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"This is the place for me to be everyone's IDOL"

This thread is for our beloved Gamer Cat Maid, Yuuki Sakuna.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@結城さくな
Twitter: https://x.com/yuki_sakuna
fanbox: https://yukisakuna.fanbox.cc/

PV: [YouTube] 結城さくな ティザーPV (embed)
1st cover song: [YouTube] Henceforth / 結城さくな(Cover) (embed)

Debut stream: [YouTube] 【初配信】はじめまして!結城さくなです! #結城さくな初配信 (embed)

Please be civil in this thread. Do not engae with trolls, doxxers, antis, and other troublemakers. Thank you!
haha it's neko
>*drools on you*
Well, that's a butchered OP
We still need to come up with a proper name for the general too. How about:
you're not even trying lmao
I really really really suki sugi sakuna
It's the Japanese onomatopeia for slurping
why not /neko/
no one used it yet
I like this more than the other 3. My reasoning is mean on why I'd reject the other 3.
Im surprised no one has claimed it
>>88317282 (me)
Also, let me argue why we should use that: the first sound she made in her first stream, before saying anything, was a slurp. It was the starting signal of a new era.
I'm fine with anything
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It's dead!
she said atisi?
Many times, yes.
you know, if a true Aquacrew made this general, it will be just her japanese name on the subject, then the links on the following post.
You mean a true SAKUFAMI, right?
Jwu and thought the same
We don’t need all the extra bs, just actually post and watch her
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Sakuna suki sugi
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Here's my limited collection of Aqua fanarts that were either liked, retweeted or used as thumbnail art by Aqua
Pic related is the general theme but there's some other images that I thought were fun to remember as art that she liked. Some are duplicates because I wanted a higher quality version from pixiv.
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bros is this real?!
>links in the following post
what's the purpose of this?
Gatekeeping I guess
We need english in the OP so the thread can be found easily
Why the FUCK do you want to gatekeep a general that will likely be slow or die anyway? What even is the point of running a general at that point?
can someone explain sakunada familia
What's her art tag? I'll be honest I didn't really watched Aqua but I've lost gallons to her art and I'm ready to move on to Sakuna
Dude nice!
Hey don't ask me, ask that guy.
If Yuuki has an APEX collab with Delu you're gonna see new and interesting levels of shitposting. Welcome to the indie scene Familia.

Good luck it is a warzone.
>if you just recolor her hair and give her cat ears all Aqua art becomes Yuuki art
Is-Is she actually a genius?
Any plan or schedule ? Will she stream tomorrow?
She's still calling herself an idol? I guess the idol autism narrative is dead. She either isn't married or, more likely, she is but that's not what caused her graduation.
No plans and no schedules. She wants to take it easy.
But I don't like apex.
She hasn't been a regular streamer in almost 4 years, people are delusional if they think she's suddenly going to go back to 2020.
She didn't mention anything about idols during her debut, so the idol dream might just be dead.
Stop shitposting if you don't watched her.
It's me, I'm the husband.
Now you do.
>don't watched
Looks like /suu/ will win
Seems like the thread's gonna be unusable for at least 1-2 days till the catalogtourists get cleaned up.
how big are her titties on this model guys?
Yeah, but she didn't say anything about wanting to become an idol or any idol goals or anything like that. If anything she said not to expect anything too big.
vibe check: what's the name of Aqua's former general?
She obviously held back after seeing that the waiting room chat was expecting her to come out as the hololive killer and told them to not expect anything amazing from her because she's completely independent without any kind of organizational backing.
She will do her own thing at her own pace.
Most of the OPs just had 湊あくあ as the subject and blank comment field
And funnily enough they got what they wanted and the threads just died
Pekora thread has the exact same format and has existed for years. If a general needs ENfag raids to survive it's already dead.
She owes me asmr and elden ring speedrun.
Pekora streams way, WAY more often and is very consistent too. The truth is it's hard to keep a thread alive when there's nothing to talk about.
Almost like the OP has nothing to do with it
I never said it did, but the truth is back in the day they chose to make the threads like that because they thought it would filter out people and in the end the thread just died.
You're talking as if the people that might get filtered would have contributed in any desirable way.
understandable desu. I wouldn't want catalogue trash shitting up a general either
Where exactly am I saying that?
The Pekora thread is just an image dump. Stop being so proud of your N4.
Glad that we instead have you here, trying to kill the thread before it would even have a proper name. You truly contribute a lot.
>And funnily enough they got what they wanted and the threads just died

