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Previous thread: >>88245576
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
>【UNARCHIVED歌枠】i drink a mixture of ethanol and water and sing before i
>【HALO: REACH】The Good Guys Are Here to Win !!!
>【GIGI'S BDAY 2024】A Dinner Party to remember! #GGBDAYDINNER
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
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Mumei is sexy and I'm tired of pretending she's not
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video proof?
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Why is owl not for sex when she's got big tiddies
Make it make sense
bro idc that is not a penis kek
yeah idk i think i need more proof than that
It's pinocchio brother
Can't tell if lost or just confused, she isn't even naked there..
What are you talking about, she is naked under her clothes.
what a perverted little sister I've got
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Imagine what we could have had in the last 3 years if the management had been competent.
Chimken has also done a few EN covers lately so I guess something changed recently or management got their asses up and actually did something useful for once.
Yeah, I saw this too, covering a Beatles song and being able to upload it on Spotify is pretty big.
I don't see any recent English covers by Kiara, are you thinking of her orisongs? In any case I have to think this is probably ERB using some of her music industry connections if she has them. Hopefully it extends to the rest of EN too.
Yea, my bad. my head went to covers for some reason. I did mean orisongs.
Connections could be a thing, let's hope it does pave the way instead of being a one off.
Beatles covers are actually fairly easy so long as it’s a cover and you’re not just playing the original recording. It’s currently jointly owned by Paul and Sony, with the latter handling licensing. The big deal is that this might open the door for covering other songs in Sony’s catalog.
Alternatively maybe something in management did change, perhaps the specter of Country Roads is finally so long removed that management decided they could try to navigate Western perms again.
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Howdy pardner!
Moom toes in my mouth.
how about letting them unprivate the karake streams
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That look Bae is giving makes me feel funny...
That will never happen, that's a youtube thing
Flexible moom
Yep. It's time to Meem.
photo proofs?
Can't post gore here.
Moom doko?
Kissing me.
Catalog is going to be on fire for a couple days huh
Half the board got drama as their oshi so yea, probably
stop posting here animol
Fine, I'll make Mumei takes me on another walk.
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Thinking about Mumei Mia.
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And the finale.
Unsure how to feel about this.
Some questions are better left unanswered
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I Moom during the day. I Meem at night.
Licking Moom face after she brings me back from a walk.
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my beloved cecimei
I miss mumi already...
aim better hootie
this thread needs a wanashi
i miss animol
No it doesn't. Now the bread stinks like dog.
>clearly an awoomei
ah, you're right
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Hoo... Hoooo...
Hi Mumei, Frieren watchalong soon?
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Mumei has chained me
what compelled you to post this edit?
will he become a hollow soon?
AI sloppa.
Chat is this real
No its not
What's real is my love of Moom.
But you're not real
Me next to her
moom doko?
The orbs...
too big
literally me.
I watched TV for the first time in a while today since I was watching SNF and the stream I was using just kept playing network tv afterwards
And holy shit there's so many ads it's unreal. I forgot what life without adblocks and streams/shows/films on demand is like.
Yeah it's kind of insane that it's now like 70% ad 30% show, it's why I pretty much stopped watching TV altogether.
And then people pay like $100+ for a cable subscription with shitty laggy DVR boxes, it's wild
I havent had a tv for almost 3 years. The ad breaks got too long and frankly the ads sucked compared to 90s. And lets not even talk about interenet ads, how to hell people without adblock deal with that crap?
When I see how desperate Youtube (and Twitch) are to force ads on people, I assume that's the kind of future they want.
I hope we never get there, bless adblock.
This boomei is a little too sexy and too big
Coom in mooms womb
Too sexy? No.
Too big? Not at all.
Too fleshy? Yes.
microsoft have already started putting ads on the start menu and smart tvs started putting ads on their UI's. we're doomed
Looks like Saber Alter's outfit.
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Me pondering Moom's orbs
whoa...how did you do that?
i want to improve my editing skills too
someone on the artists twitter said the same thing. its pretty
The Morbs...
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I just used https://www.3dgifmaker.com/RotatingSphere with it a bit oversized and whatever framerate stuff I feel is good enough then just use Natron to read the gif and image, transform the gif to the right spot and scale, merge, reformat the output to scale down to fit 4chan's limits, then write to webm using VP9.
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>>88371652 (me)
I would have liked to use AV1 instead of VP9 since it's the same quality at 1/5th the size, but 4chan has yet to support it.
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*punches you*
These are great thanks.
this is my pov every day when i moom
God I wish I was you
Mumei's orbs are a thing to ponder.
She looks like Commissioner Gordon here
choose your moom and seal your fate
If she's Gordon who's Batman? Bae?
Well they do call bats something like winged rats
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Maybe it's good that they don't have roblox perms...
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Mumei is a hoot.
mumei already said she got bored of roblox
she needs a new fixation now
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>no lifesign
Mumei is owlman
And takes like 5 times as long to encode ... but having support would be nice instead of asking for email verification
She should play Liars den with hoomans. Its been fun watching JPs play with their fans
I'd blow my own head off just to hear Mumei squeal in surprise.
Chest from 1 but body from 2.
Butt probably needs to be bigger too.
your oshi is nothing more than a talentless, lazy waste of space who relies on the hard work of others to maintain her position. She produces nothing of value and only contribute to the clutter and waste of bandwidth on Google servers. pls disappear into obscurity where you belong.
bro wtf? fk off
this might be my favorite karaoke edit ever

mubae love

spreading the moomcheeks
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I love these dorks
surprisingly high-effort edit, that's pretty great
Dont meem.
Too late
At least clean up after yourself, ewwie...

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