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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>88229494
first for mozzu hate
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First for Acti love
First for Consensual sex with Naki's Hairloops for the purpose of procreation!
First for these threads are too full of women (derogatory)
First for letting Naki hit me with a pipe
Nene OP jumpscare
British dragon is playing mario party with g*rmans
Is it that dangerous? From your answer I'd assume it was 18+ or menhera. Also kinda doubtful, if I actually count as actibro, I just tune in once in a while and lurk.
I wonder how many jealous chuubas secretly seethe over Yura's pics
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Who did you think were the schizos?
true statement
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Built for fan bukkakes
>Nene OP
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>already starting his daily samefag spam
Blair... no...
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give her the mozzu treatment
Spectra and Mariya's halloween karaoke relay is starting!
no thread like last karaoke relay?
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Will small corpos survive 2025? Who is left of significance?
Phase isn't really a small corpo anymore but they are the definite winners of this race. Under that, Brave Group including Idol, Pixel, and VAllure by virtue of having an entirely different market. Not to discount the efforts of smaller guys like Specialite.
I've been keeping track of corpos going under. You can see them, as well as all the ones posted /here/, in the rentry in the OP.

t. rentry caretaker
I usually bake for relays but I'm out right now, if someone could make the unity thread
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I had to look it up

>Knee deep in the passenger seat, and you're eating me out
/v4m/ baked it >>88329947
why are all modern female singers whores?
Unlike old singers who never talked about sex
Oh anon...
music is as bronze as it gets, it's expected to be closely associated with whores
>blair doomposting
the end of the world is approaching
My happy outgoing Blair... reduced to ashes by 2view...
Is Acti into 35+ year old dudes? asking for a friend.
we arent allowed to beat them anymore
They'd beat your scrawny vtuber watching ass instead
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Sex with british panda vtubers
Man I don't like Elia at all
t. jealous woman
It's a shame she's the only vtuber and you're forced to watch, think, and post about her constantly
I only care about Mozzu's tits
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Kura gaming
t. heterosexual man
Racists are all white incels according to her, the biggest racist of them all.
damn I didn't know Shiki did a bath twitter space the other day

they are the most vocal
Second to last stream
The brand is dropping her? Why do vtubers tend to fill their graduation cycle stream schedules with streams that don't look spectacular? I would want to go out with a bang either revisiting my greatest hits or doing big exciting things because I may never be able to again.
this shit looks fake
It's not an official 'graduation' because she might get called back to promote product launches. But I doubt we will ever see her again. Crunchyroll did the same thing to Hime
Outside of special circumstances there's no point in investing time and money into spectacular streams for a model you/the corp already decided to kill off
give me a break, I've never watched or care about blair
Wait what the fuck Acti really is black? I thought it was a joke
looks real to me
More for me
I might have a higher intuition for showmanship than the average failing vtuber then.
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They are so cute
>Acti really is black
not after I'm done with her
Dropped like a rock holy shit
please do not skin acti
is mozzu's shtick still being the stinky sweaty piss chuuba in 2024? really?
is this nigga serious? >.>
She also got radio airplay and TV air time.
Nene's personal friendship with Minnie P got her there. Did kawaii ever put her and Isla together? Does Isla even speak JP?
You never saw her handcams? Skinny little thing. Also Moroccan.
im not moroccan!!! -`д´-
You got no proof girl, so I'm trusting canadian anon over you
you shouldve just said yes to that its more respectable than being a sub saharan
i talk about it on stream, my mom white and my dad from the Caribbean

>being a sub saharan
im not sub saharan tho retard
I see Estella decided to go out with a bang
You dont even know the history of your own people, bantoid
cant deny that lmao
Ignore the racist retards, it's their whole personality
Theres a reason every successful vtuber is white or asian
with dooby debut youd be surprised of who is just hiding
is this that sentenno alt they were talking about
I've seen more support of Acti's being milk chocolate than I've seen anyone talking shit
Yeah but there's always the loud minority of racist retards who are too vocal since it's what they use for a personality. Most people here don't give a fuck about skin color in general
(there's always Indians though, we can agree there)
Choc olev
nta, jamaican or whatever it was is not a race unless you mean native american
post phrenology readings or I'll simply assume the worst (east ethiopid)
The prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life had a shade of brown skin that I've never seen on another person again. It was like a mixture of caramel and milk coffee. She even asked about my dog... why didn't I continue the conversation? I'm such a fucking sperg...

