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>Only HoloEN to refuse to do Kiara's bag stream
>Submits 3 items to Pekora's auction the same week

>watchalong for Miko's live in the morning
>stream overtop of Bae's live at night

>cancels multiple english streams every week for months
>has never canceled a japanese stream

I'm noticing a pattern.
They aren't there to be in EN.
Refusing to do Kiara's bag streams is based, you never know what non-Holo she will try to shill in those and you don't want any of her bitter commentary to be about you as much as possible.

Those types of watchalongs are almost certainly agreed upon or even assigned to some extent considering there was a JP one, an ID one and an EN one.

I don't know about not cancelling a JP stream, didn't they cancel the Voice Mimicry game like five times and just ultimately abandon it?
Ruffians will defend this
Why wouldn't they?
Voice Mimicry wasn't a japanese stream.
And FWMC also know Mint.
They've also done like 10 times more collabs with HoloJP than they have with anyone in EN
Because it's objectively shitty behavior. Chumbuds aren't afraid to criticize Gura for her ghosting and lack of streams. It seems that ruffians are different, however, and love being in the cuck chair. In fact, they will even thank FWMC for giving them the opportunity to watch them get torn apart by BJC (big japanese cock) right before their very eyes.
Voice Mimicry is a JP pandering game.
All Fuwamoco have taught me in their venture within Hololive is that Mori was wrong about the company not hiring catty bitches.
literally how?
It was a JP fad game, the few non-JP's who played the game came to it late and could speak Japanese, which is why they were even aware of the game.
okay but it was during PST and there was no indication they would be speaking japanese
>Only HoloEN to refuse to do Kiara's bag stream
Pretty sure IRyS hasn't done that either
nijifags like you guys will seethe at this
streaming over bae's 3d live and raiding at like the 2nd to last song felt shitty
All we saw was nijiniggers like you seething at gura and now fuwamoco. It won't bring back Luxiem sister.
"refuse" how?
Dooby is also shitty for streaming over Bae's live.
If they hate EN so much why didn't they just apply for fucking DEV_iS, literally only debuted a month later. Would they still be as popular if they debuted as normal human twins in regloss though i wonder
Kiara asked them to send a pic and they said no. She said it on stream.
>Chumbuds aren't afraid to criticize Gura for her ghosting and lack of streams
Yet they regularly charge into threads that point out said ghosting and lack of streams in order to defend her honor and make excuses for her.
Pretty sure they got rejected from JP, isn't that their whole thing? All of Advent were massive rejects (for different reasons, all of which were valid).
Except you retards say there was no indication they'd be speaking in Japanese when they do streams that are very obviously always intended to be Japanese so your view on that subject is invalid. The title of their cancelled stream for that game has Japanese first/English second.
the only thing among those that matters is overlapping a branch-mates concert, which is objectively bitchcunt behavior, I miss the days when this shit actually got you torn apart here, but too many "untouchables" started doing it so people gaslit themselves into thinking it's acceptable behavior.
Based ricequeens
They said their bags weren't interesting so they decided not to send any.
name a single time they have ever done a JP stream in their PST timeslot, retard
>(big japanese cock)
>not sugoi nihonjin dencock
and then they sent in a dead bug and a receipt to Pekora's auction.
>can't even post the actual numbers
not sure what you're trying to imply but yes, they literally refused.
They’re trying to build up enough rapport on the JP side that Cover finally caves and lets them transfer over.
Voice Mimicry is just a DMCA-free version of Choicer Voicer
Terrible 3/10 bait. Next time, less cuck fanfiction and add some half-truths at the very least. Good job mentioning Gura tho but then again it's just not believable.
sis, despite the scuff she had like 15k on youtube and 9k on twitch
they're bitter about getting rejected from HoloJP, they need to get over it. the disrespect for their branch is gross
Kiara is based as always. Tell everyone they refused.
>despite the scuff
have you ever watched ame?
Honestly the dogs are so addicted to kayfabe that i wouldnt expect them to ever do anything like that.
