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The greatest vtuber (and Uki Violeta) edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>88110851
thank you for the bake OP <3
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My cute artist boyfriend will have his first stream in a few days! He's going to do a zatsudan. I'm so excited to hear his voice! I wonder what he'll talk about! I can't wait to get to know him better!

Rosco is schizoposting again. I hope the voices chill out and crack some jokes sometime idk.
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Leon Animal Crossing
In semi-related news. Kaz's cat that has been pretty sick has died so he'll have to settle some stuff and such. Streams postponed.
He's back... ;_;
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Thank you for the thread! I love cute boys!
Congratulations on your 3D, Uki! I'm very proud of you!

KEK I love the edition name
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Thanks for the thread!
Love the op image. I need to catch up on nijien 3d soon...
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Ryuji talk
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Good morning! I watched the rest of Dobi’s debut stream, here’s some small stuff that I noticed and/or just want to inform
>His mascot is named Dinko but the fan name is Doobers
>Is willing to do ASMR content and one of the scenarios that he might be willing to do is a toxic or yandere boyfriend scenario
Not my thing, but just want to say that to the anons that are into it
>Said that he has never seen a VTuber do a green screen to have chat take screenshots during debut but heard it was a common practice so he did it anyways
So kind of made me think of two things either A: He has never watched any corpo VTubers and just watched specific VTubers that just never did a green screen or B: Just completely new to the VTubing scene which could explain a lot about his taste in games , anime, etc.

Overall, I enjoyed his debut. Right now I will be watching his other streams to learn more about him and see how he is in general when it comes to streaming.
new vsUPROAR Episode
Shit I missed 15 minutes of this, I forgot it was today
What are they cooking?
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i think he should bite me
its gonna be a slow thread bc a lot of boys are on break but please stay alive!
Fuck, I'm so sorry to hear. Hope he takes as much time as he needs to heal.
>Tomorrow is Monday
>Announcements for waves are usually about a week in advance to give the talents time to tweet before debuts
>We know Luci's 3D is coming so it's not that
>Rosco said NO LEAKS so it can't be something we don't already know
Either it's Halloween merch or NEW WAVE HYPE
The boys did mention to pay attention to FSP EN youtube channel. So im thinking maybe a group song. God why are they teasing us like this. Im going insane.
Miyabi KH BbS
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Do some of you have oshis that collab/interact with girls and if so does it bother you?
If you asking this to gauge anons' reception, then give it up. You cant please everyone. Either you do it or dont. (You) decide what types of audience you want. You cant have them all.
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You're right Anon
kyriocifer live!

duolingo stream (learning spanish)
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>sub 500 viewers
Grim. This is what you get for treating your viewers like trash.
It doesn't bother me if the context is appropriate and it's not like third wheeling a date
is it okay for boys to flirt or is it annoying?
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This is gonna be interesting
I don't want to watch a boy flirt with a female vtuber but I'd enjoy watching one flirt with girls in a dating sim or with me
nono i meant yaoi flirting
Doppio and Flayon collab
i love some fujo bait sure. I feel like a lot of female targeted boys vtuber does this. It easy to stretch your disbelieve because its nothing serious. But with female vtuber the illusion fell apart.
What the fuck are those lyrics? I don't know about this one chief. Would be very jarring for an avg vtuber fan
his content in the first place is not for the average vtuber fan, really.
Still. I hope he makes something meaningful and emo, instead of that weird stuff. Punks who flash stacks of cash and dance with a half naked girl in front of a rented lamborghini write these lyrics. I hope Jun and the others provide good counsel.
The cute boy I have made up in my head is streaming right now so I'm fine :) I feel sane right now because he is live and saying he loves me :)
>can't even get to 900 viewers
Hahahaahahahahahahaha what a loser. Can't wait for him to stir up drama like quinn.
Glad you beat me to saying it this time
I would prefer no collabs with women though. Not even because of jealousy or I think the streamer is my boyfriend or anything like that. Women just cause too much drama.
Can’t wait for him to fall into irrelevancy
Already a 3 view shitter. He'll be begging for collabs with big indies by the next month. Satisfying to watch his downfall.
I do and I legitimately don’t care. If it’s entertaining, I’ll watch. If it isn’t, I’ll skip. Simple as that.
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Watching his Q&A livestream rn, he confirmed it himself that he’s completely new to VTubing
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Zanny on Ryoma's channel
They're starting early? I thought it will be in half an hour...
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Tuned in again after lunch, he talked about the Mario Party collab. He’s very grateful for Jun for inviting him and the others for making him feel comfortable. Aww
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I didn't know they were going to have a collab! Neat! I hope Luci gets to play sometime too since he loves card games
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I have no idea what they're talking about but I love seeing Zanny and Ryoma have fun with their card games. Comfy nerdy old men
They're a duo I didn't expect but at the same time, it makes sense.
It's not-Axia's birthday today
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I really hope there's another Valorant tournament next year. It seems to have started a lot of fun friendships! Zanny and Ryoma have been talking since the Avallum Cup!
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Who is the JP zatsu king? I need hours and hours of yapping in a male voice.
I normally don't feel like shilling him itt but 4 years ago Roberu did a series of streams where he just yapped for 24 hours.
The first part is already 8 hours long
It was a fun time and I enjoy how often we see these cross-corpo collabs since then
Alright fuck it, Roberu it is. Thanks.
I really hope to see a Fuuchan X Ruze collab. I knew they'd be a formidable duo and I loved all the different voices they did. I feel like they'd have a ton of fun if they got together to do some funny voice acting related stream.
Your cute catboy sailor
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Chu samefag anon
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I give props to anons that can watch streams that are more than 3 hours long because goddamn my eyes are tired…
These take a while, last time I had a minor spelling mistake
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Hanakishi Radio #64
That fsp announcement is today right? Its already early morning in japan. Its obviously Luci's 3d but i cant help thinking theres something else too.
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This is the news post for the week of 10/27 ~ 11/2
Reply to this post with any news relating to cute boys!