Anyways, Roro uploaded her part of that ASMR parade thing today so I remembered she existed.
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Because it is. Her real problems are due to management getting into deepthroat.
sorry I've been going too hard
Fresh out of the toaster.
acti still hasn't answered my question about ojisans
Not answering is an answer in itself
Clever not wanting to anger all the 30 year old manchildren in here
she's been leaning hard into her 'tee hee I'm a girl' era lately, hasn't she
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What is it with terminally online women and acting like they've never been on the internet before
I treat this as real and won't bother to confirm if it's a fake tweet. I also have never watched this vtuber
That's a lot of likes for 4m...
yeah, me
Everything is real if you believe in it.
I can't tell how many levels of irony this post is made on
Grown women btw.
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sorry, I don't watch her so I don't know her numbers
the faggot trying to spread shit rrats about echo is now an anti, kek
Kawaii will die and I still don't know Shee's skin color
and that's a good thing
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the walls are coming down. also pina sex
I always choose to believe in whatever is funniest
watch streams
Shee is mexican, its not hard to figure out
Not her too...
so did some kind of clandestine small corpo meetup happen in Japan like happened at AX? the fuck is going on with all the weird outfit posting lately
Pinaschizo was always right and Gen 3 was unequivocally a mistake
I don't actually care either way about fleshposting, but I really didn't expect her to
They have to have a back channel Discord where they arranged it, people don’t just serendipitously meet up in these numbers.
fleshposters are not vtubers
Fleshposting is unacceptable unless they show at least a boob
It's some kind of closed dinner and Lua was handling the logistics this year. There is no hard confirmation, but I suspect it's in cosplay, since a lot of the girls talked about bringing outfits to Japan.
hey acti if youre still here can you fleshpost your boob
too generic to be considered attractive. i want to see some legs, thighs, tummy, arms, back. full naked
If you want to get her attention at least buy her cat some treats.
>not looking at the full lips and elegant neck
get tested anon. low T is a serious issue considering all the microplastics you ingest
how about vagene
>Lua is building v-dere 2
>all the v-dere girls feel defeated because she wouldnt stop her plans
All of this being done in secret makes it even more interesting. Im going to build some sort of MGS tom clancy conspiracy shit in my brain now
Im going to say Lua's v-dere is Cipher and v-dere proper is MSF/Diamond Dogs
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OL Airi needs you to work late so she can entertain her bull
>Yura whoreposting
>Pina fleshposting
>Shiki doing culture appropiation
What's on the schedule for Nia today?
talking about ex-boyfriends
Nia is nowhere near motivated enough to even yab right now
They can't be fat either
would be based if she did it a la vallure (free stream, paid vod)
Double paizuri from both OL Airis!
fuck i really liked pina
I still like Pina.
No reason not to. "I saw they were a person once" is a silly reason to dislike or like a vtuber
Out of Requiem she's the least worst one
>culture appropiation
do people that aren't gay even care about stuff like this?
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Can't believe Sara HATES Shiki so much she'd overlap her dog memorial stream just to brag about her cat being alive
Sara is so based for overlapping Shiki's dog memorial stream just to brag about her cat being alive
You joke but, man. Corpo death really fucking sucks.
How are prismfags holding up?
I never cared about the rest of prism anyways
>Didn't raid her
Prima unity...