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Actually Fuwamoco never raided her
But what they did is nothing compared to how scummy Nerissa was, who got raided by Bae's genmate Fauna who raided Nerissa fully expecting her to raid Bae afterwards. I hope Nerissa never gets raided by Fauna ever again
Based. English speaking ruffians deserve nothing
They literally sent personal shit in for Pekora. Did you even read the OP?
That's cope because like Kiara said you can just draw your bag and what's inside. Could be dog treats or whatever the fuck kayfabe related shit you want too.
nerissa is actually dumb as hell sometimes, she likely legitimately didn't mean to overlap
fuwamoco though i can't feign ignorance though. i don't see any reason why they would overlap when they already have like 2 hour-ish limit on english streams most of the time now and then spend the rest reading supas
Oh hey, it’s that EOP discord of Ruffians who keep trying to start some EN vs JP fanbase war because they keep seething over FuwaMoco doing more JP content as of late.
I don't understand why Nerissa would fuck over Bae like that.
They think they are honorary Japanese
>personal shit
What the fuck are you talking about? They exclusively sent in weird meme items that they talked about on-stream.
You can't do kayfabe in a stream that is all about the opposite of kayfabe. Kiara also fucking hates kayfabe. If it were a stream by a JP member doing the same thing, they would treat Fuwamoco respectfully. Kiara is not that person.
Fauna drew her bag. I don't get what your cope is outside of weird personal attacks on Kiara
the first thing they ever won in a claw machine is a "weird meme item"?
Yeah and something they sent to Pekora to "auction" was a literal dead bug, it wasn't that big of a deal.
They did raid her, it's just not showing on that graph. You can literally see in the chat when BAU BAU started getting spammed around 48ish minutes in: https://youtu.be/zZhyeaw148k?t=2883
I remember your stupid ass seething on global all of last night too with your
>Fauna who raided Nerissa fully expecting her to raid Bae after
Headcanon bullshit.
And like I told your dumb ass there: that's retarded. Stop assuming you know what's going through others' minds.
I don't care if Fauna "doesn't raid waiting rooms", if she REALLY wanted to make sure all of her viewers go to Bae then she should've told her viewers she was going to raid Bae's waiting room since 3D lives aren't common anyway, it wouldn't set a precedent or whatever other retarded excuse you have.
They did raid her, but raids were fucked and not many people transferred over. You can tell when the moment of the raid was because people in /baubau/, /#/, and /hlgg/ talked about it. You can also just check bae's stream chat at that time
Still have yet to see any proof this discord exists btw
Is Eren poster one of them?
You dumb faggot, you don't even know how raids work, raids don't magically not show up on the graphs of various sites, it's clear something fucked up, also I have no idea who the fuck you are talking about from global but I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks like this, FYI Fauna never, ever, raids waiting rooms, she always raids other streams if they are ongoing, I know her better than you do and so did the anon who you are so ass blasted over
If you fuck up a raid so badly that it doesn't even show up as a slight bump on a graph, you might as well not raid at all
>weebs who wanted to be japanese their entire life like japanese fans more
wow amazing
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Numberfagging against non-monetized streams will always be funny to me. She got zero dollars from this stream, no matter the numbers because she genuinely doesn't care about money.
their "raid" resulted in no perceptible increase in ccv and a bunch of retards spamming their catch phrase in her chat, I'm sure she appreciated that
If Karma is real. I pray that over 5 ENs stream over them when they have their 3D live eventually
There were people yesterday who managed to raid 2 streams at once, it's very possible Youtube fucked something up, or it's possible FWMC fucked something up, we don't know.
Like I said, if they were gonna fuck up the raid in a hurry, they shouldn't have done it at all since it changed nothing
Bae is a disappointment and a failure, she deserves to get overlapped.
I assume they're just as annoying and unwatchable in jp so it's no big loss
>blah blah blah it's their fault the raid didn't work properly
Except it's literally all managed by YT after you attempt to raid, it's been a known issue that raids can randomly not work for whatever reason for over a year and you are the most apparent newfag for not knowing this.
