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Fine! I'll do it myself!

Cabin in the Woods (2011) Watchalong w/ Justice: https://youtu.be/t-GnwW639_o

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxP8rP6gAHV47uHuVCmRp--9vyyPjtNPVA
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice
Halloween Villains Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains

>Recent Streams:
Asseto Corsa collab w/ Ceci & ERB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Fy0njMG8o
Outer wilds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTBzV0MX1eE

Igaku Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_N1uEAHk10
Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin
Birthday merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/gigimurin_bd2024

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
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how could you do this to me?
Wait, the baker doesn't post that pic? Sorry man, this is my second time baking a thread. I always assumed the baker posts that pic as a tradition.
nah it's okay lmao. i was just right about to post it, so i felt blueballed LOL. it does kinda warm my heart to see someone else posting it
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You forgot to crosslink to the last thread but honestly that's for the better
Yeah, gotta keep the tradition alive. I'll be more mindful in the future in the unlikely case that I need to bake another thread.
Crap, you're right! Here it is in any case. Man did that thread turn to shit near the end.

It's really not that big of a deal anyway, we only need one baker every 24 hours or so. Pretty easy to handle
Man, the schizos seem to be running especially rampant today
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Never forget to forget the condoms.
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Sorry but I'm impregnating Gigi to make her mine forever.
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I finally remembered what I wanted to say in reply to this post: >>88313013

I'm glad we have enough quality Gigi art now that we don't have to post the same 10 pics over and over again. Those first two months after her debut were kinda rough. Now there is so much quality some that I feel a bit spoiled for choice.
Exactly. You didn't forget to forget the condoms like a good grem.
> quality art

I need to go to bed...
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Good night, Grems!

I should have went to bed like 5 hours ago...
gi night grem!
One day JP will fall in love with Gigi and she'll conquer iwara too
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Once that guy finishes his Gigi model.....
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getting real sleepy
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how do i do happymaxxing with GG gone
Put on an archived karaoke while you do chores or game
I miss Gigi so much
we had a JP grem in here a few days ago, so at least some are taking notice.
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Whelp, RIP that guy, I liked his art a lot.
I’m off to work, don’t forget to remember while I’m gone.
thinkin bout gigi butthole
gigi's oval nipples
Korean fan artists are always so volatile, I will miss his art, but usually they return
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>Korean fan artists are always so volatile
Why do Koreans go schizo so frequently anyway?
they live in a dystopian hellscape.
They have to live with Koreans.
imagine the smell
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You aren't going to do sus things with your Gigi plush, are you Anon?
I'm going to stuff it up my ass leaving just the tail hanging out. Then I'm gonna straight jork it (by it I mean my penis) and tear it out my hole as I achieve ecstasy. So to answer your question, no.
I'm going to dunk her in water and put her in the freezer.
>Cabin in the Woods
slowpoke grem...
Cut him some slack!
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>not milk
now you have to buy a second one for the milk soak
also reposted on main??
he blocked gigi so she won't see it
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That's not how blocking works anymore
Also new account just for Gigi sex?!

Grems are truly blessed
Did the change already go through?
I forgot the change so you still see their stuff, you just can't interact with them...

