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The first edition of the general for indies Sunny Splosion and Mogu Ghost

Sunny Splosion

Mogu Ghost
Doki and Mint 2.0
sag hex
first and last
Randomly came across their collab yesterday and gotta admit, it was a pretty comfy stream. Also for some reason hearing Sunny say "I'm so happy!" makes me smile. I hope both of them will keep going strong in the future.
Thanks for the bump.
I thought about baking an exNiji general since there's so many now but i don't know how peaceful it would be
Welp, guess there's just one way to find out.
It would be full of retards arguing about Sayu. You have to ban her from the general
maybe they'll learn to behave if they're forced to interact with other ex-rainbows and see firsthand how schizo they look
Maybe if you limited it to just the girls (although Sayu's inclusion would bring in raiders). I don't think anyone would welcome discussion about Quinn or notHex
Aww, they both are so cute
Do either of them have people uploading their streams to youtube?
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fantomethief 2.0
amesame 3.0
Seriously, what is it with white hairs and blondes where they make such good pairs?
I'd prefer that too. The best thing for her is to be completely forgotten by /vt/ so she can continue to heal her mental.
She was getting one-guy'd and threw a fit even in the immediate days after reconciling with Matara. She's a lost cause.
Nah, she's doing much better ever since she started going outside more and taking breaks. Not so much for her stream numbers, but mentally she's like a different person now.
Good point, though I still think it'd be interesting
Is this the first thread for them? From what I see they had a stream the day before.
I don't really see the point of it. Aside from the fact that many of them have little in common with each other, Dragoons, Wisps and fans of those in vshojo all have their own established threads, Synchroknights have the occasional /ss/, fans of NotHex, whatever he's called, seem to have found a place in /cbdct/ and no one wants to talk about Quinn.
They did have a thread at the moment they had their stream, if that's what you're asking.
There was a thread for the stream yesterday, but it was a bait thread.
What can we do to make Mogu do a footcam stream?
It wouldn't work because
people do not want notKyo and notHex discussion, and I'm sure people also don't want to deal with notMysta's fanbase
>constant raids
Doki and Sayu alone would bring retards (that are not part of their fanbase) that just want to shit over the place
+1, I think this thread should just stay Sunny & Mogu
Quinn has no fans here, notHex has fans in /cbdct/ who even ran a general for a few days
>doki and sayu
Dragoons won't came here because they have 3 threads already. The less I say about sayu fans, the better.
Have you tried killing yourself?
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Sunny and Mogu are probably gonna be small enough keeping a thread alive at all times won't work.
Sunny so far has collabed with a mostly VShojo-adjacent crowd.
Mogu will probably be close to the FGC crowd and by continuation possibly to Doki, and Mint.
The thing is those are mostly non-overlapping circles, and PhantomThief don't really have a box of their own, they are rather mostly everywhere. If Mogu and Sunny get pulled into something like Sloppy Sisters, then it's a different question.
tl;dr: the collab landscape is too diffuse.
I had an idea for a Mint-Mogu general since they're both ghosts, but /mint/ is already strong enough on its own and I don't think they'd consent to a merger.
ex niji general
call it /rehab/
>call it /rehab/
It will be interesting to put sincroknights, dragoons, wisps, 4skins, momos, k9s, kaleidoscope, etc in a room and see what happens after a few hours.

