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Down Undah Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
Pixel VSMP:>>>/vt//vsmp/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>88277031
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This entity was summoned 24 moons ago by channelling powerful Halloween magicks
Her purpose is still unknown but the link to tailless, stout-bodied amphibians is indubitable
Here is the entity in her natural habitat:
I came here to post that Essie is sexy.
this was fun
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what if i told you there is YET ANOTHER karaoke relay going on right now haha
>Kanna ended
>Spectra now
>Lottie next
Spooky Songfest, hosted by Mariya
>by Mariya
and spectra
who just sang for a while without reverb and now wants to nuke the vod
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was on a long road trip and missed yesterday's lil bro's shenanigans. Is the vod going to be gone forever?
yeah sorry nigga
>>88332819 or
that's probably what nino wants
part 1 https://litter.catbox.moe/8a1wry.m3u8
part 2 https://litter.catbox.moe/shusu2.m3u8
1 is tierlist and karaoke
2 is fishing and goofing
Looks like I'm late oh well
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be very scared
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The entity from down undah has manifested once more, she appears to be speaking in tongues
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bri'ish TF2 sheep Dollie want pizza money
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>eating korean chicken pizza during intro screen
>was singing, got thirsty
>chugged scolding hot tead
>destroyed mouth, tongue, lips
>mic still has tights on it as a makeshift pop filter from recording for a cover earlier
>asked Twitter what to cover
>put Rabbit Hole as an option somehow that instantly gathered votes
if you want to see Dollie in a bunny suit, do the democracy
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Essie needs your support in upcoming battles
>i am asking u once again to web and fish
If aussie is put upside down does that mean he is moving normally for once?
You know, it is weird that in all of these relays there are indies and girls from all small corpos except for phase.
more music/cover talk
>been watching advice on how to sound better
>always wanted to do covers
>been listening to death cab for cutie
>but always goes back to her fav songs
>except for "white girl pop" the mid 2000s kind
>like Toxic, Bad Romance
>if i do covers and stuff, i need to do more drawing
>need to finish commission model too
>terrified of what my mixed voice might sound like
>i love meth
not the drama thread, pick literally any other thread
Okay, sorry. Just an observation.
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>Dollie could not cook more than one meth
you can tell she is a not a pro drug dealer ...yet
>we should turn this game into team fortress
no idea why dollie of all people would say such a thing
>7yo dollie called her mom a W for beating her at a card game
>and she asked
>>W for winner?
>and i went, "no, W for wanker"
>and that was the only time i got hit on my face
and this is why we don't trust the silly words taught to us by older sisters
Looking at the rita right now and man, there are so many /wool/ chuubas I dont see ever discussed here.
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some of you fuckers might be into this one
and there are hundreds more, literally
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The entity has gone dormant
Sensors show she is now in possession of a devilish doomsday device system known as the 3DS it is uncertain what its true potential might be
All we can do is hope that the entity does not return armed with a chainsaw or some other weaponised power tool
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Serina now, but she seems a bit off
next her is Tonya
I bought webfishing to play with my oshi and everyone, but this game is so boring and laggy and lame, it has tranny stuff in it, and it’s just a slow grindfest.
It lags a lot if I put on a video on the side so as not to be so bored.

Should I refund it?
>been gifted webfishing
>seem like animal crossing fishing mini game, the game
>dont know how good of stream that would end up
she doesnt know how fantastic of a stream game that thing is....
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Tonya now
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The entity has returned from her slumber down undah, and has been reported to roam foggy nights while wielding a chainsaw
a recent sighting
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Suri's first ever karaoke relay
>rises the moon
this song does things to me
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chuuni brat starts by rickrolling you
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>yapping about mics
>using some hyperX podcasting mic thing at the moment
>might look into buying a big girl mic after doing her first cover
>also need to make money first
>lost of mentions of Shure
>learning how to timie to fix vocals seems like a daunting task

>if Rabbit Hole wins i need to draw myself in a fucking bunny suit!? i didn't realise... >>88336583
>i'm thinking in my head how i should do it, whether i do it embarrassed or the default one
>it, it is goony...
>i actually read the lyrics in english and i think embarrassed is the correct one to do
silly silly dollie literally painting herself into the naughty corner
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>i'm a raccoon witch so i dont need a costume today!
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Sad Pillow ghost yearns for warmth, ASMR
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cute girl tries to look evil
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>*muted start*
>let's redo
absolutely cracked streamer
Ragi did great, no tech issues no nothing!
>raided fellow witch Yumi
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>>88351965 >>88334727
Yumi is looking very motherly today
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>game was muted and no one said anything
i noticed but it was nice to have just dollie noises for a while

