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Not the early thread
men just want a bad girl....
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Yeah but tsunderes are pure sex
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Lapsama my friend
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NTA but this is genuinely a CHR check, you need to be cute or handsome or look very friendly. This isn't japanese arcades, the west isn't as nice (especially during a bit event like the holo one where they're busy)

If a Hololive fan rolled in and asked that looking like a typical wart-ridden ojisan who likes FWMC they'd move a plushie for you at best
Guys would be fine, but I can't say that I've really liked any of the males in the Atelier games.

I think they make them too handsome or something.
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Why did they flop?
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chicken salad cute
Same. And there's plenty like us.
But there's billions of normies who couldn't even follow up dialup internet instructions somehow.
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My Ina!
Gahara is the best match for Araragi, but Shinobu is best overall.
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Cheebs is a fat fuck
>Ame dies, rises from the dead three days-weeks after
>Aqua returns
>Mel is gonna have a live2d
>Sana streams

what the fuck is happening
>Grounded collab soon (maybe)
I have been waiting for EN Grounded for so long, hope it happens soon ish
Liar's Bar...
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People got a taste of the best already
wrong thread, sister
You going away for 15 mins minimum is what's happening
Not the first time notSana streams.
Don't expect much more.
no wawa satisfactory...for now
Are people not allowed to stream after leaving Holo?
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I love this doll
Plap the Lap
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Fauna cute!
sasuguh botan
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nigger what the fuck are you doing
What if her joints get sticky?
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Look at my wife. She's cute.
What about it
Good time to remind everyone that you represent hololive when doing stuff related to it, remember to at least brush your hair, wear non-smelly clothes and try to keep acne off your face
wawa butt slapping....
Kiara ass slapping
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Who won?
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yeah, with mine
Kiara stands with Asmon
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had a dream where I was giving Ina a massage and she was enjoying it
now I want to massage my Ina
maybe she realized how persistently she was being botted and it made her feel that her appearance on Stream charts she celebrated felt invalidated?
don't tell him it's funnier that way
I take it Kiara dropped her dual streaming plan
Twitch deserves the ad boycott.
wrong thread, faggot
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>Tfw so much acne I look like a burn victim even in my 30s
I wash my face plenty, wash my pillowcase... I'm actually a pretty clean person...
Kiara collabs
>Diablo 4 DLC - mystery
>Grounded - Clementine family
>Buckshot Roulette - mystery
>Liar's game - mystery
>mystery Mori project
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I met up with a childhood friend for a party last night. I told her I had gotten into vtubers and she got super excited to talk about it with me.
I had no idea, but she even has a small indie channel on twitch. It was pretty cool to see, except there was one issue
>"I only watch nijisanji."
I didn't know what to say at all, the only things I know about niji are what I see /here/. My conditioning almost made me call her a nijinigger instinctively. I never thought I would meet one irl, let alone one of my oldest friends.
>youtube shorts is for zoomers
>not IRL
>not about her
Yep, she found out that someone in Myth graduating soon
time to tribalfag streaming platforms
And how would that remove the 15 min timer?
>Vegemite vs pizza
pizza every day
not yet
I won >>88331462
>Rothschilds bow to KFP
>In contact with Iofi
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control austria with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Phoenixton will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Takanashi babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a phoenix who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have KFbots inside you right now
>KFP are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the KFP bunker in Wilkes land?
>learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with KFP. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. KFP
>The current Kiara is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she's a benevolent being.
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I miss Cecilia Immergold...
>Diablo 4 DLC
Is this any good?
Did any Holos even play D4 more than like 3 streams?
>Buckshot Roulette
Kiara Anya Raora Reine
All of these except Buckshot Roulette are still up in the air
Bad! Sex is yucky!
based op
What's the most recent drama?
It's funny that vtubers are the biggest Youtube streamers besides mega church restreams and blatant scams.
Wait and hope
If only someone could help Kiara with this
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>"oh yeah, I love Selen too!"
Who is Phanto Mime
I want to massage Ina's butt
Should Cecilia Innergreen have sex. With me?
Based and Bog pilled
You already tried this in the previous threads and in /wawa/. Just go to bed.
Go there and don't come back >>88326038
Who is the 98k?
I think Conclave just came out
kiara cute
i pushed it because i'm black and this shitpost angle makes me hard
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This is going to be like the 7th time I've seen a Holo play Silent Hill 2 and I'm not disinterested in it.

Is this a sign the game is good?
very organic
>catalog reposter bot is back
Kiara said that? Jesus
hololive members with bright gold hair are very cute
Why so hostile? We're all friends here ol buddy ol pal
>My conditioning almost made me call her a nijinigger instinctively
The conditioning needs to be reinforced.
MOOOOM He's copy and pasting catalog threads again!!!
so what butt slap game is Kiara talking about
poor KrFP
What timer?