I wonder how the gremlin feels seeing herself lewded
It hasn't gone through yet.
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I love Gigi the most!
What is the largest potentially canonical breast size for Gigi?
grems are eating so good right now.
everybody say "thank you Hase" right now
C cup. I would say CC because that would be funny but that's getting into too big territory for her build.
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The jacket isn't hiding much(compliment)
Gigi is probably laying warm in her bed reading ao3 fanfics.
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For folks who don't/can't use x.
Arigatou. I want her tail fist to grab me by the back of my head hand mash my face into her crotch and grind it deep in there.
I just stream Above Below on repeat. I don't think Hololive is topping this song when it comes to generating motivational energy
The US is a tutorial island compared to how much of a capitalist dystopia S.Korea is.
Thanks anon. Grems like you make /gigi/ a great place.
gonna hang it on my car mirror and hope it attracts other grems
Great idea! But in some places you can't hang things on your mirror. My father got a fine because he had a dream catcher. You should look up your local traffic laws before, just in case.
the land of the free ladies and gentlegrems
lol got a laugh out of me
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nice gibutt in this
don’t look at Ceci’s fingers
Gigi spats wrapped around my face
Her usual fingers broke and her spare ones were very low quality
oh god lmao jack skellington lookin ahh
using Gigi's spats as a face mask face musk...
Once hase draws insertion, I'll die and ascend to grem heaven
Imagine naizuri with Gigi...
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Gigi drought
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Nice framerate bozo
Cece is laughing at her now, but everything wiil be fine once they start wrestling with each other later that night
Remake is not very well optimized
CC is internalizing Gigi-isms so you can cope over here
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I thought OW was today...
I sometimes feel hunger for chocolate ice cream if I stare at Gigi's hair too long.
Not Reeses Puffs?
sex with Grems
South Korea is literally a cyberpunk dystopia.
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And here we thought he was going to be behind a paywall. Hase...I mean Esah is the best!
really missing Gigi right now
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A prank I could see GG doing is farting in CC's face while she's sleeping. Very funny
Haha yeah that would be so gross, right?
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I've made a couple other videos, may as well post for those that may have missed them
I don't usually add sound, it's not really worth the effort for me. Feel free to add whatever though, people have done it to other stuff I've made before
No problem, I was already working on some BA outfit swaps so I had it handy
why did she moan like that
Have you really never felt bloated and finally get a chance to let go? It's not like she wanted to do it on mic, it was an accident and it's better not to remove it from the stream because then it just 100% confirms that it was really her farting, like the Mio clip.
Whenever that happens I usually try to make the fart as loud as possible and then grunt really hard
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So cute, so sexy...
I love how you can see her sharp teeth in the second one, and I think that's a great breast size for her. Thank you grem <3
So it's better to make people think you're cumming in your pants rather than an innocuously farting? Odd but interesting take
nervous reflex
when something happens that you don't want other people to notice but you have to try to play it cool
yawning/coughing before someone has a chance to say anything is pretty common, or shuffling your feet, pulling your phone up, messing with your bag, etc
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gigi is more little boy shaped. who is the real flat+child bearing hips holo?
she hasn't done a gi murin tweet in a while. i miss it, but i'm grateful we still get the gn doodles
spreading gigi murin's cheeks
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This but the ones on her face
Someone explain the appeal of Gigi. I tried to watch her when she was new but it felt a bit mmm...
qrd on the cylinder she talked about last stream?
Cute genki girl that tries her best to cheer everyone up, decent at video games, clearly has a lot of fun with what she does, amazing chemistry with everyone she meets
Who do you watch normally or who is your oshi? Unless you haven't been actively watching lately, your oshi have interacted with Gigi and is OBSESSED with her.
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panicore w/ ceci/biboo/kaela on tuesday according to biboo's schedule
I hope it's not the only horror she's playing.
We got OW DLC to look forward to as well, and that was spooking her a lot
Someone should make a Gigi game where the final boss is Gigimama threatening Gigi with a month at her timeshare without internet
I'd recommend you watch some clips on YouTube, especially the ones that involve Cecilia. I'll give an example here:

She was also amazing during ENreco. You can find clips for that as well. If after watching all of that she still isn't your cup of tea, then that's fine. We all adore her here, but it's clear that she's not for everyone.
He's alive again!
And have her threaten to throw away all of plushies if she doesn't accept.
The Binding of Gigi
If it's what I'm thinking of, there's a famous Reddit post where a guy got his cock (the "cylinder") stuck in a mini M&M's tube and he goes to Reddit to ask for help but he does his absolute best to avoid saying what happened. It's like their version of the "help I was cutting raw chicken breast naked and it fell and hit the tip of my penis" post. Both are fake but everyone pretends they're real because it's funny.
Actually genius
Some modder can surely do this
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watched a clip of gigi playing cs2 with ame and ceci and now i'm wishing they get a chance to play it again with dooby, or even ame. gigi shenanigans in a pvp shooter is so fun to watch "THEY MOLLY'D ME"
She should play Valo with the holostars
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Is there a Gigi version of this image?
Not yet
she should NOT
Instead of using something like that, it's much easier to say "YOU ARE SO OBSESSED WITH HER".
It even gets other threads' shitposters all riled up.
Biboo, but Gigi isn’t boy shaped. She has small breasts and a cute butt and thighs.
Is she award that's she's sexxx? Does she comprehend that there are guys out there that get aroused by the mere thought of here? She's 0% actively lewd on stream.
she's actively avoiding any sexposting of herself and others. but she doesn't denounce it either. she's just trying to keep her image clean right now while it's still early
i don't think any holos really try to denounce their sex appeal and NSFW community but she's not like nerissa obviously
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This is one of the best Gigi streams that displays her charms imo (for solo streams anyways)

bartender more gigi soundpost please!
Why is this thread so obsessed with Gigi?
We want her SO BAD
Give me timestamps and I can pump them out like crazy.