>wanna stream zomboid
>maybe i should play some house flipper on stream
>payday keeps crashing, rage quitting
>looking for someone to raid
> ...or Essie... with a stream that's just called "i am evil"
>she looks evil... chat, she looks really evil
>i apologise for rage quitting
>buh bye everybody
>have a good evening, night, sleep
Dollie raided some evil doll >>88351364
>craving KBBQ
>only have leftover salad at the moment
>was feeling cold before stream, now feeling hot

>YT segregates the green from the grays
>Essie once felt pressure into getting a membership so she could chat in a perfectly green YT chat, like the sheep that she is
>*dollie raid*

>i sill cant get over that one chatter who asked if am Amish because im socially bad... you're so cruel >>88306450
>*new essie fanart just dropped*
>*explaining how skeb works*
>the thing is, to see the good artists on skeb, you have to turn on a simple tag... not a tag, something to look at
>sometimes when you are scrolling through artists you have to see some of the craziest things... it's horrible... i'm looking at it right now and some of it is fucking crazy...
>to the point where it's almost disgusting... i dont know i dont understand the mind of some pepople
>and some people are so dedicated to what they like, they ask for the exact same thing *laughing* Every. Single. Time!!
>they ask for the same character in the same setting from different artists
>i love scrolling through the front page and seeing artists that i know
>...oh this is disgusting... you know what, that's enough skeb for today, im closing it!
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very evil and spooky essie donut look
surprised ragi membas now
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>im literally so hot rn
Today's sweaty Essie is caramel flavoured btw

>shall we do some karaoke?
>im easily influenced...
>no, actually im not!!
>>baachis doing their best to put essie off doing karaoke
sometimes i hate chat
>what we need is webfishing mobile
she is so addicted...
>wearing a shirt covered in fortnite emotes and cheetah print shorts
>smelling like caramel
i can picture it

>the new girl at work is young cute fashionable and even shorter than essie but she works day shifts

>am i allowed to eat some of my salad that has been sitting in front of me for an hour? please?
>*sheep munching asmr*
>was listening to the halloween karaoke today
>and Ayu's too yesterday
>i could never be in a relay... i would be so scared i'd kill myself

>okay we'll do a little bit of karaoke
>but dont judge me or i'll kill you...
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>i feel im so bad at doing tier list and talking through them...
>let's do a quick candy tier list right now!
she is stalling...
and was watching nino last night
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cute pink cloud Spica sings for you
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morning voice mio is next
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green cat who had tons of issues during her previous relay is singing
she's fun
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>I just realized that, with the new schedule change that I'm going to do, I can start stream later with a lot less worry!
>Do you guys think that it would be alright if I started some streams at 8am instead of 6am?
PT, obviously.
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and Mariya closes the relay
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>Hey guys, we'll be hanging out with Nova tomorrow! Please look forward to it!
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>getting so embarrassed by karaoke that she's sweaty and hot
Did you like it?
almost all of it yeah
Ayu has been streaming with her friends and saying some crazy shit
Had to end because of her wifi dying
I think the overall stats are skewed heavilly due to including all streamers, not just active ones, so that hundreads of 1views that streamed once and decided its not for them are also included.
Eepy sheepy shaggers
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More on the new RK girls soon
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but first, noitan singies
this refused to post for while i might be cooked
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>doing moving songs today
>having trouble with pronunciation today
she just sang a song IMI sang during debut
btw IMI is the only with with no 2,0 waiting room yet >>88377376
order so far is NEUN CONA XIDEN YONO in 1h chunks
Thanks for this, much appreciated
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>im so hungry im starving...
>i havent cooked anything
>*more food talk*
>now im craving McDonalds