But this thread is for sunny and mogu. If the general doesn't survive that's fine, just use it for any liveposting, sharing art, bouncing off ideas for community projects and keeping up to date with various happenings in their circle.
Yeah, don't touch /mint/ and /haha/, they won't appreciate it.
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would you take indos?
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>It will be interesting to put sincroknights, dragoons, wisps, 4skins, momos, k9s, kaleidoscope, etc in a room and see what happens after a few hours.
I think it'd make more sense to expand the general to all chubas who were not happy in their previous corpo.
honestly, that'd be fine. none of them really hate the others other than maybe the kyrio and sayu guys. Everyone else is neutral at worst.
if an ex niji general happens then it should allow literally every ex niji that reincarnated
this is just mostly an EOP board
gundou gibara and meiji were called the niji akatsuki when they got together post niji
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Come here paladins guhehehehehehe
>I think it'd make more sense to expand the general to all chubas who were not happy in their previous corpo.
Sakuna's thread is already much larger than this one could ever hope to be, Dooby has like 3 threads too.
Maybe miguel cat fans can be welcomed
You don't want that. You really don't.
Not even the vshojo thread wanted to deal with rushia/nazuna/mikeneko fags
Doki and Mint had well established generals for past three years
There's no point trying to suddenly join their threads with barely related vtubers or even worse trying to convince them to use a different one.
Similar story for Dooby and Sakuna.
are either of them hags? otherwise no sagging
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>but mentally she's like a different person now.
I hope she can be back to Sayu Okami levels of "mental", she was a lot happier back then, for obvious reasons.
Well, powerhouses like her would naturally split off of a general anyway. If you had a general ex-corpo thread you'd be able to capture a lot of well liked girls that are just a little too small for /lig/, but aren't 2 or 1 views either. Some of the graduating/redebuting talents from idol and eien come to mind.
I mean there are dragoons and wisps in /NijiEn/ and /lig/ but they aren't a common occurrence. They don't have to abandon their general or anything to take a stroll outside every now and then.
>I mean there are dragoons and wisps in /NijiEn/
I'm gonna call bullshit on that. At most they're avatarfagging socfaggots that don't even watch vtubers I bet.
Oh boy you have no idea. I assure you, they are real. Although the dragoon is probay just one person. Or maybe two. Multiple wisps/pomudachis/pomies though.
Huh that sounds like a cool idea.
>If you had a general ex-corpo thread
I second that, a counterpart to /corpo/ would be neat
/corpo/ already takes those but if you think you could get more traction with a new general be my guest
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I don't know much about Mogu, but she's a fellow Watamelon farmer, so she's based in my book.
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I think >>88359050 was making a point about the overpopulation explosion that would happen after putting Wisps and Dragoons in the same thread. We keep them apart for a reason man, and it ain't hatred.
yeah there's definitely wisps who still hang around nijis, but it's getting harder after vivi.
The ex Niji community continues to thrive. Nature truly can heal. It makes my dragoon heart so happy.
Blacked whores.
Has she really made peace with her status as not being fully connected to the other ex-Nijis? Fair or not, her outbursts were kinda pushing me away.
No. This whores only leech of Nijisanji brand.
/corpo/ is for actual.corpo talents, not for ex corpo indies. The closest general we have to that would be ex tsunderia, and that threads limited to only former tsun members
Not all. You're only supposed to bat for the 'good ones' and wish nothing but misfortune for the 'bad ones'.
She recently thanked one of her most psychotic fans for getting angry( harassing) on her behalf with regards to quinn on her alt. Why do you think she got a bait thread.
Tell me you don't use /corpo/.
>Are former corpo talents allowed?
>Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.
There are almost more graduates than active small corpo chuubas at this point. The Nijis were "big corpo" however.
There has only been 10 graduations or terminations. That's not a lot compared to the number still in the branch but it is enough proportionally to be a problem.
Okay, fine. The Ex-Niji community minus Quinn and NotHex continues to thrive.
Good lad
Yeah, she's basically accepted it at this point and apparently got in touch with a few of them recently. A lot of hatchets are being buried now, and hostilities are getting cleared away.
Could someone care to explain these contradictory answers?
latter is sister trying to shitpost against her.
Recently she somehow reached a truce with Quinn after he had a crazy menhera rant about her, kind of like the kenji thing from before, or the matara one.
She's slowly getting closure from pretty much everybody in some form that she had issues with over the past few months.
i'd love a sunny general but i'm pretty sure this is just going to be shitpost central once third world discordtards find this and start bringing their "epic bantz" to screencap for twatter. i'm not gonna tell you guys what to do but if you like the girls it would be better to let 4chan forget about them.
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There has been lots of rrats floating around quinn doxxing sayu and enabling her harassment. Quinn basically clarified that and explained that he reached out to sayu after that ( 1 year ago) and that there was no beef between them.