๑ First Stage Production ๑
•Lucien Lunaris is the next to have his 3D debut. Date and time TBD
•Cassian Floros has released an original song called "Many Many More", which is now available on streaming platforms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TqgQ2WzAwk
•Lucien Lunaris birthday goods and voice on sale until November 4th (order more than a day in advance for overseas users to avoid order cancellation): https://x.com/fsp_english/status/1846174255450636526
•Something will be announced on the official FSP twitter either tonight or tomorrow: https://x.com/CassianFloros/status/1850448378770882611

๑ Holostars ๑
•Octavio and Banzoin Hakka have released a cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ywrryZy2g8
•Kanade Izuru will be releasing a cover on October 29th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4aSb69BLzY
•The Holostars English Guild Tempus fan game Protostar Twilight is available to play now and can be downloaded via Steam: https://x.com/holoindie_ccmc/status/1846748719984656776
•Holostars JP have showcased their AGF merchandise lineup: https://www.youtube.com/live/9qxJLo8MYko
•Holostars JP fragrances was well received at last year's AGF, and will be on sale and for display at this year's event as well: https://primaniacs.com/event/agf2024/index.html
•A video on the official Holostars channel featuring Uproar has been uploaded featuring them completing a difficult challenge course:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFysdotfQGg
•Armis has had a special Halloween collab called Hallowarmis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMPNdzvFzgE
•Regis Altare's pumpkin carving stream has been moved to Monday: https://x.com/regisaltare/status/1850517739284091306

๑ Nijisanji ๑
•Fuwa Minato will be appearing on the cover of Japanese magazine Ray12: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1848227848273940989
His first mini-album Persona is also available both digitally and physically: https://nex-tone.link/A00160994
•NijisanjiEN X Kakacode collaboration cafe in China featuring Luca and Vox:
•Joker's first live is available on Blu-Ray with special bonus features
•Uki Violeta has had his 3D debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmoDjOIdYvI
•TTT First Anniversary goods going on sale tonight: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1849994496597164222
•Ver Vermillion will be going on hiatus to focus on exams and studies: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1849571605619651001
He also debuted his second outfit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC6nXM0pKJE
He has also released his third lore video nearly two years in the making: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1vZtl-nEbA
•Nijisanji Halloween voice 2023 resales: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1849269740818276462
•Nijisanji Plush Bear Keychains will begin sales tomorrow: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1850379432038707244
•VOLTACTION have released their first mini-album titled "Action!!!!!!!!!!!!". Preorders have begun today: https://x.com/VOLTACTION_info/status/1850541479263178954
•Belmond Banderas birthday goods and voice on sale starting November 3rd: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1850373161625518515
•Kaida Haru's 7th single is on sale now: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1849828332147491041
There is also a music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foWOfn1Nyjg

๑ Other ๑
•Hoshinouta Kaz of JP vtuber group Atanaru had a cat that has sadly passed away, and streams will be postponed until further notice: https://x.com/Hoshinouta_Kaz/status/1850291413344530910
•Thai vtuber group Orion has won the Thailand Influencer Award for Best Vtuber Influencer
•Dacapo of Thai vtuber group Orion has released an original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snjA7P2WF3A
•After 7 years of streaming, Japanese indie vtuber Kazuya Seto will finally be having his 3D debut on October 31st: https://x.com/setoya0102/status/1848137119681966549
•Shoto is celebrating his 4 year anniversary and has uploaded an animated short on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewWe3NHfgv4
•Korean Vtuber group AFOTS will be undergoing new management: https://x.com/AFOTS_official/status/1849661103850258790
•Indie Vtuber Kyrio Cifer has successfully reached his funding goal of getting a plushie made: https://www.makeship.com/petitions/plushrio
•Shinomiya of Atanaru will be away from streaming until 11/02
•3SKM is having a collab with Nivea Japan with exclusive goods starting 10/28: https://x.com/nivea_promo_jp/status/1849722565670932780