Try doing three day fast and switching to diet of wild rice and shit you cook yourself from base ingredients, should help within a month
Also switch to soap with least amount of ingredients you can find
Kiara is becoming a listener san....
So what is it about then?
but why?
niji hands typed this post
Sleep is for the weak
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Very important image
>Mogs dooby
Say "thank you", holofags.
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I'm still very impressed with Miko's singing for the two live-live songs she did. We've seen stronger singers like Towa and Kanade get wrecked by nerves but she was rock solid.
No, and that's the catalog reposter bot
Hey meidos this is a repost bot >>88322380
>spamming your threads that have no engagement in global
Just holopill her. She's a woman and thus very impressionable. Or just talk about Pomu and Selena and see what her reaction is
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Good thread
Nice try kiara. I know you are sponsored by big sun!
I've seen a lot of people who were very sceptical of it when it was revealed say it's surprisingly good.
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Realistically, do you think the whole jumping ship thing currently ongoing is going to be an actual problem Holo or do you think it's just going to weed out the ones who are more tired of/less enthusiastic about the job?
sounds like the a usual Sunday to me (thirdies get Sunday off if you didn't know that)
Yeah my vitamin D
I dunno, it's kinda funny. "Oh thank god, you're not actually leaving."
I've been watching the same guy play Silent Hill 2 (and 4 and Downpour and Homecoming) over and over for the past 6 years, man.
kiwawa needs my vitamin D
I need stinky and sweaty IRyS butt pressed against my face
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What do you do with Vitamin D?
Just tell her you watch Aia once in a while and remember she likes big dominant dragon girls, she won't know a thing about her and will never learn anything because her streams are fucking boring
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I wanna shove my cock into the clock's tits
How have you missed the biggest change to the site in years?
Every time a new IP trues to post a 15 min timer is started before they are allowed to. So ban-evaders can still evade bans, but they have to wait 15 minutes between posts.
I heard it sorta fixed it like the D3 expansion fixed D3. Not sure how true it is though.
Deez nuts
>tfw no 3DPDgf
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I'm still waiting for my apology for calling this shit happening and people saying I'm a worried shitposter
Vitamin deez nuts
It is normal to switch jobs in any industry. So it would be weird to not to expect some changes down the road, especially from member who are doing it for many years now.
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Would she enjoy it to know people masturbate to her?
your oshi
Pomu/Mint is her oshi but for some reason she still stands by Niji.
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9scared cc noises soon
We don't know. That's it.
You don't know either, but you hope it's a graduation, anti.
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Wawa love forever and ever
fuck Bruce Willis just died
Over the counter
grow hair?
Are you that hooman?
Kiara is changing the plans
>kiara streaming on monday
So no horror game on halloween but stream with a costume?
which one?
>20 years old
I don't want to be a pervy old man
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Not to dunk on you but I have psoriasis and now that I found something that works and I dont look red all the time my life is 200% better
I really hope you find a way to deal with your skin issues too, they're EVIL
Tangentially related but is anyone gonna go to Ado's concert tour next year?
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why is she only making 9 scared noises
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You jinxed it
Yeah and you were calling the people dooming before Ame's affiliation shitposters too but look who's right now
tits too small
I'll actually be surprised to see no Mint collab but I don't want to beg either
3D stream yeah.
women, openly yes
men, she would act grossed out but like all cosplayers secretly likes the attention.
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if ceci rates your dick by Looks, Smell, Taste, what would you score?
Either a sunk cost thing or she just likes the boys. If she's a fairly casual fan she probably doesn't even know how bad the niji drama was.
I was doing my Archive reps and there's a shit ton of Fauna seethe in every catalog thread, threads that are nowhere relevant to Fauna. Some thirdie schizo is seething hard.
Kiara is making the call
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my cute parasocial wife
Just realizing they are even more narcissistic than Kiara?
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KiaRys time!!
You don't flaunt your tits like that if you don't at least secretly like the attention, but a lot of women are more into the idea of making men hard than having them
When CC sees the girl in the graveyard, will she exclaim "A GIRL/WOMAN"?
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>Kiara gone
>It's only 9pm
I guess I'll go play vidya
The tits fit in clothes strangely
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>dump eet
>beautiful IRyS
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I miss Ina
absolute monogatari kino/10
great zatsu/10
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stupid sexy IRyS
Kiara's very last words was lusting for IRyS...
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I'm super curious what Mumei's major(s) are/were. I feel like logically she would have started out doing Marine Biology, right? But was that the FIRST time she went to Civ duties and then went back home or the second time she gave it a longer shot before swapping after she joined Hololive? And what's her new passion that she's pursuing now?
It's interesting how desperate to see their oshi as part of X ship. No other fanbase is that desperate
....masturbate over them - in the latter case they probably just prefer not to think about it too hard and don't want anyone to tell them about it. Sorry, I didn't realize I clicked "auto".
nice, ending just in time for cecilia, I can even go stretch my legs and have a smoke in between
eigo jouzu!
