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Last stream:https://www.youtube.com/live/f0OWVcdZUzs

Next stream: TBD

MIRAGE, 3D Anniversary Live:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoG81pLS8c

Buy the Merch:https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/takanashikiara_an4th

Breaking Dimensions Kiara:
Pineapple -https://files.catbox.moe/erao5f.webm
Beyond the way -https://files.catbox.moe/ur7yjj.webm
Fire & Ice -https://files.catbox.moe/mgtw5g.webm
Takotori MC -https://files.catbox.moe/c59ido.mp4
Myth Reunion-https://files.catbox.moe/l9szpu.webm

Archive of Breaking Dimensions w/ Crowd Reaction Edit + Capture the Moment:https://rentry.org/xmyh85to

Hololive Stage World Tour :https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1799260915046715819

STREAM MIRAGE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIOTD5ndZEE

STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Chimera:https://youtu.be/6L4NNkF2Knc
Stream Sleep Talking MV:https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV:https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV:https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV:https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20
Stream Pineapple MV:https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0
Stream Hero For a Day:https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice:https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U:https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance:https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion:https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft:https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyzR-J17RBQ
Stream The Show Goes on!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2dWTOCdnEA

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source:https://x.com/Zeprii4/status/1850553143966507483

Previous thread:>>88252626
If Kiara and Bae cant get a Sololive they should get a Duolive
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First for Kiara love
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Me on the left
My rrat: She got prove some members were talking bad about her behind her back and Nerissa was there for her to comfort her and that's why she tweeted Nerissa's name with six hearts a few days ago.

Or it was a sacastic tweet, because Kiara found out that Nerissa was talking bad about her.
I left to pick up something from my front door early but I took wawa with me and I could hear her munch on kiwis
My rrat is she lost her favorite pink dildo because cuck anon stole it
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Domestic violence lets gooooooo
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oh, I forgot about the nerissa tweet. that definitely lines up with the timing
Thank you
Meanwhile the rest of what you responded to is complete bullshit.
well yeah
I could see it being something like she discovered there's a group chat without her.
stop being highschool girls and watch them instead
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if nerissa can tank her worst of her woman moments before they hit twitter or streams I'll forever worship the ground she walks on
After the last 3 or so guesses, I'm pretty sure whoever are making these guesses are tourists
Oh fuck
I think I've seen that Ougi before, years ago, too
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I can't fucking follow this arc, but Kiara cute and love
Please understand, like 80% of the posters in this thread are dramahogs. It's why a single RM post can drown out any form of discussion for entire days, or how something Kiara said at the start of the stream is all anons in here have been talking about for the past three hours.
From what I understand, sodachi was abused at home. Maybe why she's so into math
thank you spooky ougi
A la la gi
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Hmm maybe I can see why she likes her
Sex with Kiara while she cosplays Sodachi
I too would not want to talk to my daughter if she was a yapping math nerd. I can't relate to Kiara at all with this one. At least snake was cute.
this arc feels tacky and manipulative
I feel like Kiara would have a much stronger reaction if it was something like that
>cranked up the speed to 1.1x
>already done
>now I'm forced to look at her sad face and it's tearing me apart more than sodachi's menheraness
I don't care for it so far, but it might win me over in the last episode.
Like, I get it, Sodachi got the shit beat out of her by her mother and her father is a deadbeat. That's the problem and it took two episodes to get to it. Now what are the protags going to do to resolve the central conflict?
Perhaps she noticed Nerissa distanced herself from her
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Gura is graduating
why is she spinning??
that shouldn't be a news unless it's whole private discord or something like niji EN have
ever since ERB debuted, she's been full on yuribait with her and left Kiara behind and then there was the SHIORI tweet. If it's anything between them, they should just talk it out.
can you fags not
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for the fags that think something happened between Kiara and Nerissa, have you even seen the Mario Party collab?
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It's pretty easy to come to this conclusion, because Kiara talked about, back in the day, her big fear that for example Reine would start hating her after their vacation in the Maldives.