News Post Source: https://x.com/armendesuna/status/1850608385424810122
Previous News Post: >>87875340
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Seems like a lot of announcements are done at night time ESP/PST, so we're probably going to get something in a few hours. I really think it's something else because Luci's 3D isn't really a surprise.
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Izumi mahjong
Lucien's 3d will be on his channel but they mentioned the official channel so I think there's also something else.
That's another collab I've been wanting too! It would be a shame if the Avallum cup is the only crumbs we get from that duo...
NEW BOY-*shot*
Cassian said "account" so I guessed it was something on twitter. It's got to be. I've got my notifications on.

i think anon is referring to the multiple time the boys mention on stream to keep an eye on the official youtube channel. Whether thats related to cass vagueposting is left to be seen however.
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I missed the WoW PR stream today because I fell asleep. Probably a pretty important PR stream.
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I’m starting to like Dobi, can you tell?
The middle of his forehead being so bare makes it look hile he's supposed to have a cute hair clip holding it up in the middle.
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Cope sister. His fans are already leaving for other boys in niji. You will too. He will return a 2 view after his "vacation"
Imma grab his pape and give him lots of spanks
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I’m holding back so much love right now. I’ll continue watching him and then after my month, I’ll decide to go ape shit love on him or not.
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Would you eat Aza octopus?
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kek Luci almost looks like Shien in this pic
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Mannnnnn I was actually looking forward to something and staying up a bit. Hope they don't do that again.
>>88359256 (Me)
Wow I didn't even scroll down

I still think Rosco deserves rape correction for being such a BRAT
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my boyfriend
It's Sunday.
Sorry I'm late I fell asleep
Hakka pumpkin carving handcam
I feel more connected to my nui instead of my oshi
I don't really watch my oshis streams anymore but I still want to sexualize the guy. Not watching streams is making me get back into anime though!
Rosco looks like a shota here ToT
Sometimes (most of the time, actually) when I'm watching an Avallum stream and they do fanservice or make it a really creative stream and I see they're not getting any superchats, I give them some even if I don't have much money to give. I should be saving my money but I always give them something even if it's just $5 because I feel bad when they're trying so hard to put on a good show or do something I REALLY really like and they're not getting any money. Especially Rosco since he's making the least out of the five. I've been trying to cut back on it though. I'm still financially stable and make the money back! And I don't feel regret even if I see a low number in my bank account. I say to myself "eh, it was still worth it because I love them".
>and then in five years we're gonna do Ike Eveland
Damn it takes Hakka that long to have sex with his boyfriend?
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I've never related to a 4chan post so much in my life. I am the exact same. His design is too sexy to not sexualize regardless of how I feel about him.
Still hurts to think about him too much though.
i dont care for lore too much because i want to craft my own headcanon about my oshis
Where can you see how much they earn?
Sometimes you gotta go slow and steady
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Hells yes!!!
I mostly observe from the superchats they get during streams and which currencies they get, but for the other way....iykyk
tentacle boy LOVE
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Izuru's new cover is premiering tomorrow
Is kyrio streaming today?
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I'm actually kinda glad we got just voice packs and not Halloween merch. I still wanna buy Luci's birthday merch and save up to buy Halloween candy on clearance at all the grocery stores.
Cassian Voice Mimicry Show
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Daily reminder that he follows iron mouse and aethel but they don't follow him back despite having interacted with him in niji. Meaning they know what a black sheep he is. The rest of the indie world knows this too and avoids him like the plague he is.
If you reply to him one more time I'm gonna say fuck off and make your own thread. He is mentally ill and nothing will change his mind, so stop trying to and just report and hide the post.
rape roleplay
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Gale Fears to Fathom
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Kamitoki sing guitar talk
Ugh why did I take a long shift today? I missed over an hour of Gale and I'll miss an hour more.
Oh right, I want some money left over after I buy Luci's birthday merch
Of course Gale laughs at someone saying "testicular". This child
Ruze zatsu
>get off work
>open Gale stream
>He's pissing for a long time
Yeah, I'm thinking it's a good afternoon
Pirates on my feed....
he usually takes a break on mondays unless he states the day before anonchama
Gale has received his package!
It's me btw, I'm in his house right now
Gale has Goldwynd tattooed on his ass cheeks.....
>More whore
This is why I like when vtubers leave parts of their lore open-ended or up to interpretation. I like when they at least give us a starting point and let us have fun with headcanons for the rest.
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The shotaposting the other day reminded me of all the art Fuuchan got when ESLs didn't know what "babygirl" meant T o T
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I miss Gale.
>no niji streams
>no holo streams
>Still an hour until Rosco
Oh boy, VOD catchup time!
I'm so happy Uki finally gets to be the kpop star he's always wanted to be

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