As I pointed out, it's clear they did raid from the chat activity and YT fucked it up on the CCV. You're retarded if you think FWMC can fix that somehow if YT fucked it up to begin with.
Maybe if YT actually hired competent coders instead of letting some Indian comb over AI generated code their shit could MAYBE function for once.
>I know Fauna better that means I know exactly what she's thinking
Again, more headcanon. I guess that's common in seething retards like you.
Don't care about your logistics, a failed raid is a failed raid especially the insulting fact that they did it in the last 15 minutes of the live to try and appear benevolent, if they were gonna stream over 90% of the live and then fuck up their raid anyways, they should've never done it in the first place. also yeah, I'm sure Fauna, who always takes the chance to promote or raid her genmate's event streams was salivating at the prospect of raiding Nerissa and fully expected her to not raid Bae in return
Fucking retard
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I like how these idiots keep using the same image every time.
Moved on from blaming homosis's numbertranny?
>noooo why won't they participate in my oshi's project :(
>Don't care about your logistics
That's because you literally can't argue against it, you lost on this point.
>they did it in the last 15 minutes of the live to try and appear benevolent
Again, more of you assuming you understand others intentions because you're literally delusional.
>I'm sure Fauna, who always takes the chance to promote or raid her genmate's event streams was salivating at the prospect of raiding Nerissa and fully expected her to not raid Bae in return
That's not what I'm implying, but you already answered my point in this line. I'm saying Fauna fucked up by thinking Nerissa was going to end and raid into Bae just because she raided her.
Did Fauna say anything? Did she ask Nerissa to raid Bae? Did she tell everyone in chat to check out Bae's 3D live before she raided Nerissa?
No on any of these points?
Then Fauna fucked up. Like I said, if she wanted to make sure her viewers went to Bae, with 100% guarantee-- then she should have raided the waiting room/told her chat to go to the waiting room-- even if she normally doesn't.
You're just making excuses because shit didn't play out the way you, or the way you want to think Fauna wanted things to go.
Now fuck off, you seething, retarded, schizo faggot.
Yes Fauna fucked up by raiding Nerissa, I hope she never does it again, people who can't read the room don't deserve to be raided
But enough about your life, anon
NTA but streaming over 3D lives is always scummy no matter which way you look at it and there's a reason it never happens except under rare circumstances like Peko or Ame, for that reason, 95% of this board was completely convinced that Nerissa (and the dogs) were going to end for Bae an hour the live started but alas, they didn't
So do you seethe like this whenever a big event like a 3D live gets overlapped, or are you just partial to Bae, faggot?
Because I will definitely be grudgeposting every seething autist like you that I come across when it happens in the future.
It's a frowned upon act and I'm not the only one who feels this way. There's a good reason people start spamming in live chat that X holo's live has started because it's something that should be common courtesy within the same branch branch. If the gods are just, may Nerissa and Fuwamoco have 3 ENs streaming over their respective lives when they happen but that won't happen because the other girls aren't selfish
Even in the JP branch which has 50+ girls, most of the them go out of their way to not stream over a live except Pekora who doesn't care. It's something that should be common sense unless you are a cunt.
>longest Nerissa stream in 2 months
yeah sure ...
nta but Bae is my oshi, and I would be disgusted if she overlapped another EN's live. It would make me re-evaluate the kind of person I think she is
>Only HoloEN to refuse to do Kiara's bag stream
>Submits 3 items to Pekora's auction the same week
Who gives a fuck
>watchalong for Miko's live in the morning
>stream overtop of Bae's live at night
Miko's solo live is an infinitely bigger deal. Also, bae is a homo cocksleeve so who cares?
>cancels multiple english streams every week for months
>has never canceled a japanese stream
Already debunked
NTA but you seem like a jailbird, would you like it if multiple holos streamed over her live? no you wouldn't
I have never seen a Ruffian who wasn't obese, must explain the anger issues and inability to reason from all the cholesterol
We hate FuwaMoco now?
