusional ship just to make it believable. I fucking hate shippers and they ruin everything for everyone because they can't keep it in their pants and minds. Can't they just simply fucking die or just ship them in their fucking corners instead of showing it to everyone by putting it in your face
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who is in vivi's fetus
And rebuilt as a metallic chimera... coo coo...
ohh he hasn't met mari then, well the story anyways. thank you!
god i hate this so much
shit was tragic.
but then again she was a terrorist
She's just a kid...
dude so....serious question, is ILuna actually getting 3D after this? I mean, they're really gonna dump money into that?
him being stuck on this puzzle is making me sleepy
I can't imagine the next years where claude would have to celebrate alone and i don't even how the anniversary merch will work now, is it seriously just going to be claude's merch from now on? It really sucks ass
This makes me want to put Sonny into a blender
Sonny you better have 3d shorts on your channel too
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sonny is cute..
scarle in japan rightnow for month (she still stream in her new laptop) so most likely next year for the announcement
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goog morming... i missed everything.. krill me...
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this is so bad edit I thought it was from some underage fujo....
he didn't make any
Why reply to ennaschizo
It's nearly 4PM...
Good afternoon.
Aster,ren,maria,aia,scarle confirmed it
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goog morming yuqtie, thats what vods are for
He made a hare hare yukai one
They're just shitting money down the drain, it's another AX situation
15 minute delay again, you always fail me...
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Gn!! Love you guys!!
scarle schedule.
I hope xsoleil gets 3D soon after iluna
I want to see kotochan's breasts in 3D so bad
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goodnighty weewa
Harmony of kino.... The underrated GBAnia
what if she asks for no physics.....
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Can we buy guns there?
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i'll kill you if you krill this vod over diners drive ins and dives of all things
looking at this schedule it is kinda crazy how sega made a comeback from back in the 2000s-early 2010s and now everyone (not just the sonic fans) wants to play their games
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>Vivero Rosemi
That's where Rosemi was born!
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gnite weewa! love u more!
I'm really glad my attention span isn't ruined to THAT extent....
where's your photo, fatass
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oh your day is already ending.. fufu
uuuuu uki cinnamonroll... i also saw fuuchan.. I will watch after vanta finishes..
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gnite!!!!! hehehe
Reimu is facing the true final boss of dead rising Kent
She's cute when she's losing....
post your discord
my boyfriend asked me if I love him just because I didn't message me because I was drawing my oshi for the whole morning
you clearly don't and he can do better than someone who neglects him
i don't have a boyfriend, do you?
Well but do you love him? I'm leaning towards no
That's a really cute weimu
my oshi yeah
I have a wife
I guess it's going to be a subdued kind of celebration like with many indie debuts. As for merch I have no idea, maybe they'll make his anniversary merch coincide with the company's like they do for a good chunk (most of?) the main branch.
You won't see this but good night!!! Stay fluffy!
Give me your bf instead
I'm really gonna miss her sex model...
save scumming is based
I saved your son richards, that's right, I saved your fucking son!
leos vincent...
>988 downloads/internet speed
what the fuck
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im gonna pass out from the meds before he starts atp
I lost 6kg and I don't know when or how.. should I get checked for a tapeworm or something?
Did you do drugs
Half of the people here starve themselves I'm going to assume you do too
I lost my virginity and I don't know when or how.. should I get checked for an ojisan or something?
I can help you find it
Ok Vox
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the face of a woman who insists she will brute force this combo lock with 216 possibilities
i finally had a tabs moment teehee
am I autistic? I told him to not expect messages that morning because I was drawing and I wanted it finished. Is that hard to understand? As for feelings, I'm okay? I won't die for him but I generally feel unperturbed around him.
accidentally came inside a girl, what do
she fucking did it
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Vivi's laugh...
do you see any red dot sights around your vicinity? just asking
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Reimu killed Kent the raid boss of dead rising!!!
you'd be an awful wife and an awful mother
anime men aren't real, grow up
I feel like that could've been easier...
for paladins and nakarats
Vanta supports womens lefts
Are you a white woman
oo maama sexo
KEK is it why? That explains everything
great art, cringe tweet
you'd be a based wife and a based mother
anime men are more important
They actually have estrogen anon
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Kunai and Vivi sexo
Your bf is very needy it’s time to find a new guy
Ennaschizo you don't even know what estrogen is
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lmao that's one way to put it
absolutely inscrutable reply
>Posts gay man
Either he's needy to a pathological degree or there's something missing in this scenario.
You aren't autistic, just an asshole
People like you end you catching STDs from fucking trannies just so you know
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gotta use the little bear's room
Gao gao gao
be right bear
i'm flattered you feel that way about me, but i can't be romantic with an anon.....
Rawr gao

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