However he said that he was upset that people were more charitable to her liking a "Fuck kyo" comment without talking to him first compared to him merely replying to a comment about sexual assault ( He said he didn't know zaion thing and thought it was about something else) . He said he doesn't support doxxing and that after he reached out to her there's no beef. Even defended her by saying that she was quiet all this time because of NDA.

Sayufans and dramafags like rima and parrot raked him over the coals with it and claimed that he was jealous of her success or something.

Later sayu had pic related to say on her alt. She also thanked fans for "getting angry" for her even if quinn was innocent and personally thanked a deranged fan piprup who has sent death threats to people and is considered unhinged even by the niji antis. I can provide you pics for that too.
>calls it a truce
Sayutrannies this is why everyone comes together to laugh at you
you know your attempts to rewrite history doesn't exactly work when the vods are this easy to find.
He whined for 10 full minutes about how zaion making a joke about a fictional character was somehow worse than him making fun of her doxx and twitlonger, unironically saying, "what she did was way worse."

He feels as if her liking a comment on her youtube channel a year ago is the same or worse than the harassment and isolation she had to endure for nearly two years now. That is the thing the "dramafags" latched onto in the past few days.

Also Piprup is a fucking stain and I wish he'd be evicted from the entire fucking internet. He's done more damage to Sayu and her fanbase's reputation than Nijisanji at this point.
Super saiyan and ultra instinct
No offense anon. But you are the one who made the bait thread and got the vod to the dramafags. You are also intentionally misterpreting his words just to suit your agenda. You are probably the guy she was replying to.

Link the whole vod for the tourist and give the timestamp so they can decide on their own instead of forcing your inane ramblings down their throat.
anon, that is the full rant, unless you want 30 minutes of him eating a taco or whatever his uber eats was. https://gofile.io/d/1kzWHk
The second video is the entirety of the portion related to zaion.
This shit's infuriating because of the audacity of that man. He still has the entire scene eating out of his hands and all of the opportunities in the world and he STILL feels the need to punch down at a woman who was ostracized, doxxed, and harassed.
These are the exact kind of issues that could have been aired to sayu directly to solve rather than hundreds of viewers in an attempt to get people to attack her again.
You can't hate Pomudachi's. You have to be mentally unwell to do so.
>>88375153 (me)
I'd like to add as well that regardless, sayu's said the issue is resolved, and that's that as far as her fanbase is concerned.
The only reason I'm bringing any of this up at all is because now sisters are using this event as more ammo to attack her with, and will likely keep twisting everything for the next few weeks.
Fuck, I hate Piprup.
Oh you fucking piece of shit. He defended her by saying that she could not have exonerated him of doxxing claims because of nda when we both know its bullshit. Even now she was being passive aggressive by saying "I want to believe them"

And if he wanted to start drama he wouldn't have deleted the vod. For fuck's sake, his rant wasn't even about sayu it was about toxic fans like you who outright lied about his words and said that he was 'jealous of her success'. He even had the decency to not name her directly and half of his chat had no clue who tf he was talking about.
>Fuck I hate piprup
Sure thing, piprup
>For fuck's sake, his rant wasn't even about sayu it was about toxic fans like you who outright lied about his words
His words? Like that "psychotic 30 year old lady harassing a barely legal 19 year old adult?" Because that doesn't sound like a problem with just the fanbase, or the words of someone who talked with someone properly.
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His words like "I reached out to her and we have no beef". His words like "she couldn't have defended me because of nda". His words like "I disagree with some of her actions but I don't support doxxing and harassment".

