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ちょっとエッチチチな Edition

X: https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame
Fansite: https://www.tsunomakipasture.club/

Original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Mini original songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iDfjOVqChEelXHyaDQBpA8m
Cover songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb

>Hop Step Sheep!

>News/Recent Events

>(9/29th) Watame released a teaser MV of the titular character song she performed for the game Etrange Overlord and teased more to come. Listen to it here!

>(9/30th) Watame released her version of wotaku's SHANTI! Listen to it or you will be shot!

>(10/1st) Watame will be starring in HoloAlt's latest web manga "HoloEarth Days! A Side Tale: W - Coooking in Westa"! The first chapter releases October 19th!

>(10/3rd) This year's Halloween voice pack features GiriGiriWarui Watame attempting to pull off barely blameless pranks! Buy and listen to it here!

>(10/6th) Watame and Botan recaptured their youth by staying overnight at a school together!

>(10/19th) The first two chapters of ウェスタdeクッキング are out now! The HaaWata in this chapter is just too precious! Read it here!

Previous thread: >>88082597
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I love my cute and sexy sheep wife
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i love watame
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I can feel it. Today is the day!
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Be a shame if something dastardly happened right as she pulls the 1 million card
You wouldn't.
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Good morning (10 PM)
>last thread ended before I could おつのまき〜
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It clearly says 8 AM right there.
Everything is all neat and organized
I swear we nearly had ¥3,000,000 the other day. Where did it all go?
Watamates are sucking up all of Watame's luck...
Ahh yes, the across the street technique.
Great sages of sheepdom, how do I get myself a WataWife?
You go to the more gentler parts of the world
You don't. There's only one Watame and she's mine.
Damn lazy employees not filling the shelves.
>watame was contracted to do 168 hours a month at her dental assistant job
>managers assigned her less hours so they could pay her less
So glad she's done with that shit.
Small stomached sheep.
Watame should hire some workers to open cards alongside her.
I'll do it for free.
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It's been nearly 3 weeks since my Friends To Go Watame shipped and I still haven't received it.
Holy shit, I think I might turn welsh
Mario Party on the 29th at 21:00 JST!
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Flower Rhapsody was really nice. I loved seeing ketsu hook animated.
I'd go fucking nuts for a Sawano track with Watame's vocals.
I love Watame's piro-piro ears.
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My entry into Hololive was Fubuki's Animal Crossing. Then I began watching Watame's Minecraft streams.
She pulled a ¥100,000 card without realising it again lol.
This world is too cruel. Our sheep is in a better place now. I just hope the work isn't too stressful. With all these holos graduating, i wonder if cover is assigning too many things to these girls and its stressing them out
Even after she performs at Budoukan Watame will mess up the WNF outro.
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She forgot to pay her employees again...
I still need to watch it
Watame talking about farts...
I would unironically do it for free
meant for
Watame says Yugioh is harder than baseball.
probably more exciting too
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If I take a nap she will pull the million yen card.
idk, man. I don't think she will ever pull this million yen card
Miko's MV makes Watame look like a villain...
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They love each other really.
>4 hours in
>still not broken ¥126,776
>just got the achievement for opening 10,000 packs
I don't think the わた守り is working...
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Don't worry guys, I have to head out and get some things. So while I'm away, she will pull her 1 million yen card and I will miss it and curse the world.
omg anon you missed it!
Shes losing it...
Sheep has been drained...
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If Watame doesn't get the 1 million yen card this year it means she will have great luck for next year.
Watame getting home late tonight. Potential 配信休み.
MonHun Beta soon!
what happened?
Watamates friend died in an accident and Watame helped him move past it.
I'm back. Did watame get her million yen card?
Sadly not.
Based German Watamate.
>Potential 配信休み
just bake me into a fucking pie already
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thank you
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Today's battle may have ended in defeat but Watame hasn't given up! The 1 million yen card will be hers. Tomorrow might be 配信休み but there is a chance we might get 2 streams on the 29th.
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Everyone else in Hololive is stealing Watame's luck.
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I lost...
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busy fucking day today, I completely missed today's stream...
>Tomorrow might be 配信休み
at least if that happens I have a stream to watch
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>asmr from almost 3 years ago randomly appears on my timeline
Silly sheep
I imagine it's a lot of Watamates go to VOD.
different anon but that would make sense. I've been getting some really old sheep streams in my recommendations as well
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Very cute.
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luck buff
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Love the sheep butt
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I'm off to bed. This is a bad sign, I don't think Watame will stream tonight.
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>shit day at work
>watame tweets https://x.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1850776946252390534?s=19
>will to live returns
i love this sheep
Hitsuji sexo.
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