What's your problem? Did I offend you by using the word ENfag?
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Why are you so angry?
Uppity N4fags like you are a disgrace and will probably disappear in like 3 days anyway.
Where are the rab you threads already?
Because it's true.
Fact: the names were in japanese, with the descriptions in the next post, to filter out people.
Fact: the threads did not have enough people posting and died.
It's that simple.
This is a momentous ocasion, it's the thread's first schizo catfight
You're so mad for literally no reason and it's really funny, but why are you like this?

How do you know that the people that might have been filtered are desirable posters?
>desirable posters
Why do you think you are a desirable poster?
It was either a really stupid reason given who we're talking about, or something really is wrong with Cover.
Please, point out to me where did I ever mention anything about desirable or undesirable posters.
Answer the question, schizo.
>Fact: the names were in japanese, with the descriptions in the next post, to filter out people.
Are you unironically retarded? Stop pretending to know Japanese, anon. Just because you can read hiragana you aren't better. Deliberately crippling the thread because muh snobism does not make you cool.
How is the thread crippled if finding the thread is so easy? Your argument makes no sense.
Are you living in an alternate reality? What part of that post mentions anything about quality or desirable posters? Or are you going to deny that filtering out people was the reason things were done that way?
not being filtered by basic hiragana for one. even if you don't learn Japanese every time you open one of her streams the name is right there. it's not complicated either さくな
This is EN board and we speak English here, N4 ken-sama.
... OK but you can at least understand a little bit of what she is saying right? if not then why would you watch her?
No and I don't need to when we have live translators.
The truth is, if a schizo wants to shit up a thread because they hate a vtuber they are going to do it anyways. No amount of filtering is going to do anything about it. The only thing setting the name to japanese does is inconvenience people by making them take extra seconds to type.
What are you on about? What's the point of making it harder to find? There is literally no reason not to have a nice general that includes every important information and links. The only thing you'd achieve is that searching for the thread would be harder, but instead of filtering out people that'd just make using it more inconvenient.
Nta but I'm fairly sure my Japanese is better than yours ever will be and this autistic attempt of gatekeeping on fucking /vt/ of all places is either extremely naive or deliberate troll.
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Second thread and we already have a thread schizo. This is going well.
well best of luck to you and this thread because I am already seeing some familiar retardation and I had enough of that shit back when I switched from /jp/ to here
>the thread is crippled!!!
>but nobody got filtered
Are you actually legitimately retarded?
Now go seethe in the pekora thread and call them retarded weeaboos to show how you're totally not the one who ruins threads.
Is it weird that the thing I like the most about her new design are her shoes? Mary Janes are so cute, and I'm glad they're not pink like the rest of her outfit
Yes, making it more inconvenient to use is crippling the thread.
No, it would not filter out any schizos.
Any other question?
Don't know about the name, but it can be changed at a later day, no matter. What matters is making it home, so on that note, my fellow Sakutan bros, I come bearing gifts https://pastebin.com/66uAR1QF will need to make a new one as time goes on.
Sounds to me like it would filter out schizos just fine since you refuse to use threads with japanese names.
I'm sorry to disappoint you anon, but I can actually read it even if it's Japanese. Now would you please stop shitting up the theead with your autism?
Do you have the one where someone says hello in minecraft, she starts typing but someone else responds and she deletes what she was going to say?
sadly no, the pastebin hasn't been updated in a long time, the only Hello I currently have is this https://files.catbox.moe/733p20.mp4
I never said you couldn't read it. I said you get filtered because you refuse to use a thread with a name you don't like as proven by your excessive seething that you're putting on full display right now.