And what did sayu say? "Thank you for getting angry on my behalf teehee btw what he said was completely true".
And then she gassed up piprup of all people. Did you forget that, you dumbfuck? Did sisters make her do that too? I can't even blame quinn for using the word 'psycho' for that.
>His words like "I reached out to her and we have no beef". His words like "she couldn't have defended me because of nda". His words like "I disagree with some of her actions but I don't support doxxing and harassment".
Yes, his words like, "Oh, you can make fun of sexual assault but not say, someone's doxx?"
And what did sayu say? "Thank you for getting angry on my behalf teehee btw what he said was completely true".
Nah. You can't say that after nobody stood up for her in 2023 up until Selen's termination. That's the idea she's happy for; that she finally has a community of people willing to help her through things rather than being surrounded by the sisters calling her home, posting her doxx everywhere, and trying to paint her as a pedophile. Hell, unlike Quinn, she explicitly states the situation and attempts to defuse it without using words like "psychotic" or "what she did was WAY worse."
You're the one clearly twisting words here, sister. If you want to defuse a situation and get people to calm down, you do what Sayu did, not what Quinn did.
Lol he explicitly said that he doesn't support her doxxing.
>defusing situation
You mean the passive aggressive "I want to believe them". She couldn't even
tell her fans to not harass people instead of thanking them for getting "angry"

>what she did was way worse
He was referring to her publicly liking the comment saying "fuck kyo" which resulted in rrats about doxxing that YOU scumbags spread all over, which she never clarified despite knowing about it compared to him replying to a comment about sexual assault when he didn't even know the whole situation.

There it is, the last refuge of the sayusister. Piprup, I hope to god you get some help. I won't say any more. My posts were for the tourists lurking here, not to argue with you.
>>88344451 (me)
Welp, looking through this thread again i was right. An exNiji general would be a massive mistake.
>Quinn this Sayu that
Have you stopped to think that both are in the right in this scenario?
1. Quinn deleted his VOD rant a day later when it barely had views because he realized sisters were trying to use his words to rekindle drama. If that never happened we wouldn't be in this scenario.
2. Sayu is posting about this on an alt account which was supposed to be known to her biggest fans only. She thanked them for being her biggest supporters then told them Quinn was innocent and corroborated his story. I don't think she needs to do anything more.
By the way none of this would have happened if schizos would stop breaking containment and leaking deleted VODs just to stir drama. Imagine what would have happened if Sayu's prostitution/i hate other indies deleted VOD was published all over by dramatubers?
>defusing situation
>You mean the passive aggressive "I want to believe them". She couldn't even tell her fans to not harass people instead of thanking them for getting "angry"
You're once again ignoring both the context of her lack of support from the past two years and the audience she's talking to. It's not you dramafags. It's her fanbase who will actually get the hint. Hell, even that retard piprup had to bite his tongue for once.

>He was referring to her publicly liking the comment saying "fuck kyo" which resulted in rrats about doxxing that YOU scumbags spread all over,
The fuck? That was because of Nijisanji fucking up and tagging the wrong person, as well as the nyfco messages that appeared 2 hours before the zaion termination crediting him. Get your timelines right. All the "fuck kyo" tweet did was make people who already hated kyo more upset at him. It didn't change anything for him or sayu.

>My posts were for the tourists lurking here, not to argue with you.
Fuck off, already. Your posts were to spread more hate towards a woman who's already got a shit reputation here as a lolcow, despite spending the past half year doing her best to recover mentally from this and defuse every single situation she's been a part of. Even this was clearly an effort to tell people to calm the fuck down and stop fighting, which is a courtesy that people like Kyo never gave her.
>>88376659 (me)
Also fuck off from this thread and bake a bait thread. This is supposed to be the Sunny+Mogu general, not Sayu+Quinn
Yeah, I guess that's a fair take. I
I'm still frustrated from all the twisted words and shit flung her way that she's been getting for the past few months.
Regardless, this is my last post on the matter.
Sunny cute and I hope she and Mogu can collab more often soon.
you have to be pomu
You're right. I just wish she could have said a simple "I don't condone harassment and it shouldn't have happened" because these people would have absolutely hailed quinn as the literal devil if he made statements like what she actually said.