Why are Kenzies like this?
sounds like its time for a diet swap
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amazing arc for the anime/10
Wawa parasocial yapping/10
who is your guys favorite Monogatari waifu so far?
how did Kiara get Ayamefriends phone?
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You don't even know how BAD I need to have sex with Gigi.
but enough about teamates
So it's that easy?
Guess what I'll claim then: Kiara is graduating, Mori leaked shit to notAme so she will get fired, Ina will graduate in a year because she hates hololive, Kronii is flat, and you are gay
You cannot refute anything there because we were right about Ame.
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You realize that once she leaves, she will not go the Aqua and Ame route. She will drop off the internet entirely.
cute wawa fun arc/10
The dyke
Damn I didn't know this slag had all that going on up there
Shinobu can be a loli, hebe, or hag, she's literally perfect.
. >>88335073
I have a sister and she told me it's more about feeling good that she's looking aesthetically good than thinking about men. It's also about not looking worse than other women
dick sucking
I gave her an A
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>Wawatime is over for the time being
How was Bae's chuuni live? Did Mori find some cool cards?
I only watched Bake and Nise a decade ago and Gahara was the only good one
still vampire loli
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Vtubing is all about play pretend anyway so why don't western whores pretend to be their audience's gf/mommy and indulge in the fantasy? They want simp money but don't want to pander to simps. What's the fucking point of vtubing and kayfabing if you behave as if you're real
Hanekawa is just too powerful
This, but me and Gigi instead
I dunno, soap?
Probably dick.
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Enough of deserting whores.
Who are the least likely to ever leave hololive on their own volition?
My money is on these three.
As a Dragonball Z appreciator, there was too much yapping and not enough action in this arc / I love my parasocial chickenwife a lot and I always hope for the best for her.
Mexican gp is starting, Kiara ended because of her oshi, the red bull racing team
None of that is based on reality
I want to do to Gigi what Araragi does to >>88335287
Snail no contest
Your sister is a liar or incapable of understanding the self
Its usually the second
Did anyone make those Takamori soundposts? There were some good ones
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>Did Mori find some cool cards
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>Bae, Irys, FWMC becoming more JP by the day
>EOPs are increasingly becoming second class citizens
Imagine not learning JP at this point
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When I first watched it, it was Nadeko
Now it's Shinobu. She grew a lot on me especially after seeing Kizumonogatari (which back then I had skipped)
Mori got a lot of shinies and got basically every Moom.
And she got both Suisei and Fauna OSRs.
Shinobu always and forever
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I just want her to be happy.
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There's no way she's not negotiating her affiliate contract right?
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And screaming graduation literally every single time is not based on reality either. Of course you'll be right some day.
Thanks for admitting that Ina isn't graduating.
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I forgot to add for myself it's long hair Konbaru
I want to have sex with Cecilia Immergreen.
I always pick the losing heroine because I'm a loser so I can empathize
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That just makes women out to be shitty and superficial
If anyone thinks she isn't they are braindead. It's probably the news Kiara found out
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she got a 300$ Weiss Schwartz Fauna and teased saplings a ton over it
some of these sissies probably popped a boner over it
boggos binted?
For me it's Fauna Mori Gura IRyS Kiara Ina Mumei Biboo
me but with Yakuza 0
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Shut up cunts. Immertime!
She would be stupid not too. Her dinogura merch has kept Japan from entering into recession at this point.
Sure I'll watch another sh2 stream why not
I learned Japanese to watch Marine and Aqua, not ENs.
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hey man
I'm not the guy who thinks it's Ina
There is literally nothing else that it could be with the facts Kiara gave us
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Hitagi is one hell of a woman
That's cute
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Ceci live
I know because I want to have sex with her just as badly.
And what would she actually gain from leaving over just keeping things the way they are?
Why is everyone doom posting?
I don't understand how people can say Sana's model is bad.
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Gigis sexed
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yeah, me
Raid? Raid.
Your next reply will be "it' the truth tho"
What's up with ritualposters being so late? Are the spam changes making it hard for the bots to post?
retards replying to a faggot reposting catalog threads
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I mean...they are the reason we are stuck in capitalist dystopia
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damn where are my Bee Karen bros...
not now sapling
daddy issues/10
You didn't watch her stream, or any of her streams, so of course you would think that.
Just go to bed, flippie.
Why are people responding to the catalog reposting bot?
People absolutely judge footfags as they should
Oh shit CC is the modern audience.
>struggle to get immersed
my immursion...
Kiara said this today, how are you supposed to take this in a positive light and not worry?
It wasn't rigged very well
Debut Council got the short end of the stick rigging wise compared to Myth, Craftsman Shin notwithstanding
Because it's almost Halloween
If you don't eat 50 000 UI a day you're fucked
What fact??????? She literally gives you nothing.
kiara gone, no more good streams today.