>Now would you please stop shitting up the theead with your autism?
You're literally the one that started shitting the thread up.
umm why doesnt yagoo sue
Her retarded mouth is still here
I'm happy
Yagoo here, we're currently calculating whether it'll be cheaper to sue her or hire some goons to break her kneecaps
Thank you anon, this is my favorite hololive moment of all time
I missed this retard like you wouldn't believe
losers believe and eat this up...
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so are there gonna be 10hr apex streams or
She's planning to do 20 hour streams of her just slurping and blabbering
Too pink
oh heck yeah
She's going to play League of Legends
Considering Delu hasn't played APEX in ages and it gives her motion sickness since she got used to slower paced FPS games, I don't think it's likely.
They also aren't following each other and there's no known interaction between them during their time at Hololive...
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Finally, a place to discuss my oshi.
What is the point of graduation again?
I want to see her Yasuo mid again...
Although in current meta it's probably gonna be Yone isn't it...
Finally a good streamer
a character is at the end of their journey and they say the final farewells to fans who have supported them to that point.
a year's worth of akasupas
will need to start making edits, good way to keep the thread bumped just in case
forgot pic tehepero~
Okay I get this but why do the talent graduating fake cry like they would never see their fans again despite coming back a month later and why do the fans send thousands of dollars as a farewell gift for someone which isn't retiring?
>despite coming back a month later
took 2 actually, plus it's never guaranteed.
> why do the fans send thousands of dollars as a farewell gift
love and gratitude, many send money at random intervals, why would fans not send them on the last opportunity they have? on a special day?
why is she looking at me like that...
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Until when will the antis calm down?
A lot of my colleagues left when leaving the office despite literally living in the same city. This is just a thing people do.
Also a huge portion of her career ended, a significant change in her life. If you at as a character for 6 years you'll get attached inevitably.
rumao, never unfortunately, if she succeeds, it's ammo for niji/phase/whatever other shitters to falseflag against holo, if she doesn't it's ammo for holofags/holo falseflaggers to use against anyone not in holo.
Tl;dr you can't win against brown schizos
True, this is going to be a recurring issue, but on a much smaller scale I think. It's still a new thing to shitpost about, the catalog is riled up. Her few first streams are gonna be bad, but after that it'll be just normal.
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hopefully, but no matter what is gonna get spammed on the catalog, all that matters is that she's happy, anything other than that can and should be ignored
>aqua crew stopped making generals years ago because of the shitposting
>but we suddenly have a Sakuna thread
Very organic behavior.
man, the onion design was iconic
not feeling the gaou nyanners yet
This thread has already managed to reach page 8 a few times so even now there's obviously not all that many dedicated fans.
I don't like it at all either, but maybe it's a case of having to get used to it.
it needs to grow on you, you're comparing something we were familiar with for 6 years with something that came out 2 days ago
many stayed behind in /jp/, there never was a large number of us /here/
very organic self-response
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live akuacrew
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Very organic schizophrenia.
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You never went out of your way to kill them when they targeted Phase at this time. It's the same SEA who hate vtubing in general. They have been active for years. Welcome to the real indie / (small corpo) experience in /vt/.
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I gonna rewatch bakuman or should I read the manga?
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I've never watched that anime/manga. Is it good?
I prefer the manga for more references but the TL I read had a lit of anecdotes to explain them.
I watch the anime and was very nice especially if you are an artist