Somehow we're all supposed to extremely charitable to what sayu says or does but be extremely uncharitable to quinn even though the supposed reasons that required us to hate him are simply untrue.

Lastly I dislike that sayu fans are saying shit like "we're letting go because she said so" like he'd otherwise deserve harassment. Couldn't even admit that they were wrong about the guy. Literal sister behaviour.

Other than that, I'm sorry for interrupting your general. Sunny is cute, I hope mogu comes back soon.
god i hope one day mogu would get another model from her vivi artist
That's a trend I really don't mind. Niji always gets fantastic designs, but wastes them on dogshit rigs. It'd be great to see something from that artist on Mogu again.
True, i like the mama trend that's been happening recently
people often bring in mikeneko in discussion, but i think that's somewhat disingenious. her doing rushia recolor is just a part of her clinging to the past, it's not definitive thing on it's own

i think getting a great model from experienced character designer is a good thing. sadly, it seems like mogu is in tough financial situation rn, so probably no new models for some time...
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>Sunny/Mogu general
>half the thread is Sayu/Quinn shitpostiong
Blame the retard who suggested to turn this into some kind of ex niji general.
pretty sure thanking them and their misguided actions but also gently drawing the line of no harassment and doxxing going forward is barely any extra effort. It’s ironic coming from her as a victim. Guess they lived long enough to become the very thing they hated, or she should just refrain from tweeting at all if she can’t think that far
Bro please stop you'll summon the schizo again. Delete this.
another sad thing about vivi graduation is that she'd probably stream on twitch after that. i hope there will be vods on yt tho, i'm a vod watcher anyways
Who knows. Dooby streamed on Twitch before but now she streams on both now that Twitch has gotten more risky.
It is insanely funny that Sayuschizos inhabit this general when Sunny and Quinn are friends. Sunny was even in that stream where Quinn talked about Sayu, agreed with everything he said and made a twitlonger joke on the same level as the joke Kyo made.

Pretty fucked up of Sayu to admit Quinn was completely innocent but still thank her schizos for harassing the shit out of him for a year and a half
>Sayu anti still trying to spin the narrative against her
make your own thread
captcha: xhhhx
If she didn't want antis, she shouldn't encourage her community to be a bunch of bloodthirsty schizophrenics who attack anyone they think she might not like. She even calls her fanbase harassing innocents "justice".

I don't engage with her past shitting on her here. Which is leagues above faggots like Piprup and Sayu's band of dramafags talking about how much they want to beat up Quinn
>Comes into Sunny and Mogu thread
>Expecting to see updates or links to old clips
>It's a Quinn vs Sayu war instead
You're such a retarded schizo.
I think with doob it's more about having huge YT-only fanbase. Vivi didn't have big fanbase either way.
>when Sunny and Quinn are friends

>agreed with everything he said
Not really.

>and made a twitlonger joke on the same level as the joke Kyo made

>to admit Quinn was completely innocent
Stretching hard.

>thank her schizos for harassing
That's not what she said.

>harassing the shit out of him for a year and a half
That didn't happen. The opposite however certainly did.
Amazing first thread. I sure do love it when people bicker about a fleshie wigger and a menhera asian hag on a thread that is about two completely different people. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
let's hope second thread would be better
it was funny seeing her attempting "first playthrough" of amnesia after watching this clip
I can see replacing Mint with CC, but GG is a fucking toddler.
there's indies that have 100ccv that're able to keep active generals with discussion (Kiki mainly). you guys can find a way for 2 people i think
Not surprised. In fact Bint is still seething about Sayu
Kiki is an outlier as a /here/ chuuba.
Sayu is a 4view and her threads can struggle to stay up when they aren't raided by antis.

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