>was supposed to cook, took a nap at 2300
>wanst in the mood to cook
>think about it i havent eaten in 30 hours
>and no i didnt buy the cereals i have been craving since last week
>i just cant find the right timing to eat
>maybe im sleeping too much?
>someone please bring me food
>i want onigiri
>>chat posts onigiri emotes
>oh here it is!!
noitan is living like a free spirit, or a baby
a 190k years old baby
with onigiris as her oshi mark
Cute, is there a reason why NEUN/CULUA/MEDA are 3D but CONA/IMI/XIDEN/YONO are 2D models do you know?
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>>88377376 >>88307152
about the discrepancy in numbers
CONA was on the short grind an one went real viral it seems
that's about 80 shorts... but in a year
so not all of that was under RK
and about that
>being CONA almost 1 year ago
>doing covers back in April 2023
>joining RK announcement 1 month ago
so it seems like she joined RK under an her existing identity, same channels, same fanbase
i wonder if she was scouted or went through auditions
I'm glad she seems to be enjoying her food
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the 190k year old baby was starving too much she had to go foraging for something anything to eat
>moved to tears by how tasty food is
>*munching on uncooked ramen ASMR*
>and now for the last crumbs in the bad...
>thank you for this meal, it was delicious
>maybe i should go do groceries after stream
>this turned into daily life ASMR instead of singies *giggles*
>thank you everyone *throat? tummy? rumble*
>i felt like a traveller who went on a journey without any supplies...
>you guys better eat too okay?
she really was
Noitan is simple fallen angel who enjoys simple things
Looks like it's overlap time
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>today i will talk
>i dont intend to do talking streams often
>i didnt want to look dull compared to my genmate
>i can mix so i wanted to layer audio in advance
>other than that it was live singing
>i wanted to sing as much as possible and talk as little as possible
> ....desu
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>some basic information
>i have the same birthday as CULUA paisen
>bloodtype A and an aquarius so i get it from both sides
>i like singing and sleeping

>i dont tweet much so people often ask what do you all day
>no gaming
>no going out
>only singing as a hobby
>with maybe some guitar
>even myself im not sure what im doing all day
>either singing or mixing or sleeping i guess
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>i like ramen, langue de chat
>the color blue
>the emoji i like is film
i think that means fan martk oshi mark, but she just said mark

>wait.. it's ONLY been 10 minutes???
>i only have 2 more things to say...
This explains a lot about the music quality level
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>will stream at 2100 JST on weekdays and saturdays
>i wanna to do videos, original songs and covers
>shorts on youtube and maybe tiktok
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>about my orison
>i wrote my feelings and Nanou made it into lyrics
>i said i like songs that feel like tragedies/plays
>i did not write the lyrics, just my feelings, just the vibe/image
>i have a friend who has been cheering me on my music journey
>she told me, this song is so you...
>that's all i had to say...
>it's only been 15 minutes...
>i needed 4 times this..
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lots of singies after being refuelled
>inochi ni kirawareteiru
that's the song CONA opened her debut with
noitan is doing the cry singing thing TT - TT
>should we decide a hashtag?
>>Cona's corner?
>oh i like play on words!
>>more suggestions
>but i think i need a more fancy one rather than a jokey tag to be taken seriously
>>just conatan? CONATIME?
>my genmates call me Cona-tan too
>i like the idea of an english hashtag a lot
>i will check if it's available after stream
>let's do questions next
>if i were a dog i would be a small one, maybe a chihuahua

>my regular streams will be singing
>im not good at talking
>i'll be fighting with my songs

>someone i look up too? Minami-san, the singer songwriter >>88378416 that's artist covered here

>im not good enough at guitar to play on stream

>i dont watch anime at all
>if i had to pick one, pretty cure

>1st CD i ever bought as yorushika

>i like sailorfuku, yes
>was listening to summer time record
>i dont think i want to drink
>im not allowed yet
>wait you did hear that
that's 19 or under in Japan

this is a strange vtuber, i like it
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>i said monday stream time would change
>but i didnt check with management
>the time from no one will be 1800 JST

>another announcement!
>i will be on part of a concert and for once i will be able to sing at full power
>i will the the one closing the concert
>it will be streamed
She was cute again today as well
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and one last song
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>how did you hear about RK
>vesperbell paisen's cover

>i like cats but im allergic
>if i get too close i start sneezing

>this picture? it's a stock image

>when i sing Minami songs i have to try to not imitate her too much and sing in my own voice

>im am closest to "wanwan" in my gen that's IMI btw we are both dogs
>i am taller than her
>we talk about sushi and stuff
>but i prefer meat over fish

>i dont watch idols, no

>can we req songs?
>the first few streams i know what i want to sing
>but later on, sure

>ive been into music since middle school

>my fav school suubject?
>you guys try to guess!
>there isn't one~
>im not interested in studying so im bad at it
>>so people who didnt comment won?

