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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: You tell ma

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>You tell me

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia has a new keychain up for preorder!
>Lia has a new pin from chocola up for preorder!
>Lia has a new Oujia Board fan game that was made!
>Lia sneeze compilation
>Lia had a wonderful 3D concert with Mint, Pippa, Uruka and Tenma! Buy the replay on SPWN if you want!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>88224153
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Who is Lia from Phase Connect? to the blind, she is the light. to the hungry, she is bread. to the sick, she is the cure. to the lonely, she is company. to the sad, she is joy. to the prisoner, she is freedom. for the poor, she is treasure. for me, she is everything.
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anything learned this weekend?
little butt color
>cute lia ass
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>evil manesan stop kid boyfriend
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
imagine if men had periods. period jelly cum shooting out the dick
I hope we get a Lia schedule today!
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whats wrong with you
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I want to niggastare as well
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i was taking a shower and just had that thought. don't judge a nigga for his thoughts
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Stop using the phone in the shower
i came out of shower then posted it
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I wish i could watch Lia use a coloring book
i hope lia has a good hair day today
who is rica?
Lia working twitter marks
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One bad gloop?
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Open your ears.
doesnt work on my machine
thinking about Lias pink angel butthole
works on my machine
rinmouto is my homie
[Sad News] Lia freinds the crazy brothers of LA Flights hasn't been streaming because of a family emergency.
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heh nothing personal
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She'll be back soon... Right anon? Otaku-kuns...?
Gen4 or Invaders if she wants it
Missing Miss Lia like candy
Lia belongs to me
I made this post
you can't own people anymore ojisan
rinmama literally owns lia
that's just because she's retarded and needs a caretaker
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what if Lia but with a big penis?
GB Lia
this nigga got banned
try 4chan.org/banned next time
post em
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want to lick her belly button lint desu
Li is the girliest girl in Phase and is cute for it
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Who is Li
chinese Lia
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whatchu guys wanna watch tonight. I can't stick around that long but I can put something on
El Dorado
Thanks for the input very cool
can't find it :/
From Dusk till Dawn
no dice on this either :(
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where's the Yippiee?
young frankenstein
they have this :)
Nightmare on Elm Street
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they got this too. which does anon want first?
im not anon so i dont know the answer
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who are you then mr quints
quints confirm
i wish she were my discord kitten
you can be my discord kitten for free
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i miss lia
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replace DOT with .
I want a movie about anons dream of Remi and Lia joining ISIS
Freddy was just a loli enjoyer
who isn't?
Me. and Lia.
you sick sick pedophiles.
nigga you retarded
>and Lia
Lia likes cunny
fake news
ya unaware
I am one of the few people itt who watches streams
Lia is the loliconcon
He's also a bit of a Liker in the second movie.
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explain kodomo jikan, he is my master, and oreimo wise guy
told you she hates lolis
ok now pull up her other 100 mentions of cunny love
the leather jacket with no shirt underneath is a hot aesthetic
Lia literally has said "real men watch Prisma Illya"
is transcript anon biased? will he not provide this?
Iori would be Phase Connect's hall monitor
based. these streams were fire btw, probably some of the best Ashelia streams. I know they were very soon to Lia 2.0 but this is modern Lia clear as day
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>real mean watch prisma iliya. real mean watch the cunny magical girl show
is this a top 5 lia quote?
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real men? they like teen girls?
>gets arrested wearing a leather jacket with no shirt undernetah just his tanned washboard abs showing
>in jail is now wearing a shirt and leather jacket
emersion ruined
where does
>just ignore them
Whitney Houston died drowning in a bathtub.
>5. real mean watch prisma iliya. real mean watch the cunny magical girl show
>4. is that your final rrat? is that your ogey rrat of the day? it's a pretty kino rrat if you ask me.
>3. gay people make me sick
>2. gay gay gay homsexual gay gay gay kisses boys likes boys homosexual
>1. i'm lia
I agree with this list
Pack it up, Skittle Squad?
smooth move, glen
The mom in this movie is pure sex
>pedophile is back for revenge
strange plot
based Mom setting the child murderer on fire. Rinmama would do the same.
wtf Glen is played by teenage Johnny Depp
do you think lia says her prayers before bed every night still?
No she passes out immediately after rubbing her coochie
Yes, she also booby traps her room with IEDs.
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young frankenstein up next
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Not to promote any clipper but this clipper recently caught my attention because he adds Spanish subtitles. He seems to clip various Phase members like Rie, Panko, Airi, and also Lia. It's fitting with the whole Tropical Mexican thing.
why are you suggesting we watch spic clipper
prob because supporting clippers helps support lia and her company
we watch a spic vtuber
Just to clarify, this is not Low Effort Clips, it's some other clipper. I mean, the clip itself is good, I guess if you speak Spanish it's nice to have the Spanish subtitles, not much different from clippers who add Japanese or Korean subtitles.
I havent had Taco Bell in 10 years
Is it still good?
Beefy 5 layer burritos go hard
Igor being a brat
By the way, this clip has the part where Lia says, "good fucking BYE, gray name! Get out!" It'd be great as a soundpost.
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>nova return
based I hope she breaks Lia's will for FF14
>marathon stream
she better mean it. 4 hours.
He scares me uuuuuu
from youtube community
i will guess wednesday is a part of the phase halloween shill event.
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He looks like he gives good hugs
>marathon stream
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i mean folks, where's the lie?
this was posted today in the morning
not everybody saw it albeit
nobody asked you albeit
you should kill yourself albeit
Catholicanon, are you there? Say some words on St. Jude Thaddeus.
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genuinley didnt know movies from the 60s like that could be funny
if you've watched Pippa when she watches old movies on Twitch you realize that older cinema was more about the art, telling a story, etc.
when is Mint's new model debut? I hope Lia blocked off the day this time unlike for her birthday cause we all know she is gonna wanna watch it
It's on Halloween which she's already not streaming that day
Lia is gonna get some cavities with all the candy she has been eating
Damnit I missed the Nightmare on Elm Street watchalong didn’t I?
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One of the biggest considerations Ive allowed Lia is whetherornot she even considers herself female? Yes,there is astagering amount of evidence to her androphiliac tendencies, particularlyin her FNAF fetishcontent, but at the end of the day could you say that her approach to her audience buts herself in any kind of gendered position or does she just captiulate upon the "younger sibling" trump card?

