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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>88248822

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
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i love her so much

if she doesnt stream tomorrow ill die
she said she will
another day on earth
>only Irina survived
Brown sugar
I hope your oshi bans you and you kill yourself
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i want to put my pp in every girl in this image
Would you start with the smallest first or the biggest first?
nta, but biggest to smallest
blindfolded and i have to guess who is who
i was just reading that doujin
I wanma be someone's imouto... T~T
Perfect, I want to be someone's onii-chan
>yumi has been holding her pee for 4 hours
she's about to fry some chicken in that bathroom
the bathroom is me btw
this does not sound like miwa
saving the best for last, then?
of course, it's the only way that makes sense
>mimi drew a picture for Yumi
hey anons!! giving you another update - I may stream a little late because i want to get everything ready so i hope thats okay! but i know its a sunday going into a monday so if you cant make it dont worry!!
holy sexo
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yumi is posting her ref sheet on twitter
We'll make an American out of her yet
I bet she'll never clarify what kind of pistol she carries.
watch streams
no way I'm missing my little sister's first stream
what's her stream link?
I think tatsukkowai
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damn, it's 3 am here, I need to sleep
will there be vod available?
ill try and finish my stuff for stream asap anon!!
yessss eheh guru
i might also not stream tonight if thats better for everyone, gives me a full day to 100% prepare though. but if i do there will 100% be a VOD available.

since its getting so late i might postpone it to tomorrow. maybe by the time you wake up ill still be streaming xD unless you have to work D:
It's your choice but when you do choose to stream make sure to post a time that way people know when.
I know tonight would work better for me, but no time works for everyone, so do whatever you think is best. It is your stream after all.
I commed it, love her crayon drawings they're very wholesome
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trump is speaking right now anyway
Based, thanks anon. It was cute
LMAO kek who the fuck cares
>drew art for tranny moenaomii
I don't trust you
She's ending, but you can catch the last bit of zatsu
Of course it's an /asp/ fag
who's this?
1. moenaomii isnt a tranny, hes a guy
2. she can draw whoever, her art is cute so its okay
>tranny moenaomii
you don't have to pretend that he's trans, he already has a cock
I wish they would stop showing up whenever some new /uoh/ starts to stream. It's best to just ignore them since they live off negative attention
low 2view that doesn't use the tag so I keep missing her
KEK that is not miwa why is someone larping as her
no one thought it was miwa
cucked by a crossdressing sexpest
her voice is cute, I'll try to catch her next time
associating with them was my biggest mistake early on when i started
all i ever i wanted was some friends
I ended up being crabbed by total strangers who saw me as a threat to their success ;w;)
ignoring them is the best, they get bored and leave
Who's on with Yumi right now?
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Yumi you're gonna get banned
Don't those cameras all have proprietary apps, how are you supposed to figure out which one
And what is the username/email going to be then?!
Moka has revealed the truth. Yumi is not sigma
it's over...
I want Moka to do a tarot reading for me too
It might be one of those business grade cameras. So if you could just know the ip, the username is probably "admin"
Did Yumi turn off channel points or is my shit just bugged?
Yeah she did
not on for me either
hopefully the points come back when she turns them back on
>The biggest thing I predicted was my parent's divorce
They're gone, that's why you should always spend them as you get them
Never know when they'll be taken away
yumi knows miwa?
being an adjacent is nice, i just wouldn't self-post there
Couldn't find anyone else live
of course they do, they're both in the cunnycord
miwa isnt she is too shy for that
my pure wife
lol ok
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Can you add my little sisters? Tennyo Yui and Dianko Lastrea
why are you retards roleplaying a retard
>she's actually not in it
lol sorry you had to find out this way sister
roleplaying someone is in a discord with people she isnt friends with is so odd
that's just being in literally any vtuber server
>join my oshi's server
>realize she's in a server with me
>that means she's my friend
>we basically are having sex
later virgins
You can catch me in the bath with my imouto
Eating bento made by my imouto
I'm her nii-san
She's my imouto
Keep your hands off, that's my imouto
Take the cloths off of my imouto
Pocky in her mouth, that's my imouto
Yeah, I'm going down on my imouto
Swear I lose all control for my imouto
>all those people under Mond's post saying they couldn't be that creepy
ngmi, she gave you permission
Bonnie stream
not everyone is creep
everyone who likes mond is
I will breed you Mond
different parts of my personality shine through for different chuubas, mond exposes my obsessive side
What they really mean is that they're too retarded to find the camera's portal and are just trying to save face
thanks, she cute
this but unironically
ANONS!! i finally found out where the stream button was!!! im so stupid ToT
who asked
Yaay! So you decided to stream tonight?
nice, I didn't even know there was a stream button. I only ever used obs with a key
yes yes!!! im going to stream tonight XD it wont be anything crazy though but ill be happy to have you guys :3
That's great! I'll probably just have to lurk on my phone from bed though as it's quite late for me.
> uses XD
youre a millenial larping as a loli not even old zoomers use XD
The youngest millenials aren't hags just yet
I don't know how to tell you this
every ctuber is a hag larping as a child
its okay anon, i took so long because i didnt realise how much on the tech side i would have to set up. but ill be streaming tomorrow night too!! i think