>Who gives a fuck
Everyone who cares about HoloEN unity.
>Miko's solo live is an infinitely bigger deal.
Irrelevant, it's not like they were at the same time.
>Already debunked
No, it wasn't.
Guess what her and the dogs have in common, an undying thirst for numbers
You should be more concerned with shortsfarming using blatantly dull content making the entire company and the concept look like shit
>Is always scummy
Cover realized forcing the "no overlap" rule was restrictive and got rid of it.
I can understand the sentiment behind individual branches wanting to not overlap to support each other, but this has happened even in HoloJP.
When does it become unrealistic? There's 18 channels in EN, mostly targeting the same timeslot for a majority of their streams.
Do we need to have ~2x the amount of members like in JP before you'll admit trying to stay up to date with almost 40 people's content is impossible, and people would rather just watch their oshi even if there's a bigger event going on?
>It's a frowned upon act and I'm not the only one who feels this way. There's a good reason people start spamming in live chat that X holo's live has started because it's something that should be common courtesy within the same branch branch.
Actually most people don't spam that in chat because it's against the chat rules to mention anything outside of the stream content or the Holomem you're watching.
I could see that happening for people they're close with, or if they already mentioned they were going to stop to watch a 3D/sololive/etc. Again, another claim you can't back up.
>If the gods are just, may Nerissa and Fuwamoco have 3 ENs streaming over their respective lives when they happen but that won't happen because the other girls aren't selfish
I'm sure surprised you're a vindictive faggot. A definite wonder why you're so insufferable.
Don't worry, I'll make sure to shit on you and every other tard in the future when it happens to any Holo who gets a big stream or event overlapped.
>Even in the JP branch which has 50+ girls
JP has 38 girls. Stop using google's AI results since it'll fuck up your already retarded post further.
>NTA but you seem like a jailbird
>would you like it if multiple holos streamed over her live? no you wouldn't
Numerous Holomems have streamed over important streams for the other Holomems I watch.
I've been watching since before EN was a thing, so I already know that sometimes shit happens.
Hololive is much larger now than it used to be, and it's only going to continue to grow. We're already at the tipping point in EN and JP is just over twice as large.
With many of these girls getting 3D lives, sololives, and other big events, it's only going to be a matter of time before this happens again.
It's a better use of your time to just enjoy your oshi's content instead of seethe about something that's going to be inevitable at some point.
How many times did you recycle this thread sister? Kek
>Don't worry, I'll make sure to shit on you and every other tard in the future when it happens to any Holo who gets a big stream or event overlapped.
Likewise, I'll remember this post for all future 3D Hololive english lives and for each one, I will shit on you when it's inevitably revealed that the rest of the girls in the branch aren't selfish cunts who stream over lives
Whole lotta text did you convince yourself?
tbdesu it says a lot more about FWMC and Nerissa that they are the first ones to ever break this rule of overlapping a live, cover might've gotten rid of the rules but the EN girls especially always had an understanding that they shouldn't overlap each other's lives at least
>Everyone who cares about HoloEN unity.
It's a fucking bag review stream not a concert
oh so overlapping a concert would be a really shitty thing to do, then?
It's rare, but every so often she gets into a game, enjoys herself and so isn't watching the clock for 120th minute to immediately fuck off.
And brratcucks are all bugeyed CS majors who jerk off to their oshi getting spit roasted by homo cock
and other things that never happened. I guess we can add thinking about cock all the time to the list of Ruffian mental health issues as well.
To be clear I don't even care about HoloEN as a branch. I care about FWMC and sometimes I'll watch a few of the others like CC and Raora and Biboo, but I don't give a shit about it as a whole. The really fun and impressive talents, aside from FWMC, are almost all in the main branch.
Lol you're trying to retcon her homo cocklust now?