manga references?
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>last stream7 hours
I miss her
I don't understand japanese, what's Yuuki's game plan now?
chilling, playing games, singing, being cute and adorable
1. Massive graduation.
2. Re-debut as an indie.
3. Profit.
what about Apex?
no apex was mentioned
haven't said anything about it, she won't need perms for games, she will hopefully play something else (please don't monkey paw this into valorant). But even if she decides to do another solomas, it's fine. Got a weird relationship with Apex, it's boring as shit and even painful to spectate, but at the same time it's somehow interesting when Sakutan is the one playing, so whatever.
i really loved aquapex tbhdesu
valo or lol would suck though
Sounds like someone hasn't watched Oshi No Ko.
She's going to finish Skyrim.
There's no fan mascot yet, right?
nope, hope we get a retarded looking one again
I will anti her if the fan mascot doen't have extra chromosomes
Hopefully there will be no mascots. The previous one doesn't even serve a purpose.
>leaves all her friends
>returns 2 months later and now she has nobody to stream with
She barely played it in her pl, I doubt there's gonna be much of that, unless some new, hard challenge in the game appears
>He doesn't know
She has Mea, Norio and the Nijis.
lmao did she really just reincarnate that quickly?
I'm starting to wonder how fucking black Cover is when like 90% of their "graduates" aren't getting out because they're done Vtubing but because Cover is such a garbage company to work for they'd rather go indie.
seconding this. /suu/ should be the general name
cover got too big, simple as. too much staff-san, in JP corporate work culture, it's fucking soul draining. you see it in the talents, the way they're constantly complaining about managers, homework, perms, etc. things will only get worse for cover if they don't clean house soon.
Very organic inspect element.
No one's asked the most important question yet. Will she play Fractured Daydream?
Maybe one day, but it'd be to cheeky to do it right now.
In the past I think they could really get away with it thanks to this weird fucking culture around "kayfabe" and "past lives" but I'm thinking that Dokibird began to sort of spell the end for that.
Obviously she wasn't the first, Sayu came before her in EN and Coco came before either of them but for Coco it was sort of hushed "Yeah, it's her, but keep it sort of on the down low"
Nowadays, with Selen and Ame (Ame being significant since she was Hololive and not Niji) there's going to be a lot more focus on people popping up who used to be Hololive and a lot of questions from the "normies" on why exactly people are quitting Hololive just to go independent
It's not a good PR look anymore, I think we're really starting to shift away from a culture of shunning past life discussion.
miguel cat?
>EOPs trying to rope this japanese vtuber into their western illness us vs them culture war
Christ almighty
She said Undertale is her fav game so maybe Deltarune
Why? Fractured Daydream is the new one with MP raids as the main focus and you can play as every major character including LLENN and Fuka. Last Recollection is the one you might be thinking of where she was a special guest. I was pointing out FD because then we'd be able to play an SAO game with her.
Anon this thread will be dead in 1-2 days, Aqua didn't have a general for a reason
So it seems like people are preferring the "all ex-holos" shitpost general, which likely means this one is going to be dead.
I doubt her being indie will stop others collabing with her, Pekora for one will inevitably organize a collab
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Just depends on her streaming frequency, if her stream frequency is sporadic then so will her generals. Discussions only happen when there's actually something to talk about.
Newer crews might not know. She actually collab with outsiders more in her first 2 years.
I keep seeing this no monetization rrat going round. From what I saw she was asked about memberships and said that it was pretty early to be thinking about that considering it was the debut stream. Did I miss something or is this just so in a month or so when she opens up monetization dramafags can dogpile, screaching "what happened to no monetization" and "she's already out of money".
The latter
What are you even expecting from an EOP majority board?
Well, based on my general impression of the average SEA friend's IQ, I wouldn't expect them to think so far ahead.
the ex-holo thread looks like it was done by a shitstirrer, so i don't trust it
Already? Wow
Seeing the state of this thread, you better go with the japanese subject and ignore the whiners, iron fist for those fuckers.
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Well, an ex-holo thread was always gonna be shitting on holo, shitting on holo "traitors", and shitting on miguel specifically.
It's full of off-topic garbage.
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>101 superman
>Aka 1 Milli-onion
She is breaking the internet
>see her debut
>see her slowly crawling out from her desk
>she makes a slight noise
>I'm in love again
fuck man, I missed her so much, I haven't felt this alive in so long
Rabu you not-Onyon
Hearing her voice again makes me so happy
Nah, /Sakuna/ is just fine. Just fix the details above like the links
HOLY SHIT hahahah. ngl this looks pretty impressive
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Why not /(s)akutan/
Still can't believe she named herself after Asuna, isn't she suppose to be Kirito
She's their baby out of wedlock.
みんなさあ、日本語を勉強するかもしれ ないよ。もしきみがこれを読めないなら、 完全にマジでバカだよ。
Just learn. It's hard as fuck, but definitely worth it. Don't be discouraged by elitist fucks gate keeping muh N1-5 levels over your head. I believe in you anon. It's seriously worth the effort.
Because calling herself Kirigaya Sakuna would be a bit too on the nose.
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That's why I said it's a shitpost general. To be expected, honestly.
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Chinks are ridiculously fast.
Is.. is this AI work? Its cute but something about it kinda ticks me off