>didnt music class in HS only up to middleschool
>i was sick... my voice wouldnt come out
>i have selective mutism 場面緘黙(ばめんかんもく)
>i want to talk but my voice wont come out kinda thing
>people confuse it with being shy but it's different, it's like not having a throat at all
>so in music class i got forced to sing so i did not like it
>but i overcame it in highschool
>i wouldnt be here if i did not overcome it

>already 45 minutes?
>questions really helped

>age? not public info, almost said it earlier tho
>sex? as you'd guess probably but like the androgenous look, sex doesnt matter when it comes to singing does it?
this is an anime protag back story
>>are you an alien?
>am i???

>i wanted a moving song
>a hype one
>a minami song
>and they were all songs i love of course

>i did the piano inst myself for one song, on the computer
>i cant play the piano, but i can use a mouse
>no, never wrote a song, but i want to

>you were moved to tears by my singing?
>yatta~ (nice~)

>50min already? nice
>no im not looking forward to end but...
>today we all do 1h streams, next is Xi-chan

>i thought i was bad at talking, glad you guys enjoyed it
>maybe i should talk a little between songs from now on
that did not take much convincing

>i dont like hitting a wall in games
>it breaks my heart and i give up
>i will never play horror games, that's NG
NG could mean, i told management i dont do this, or casual phrasing who knows

>you can call me CONA, CONA-san CONA-tan

>i dont really read manga either
>i used to read Dangerous Old Man
>my siblings
>i have tons of younger siblings

>i do get told i give little sister vibes
>yes i do get told a lot that i look like i have a big brother
>and that i look smart ..until i talk
>i like not having older siblings because i dont get hand-me-downs as much

>ending in 30s
>thank you for your comments
>bye bye~
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>there's so many people here
>isnt the whole population of Japan here??
>humans humans!!!
>thank you for all the support yesterday

>comments were so fast too
>and my genmates and paisens were there too
>thank you thank you

>there is so much i want to talk about
>i hope you'll get used to my yapping pace
>>even just from reading twitter you seems like yapper
>that's true, my brain is linked to twitter and i post every though i have
>i'm the opposite of Cona-tan
>wait what was i talking about again??
she is so refreshingly normal
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>Ah yes! i was talking about my paisen
>i was watching my paisens debut back in the day
>im so happy to be there with them now
>everyone is so short but their back carry so much aura
>the way NEUN-paisen started the relay was so nostalgic
>she had the same background as her debut didnt she?
>everyone was so warm and welcoming
>im so happy to be here
>everyone in RK is welcoming and friendly with each other

>today i want to introduce myself
>sorry im bad had having conversations
>i just yap on my own
>*goes back to talking about paisens instead*
>i need to prep some stuff, so look at my schedule for a bit
introduction today
offcolab tomorrow
wed fri 2000 JST usual streams
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>if this looks like im a bit narcissistic, this is a reference to something, i'll say later

>name: XIDEN
>genmates call me Xi-chan (chiichan)
>IMI calls me Xi-ko or Xi-kochan
> i liek that one
>>xi sama
>wait, i kinda like that
>just call me whatever you like

>there is kanji for my name
>紫電 purple+electric
>my name starts with an X cause it's cool
>i may be a bit chuuni

>next birthday is 10th of April, Xiden day
4-10 sounds like shi-den

>i like stuff like MBTI and i think it can be trusted
>im INFP-T mediator type, it really fits me
>i also like astrology
>*reading the MBTI description*
>>mediators look calm on the surface but have a fiery passion within them, for me it's music
>i have bad eyesight, sorry the poor reading
>very self-analytical, that fits me to the t
>>aren't INFP the lonely type?
>i like people but i do feel lonely, often at night
>*whispering* sorry im bad at reading kanji...
>i could talk about this forever

>im the tallest in my gen 160cm
>havent measured my height in a while, but im tall
>and i reeeeeeeeeally like tall girls so
>well, to be honest all girls are cute
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>for stream XI-broadcasting
>isnt it cool with kanji like that?
>i pick decided stuff based on whether it's cool or not~
she said that in a silly cute way

>thank you for all the fanart already, i made a folder

>fan name
>i wanted it to have XI in it so i looked EN words
>any kaigai niki who can help with the pronunciation? is it ax-sis or ax-zis?