Other than /ppg/ dying not much has really changed. Shared fanbases and collabs were usually gen focused rather than company wide and everyone tended to overlap around this time anyway.
Prism was never really pushed as a "we're all close family" thing or anything
If you do ASMR once, you are my girlfriend and belong to me
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This may be a long shot but does anyone know about this girl named Gigi from Vfleet? She's the one in the middle in this picture here, she hasn't streamed since early May and her corpo said she left without a graduation stream. So my question is, does anyone know if she's been streaming as an indie now or something? She was cute, I enjoyed her, would be sad if she's really out of vtubing. Just any info would be appreciated
I must sniff Yena
sorry, I'm almost done with her, I guess it'll be a couple more months until she delivers and then 3/4 weeks of maternity leave but after that she'll get back to streaming
it hurts anytime it happens. we love to suffer, we suffer for love
Thread's darling Elia started her part in the relay
Spica and the whorse having fun with this while Mozzu is crying about being homeless and stuck in airport with no money is so funny
QRD on the Mozzu house situation? Menace isn’t even there.
>crying about being homeless and stuck in airport with no money
If true that's not funny. Many things posted about her are disgusting to me and she has done vtubers I care about harm through her actions. But I've also sat on my ass on a curb at night with my last two dollars in my wallet waiting on a ride to come. It's a haunting feeling you don't forget. Maybe all this time watching women has given me an excess of empathy. Good luck to her.
why this nigga so mad
We don't know, she's just vagueposting. But she said she can't go back to the house, has to stay in a hotel, and also keeps having troubles with her tickets and luggage
She's in the airport right now
shes black
I don't get what's happening with Mozzu desu
it's clear that vdere is dying and she hated every second of the Japan trip but feels like there's another reason why she's going menhera. I wonder if we're just reading things wrong or if everything is just going wrong for her at the same time
Sentenno broke up with her because she fucked someone in Japan while drunk
t. inner circle
i don't care about mozzu unless it's about her fat tits
you are getting updates relayed by sentenno, who self-admittedly misinforms for fun all the time, that is why you don't get what's going on
A little humility never hurt anyone.
She was asleep in an airport completely vulnerable and (You) could have groped her fat tits had you been there
I'm following her alt, it's just confusing because everything she says is very vague so I might as well be getting updates from the posts here
I'm following another vtuber's locked alt that has less than 40 followers. There's no way I'd throw away that access and leak shit all the time like schizomites.
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Hampter of NEXAS is debuting right now on YouTube. Rov Alcou
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vdere hate is over
spica is live and her morning voice is extra cute tonight
So cute!
Oh how I've missed my beloved pink cloud
Black and pink is a good look
sick wolf wife time
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Lua is a based hag
I miss her tits but she's cute
you shouldn't pick favorites, acti...
Why would anyone anti Blair... Are the clique rrats real...
>I don't have favorites
>my only favorite is-
holy fucking retard
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Everyone has favorites, though you probably shouldn't make it obvious
I'm my oshi's favorite
fuck you you fucking retard
go fuck yourself, acti on stream, mic next to your pussy please
Yeah i’m retard
What would you do if your oshi followed you on twitter?
nothing different
Eat food and go to bed before you fall and knock yourself out
I have chats with my oshi in discord
truth is being inner circle blows unless you are a megapaypig for an hyperwhore and actually buy her a vacation for a crumb of pussy
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they wouldn't
but this girl followed me for whatever reason, I can't even watch her
it would make sounds if you fucked yourself, acti
you are right though, nobody would know, and if they did nobody would believe them
Thatd be nice but she already stalks my twitter now and again
How do you guys still watch Acti even knowing shes black?
any holes a goal
no one is perfect
I carry the conquerors' genes, anon
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Only correct answer
Because most people grew out of that when they turned 13, /pol/fag
Her children won't be if i have my way with her
youre going to bleach your kids with her into being a normal color?