I bet that my particle are wrong but well
Its already starting to devolve into a shitposting general. I prefer this one, purely dedicated for Sakuna.
Pekora was watching her debut btw. She even had a stream frame set up, seemingly expecting to receive the gigantic funnel from Sakuna.
nta but I'm pretty sure it is AI
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well spotted, I hope somebody redraws it by hand the computer made something I want to see more of
I hope someone gonna draw Aqua as Kirito and Sakuna as Asuna
rabu yu onyan
Ah thank you! I thought after the first Sakuna thread there won't be another. I saw an ex-hololive thread earlier but it looks like antis are already camping in there. This is the only place for us. Hopefully we can keep this general alive
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if you can draw and want to get a hundred thousand likes on X go for it!
Hmm, so there are still many loyal aqua fans among them? I thought the antis outnumbered them over there
/Sakuna/ still looks nicer to read. Let's just keep it that way, its not like we're gonna have a lot of active discussions here anyways
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From what I've gathered it's quite a complicated situation, antis got really aggressive towards her during the last months of Coco's stay and for almost a full year after the latter graduation. Then they moved on from hololive in general and focused on their own chuuba + some niji.
Nowadays the chinese antis still dislike her but their numbers are very small and normal fans just drowns them
A very interesting note: when Aqua said she had no intention of coming back to B2 the chinese fans were actually supportive of that decision, they thought that her comeback would just stir up the antis once again
I rabu this Sakuna ver much
I loved aqua but I’m not a fan of all these ex-corpo reincarnation. Feels unfair for those who are actually indie, look at Ame she was falling off but a simple rebrand makes her “refreshing”. It feels unearned
Well their stance is pretty much similar to the one that crews in this board took by not making any more general for her since it will become anti nest anyway.
Norio please do collab with Polka, drop your dumb ethics and do it
/xhlgg/ anon here, you guys should all just join us there and abandon this thread. Your general ain't gonna last anyways!
Norio did collab with mikecat before all of the drama so it's probably not from her side.
This! We're under 50 posts in and already have such great bangers as >>88371976 >>88370575 >>88371714
the first thread was basically fine, every general has shitposts
I'm posting in both
This board is big enough for both
Nah, I still prefer that Sakuna gets her own dedicated general like this one. And besides that exholo thread looks like its being infested with antis and all sorts of retards.
I'm newer posting in the same thread with ENfags and ksonigs.
>I'm newer
I can tell
Have fun with your dead thread then, kensama. We will be enjoying our high quality discussion over at /xhlgg/.
Least obvious falseflag
what part of "dedicated general for Sakuna ONLY" did your retarded brain not understand?
Does it make you mad?
That guy is falseflagging because the /xhlgg/ has already started getting its resident schizos that really really don't want it to exist for some reason. As if general threads and threads for specific vtubers are some new thing and not something that has been a part of /vt/ since the get go. Pay him no mind, Sakunabros.
She followed Mea on Twitter!
is this the average /xhlgg/ poster?
Trying to put together all ex-holos is pointless anyway. It's just going to devolve into dooby thread 2.0 with occasional shitposting about others because she is the only one some of the might watch.
The covercucks fear /xhlgg/.
>include MIKENEKO in their general
>automatically attract her deranged antis and shitposters
I dunno what they were expecting desu
It's unironically cover fanboys that want ",traitors" to get ignored
>I dunno what they were expecting desu