So the idea of Nerissa not liking (or not really vibing) with Kiara checks out as her "worst fear" and a "sucks to be me" moment.
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Damn that's what I figured happened to sodachi's mom but worse than I imagined
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>So the idea of Nerissa not liking (or not really vibing) with Kiara checks out as her "worst fear" and a "sucks to be me" moment.
Are we all just going to pretend the Italy trip didn't just happen and that Sara Guttenberg mentioned her happily.
Anything to doompost
isn't Nerissa going through a menhera phase as well? I'm not even sure if she's even going to make it pass year 2
Better rrat: they both vented to each other like they used to do now that they're both home and that explains the nerissa tweet
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I can't tell if were gonna see sodachi again or no
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to the anon from the last thread who said they found Ougi to not be sexy
I think she can be kinda cute and sexy.
I don't like replying to shitposters, but that tweet about Nerissa was probably after some discord sex with her, since Nerissa clearly needed it
isn't it obvious that Kiara identifies herself with Sodachi on some level at least?
she would get angry and call them out more or less in public
Learn English and go to bed, it's 3 AM where you are at.
Cute KFP beret
>taking care of a decomposing corpse for way too fucking long
In what damned dimension? That's a fucking niche hobby.
I can see the deadbeat dad part at least
Mamatori love
Papayori was a fucking normie
>Kiara's life story
Kiara, your parasocialism is showing again.
Well, I guess I'm glad she can restore that connection
Why did they stop meeting for so many years, it's not like they hated each others...
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I'm going to marry into Kiara's family
I am wawa's therapist. I diagnose her with being a cute wifeable phoenix.
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I love my wawa
So next week is
>superchat reading
>random horror kusogame
>maybe more monogatari watchalong?
>break day
anything else?
There was supposed to be Buckshot Roulette Anyatori + Reine and Raora (according to Anya membership) too
Maybe Diablo
To the guy who made the streamable earlier; it's getting to the catalog now so you light wanna delete it faster.
>Sex with me
Everyday, but thats probably not getting streamed
True true, that should be about it then
yeah, me
He wouldn't have made it in the first place if that wasn't exactly what he wanted
It was just posted in global
I generally give members the benefit of the doubt until they accidentally reveal that they are SEA
why does it look like shes wearing a used diaper
>Vitamin D
Yea mine
That's mostly a twitterfag thing in reality ERB is obsessed with homos more than any of the girls I doubt they've talked much beyond what little they actually did on stream.
No what I mean Kiara was venting to Rissa for months sometimes multiple hours a day, she coped that Rissa vents back to her but it was obvious it's probably not proportional and she mentioned a few times lately that they don't do that anymore since Advednt's JP arc and she misses it, well they had occasion to talk things now with some collabs and Kiara staying up into the NA hours also Nerissa signalling her own depresso issues it's not hard to see she would tell her something along the lines of "sorry I can't deal with other peoples problems now it makes me more depressed" doesn't mean they hate each other now either.
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finally, we actually get side by side them shaking their asses
great stream
Only gotta catch up on Tsuki and now Owari, hope I can get that done this week for next watchalong.
That niche horror game that Kiara is going to play is KLETKA.
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wawa cute!
>co op
Who? I just got back home.
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For anybody who cares, World Tour Atlanta tickets should go on sale this Friday. I looked it up because I didn't see any emails or announcements about it, and that's a little bit over a month away now.
Potentially, Kiara
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>twitterfag yuri drama
somehow worse than whatever global came up with
>biggest fear confirmed
>it has been going on for a while
>doesn't elaborate
Clearly Kiara found out that quasos have a lot of calories and she has to cut back on them if she wants to reach her goal weight. She knows KFP would make fun of her for only realizing that now so she doesn't talk about it openly.
It really sucks to be her right now.
don't tease me with vagueposting, give up the details
Just link it.
I meant (You), scroll up
I actually did this. Croissants are terrible for you, health-wise.
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That's about 11 episodes. Gambare
anon... Nerissa was low-key menhera posting even in the middle of their Maldives vacation and it was clear she wasn't really enjoying the beach btw but she was low-key depressed pretty much from the start, probably even before hololive.
Started watching the members VOD now im full of dread of what Kiara's confirmation of one of her worst fears is...
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She also said it'll probably be fine so worry less
Jenma is leaving
That would actually make a whole lot more sense than the last 10 catalog shitposts I read.
I don't see anything
That doesn't explain the “it sucks to be me” part.
Jenma is her personal manager and has been since near the start
it actually sucks to be her if her longest time manager and partner in crime is leaving
damn bro you just fueled a lot of shitposting in catalog and global lmao
Anon lied, people died
Just wait for the end of the fucking stream next time
just as intended
are you saying that KFP clipped it specifically to get people to shit on Kiara?
Because it is clip from members stream doesn't mean KFP clipped it
You sound like a guy who is about to crosspost
Also it mostly just seems to be gura graduation rrat fuel not kiara shitposting
Can you low t idiots be normal for one day
Oh, yeah. I think that's enough.
kiara needs to stop fucking around and upload the short, so we can talk about kiarys shaking their asses instead
needs the IRyS permissions first
anon... I'm sorry but its been delayed until IRyS wakes up
What if her big "discovery" and her "worst nightmare" was finding out Ame wasn't actually British
Kiara was too emo and edgy so normie family annoyed her she said as much it's a girl that went to live alone in Japan as a kid and dropped out from school
Some people just live in different worlds. They all had their own shit going on and it'd be too much of a hassle to keep meeting up. If some things just don't go together then it's fine to separate them rather than trying to force them to work.
>I was looking forward to the member stream so I don't have to pretend so hard [I'm not upset] because it's hard to hide it etc.
>stream is perfectly normal after that