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this >>88362149
>unironically having a race issue
The only acceptable vtuber choices are White, East Asian, and Mestizo
>leaving out flips and ladyboys
im gonna fucking rape you
acceptable as a one night stand with a bag over her head
I dont like anal
If she still makes me hard does that mean my racism is cured?
Do you guys want an ex-corpo general?
No, white supremecists are well known for having non-white wives
those posts are obviously samefagging
mozzu is a hapa and yet is a neo-confederate
/corpo/ is already in a grim state atm with ex-corpos included.
And now i'm thinking about her pink insides, fuck you Acti, i mean i want to
Would you be willing to take in sunny and mogu instead?
Those are ex-nijis no? I mean they wouldn't be off-topic and no one would stop people if they wanted to talk about them here but I don't really want to share a thread with nijifags
It's almost as if /aa/ + /corpo/ was born to be a unity thread then you guys keep taking the bait from /pkg/ schizo until everyone left and there's barely a reason for this thread to exist
too late
very ironic post
You're far too late for that
just cum and go to bed, acti (on stream)
an excorpo general sounds fun. but it will be annoying having to sponfeed everytime someone is posted not from holo, niji, etc
I wasn't the one that ruined /corpo/, I'm just simply pointing out why /corpo/ is in its death kneel
kawaii and vdere posters moving in was a response to an opening. The actual deathblow was the combination of Yume+ collapsing and V4M becoming large enough to permanently move out. Those two made up a huge chunk of discussion here for a long time.
It ebbs and flows but right now there aren't many vtubers worth talking about who don't already sustain a thread.
Yume was a flash in the pan. Were they even around for a whole year?
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were they even around for half a year?
Kawaii and V-dere were always welcome here, with v-dere posters a bit more frequent because they couldn't maintain their thread, notably we used to have Spica-poster being a notable regular here until everyone started to eat /pkg/'s schizo bait and /corpo/ started to become more of a place to anti-post v-dere than anything else, sure, there used to be some anti posting, but that was limited and easily to ignore, now there's been entire threads that are only anti posts, why would actual v-dere posters even bother here?
vdere anti posters are vdere fags
/same/ and /vdere/ were just mites constantly alternating between lovebombing and schizoposting about mozzu
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Isla Gothman
like chuuba like fanbase
isla cuteman
tourist here, who is this based creature that wears Godzilla shirts? I must support them.
Nene Amano
Nene Amano. She doesn't really do Eminem anymore except for fun in karaoke. She does JPop now.
Naki was super ultra cute today. I love this sickly overworked wolf girl so much, i just want to give her headpats until she feels better
Naki was extra very cute today and pretty much always. I love her extra very much forever even if this will be the last time I post this since the anti-spam thing gives me the excuse to quit by making the sporadic and dumb way I use this godawful site annoying
this should be fun >>88370230
From that pic she posted her skin color and curly hair is great. Her accent adds to it for me.
The lofi karaoke
Give it a few more years and most generals on this board are going to be ex-threads
>went from flavor of the week to thread enemy in record time
being Acti is suffering
So the Nene rrats was true after all. No wonder their company went bankrupt, with a selfish bitch running everything like that, of course business is gonna fail.
and people take a vacation for insulting them...
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I bet Acti has nice calves
give up oceane, no one likes you
I do like Zoey
Unfortunate SEA timestamp
Elia has been live
Unfortunate her plane didn't crash... with no survivors!
They are in theory but they never had much to do with rest of nijis. Kunai was checked out for most of her time and graduated before a year passed, Vivi just streamed and was ostracized from some of the company events. Both decided to leave niji in April already, if not earlier. Their fanbases shouldn't be niji-like.
You guys were keeping this to yourselves?
Nene OP?
this is /pkg2/, the thread quality didn't clue you in?
Never bake again
bake with yura's immersion break
Why did you bump...
can't take those posts seriously after this retard >>88377911 exposed himself
kawaii antiing is done entirely by 1 or 2 people at most
I'm using the term "people" very loosely here

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