>women being attracted to males is bad
your insecurity is showing
Everyone has idols, very few however confuse admiration with lust, it takes a little bit of projection to come to that conclusion
In other words, you might be a closet homosexual
Insane cope

Vesper and Magni are never coming back bte
...good riddance? nobody mentioned dumb and dumber. You are not beating the projection allegations any time soon
Numerous responses and not a single one can refute what I've said.
It's all just cope, headcanon, vindictive faggotry, and "should/shouldn't".
thats cause no ones gonna read all that shit bro
No argument-- cope.
Stay ineffectual and seething forever.
Important stream =/ an entire goddamn live
But they are allowed to do whatever they want as you said and I'm allowed to criticize their character, especially if they take multiple days off in a week and conveniently have a desire to stream on the day of a live specifically
they're evil...
The most annoying thing about Ruffians is that they legitimately do not give a fuck about HoloEN as a branch so they're fine with any of the other girls getting fucked over or being treated like crap cause they think HoloJP is better
So will you be vindictive or fair in your criticism if someone overlaps a FWMC or Nerissa 3D live in the future?
after GG learned all the calls for Baudol and went so hard during the watchalong...
I will be very fair in my critique if it happens to them or anyone for that matter, I assure you that much
nta but if FWMC or Nerissa get overlapped by someone after what they did, they deserve it. If it is someone else getting overlapped then the person doing it is a cunt, yeah
NTA but I personally hope they DO get overlapped after pulling what they did, I would get angry if someone else got overlapped tho
They wanted so badly to be the next Coco but Yagoo said no, all kaigai niki must go to EN now.
Fair and logically consistent.
"Deserve" is retarded. I'd say it's not fair for them to get upset though.
>I personally hope they DO
Vindictive autism.
What's the pay like?
>Vindictive autism
It might seem like vindictive autism to you but I already know that no one will overlap their 3D lives and they will remain the only ones to do it. In a sample size of 18 members, that would make them the odd ones out.
apparently quite high, especially for just existing
>HoloJP is better
It objectively is
>t. clipwatcher
yeah no shit if you're only watching highlight reels its gonna give a better impression than sitting through hours of streams
I'm not an EOP. HoloJP has low-tier talents too like Laplus or Matsuri that are equivalent to the weakest EN talents, but its strong talents are just in another dimension. Other than FWMC the only one who comes close is Gura (when she fucking streams), though CC/GG/Biboo have potential and Raora also has a solid niche going.
foreigners will never be treated the same. even if you marry into them your kids will carry your blood and they'll be bullied for being different even if they're lived their entire lives there. i'm pretty sure you'd need to be at least three generations deep before they stop doing that crap lmao.
I am also not EOP and I think that per capital HoloEN has as many top tier talent has HoloJP, maybe more.
While it would be great if Japan were idyllic as you people always try to paint it, this really isn't the case in the sort of circles they run in. Gaijins have already carved out their whole cultural space in Japan and it will only continue to get worse.
>per capital
You don't even know English.
stoppu noticingaru
It's called a typo
Ruffians are so brainwashed it is truly amazing, FWMC certainly did an amazing job with their grooming, the envy of many vtubers no doubt.
That's cus IRyS probably has a mega cringe bag with "Daddy's little princess" on it in sequins or something
Fauna doesn't care about kayfabe, just privacy. She's done streams about her feminine hygiene with Kiara.
I'll be laughing at you when they submit their bag when Polka asks them to for Polden one of these days.
But that would prove my point.
>Cover realized forcing the "no overlap" rule was restrictive and got rid of it.
This is your first line and it's already bullshit live overlap rule never existed it was just courtesy and well guess who wasn't courteous
Why do you give a shit? No one is forcing you to watch FWMC instead of Bae
Correct, in that the overlap rule was only for debuts and 3D showcases.
So continue seething instead of enjoying your oshi, I'll make sure to grudgepost you too.
Because the faggot was whining about nobody reading his screed and so I tried and it starts off wrong all those words and it's just schizophrenia
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reminder they tried to steal the spotlight and shill themselves the day that Kronii's fans were celebrating her milestone
That post is basically a day before, you are obsessed and mindbroken.