She's gonna darken the lights... shotas will be in imminent danger...
You're on the same level as bestialityfags. No, lower even.
Discord raid and ctalog repost spam.
its probably something health related of a family member or friend
Gura, why are we pretending this is some secret?
Getting my foreskin pinched in Cecilia's armpit joins
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>didn't get a notification
fuck you Niall , I hope you die of cancer next
Ah, reminds me of how this entire board doomposted for 1 fucking year about something Kiara said
Turns out she was sad because she couldn't get Huke to draw her new outfit and had to ask for another artist
Is this normal?
i learned japanese so i can marry towa
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she literally says it ain't an IRL thing
>not just one guy using pass
Neither of those fetishes have the cuckolding association. Cucks should always be ridiculed for the subhumans they are. Also footfags are probably the single most memed on fetish.
I hope you get stuck in a forest fire.
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I know what CC is talking about, this shit is fire in my blood
Where does all the alcohol that CC drinks go?
yeah, or how Kiara was doomposting for months and organized a Myth one block collab and cried and then nothing happened
>Please use my shitty clip to doompost PLEASE
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>bad pizza
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Cecilia is hating on stuff again...
How is German pizza?

My mouth
Were you even listening?>>88334378
I'll sum it up for you threadreaders
>it's not IRL
>it's not about her
>it's been going on for months but she found out recently
What else could it be?
Have you never watched Futurama?
Who are the most insane board schizos besides the egg?
5 minutes in and CC is already hating on something
couldn't barely hear this clip with maxed volume
Why would you, she doesn't speak Japanese.
i love whiny woman
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I have watched every single Silent Hill stream, it's so good bros
Disinfection of her internals
They are...
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Is she now the biggest alcoholic of Hololive?
Ceci just said fuck......
I don't believe it'll be a problem, but I wouldn't be surprised if more people want to leave down the road if they get bored/fed up with it. Not like you can blame anyone for losing interest or wanting to do new things. It could also be a case of people feeling like they don't need to be attached to a company to be successful either.
Can you and your discord friends fuck off already.
hot and cute
A single person can still raid. It's just material for his discord/twitter anyway.
>Realization / discovery
>Worst fear has been confirmed
>It's been going on for a long time, and that shocks me
It does not sound like anything to do with graduation at all. Sounds like a behind the scenes or contractual issue.
messing up pizza warrants it
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He's done this before. I think he's trying not to wake the other members of his hut
Towa is japanese anon. She is married to subaru thus making her japan
I love this immerhater.
Gay marriage is still illegal in Japan
lamy mogs
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Does Europe have any good pizza ?
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this is why American pizzer is the superior pizza
even the cheapest, shittiest, scummiest pizzeria wouldn't serve you something "bland"
Nice argument
Would she call her that worst fear? She was so upset when Ame left.
The graduation schizos are pretty annoying but that's just because they spam.
Do Americans really?
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KiaRyS kino may be delayed
How the fuck do you fuck up pizza recipe?
ok jailbird
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I think CC and Lamy should become friends and hang out
90% of drakengard ost is nails on chalkboard, particularly the intoners themes
Fuck off.
Lamy isn't allowed any friends
>kiara doesn't have irys perms
no wonder she's a failure
I mean clearly Ame
Pizza lunchables were huge when they came out
But she still doesn't speak Japanese. She said so to Mumei.
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Yeah I've been enjoying the streams too. The remake was better than expected.
The winds.... of civilization..! ....huzzah!
Jorge please use the thread
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>American believes Pizza is america
just like sushi and tacos am I right fellas?
Your mother for your birth
repost bot die
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Cecilia has never hated anything in her whole life
Will CC's kartoffelcomputer be able to handle the game? Nerissa's was chugging last night.
Irys should be awake at this time honestly.
Quattro formaggi
>wake up
she's not sleeping yet
Why do you think Ame graudated?
I'm sorry you had to sit through Biboo. At least now with CC playing it you can actually listen to the cutscenes!
>Would she call her that worst fear?
As a guy who actually has a job, I would say yes. Contractual work can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress if your employer decides to cut corners etc.
what's CC's setup
2nd in EN
you called them insane before Ame, Sana, Coco, Aqua left them you turn around and say it was obvious to everyone once it happens
History keeps repeating itself
Should I be watching CC in 240p or 360p?
Yeah it's a fucking masterpiece, it's really good at provoking specific emotions and states of the mind that are conductive to the gameplay
Why do women even do this? If you're not gonna say it then don't say anything at all. This type of vague hinting at stuff is so fucking retarded. All it does is create rrats and make people worry.
don't worry, splatoon kept her awake!
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go for full immersion
>Mr Beast food
>Logan Paul drink
she explained in detail why is she doing it
i like my cheese drippy bruh
I wasn't expecting to want to go through more than my oshi's playthrough, but they've been fun.