what did she mean by this?
>wanted to vent
>felt better afterwards (and got distracted by cute white haired girl with a horrible upbringing)
Very simple.
Why I eat like a normal human being when you can just make lE LoW CaRb PizZa hipster recipe once a month to solve all your problems.
It's good that she specified it's not an IRL issue, for a second I feared that K***n or another faggot figured out her new address or something.
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>I like being just here in a room with you guys
>just staring at the chat going brrrr
>wawa brightens up my day and improves my mood
>we do that for her too
I love my parasocial chicken wife boss
cute wawa
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Remember that time Takanashi Kiwawa had a brainworm?
I think this is when she told the clock story
>she fed it, named it, and gave it it's pair of hats
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schedule soon hopefully
If she's streaming tomorrow she should post the schedule today
But nowadays she always post the schedule on Monday and the waiting rooms on the same day instead of the day before, so who knows
It was revealed to me in a dream
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retarded nigger
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I think Kiara should play Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition next.
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I thought this was a joke
And it's especially unlucky because IRyS usually goes to sleep much later than when Kiara ended her stream
She said it in a chat somewhere. I guess right at the end of her members stream. I only saw a sceenshot of it
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if Chegi just finished it and IRyS hasn't gotten the chance to see it yet, its the courteous thing to do even if it isn't against any rules
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A shame the eurobeat collab died, but the next Euro Truck stream will be kino.
Do you guys think Kiara sees more as her father papatori or the Mamatori boyfriend that raised her the most (even if from how Kiara worded it, it seems like he has been completely gone from her life for a long time)
imagine if this was her next outfit jesas fookin christ
Race girl was one of her ideas for an outfit. So it could have been...
I'm going to go with neither.
Yea it makes sense, just never thought about it
Neither of them sound particularly great
She cared about Suisei cards more
This can be used seriously and to make fun of schizos
Cute and based morp. I wanted to catch her pack opening stream but I fell asleep I think.
Same. I was knocked out after the Zelda stream.
Why do you keep bringing this up as response? Yuri shippers are on a different level of being weird schizos
What the fuck has my post to do with yuri shipping, if anything it's the complete opposite
I know it's the pavonashi nigger who hates Mori. Literally cannot help yourself from being retarded over her being happy about multiple holos
So I guess the IRyS short isn't today?
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I'm guessing like 8 to 12 hours from now, IRyS has to reply to the message and Kiara has to wake up to see it
IRyS probably hasn't given permission or better yet seen Wawa's messages
As far as I know, IRyS hasn't shown any signs of life today, so it's not happening today, maybe some time around when Kiara normally streams, I guess.
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Which Zelda is Kiara most likely to play next?
Which is she most likely to enjoy?
>Link to the Past on Switch SNES VC
>Ocarina of Time on Switch N64 VC
>Majora's Mask on Switch N64 VC
>Twilight Princess, ported in "HD" if Nintendo ever fucking releases it
I feel like Majora's Mask and LttP are right out for not being new, or wawacore, or casual in any way.
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I don't remember tops that are basically banners keeping the boobs in being in vogue in 1999, but it's been a long time.
Big hair cute tho
she has twilight princess on wii u but we don't know yet if the wii u survived the fall
probably twilight princess
I thought it was confirmed that the Wii U died after doing that flip?
oh no
good art
I want to see Twilight Princess because I preordered it when I was a kid but then never picked it up because I think the gamestop closed
Flare was keeping IRyS up with Splatoon so she'll probably wake up around the same time as Kiara
Haven't had time or been caught enough to soundpost in a while.
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that was a good stream
You now remember this karaoke
aqua senpai

almost 800K
800K get!
IRyS dance Short by today, Mori then Fauna now pending. at least the acapella at 850K shouldn't need any 3D.
Today is a break day for sure 100% no possibility of a guerilla, right?
Watch streams retard
I'm watching right now because I missed the stream. What's your damage
Maybe next time you can finish watching it before making statements that make you look like a retard
It's a question not a statement because I'm not declaring anything. Learn English, retard.
wtf i thought she played TP
i guess it was some holojp that i watched play it then
i don't want her to play OOT because i can already hear the "this game sucks"
OOT has nostalgia buff for Kiara. Nostalgia is probably on of the strongest motivators for her, right behind cute aesthetics/girls
Would be weird to release before the other milestones though
guerilla would be probably a bad news
Like finding out her favorite convenience store is closing?
on some level perhaps? but she already talked about the Mirage 3D model being ready for the 1M stream and that the Shorts can just be released once ready
I Love Kiara
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didn't notice this before but they framed Kiara's drawing
That's pretty cute. What stream is that drawing come from?
this also has a members ASMR section. and yes she performed her froggy deepthroat
fun stream

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