>inb4liggastair.jpg.tiff.mp4 gofuckyourself
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Hi Lia, I hope the Halloween season has been treating you well. Have you ever tried to bake "soul cakes?" I know your mother is a baker so maybe she can help you.
>Traditional Halloween Soul Cakes
The qrd is that those soul cakes were the origins to trick or treating. On All Souls Day the children would go door to door asking if they had any dearly departed to pray for their souls. In return the homeowner would give them a soul cake. Im an awful baker so I wont even attempt to make them, no one would eat them anyway :( but you should make them! Maybe youll start a new Halloween tradition with your family.
don't do that
Chu~ Chu~ Chu~
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>It was a makinist
Ew... alright...
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10 again
lia booty flat
lia booty stinky
Lia's butt crack is hotter than the sun.
Lias ass tasty
Lia's ass unsexy
enough about lias ass
what about lias cock
non existent like her sex appeal
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lia cock in lia ass
One hell of a tuck
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Saved two 10s, hope you niggas pick it up from here.
based michibro doing the lords work
When is it gonna stop being dark out at 7am I hate when it does this
>wake up
>Lia schedule posted
if only she'd post titty
Anybody have a link to the handcam vod?
Or was it not archived?
If a girl sucked on Lia’s breasts, would boba come out?
It is lost to time and gone forever
Can Rinmama still get pregnant?
I volunteer to help her find out.
If I got Rinmama pregnant I would help raise our child.
If she really is younger than the coffin game mom then there’s no doubt
she is like 60
im awake, but at what cost?
Bout tree fiddy
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reminder Lia said she wants to kiss Big Justice
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It would have been Rurumi's birthday 3 days ago
I feel like this ritual post gets more misspelled every time I see it
>ritual post
it's from south park
do you think the rizzler is a celebrity in his elementary school? or do you think people hate him?
Never watched South Park so it's a ritual post to me
Honestly Lia should play South Park
Honestly lia should do an improvised dollhouse theater handcam stream starring her stuffies and figures
she's a dirty girl
dirty girl
lia's dollhouse
she has the best taste of anime in phase. weird.
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hot as fuck
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khaci connect

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