Is CC funny?
I thought I didn't care about Sana and I didn't miss her, but hearing her voice again...
I feel like...
I miss Sana...
I want her to come back...
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I don't care about the cutscenes
I see a cute girl and I want her to be retarded
I want her to ask me "Why did he do that? what's happening"?
BITCH, there was literally a flashbag explaining why he is doing it, FUCK THAT'S SO HOT
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why does that version of global exist now
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You can go lower.
Kiara is one of the few people that does it. Can't help but hint at things without leaking I guess
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I can't believe Kiara has years of unpaid Austrian taxes and faces the possibility of jail time, while her accountant has been pocketing all the money...
Has anyone done a hard puzzle run?
No? You just outed yourself by saying that Sana of all people was a surprise graduation.
Go bang your head against the wall, might make you more intelligent.
Moldy cheese...
A potato
because you touch yourself at night
It's Gura graduation. The writing was on the wall ever since Ame left.
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Sana may've left but she will never be forgotten
Sana love!
Day 782
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I like my cheese moldy bruh
>oh that's water
Orange Creamsicle Prime is still the second best tasting energy drink after Alani Witch's Brew, I don't give a shit about your /pol/ eceleb drama
I guess that means Kiara's is officially about to become a jailbird
Nice projection, I never said that
But she said it wasn't about her, why would it be her worst fear and be related to a contract about someone else unless...
You creating rrats isn't her leaking stuff
Should be fine, she has a good card in the gaming PC and her the other PC runs everything else
I thought she shoved a 3070 into her potato's PCIe slot?
You've never watched her streams, I take it?
Circulating gossip is how bottom feeders stay in the minds of other people
This is a repost from yesterday’s /who/ thread.
this image just screams lost /qa/fag
>no iconic tune when starting a new game
and people say this remake is good
I feel like Kiara's worst fear (and what's happening right now) is the death of Hololive
things have gotten much worse for everyone, we lost Aqua, Ame and A-chan in the same year, with Gura graduating soon too
Other indies have proven they don't need the blue dorito to be successful
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Mary, could you really fucking be in this fucking town? Shit.
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CC Mio Moona
Why are all the cars from the 70s in the game?
because it's not really concerning? if it's not irl related then it's fine
>we lost Aqua, Ame and A-chan in the same year
And Mel.
>with Gura graduating soon too
fuck off
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>still no holo playthroughs of the non-pretentious Silent Hill games
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Ina is awake and eating now
Go act like a smug retard somewhere else.
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>James is a bad person
>James killed everyone in mouthwash
>James killed everything in Silent Hill
What's wrong with the name James? I want to name my son James someday
>blue dorito
Can shitposters not out themselves immediately? They suck balls nowadays.
there were deniers even for Sana. There are always are and they call everyone else schizos. Funny stuff
You forgot Mel.
Ceci stop trying to make everything a joke.....
the writing is on the wall
also explain her recent activity/follows
Nope. Nobody in EN or JP
>my worst fear
>doomposting for minutes
>not concerning
Kronii today or next week?
Discordbros switched tactics since the know shitting on Kiara ends them immediately
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WOW, that's racist.
I painted over the writing
mary is not pronounced like marry
You're literally in a reply chain about a stream, with a clip from a stream
Why say it all?
Of course there are always deniers.
You are saying that any pushback against your claims is wrong.
You are just retarded.
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Kiara actually likes her fans, shocking concept i know.
fucking dramaniggers can't help but typing like cringy faggots
the wall is full of your diarrhea
and then back to being fine for the rest of the stream, if she and the people around her are ok then that's all that matters
I wonder if it's possible to stimulate an automaton's nipples
That's kind of disappointing. They have chat to backseat them if they get stuck.
>why can't Kiara be dishonest like my oshi?
eh feels soulless compared to the old edits
Gura? She hasn't done anything weird lately except for not streaming in a bit.
You must be talking about someone else.
amazing thread otomos
i pronounce mary like marry
Jamesilia Sundergold...
Hard mode has really hard puzzles to be fair.
Kiara literally hinted at it without saying what it is and there are people still fucking stupid enough to pretend its nothing. So are you discrediting Kiara or in desperate denial?
If you like your fans then don't make them worry by vagueposting at their faces about doomer shit (but not really explaining it)
yeah she loves making them feel like shit
I pronounce it like merry.
Which SH would be non-pretentious? SH1?
>we lost Aqua, Ame and A-chan in the same year
We lost Mel this year too.
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imagine not watching streams
You are the one who doesn't know why Kiara rants like that to her fans.
She has explained why she does it in her streams.