Im not a millenial, im a zoomer, a very cute one in fact. using XD is just another form of expressing emotion idk what to tell you.
yes they are, the oldest zoomer is 27
She's live!
literal who. not even an affiliate
it's her first stream dumbass go support her
her first stream and some groomer is already shilling her here? hell no that means she is groomed as fuck
Thank god she has follow alerts disabled, I can lurk stealthily
first day in the thread?
go back to the catalog
She is live
Have you streamed before? You seem like a natural.
>only male voices on stream
I'm going to pass on this one
>male collab
I don't have a twitch acc yet but I'm watching your stream sis but it's very nice and you're super cute!
Fuck off

anons this isnt even a vtuber its just some girl
I'm not her, she just asked chat to post the link
little sis PLAP PLAP PLAP
this girl sounds like she stinks pretty good
What accent is this? it's really cute
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Brought to you by holospy
They're both brits, but with fulgur being irish brit
Why are so many catalogfags here tonight?
it's over...
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When is she going live?
When she's ready. I'm looking forward to it.
I hope she doesn't think we don't like her, I felt bad when she said she was jealous. If that was her.
I felt bad about that too... I hope we didn't hurt her feelings. We love you, little sis!
Jealous of who? She has one of the best loli voice in here
She's not actually going to lose to the bot... right?
Everyone here is less popular than neuro. You already lost to a bot.
Hi that's me!! I'm the anon who said she's watching Tatsu's live but I can't talk because I don't have an account yet :( I'm probably making an account soon lol im drawing my png

I wasn't the anon who said she's jealous!
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Take your time, creativity has to come out on its own
++ I hope that anon is okay though :( As a chuuba it must feel really bad to feel rejected or not enough, we can't really control those feelings. I try to watch most chuubas who post here even though because I feel like all of them deserve love!

my dad walked in on me doing the vocaroo that was awkward lmaoaoao
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Just masturbated, lolis hold no power over me for the next 40 minutes or so.
No need to rush. Glad to hear you're still around and still motivated.
Would your dad mind if you call me daddy too?
I'm gonna touch you chart-chama
little sisters should call big bro daddy from time to time
Anons, serious question!!
I really like playing Roblox but I'm not sure if it would be nice playing it as stream content because it's a platform for kids and stuff. I don't plan on being an NSFW chuuba at all but a lot of people might not like that and I wanna avoid antis/drama as much as possible. What do you think?
it's fine
it's cool, lots of chuubas play it
I'm a girl and even I feel irked when I hear male on a ctubers stream. I feel so irked in fact I probably never watch that ctuber again. Is this normal
Picking roblox games is an art in itself, since there's so many and they can be all kinds of things. It's pretty common for chuubas nowadays
I don't venture out into other threads often because 2/3rds of the posters on this board terminally retarded.
lobotomize yourself
Nothing is normal in this site, otherwise it would be redit.
>I don't plan on being an NSFW chuuba
Why do you believe that will cause drama?
What if artists want to make NSFW art of you
Are you ok with that?
I think that if you're already pandering to antis before even streaming you're off to a bad start
I would be okay with any art, just wouldn't do any pomf or lewd streams, think Shondo for example.
I think a lot of people get mad when NSFW streamers of any kind play Roblox

Sorry anon, I'm just kinda scared of conflict. But I'll take your advice and just do what I like
It's an /asp/ whore who drew art for her crossdresser bf
Antis won't like you no matter what you do or don't
They'll make up an excuse to attack you even if you don't give them any
If you want to avoid conflict ban/block anyone that tries to start one, and focus on that people that do like you
You'll get much further and be much happier
Grow up
i doubt thats even an /asp/ie to begin with considering an anon
I WONDER WHO, was making up the same kind of blatant lies about an asp adjacent vchuuba a while ago
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Literally no one cares what you think.
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What are you trying to gain with this pathetic damage control?
That was an unnecessarily hurtful thing to say.
It's kind of funny that the tourists never even read the threads they try to shit up.
Thank you to everyone who was there at my stream!!! You made my day and night so much better and I had fun with lots of endless yapping and playing digimon with you all!! Hopefully we can do some more stuff next time!! And I’ll stream a little earlier since I have everything ready now!! (And I know where the start stream button is…) (≧∇≦)
Thank you once again anons, big bros, and my sisters who visited me!
I hope to see you all next stream!!
And GOODNIGHT!! Or morning!!! XD <3 love you all, stay cute and funny!
oh you're from there and coming in here to shit up the thread.
good to know.
what even is your end goal?
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They're crabs, don't even reply.
You are so cute!
I look forward to your next stream
You did really well, I never would have guessed that was your first stream.
Untrue, Poles use XD and xD to this day
>I've been exposed
Who's the artist here?
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You sound so small and cute. I doubt you can even count from 10 to 0 properly. Can you record trying it for us?
yeah. for me it's not even "male on stream! dropped!" i watch a guy streamer sometimes. he doesn't vtube but is just a voice. most if not all guys into vtubing are akward or have a wierd voice that makes them hard to enjoy the stream. awkwardness is only bearable when it's a cute girl. also most of the guys girls choose to collab with are not fun on stream.
Reading through some of the things I missed while I was streaming :3

I haven’t actually streamed before!! I just yapp all the time so I’m able to go for a whiiiiiiile. I just know what to say and when to say it! I guess xD

THANK YOU SIS <3 It’s completely okay, I’m glad you were able to tune in!!!

Also for the people who saw me almost get beat by a bot… I WOULDNNNNTTT!! Dummiesssss…

TYSM!! I’ll try and stream fairly regularly! Or whenever I feel like it, even for a little bit. It’ll be in the evening times though.

Reallyyy? So sweet ToT, I just know how to yap, never streamed before.

Goodmorning anons!!! Remember to have a great day, love your lolis, be cute and funny, eat and drink, and enjoy life!!

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