Also I really need to make one where she says "you're obsessed with me" but I never remember which stream it was.
Probably one of the early autofister streams or group collabs with CC. Honestly, you might be able to find it just by watching some clips of those streams.
and thank you Gigi for that
I found it. It's the one she was explaining teen wolf and she/Ceci started spamming each other with the wife points. Sadly it's not going to be a clean soundpost because of the spamming they were doing.
i think there's merit in being aware of your NSFW community but yeah sometimes being too open about it is a bit weird
there's also this but she's a lot calmer
Jizzgi my beloved
gigi jizzing in ceci's mouth
Girls don't jizz
but gremlins do
Yeah it's just not the same.
Yeah, Nerissa is so "open" about it as you say, I find it off-putting. Gigi's implicit approval is much more desirable and classy
I want to pull Gigi's hair during intercourse and call her a bad gremlin for spending too much money on gacha
do you have to like liz to be a JUSTchad?
is "justCHADS" the biggest failure of a fanbase name?
it's so funny it got voted but also so bad
I believe in Gremlin supremacy.
theres no fucking way its official
It's been official.
We just have to deal with it
justChad sounds like a set up for "that guy she said not to worry about"
Do you have a soundpost of the CCGG closet
It was great as a one off joke that could have been swept under the rug afterward. It was the funny kind of cringe. But having it be the official name is just regular cringe
no, but if you have a timestamp ill make it
Well guess its good enough a reason to start going to the gym as any. No fucking way am I gonna be caught dead being skinnyfat at holofes with a fan name like Justchad
Speaking as someone who used to struggle with being skinnyfat: working out is only half the battle. You HAVE to diet unless you plan to get big. If you only want to be fit-looking, then you need to maintain a caloric deficit to get that belly fat down while building muscle definition, otherwise you’ll just get more endurance and your waistline won’t move much. If you DO plan to get big, then look into a cycle of bulking and cutting.
I have the urge to superchat gigi to whisper "you're obsessed with me" with her mouth close to the mic, IMAGINE
Same but replace superchat with hold Gigi down and replace the whisper with sneezing into her mouth.
Do it.
gigi roleplay cc husband wife
Gigi would roleplay as the pregnant husband who caught Ceci cheating on her with the neighbors car.
We still have no arts of pregnant Gigi...
the preg artists are busy drawing ollie because she plays into it
Gigi will be at AWA! I am going to AWA! I want to meet Gigi! I hope if there's a meet & greet too that I get lucky enough to get one with her. I can tell her to her face about how much she's teaching my boomer ass about the nu-internet.
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It's over... 1 spicy gigi is all we get
If she ever does asmr we will die
She really enjoys the "you want me so bad" tease, so I wonder if she'd be willing to at least do a short ASMR with that theme
I genuinely don’t think she has the voice or personality for good ASMR, but I say this as someone who can’t stand “ASMR” streams that are just normal zatsus with soft speaking.
Just imagine that and "You're so obsessed with me" whispered to us with a slightly flirty tone. I think I'd die.
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It would be a shitty meme asmr for sure and knowing her it'd still be kino
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Gi night Grems! take care
gi night, grem!
night grem
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Gi night grem.
alright I'm done, I can't find a good va for her so we stuck with this one
She will post about buying gacha tomorrow
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Gi night!
Good job
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We'll see about that.
I love that on the one side Bae mocking her for her weakness, while on the other side, Shiori and Raora are actively encouraging her to spend on gatcha. A literal angel/devil on shoulder moment.
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Is Gigi's design right down to her color scheme and pigtails inspired by the Gremlins movie? It can't be a coincidence, right?
i always assumed it was an inspiration. i wonder if she'd do a gremlins watchalong this christmas
I really hope she does. That movie is going to be such a nostalgia dump for me.
Wish Gigi was my daughter, wife, pet, and master.
I wish she was my imouto, too. Yes, I want her to be my daughter and little sister at the same time. Don't think too hard about how that would happen.
Best we can do is sister-wife.
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whoa i am seriously spooked right now
I can't wait to watch her squirm wanting to avoid the spooky parts.
I read this in her sarcastic voice complete with the laugh at the end.
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
Blessed work.
I'm praying for a Ring Fit stream that might lead to some usable sound clips like what happened with Gura
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Don't forget Jeangi
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