>oshi mark
>i always make mistakes liek this
>it's supposed to be
she does this silly speak rarely but it's impactful gap-moe
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>regular streams will be singies
>watch when you can don't worry about making it in time
>wed fri 2000 JST
>sun 1700 JST

>>IMI in chat: but i can't live without XI-ko...
>>will you guerilla?
>probably, YES
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>i really wanted to talk music with you guys
>i love KPOP
>most of the artists listed here, i've seen live

>for JPOP i love Perfume, Sheena Ringo, Utada Hikaru
>i cry at Perfume lives all the time
>haven't seen the others live yet

>western music: Grande, Mars, Doja Cat
>i like when i dont understand the lyrics but it sounds cool

>reading chat for a bit
>>makes sense you sound like Ringo/Utada when you sing
>really?? thank you...
>*talking music with chat a bit*

>next, MAG
>it stands for manga-anime-game
>im a shounen jump fan, HxH, One Piece, jjks. naturo, chainsawman, EVA
>*shinji impression*

>why am i already out of time???
>Hobby: singing
>shopping, spending, even if i dont have that much money
>wearing cute clothes
>and makeup as armor
>i promise im not in debt
>im learning korean
>and ai like dancing
>i cant speak enlgish, i just rehearsed a phrase for debut but i want to learn
>eigo oshiete kudasai (but in eigo)
>if my level of korean counts, i can speak 2 languages (JP+KR?)
>also a big fan of Yomi paisen, like Noitan

>i do want to try playing game
>i only play animal crossing and stuff like that
>but i want to try horror games
>i have no idea what sort of voice will come out of me
>i want to play phasmo with my genmates but everyone else hates horror
>i dont liek the amogus mafia type game where you have to lie
>im a bad liar
she is so normal
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>i have a big dream
>i want to have a solo concert on a big stage
>i said budoukan (14k seats) initially but i was told, let's make the goal zepp (smaller 3k venue, still very big)

>i dont like my speaking voice
>well i dont like my singing voice either
> but since everyone said they like my voice it's started to change

>i wanted to do some Q&A but we're out of time
>i want to be friends with everyone (in chat) that sort of distance

>1m left
>please come to the offcollab
>and listen to my orison
My sheep mom is up
I meant woolcoded not sheep
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>good evening~~
>can you hear me?
>i can get used to starting streams
>can i do a thing i wanted to do?
>i always wanted to say this
>thank you for 6k~
>how's the volume balance btw?
>>IMI in da chat
subscriblers i assume
IMI finally put her waiting room up for after Yono
>Violet Evergarden
I hope she sings Letter
>today i want to introduce myself and talk about my orison
>as you saw yesterday, i am not very good at talking

>genmates call me yononon
>isnt it cute?
>bday March 1st

>i like white rice, sushi, cheesecake, anime
>i love maguro the best

>fav anime? violet evergarden
>it made me cry with every episode and during the movie
>i also love the voice actors in it and the songs
>>an anime about understanding love
>wait you're gonna make me cry...
>i also saw it 3 time in theatres
>let me have a sip
>im the type to cry just from trailers...
>it's a different genre but i also like SAO, GGO, tensura, ricorico
>and i love the songs too
>i want to do anison only karaoke
>yes i've seen fate, i stopped at the UBW part
>and i love the Aimer song for it
>i cried during the snow scene in SAO
>i've never seen gundam but i want to
>*anime/anison talk with chat*

