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Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>88143061
hopefully i didn't fuck anything up
You fucked up by including Mint who isn't in Lazulight
why do you put mint here
Sunday... hope Mint has recovered for tonight was looking forward to the karaoke.
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might be a no stream day today
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Pomies seens how I’ve been out of the loop for a while.
How is Pomusuke is he well?
We don't really hear of him much these days, if she mentions cats it's almost always Paz, though she did mention that the meds helped him recover.
Also IIRC he had to use a cone of shame for a while for that old wound he had that never seemed to heal.
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I remember there was a health scare then he got better and then I don't remember much.
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wiwa love
She's better and might or might not stream
Glad she's feeling better
thats good, hopefully there are streams but good she is feeling improved either way
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feesh up early
wonder if she is going to the gym
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It’s Sunday I don’t think so, maybe something planned with family or someone else
does she usually take sunday off from gym going then
I don't know that most gyms are open on Sunday, are they?
I thought it was pretty normal for gyms to be open 24/7.
Karaoke relay yes, Astro Bot no
She did my guess from the last thread
happy she's doing the relay at least
I've never seen a gym. My area is too small for that
i live in a mid size city and it has multiple 24/7 gyms
i don't think she goes to the gym on weekends, probably too many people for her, it's better during the week at the time she usually goes desu
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I don't remember much of it, but I think I prefer Camp Rock 2 to 1. 1's ending makes up for literally everything being pretty bland, granted it's mostly character driven(?). There's a really noticeable dropped plotline too. I really wonder what Elira (and my older sister) saw in this movie.
I don't think I have ever watched either of them. Are they the ones with Jack Black in them or is that something else?
Star Rail and fucking Valorant again
There was no membership this week like it was supposed to and it seems like there won't be one next week either, but you have valorant
You're thinking School of Rock. I'm talking Disney, like High School Musical. Not sure how big but it used to be big back in the day.
I felt like I was probably confusing them. They both have the word Rock in and are meant for children and teenagers or whatever so I guess thats why
I live in a place with less than 5k people
What gives you that impression? I looked on both YouTube and Twitter and don't see any new schedule
that is indeed a small area, i think my city is something like 300-500k people
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Wilson made the same mistake yesterday, so I guess it's just a thing.
thats a cute finana
Minto karaoke soon!
a fellow wisp is on the telly right now
i havent been following the relay prior just noticed shiki is on next though, she seemed alright to me in the few times i have seen her in collabs with the nijien girls
Shiki's fun, she's a monster fucker
cute fangs
Minto in the SpookySongfest
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I miss him I wonder why she doesn’t mention him as much as she did as Pomu?
I felt like Atleast once a month he crashed a stream or she mentioned him.
Well she talks about him like every month so its still the same, it's just that paz crashes her streams every week
why does this song suddenly turn into london bridge is falling down
Would you zombie minto?
Yes, Zombies cute.
looking into her eyes the whole time
I don't know this song, is a meme?
i remember finding the denpa genre very hit or miss when i explored it years ago, the best stuff is great, but there is loads of it that is just mediocre as fuck
It seems like some kind of ironically awful lyrics swap of the classic monster mash song with cringe meme stuff yeah
minto... scuff
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right ear makes me feel good
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She's incredible
She’s in pain but she sings for us
This song works quite well for her voice.
it was over so quickly, goodbye minto...
Because Pomu only had 1 cat to talk about the majority of the time. Now she has 2.
stinky stinky stinker
she is in pain... i hate it
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Freaky Ghost Zombie Maid
Pink hair and huge tits...
I agree. Poor Minto
hopefully she improves soon
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look at the cute little blushy ryuguard
I wonder if Elira watched Transformers One with Millie.
Praying for a good schedule for next week
I remember Elira was talking about wanting to see it on her return stream and maybe asking someone to go see it with her then Millie is posting about having seen it today so yeah thats why I was wondering if maybe they went together or watched it on streaming at one of their places I think its on streaming now maybe.
I was right!
these women and their mecha yaoi...
is the ship optimus prime and megatron? i remember finana mentioning that in one of her tweets recently
Alright guys line up