Man these schizos really don't interact with real people at all. Feels like I'm reading posts from 3rd worlders in /fit/
yeah that's right, just cover your eyes and don't look, everything is going well, Cover is good and great and nothing bad can ever happen to Hololive
let's buy some merch
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>Somebody decides to play Silent Hill 2 Remake
>As soon as the gameplay begins, they open up the options because SOMETHING is fucked up
Every fucking time, man. If it's not stuttering, it's some accessibility option that needs to be turned on.
No she didn't you brain dead retard, that is just your headcannon.
merry also sounds like mary and marry
Just sounds like Kiara's visa got fucked the same way Ina's did.
She does it because she wants attention more than she respects the privacy of others
good streams where?
Don't bother arguing with them. They'll just call you a schizo, anything to blindly defend stupid shit like what she did
>Feels like I'm reading posts from 3rd worlders in /fit/
What a coincidence.
wrong thread, tourist
this framerate is going to make me hurl
Don't what this soundpost is, I just like listening to Takanashi Kiara make funny noises.
I won't forget how much of a freak she is for shadow
I'm saying that Kiara said that something bad has been happening for a long time now and that it makes her sad.
You are the one desperate to make it about a graduation as if she said "graduation" live.
the only thing keeping them in was the fear that leaving would completely kill their income, ame leaving while leaving the door open and then doing well enough without all the perms stuff is obviously going to make people consider leaving. Why deal with all the extra homework, perms where you have to ask a week in advance to play a game at a certain time of day, and dealing with a chain of 4 people to play a game with your friends on stream when you could just do whatever you want and maintain a nice income?
I’m going to try
I'd love to take Cecilia on a tour of the United States.
Here is the things: there's a point when it becomes obvious, like when Sana or Ame post the stream or when Aqua starts vague posting on her stream. What you're doing is just screaming graduation at every opportunity and thinking you're right.
>Replying to: thing directly from a stream
>replying with: thing from (Your head) with (no example from a stream)
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the problem with all this shit being changable is that every developer's idea of default is wrong
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CC is hating things again...
My fav SH2 remake playthrough so far was Bettel's, but CC seems to follow up nicely.
I'm feeling great though
It literally be anything else you downplaying retard
CC there's FOG EVERYWHERE, what do you expect to see through the binoculars?
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Gets them everytime.
>You don't need a company to be successful
Many such cases in Real Life entertainment.
Follow list?
I dunno what you are talking about.
how many graduations will we get next year? 5? 6?
we cum tit village
>Game on PC isn't perfectly optimized for my unique setup out of billions possibilities
>membership stream
Which is it?
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it was such a small part of Kiara's stream but if you want to find a reason so bad then there's that recent Cover contractors mishap recently. We know she is VERY passionate about artists rights and recognition
I do that in every game though
Sensitivity is always too high
When you turn every little thing into proof that someone is about to graduate, eventually you hit the mark. That’s not something to brag about.
cc got NO tit
kiara just discovered that i've been ejaculating in her drinks.....
>Germans hating things
So you're saying that we should just ignore Kiara because she's doomposting for no reason for attention?
Who isn't, honestly?
You think that makes a difference?
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>It literally be anything else
CC laughing at "We Com" made me laugh too. She laughed at it like a goofy retard.
>non KFP projecting his miserable situation onto KFP
sorry your oshi hates you, not my problem.
Speak English.
sorry newfag, I ain't spoonfeeding
go back, newfag
It wouldn't be the first time she's pulled something like this.
too realistic, not as spicy as graduations, this angle will never gain traction
Nobody cares about that except dramaniggers looking for a reason to tear down Hololive
fellow Justchads, how was CC and Raora's collab?
Maybe it would work better if they spent more money on optimizing the game and less on shilling on a mongolian throat singing site.
Conservatively speaking ,yes.
germans love having sex with me
No, but keep trying.
You might get it right one day.
if its not irl related its definitely hololive related then right?
didn't watch
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Wait so your solution to things not going well is...not buying merch? How does that help?
>when Aqua starts vague posting on her stream.
Kiara is literally vague posting it happening to someone else and you want to pretend its nothing
i like forests
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A padoga!
Its the "has been going on" thing that confuses me the most
>tear down Hololive
I'd say staff and Yagoo are doing a pretty good job themselves kek
I'm actually feeling pretty great after that stream. Gonna go make myself a smoothie
Kiara doing well
The reason women gossip has been known for thousands of years friend
If you took Kiara seriously every time she has vaguely doomposted then everyone in HL would have graduated and a meteor would be hours away from wiping out all life on earth
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Original save screen was cooler
why do they hate us...
>she's doomposting
she literally mentioned it once and moved on, she was fine the rest of the entire stream you fucking dramafag
No meidos at these hours
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Add it to the huge list of proof why CC is basically 70% Ame
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me, a JUSTchad
You sound like the people saying that she or Gura is graduating when she doomposted in a member's only stream in 2022.
Did they?? They only had 1-2 streams! You can't judge from that, you fuck. I hate you, you shitposter, you dramanigger, you swelled up rhombus.