This is exactly what they were expecting, the first thread was an anti thread filled with baits and shitting on the girls and cover alike.
w-why are you staring at me like that Sakutan..?
kson and the other EN that just randomly popped up the other day are just as bad for having a good thread
Sakutan has been too cute for any of their baits to work, so instead they want to weaponize the anti thread to get rid of her general
This is likely. There was a pretty bad discord raid going on during and after the debut, I'm guessing that thread is their most successful attempt so far.
all the more reason why /Sakuna/ needs to survive. It doesn't have to be super-active and have daily threads, but we can make it so it doesn't really die. Hard but I think its doable.
It all depends on how frequently she's going to stream.
>It's just going to devolve into dooby thread 2.0 with occasional shitposting about others
its already happening, they're starting to turn against each other over there lol
Just make a thread every time she streams instead of trying to keep the place always afloat and you should be good.
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I hope she's doing ok though. I'm not too sure on the anatomy of 10000 year old cat maids, but being 148cm but only weighing 3 acorns worth (about 9g) seems rather unhealthy
So uhhhh, where's the paizuri art?
cats dont do that
This. I'm surprise this second Sakuna thread even came up so soon. Or we could do it like 1 thread every 3-4 days, some generals do that
she's gonna hit a million subs by the end of the week
Oh they do
how many subs does she got now?
783k... was 5 minutes ago but I checked it again and its 785k now
holy.. so fast. I'm so proud of her
a lot of jp gaming related sites are reporting about her
Excellent news!
I want her to play the upcoming Okayu VN
speaking of which, I finally need to play her vn, I completely forgot about it
It's pretty short, you could finish it in a couple days.
It might make you sad though.
i read Miko's vn and that was pretty sad too
guys, do you think its possible for Sakuna t do a cover of... AQUA IRO PALETTE?
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I think covering it under the new persona would diminish how emotional it was as a finisher to her time in hololive.
I want her to work on new stuff instead.
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That fanart is beautiful, summertail is really the gift that keeps on giving
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Fat cat.
>Please mention if your art was AI-generated (so I can ignore it)
AI bros...
Based Summertail delivering once again, lovely art!
Oh look what I found in this big box, heheh~
What is she playing?
looks like elden ring radahn
fair point
ok guys what are the games you would like/wish for Sakuna to play? Me personally I'd like to see her try Valheim and War Thunder
I really, really, really miss the blue/purple color palette...
Ocarina of Time...Skyrim...
Factorio: space age could be cool, and I hope she plays mh wilds when it comes out
Elden Ring dlc/speedruns
Monster Hunter Wild
Visual Novels
Blue Archive gacha streams

A bit of everything really
me too, I find this new look kind of boring
Yep, pink+white is just boring for me. The only things that break the monotony in her design are the shoes+the tiny accessories. She's most likely going to get a billion costumes so hopefully I'll end up liking those more.
Doesn't seem like there will be a stream for today.
Hope there will be one tomorrow.
yeah, seems so..
On the upside, Sakuna's channel is now at 795k subs! just 5k more and its 800k~
SAO Fractured Daydream with viewers(members ideally if we ever get to that stage) It's really fun, been playing it on and off. We finally got a good MP SAO game.
Sooooooooo CUTE!!
There's going to be a "forcing Mea to take a bath" stream.
and then Mea pulls her into the tub, and now theyre both wet and have to take a bath while live streaming

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