Pomu gif thread going around Xitter. I found some new ones for my collection
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where is he...
I have never tried pho.
That's a lot of Pomus
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goodnight thread, mint karaoke was fun shes a trooper for doing it while in pain to not let the relay down
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She sure is. Good night Weewa
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She's so brave....
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pomu my dear.
fragrant pomu pits
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>tongue out
are we back?
Lots of Feesh, good week.
should be an interesting collab
Wiwa here
>begging for money
Grim. Good thing elira gets all the good merch deals and sponsorships while being from a very wealthy family.
Elira, Vivi, Enna and Millie collab tomorrow! YIPPEE
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I wish her game choices were better, her voice is very pleasant as background
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Farming games are good! I’m addicted to stardew these days.
I think her game choices are quite fitting for what she is trying to do, be a chill comfy streamer type of thing, if you just want to relax then those kind of games are good for it. But for me personally I prefer watching games with an involved story the streamer gets emotionally invested in.
>emotionally invested
You're right, I think even if she played other games she's too steady and even keeled for me to want to pay attention to.
wiwa is vegimite curious
Pomu got a mention in the stream.
Elira says the crowd was full of kids at Transformers and they were all cheering at stuff.
I know it sounds stupid but I miss that fairy.
seems like there might be a big group collab for halloween
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it's not on finana's schedule, but I hope she joins
i saw willys schedule saying spooky games with nijien with ??? for the time and elira was saying she wasnt sure what was going on for halloween collab yet so hadnt posted a schedule yet so i assume thats the same collab and with nijien makes it sound like a big group thing
Elira is seriously thinking about that HSM watchalong because nobody remembers peak.
Elira is urging Maririn to watch highschool musical.
Elira??? What this girl been reading.
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Me three
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the pomu charm
I love Mint and I'm so glad she's streaming and back, but, you never forget your first oshi I suppose.
She sees some improvement and thanks us for "being patient"...
It feels like she doted on us more than Mint does and that Mint is a lot more tsundere amd antagonistic. I worry that it's because of the she hates us and Lilac and other stuff like that...
I prefer an honest and upfront love and will personally always tell her that I love her
I agree with you.
I'm close to getting as attached to Minto as I was to Pomu and I don't mind it
I just wish she did some midday Minecraft on a vtuber server, so I could listen to her yap about things as she did some chill build.
I'd say give her some time. Let the 3.0 happen and see how she is as we go into next year.
maybe no stream tommorow night aswell at least she is improving somewhat,
wiwa love
no feesh
Cod feesh
I’m ready for Niji music fes and more wiwa dancing/singing.
So like can someone kinda explain what exactly NJU is?
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Day 1 - AngelFeesh
Day 2 - StarFeesh, MEDCS (Meloco, Elira, Doppio, Claude, Sonny)
Day 3 - SEUP, NijiEN Girls
You can buy tickets from Stage Crowd.
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I’m excited
Where's the announcement of the performers on there days?
Here. There is a site on that tweet.
To add on this. Angelfeesh, Starfeesh and MEDCS will be 2d since they don’t have 3d yet. For nijien girls, everyone who has 3d will be 3d and for SEUP they will be all 3d.
It's a pre-recorded online only music festival that has traditionally been hosted around the Christmas or New Year period with a focus on forming unusual combinations of members to perform together especially for the event although it's not some hard rule they do use pre existing units too. It gradually expanded out year by year by being a personal project of Rindou Mikoto's into what it is now a 3 day music festival with full company support and backing.
Won't be able to catch it Live, but I'm happy to see KR and ID on Day 3.
Then what should I prepare to go along with these chips?
Are you sure about that? I would have thought they'd have just the 2D having performer in 2D and the 3D in 3D rather than everyone in 2D just because some members don't have 3D.
Ren will appear on Kaede’s concert with his 3D so it’s safe to assume iluna and maybe xsoleil all have 3D ready

It’s not unusual for Niji to debut 3D like this and then give them a proper debut like how it happened with Ethyria and LuxNoct earlier this year
Under NijiEN girls on the JP site it says
エリーラ ペンドラ/フィナーナ 竜宮/ロゼミ ラブロック/ペトラ グリン/エナー・アールウェット/遠藤霊夢/ミリー・パフェ/アイア アマレ(2D)/マリア マリオネット(2D)/スカーレ ヨナグニ(2D)/虎姫 コトカ(2D)/狂蘭 メロコ(2D)

So Iluna onward will be 2D for this. I just doubt they'll make a whole performance 2D if it has only one members 2D instead of just having people with 3D be 3D and 2D people just like on a screen behind them.

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