Not really, the thing they're trying to make a controversy about is pretty common
everyone knows what her worst fear is why don't you
Towa just confirmed she doesn't have a penis
you think that's her worst fear? lmao
Everyone knew that shit was happening already
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Okay everyone, Cecilia's playing with mouse and keyboard so SURELY she won't play as shit as everyone else has been so far. There's no way she'll run out of heals like a retard, yeah?
Why didn't he just call out instead of creeping up behind and touching her?
Very chill
Raora definitely chose that name to troll us
So something needs to be constantly repeated or else we should just ignore it? Strange cope
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Why is she laughing
>james seems nice
Poor James keeps getting compared to leon.
and it is the thing that implies it's not a graduation, but he'll keep insisting
Post your membership.
How come most holoENs don't do this? It's almost always her, especially when it relates to other people where it's not even her place to bring it up.
James is a rappist
So >>88336226 isn't you?
If anything Ame is 70% of Ceci
Most of EN hate their fans
yeah, mine
Nijisis tryna make Cover look bad while their company keeps going down the shitter
I don't have one, don't need one either since I just watched the clip here like everyone else
Poor Leon you mean, James is a bum
Why would she make the entire stream about she can't say outright?
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90% of the branch has complete and total contempt for the losers who oshi them.
Is CC's game audio quiet for anyone else?
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Good, let a meteor hit Earth for the second time. I'm tired of this shit.
Based non-stream watcher.
Because most of them are better than petty gossipers
Kiara only knows what Kiara knows
You are just afraid of getting banned, pussy. But congrats, you are not retarded enough to post doxx.
Kiara decides when it's her place, your oshi being a shitter ain't her problem
Most HoloENs are lying whores, we know.
I want to. I genuinely want to. Every girl in Hololive has been getting their fucking shit rocked playing this game, but they're also all on controller.
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Gotcha. Not rratting doomer stuff in your fans' faces about other holos or people = you hate your fans.
Well apparently, considering you have written "writing's on the wall" 5000 times
They don’t have any actual material they could use against Hololive, despite all the potential chances there could have been these past couple of days, so they’re lashing out hoping to see something stick.
>delete my post
>don't delete the blatant shitposting and crossposting bots
Funny how cope has become schizo's favorite word, when they have cope themselves to spew bullshit themselves don't even believe. Embarrassing.
Why do you think their feelings towards their fans have anything to do with their proclivity to gossip
Like Mori?
James wishes he was cool and well-adjusted like Leon.
Thanks for revealing you don't know what you're talking about then.
>has been going on
That person has been planning on leaving for months but Kiara only found out now
Being dishonest is hating your fans, yeah.
So you actually know its true and are just trying to get the dude banned?
It should have been meeeeeeeeeeee!!
damn bratty cat...
>about other holos or people
>first time ever playing silent hill
no racism in the shitposting thread
You're saying we should ignore what Kiara said because she only said it once, that's ridiculous
so true, sisters
cope, you lost.
Artist/company work related controversies aren't new and vtubing, seeing news about contractors having problems with niji or idol could make you hope cover isn't the same, probably one of her fears
don't scare me like that
How are the Silent Hill movies?
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I love it when Cecilia hates on stuff. It's very amusing.
Imagine shitposting and being afraid of getting banned, that's just pathetic
This is not the 2000s anon; most of that has been taken care of at the drivers level.
You don't need a Kiara membership to know why women gossip
You think she would be SHOCKED by that? No, it's about another member
Do you not see yourself adding your own narrative to what she said?
So according to the catalog sister if Kiara had a bad interaction with a supermarket employee it means that all of Advent will graduate on the 25th right?
>They don’t have any actual material they could use against Hololive
I'd say our more popular talents graduating is actually a pretty big deal
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Don't open.
big cat means big correction!
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I love this goof so much
more schizo posts on sundays phenomenon
If she played Silent Hill 15-20 years ago or so it would not help her nowadays
I disagree with him screaming graduation, since he has so far done that for Ina, Gura, Kiara, Fauna, Shiori, and Mumei in the past day.
So yeah, I want him to get banned for spamming.
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Leon's been through so many bioterrorist events and tragedies that he turned into an alcoholic later in life just to barely keep it together.
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First one is fair, as far as game adaptations go. Second is dogshit cringekino.
Yeah we should shit up MULTIPLE threads because of it instead, because that makes sense right?
what if she played silent hill 1 year ago?
Graduated and hanged, yes
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Gura is already graduated as is, who cares if she really leaves.
Kiara has always known management is incompetent at times when are deals with trying to get perms for songs she stuff. It wouldn't be a SHOCK to her or her worst fear
The first one is alright, even if they replaced Harry with a woman. It has a lot of pretty direct references to things from the first game. The second one is some weird mix between 2 and 3 story-wise, but it does have that hilarious scene where Pyramid Head rips some woman's skin off.
no good streams
You ain't part of the team homie
>she didn't say it
>ok she said it, but she didn't mean it
>ok she meant it, but we shouldn't talk about it
>about other holos or people
And what did she say about other holos or people?