>>you seem a little chuuni...
>yes i am
just a normal woolgirl

>i enjoy doing: song writing, sleeping, eating
>i talk about food a lot on twitter/X
>i do want to try streaming song writing
>i use sudio one (sp?) as song writing software
>i write with a piano some times melody first
>for my orison, the yurayura lyrics came with the melody
>i dont like bugs or horror, horror NG like Cona-chan
>even just seeing bug names i dont like
>Xi-chan was talking about playing horror together but i cant do that, im sorry
>even just watching horror, i cant
>i think i would just cried if i tried
>>can you feel ghosts?
>i... dont think so...
>i was living my life without thinking about ghost and thinking they dont exist
>but i was told if you dont acknowledge their existence, that's when they show up
>>they show up if you talk about them too
>next topic!!
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>oshi mark: moon+sheet music
>also wanted to have a flower emoji but there were all sakura type and i wanted something different
>as you can see, i like white
>i like white lilies
>are there white flower emojis?
>i did think about using the white rice emoji but then i'd look like a glutton
>and if you guys used rice emojis in danmaku i would get hungry will singing
>Noi-paisen is has the onigiri emoji, that's true
maybe that's why she's always hungry
She has such a relaxing voice
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Relevant tweet
Full sheep
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>fan name, what do you guys think?
>>yonomin, yonotes, yonolers. yonokomachi
>like the rice!
>that's good too, sound like a racket brand
>we'll do a poll later on X

>stream tag: #ヨノノート
>art tag:#ヨノアート
>ego search: #ヨノ
>i want to like every post i see but im not sure if there is a limit before you get shadowbanned
>it already happened to me once... it's my trauma

>about art, i wanted to show this
>ah, im in the way...

>>any detail you like about your design?
>there is a butterfly on my shoes
>and i love the gradient on my skirt
she say butterfly like an adult, not teftefu >>88381396
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>i also wanted to talk about artists i love
>i love Aimer-san
>and there's another artist i wanted to sing a song from but im not sure we have time
>is it okay if i sing?
>try to guess who it is
so singies time
She's singing
song is shayou 斜陽 by yorushika
>i mixed up the lyrics, sorry...
>is there something else?
>*plays a bit of a different song*
>no that's not it

>i love yorushika
>i want to do a yorushika only stream one day
>i love rain and cappuccino too
>and hana ni bourei (ghost in a flower, the song Essie covered)
>my favorite is the song about a flower... what's it called again?
>yes!! thank you, hanamotase
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>so the title doesnt become a lie
>i'll talk about my orison
>first, let me put it in the background
>*some struggling*

>i uploaded it as a short before, but this is how i made the song
>if you watch it you'll get a feel for how i made it
>yes, there's a typo in it
>i did the violin, piano, drums as digital instruments
>then i sent it to the producers
IMI up last
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>let's go back to the lyrics
>i was very happy to see many of you explain the meaning they took from my song in the comments
>it felt very rewarding as a songwriter
>i had notes for what i wanted to say but i cant find them
>everyone's reading of the song is correct and valid
>there is no single right answer, your answer is right
>im so bad with words... sorry...
>i always try to say things in a nice way but i never can

>lyrics>are future and present the same?
>the part about the future, is like a time capsule to myself

>i'm bad at expressing myselft with words but i feel i can do it through music

>i only have 3m left until IMI's stream

>i hope that no matter the season, the time, your feelings, the song fits you
>and of course i want the song to give you hope
>i want (the song?) to be the place where you belong
>and the last part is about spending many years together
>how long, how many years has it been since debut, kinda thing
>aaaaah it's time
>i'll say more another time
>and i'll talk about the fan name on X
>otsu, thank you, see you next time
>bye bye~
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>hi everyone~
>how are you doing?
>>real voice from the start?
>*switches* you prefer this voice?
>i wish i had 3D so you could see me wave at you like im doing rn
>everyone who was watching CONA is already asleep i bet
>>no im not
>did you guys listen to my orison? raise your hand
>i'll drink strawberry milk tea while you raise your hand
>>hai ノ ノ ノ
>there's Xi-ko
>i was reading the comments everyone loved the gap

>manager said
>>IMI-chan the orison is done!!!
>i was excited to see what sort of song it would be
>i like KPOP and this is my real voice so i did not expect a cool song
>i was expecting a genki/seiso type song
>but when i first listened it was... eh?
>this is MY song??? what do you mean

>RK is seiso! at least in my mind

>the song was too cool for me *switches voice and sings a bit*
>but i could say it was too cool for me
>*cute voice* i'll do my best~~ ganbarimasu~
>i was surrounded by adults and i was like
>it's my first time~
>*regional accent* i did my best so i want you to listen to it nenna~
>everyone praised and i did my best so i want you to listen to it
>i'll introduce myself next
>i dont have notes, you guys are the notes
>if you made a spreadsheet, it's time to pull it out
she's either really good at acting nuts or she just is like 3 people in one vessel

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