He and Chris take turns at being emo alcoholics.
You could not pay me to watch Cecilia desu
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teamates were the only actual fans here, without them this place is just shitposter central
It's funny that CC is playing on super dark while Nerissa had brightness at like 200%
Cant believe Kiara found out that she's no longer involved in the lesbian orgies
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what can I do with faunas dice if I have no friends
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i am in that 10%
The first one is odd, not great, but you can tell they genuinely tried. Sean Bean is good in it.
>why does the dogshit branch generally dislike their fans
She didn't. He's just twisting it to shitpost.
Looks like you're a retard who didn't even watch the stream or the clip because she said it's about IRL or herself. Thread shitting moral grandstanding retard
I did this with Resident Evil 7 and 8. Even randos I've never watched on ytube
It's not SH2 unless you can only see a small pinhole of light from your flashlight when you're indoors.
Nothing except hint at her finding out something which shocked her and it was one of her worst fears.
Which is precisely what would create rrats.
I should have clarified, I'm not the one you were responding previously, I just wanted to point out how insane you sound.
eat them
shove them up your ass
It would be a close one, but I think I could beat CC in a fist fight
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This stupid doll is my oshi now
She loves being immersed
Who was the original manhandle post about? Megumin?
I can see the Moom's moombutt...
I hid one post and it wiped out 90 replies lol
The gamma settings screen lies to you. The preview images look perfectly visible but it's stupid dark at the default levels.
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>Nobody is obligated to like [Holo]
>Reply to metapost with "no good streams"
>Reply to complaint about shitposting with “maybe ___ should be more entertaining?”
>not your hugbox / stop being sensitive
>They hate their fanbase/genmate/language/Hololive
>UHHHH [Fanbase]BROS????
>[Holo] is [good thing] -> [Another Holo]...
>Suddenly bringing up a split when no one was talking about one
>Blatantly anti opinion but put in a spoiler
>PLEASE WATCH [Holo] in a super obvious condescending tone
>Notice how shitposting/Meidos stop when [Fanbase]!?
>Why is no one watching [Holo]? Their stream is [Numbers]!
based sapling
that bit makes me think of something far worse than some stupid graduations, but it's very funny how catalogfags keep proving they're retarded mouthbreathers, because I haven't seen any of them even sniff at what I'm thinking
One thing I don't like about chat is the constant realization I'm both unfunny and a dime for 200. every joke I try to make, a dozen other people got there before me.
warhammer 40,000 kill team has a pve mode so if you got a couple hundred bucks and a lot of time to spare you could play that
kill yourself Biboo schizo
Have they actually said anything that paints Hololive in a bad light? Or are you just pretending this whole conversation didn’t happen back when Coco graduated or Rushia got fired?
Their cope levels are hilarious
you highly underestimate how she feels about artists
so she said practically nothing about anyone or anything, gotcha. it being about someone is all rrats you are projecting onto the clip
Why would a doll wear a bra?
Insane for what? All I said is that it's stupid to ignore Kiara saying something because she just said it once
That's just weak cope from people who don't want to hear it
I know. I want him to say exactly what he thinks she said.
why does the janitor for this thread have such thin skin? genuinely its fucking bizarre, he'll let bots post for hours straight but mention that he should actually do his job, or worse, make fun of SEA and your post gets nuked.
ChatGPT with regex filters could unironically moderate better because every shitpost is flowcharted with keywords
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she's fashionable
Only Ame insinuated bad things/things she disliked
And everyone thinks they're the first one to make that joke. Welcome to the world of memes.
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If CC is a doll couldn't you install other parts on her?

like give her huge tits or a dick or whatever?
False. She said it's not about her.
If you understood any basic logic you would realize that this also means it's about someone other than her.
ceci is too funny for her own good
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never that. She just got two new cosplayers on her dick this week
It also wouldn't be something she had to vague post about since he news was officially released
It was a members stream, I doubt your are a membered kfp, it wasn't for your ears in the first place. But please continue to ignore everything schizo, because a sane poster can recognize what has been going on for multiple threads by now.
Never played dress up with dolls?
Shut the fuck up or at least directly reply to a shitposter because I've already hidden their conversation thread. You and your kind are the only ones shitting up my thread.
There is NOTHING wrong with being an alcoholic.
I hope CC doesn't learn she can break windows
>it's not about her
It's about God. She hasn't been paying her church taxes.
... or the company, or literally anything else but herself.
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Other girls are superior because their fat cocks can unload cum in you, while CC can only peg you.
>People seriously trying to say Kiara's "worst fear" Is Cover sending a piece of art back for revisions 200 times
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chumbuds realized it is over for their oshi

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