16 is less than 24 last time I checked, retard
Dumbass, 16 hours is how long most people are awake each day.
That's easily enough time to pass from night to day for 2/3 of the timezones, you seething, retarded faggot.
Oh no not two reddit posts 16 hours apart
Your mental gymnastics would be really impressive if doing it the next morning weren't exactly as bad as doing it the same night. Still disgusting and disrespectful
>mental gymnastics
That's what you're doing because you're seething about them posting 16 hours after another post faggot.
You already conceded it was likely a different day.
Stay absolutely obsessed, mindbroken, and BTFO, you fat, ugly, retard.
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sorry your oshis pathetically beg constantly on reddit
Why would it be disrespectful? Kronii doesn't even use reddit. I'm beginning to doubt the seriousness of these accusations.
>Hey our oshi finally reached a million subs!
Jealous woman or you seethe like one, stop replying to me now faggot.
Stay mad that your oshi doesn't even recognize your pathetic existence. They can tell how ugly your soul is.
Why are Promisefags like this?
fucking grim
My oshi cares about her fans even if we're not japanese. SORRY about yours.
idk it got like 10x the engagement of a nijiEN stream on a niche subreddit, hardly "grim"
KWAB, Kronii does NOT care about you, bro.
Don't forget your meds now.
>>has never canceled a japanese stream
No shit, they barely make any
Two last week.
And how many for the rest of this month?
wow really stretching to find a JP-stream free week, aren't you? but too bad for you, they did one this morning.
>no response
lost already kek
>um they did 15 japanese streams in october but they aren't doing any for the last 4 days of the month so you lose!!!
>they did 2 streams today
>one of them was in jp
>this means 50% of their content is in jp
Holy kek
4 JP streams on their channel, the others were collabs and a tournament that Calli also took part in. 7 total JP streams they've been a part of this month.
25 English streams so far, going to be 30 if no cancellations this week. So basically an EN stream every single day of the month.
Oh by the way, Kronii's only streamed 4 times this month.
Stay wrong, mad, fat, ugly, and unloved forever, faggot.
So a quarter of their content is Japanese? Sasuga HoloEN. Not the win you think it is, chief.
>going to be 30 if no cancellations this week
Funny that they cancel their EN streams so often you have to add that caveat
>quarter is Japanese
Nope, they did a lot this month frankly, especially in terms of collabs.
Cringe retard speak, cut that out.
>muh cancellations
And yet they still have an EN stream for nearly every day of the month, and when they do cancel they are often cancelling on days with multiple streams.
Oh, and with cancellations it's still ~7x as much EN content as your oshi this month.
And they've also done more total streams as well in 1/3 of the time in Hololive.
Not checking but I bet they've done more merch too, and all their stuff is actually targeting their fans without a shred of ironic weeb talk of "icky" feelings or disdain towards Hololive culture.
Keep losing, freak.
What's the point of sperging over JP streams when they still do more EN streams than most of their branch mates?
NTA but the sheer fact that you respond to antis by shitting on other holos makes your last sentence very ironic, the projection is palpable. I don't even want to know how many Ruffians do this on a regular basis because it isn't the first time I've seen this happen
>all their stuff is actually targeting their fan's wallets
>shitting on other Holos
How exactly? I'm pointing out a simple fact with no additional statement.
I suppose the "unloved" could come off that way, but it was targeting him, not Kronii-- and it's because Kronii has been quite clear about her relationship to her fans which is perfectly fine.
Learn how to use words correctly, zoomer.
>I don't even want to know how many Ruffians do this on a regular basis because it isn't the first time I've seen this happen
A Kronie who has apparently been seething for weeks about a reddit post(a site Kronii doesn't even use) started the shitflinging-- now he can't handle that I compared her to others and referenced a Kronii statement.
Don't trash talk if you can't handle being confronted with factual reality.
Oh boy, I'm sure upset my Holo streams a lot and makes content for me and I actually have money and can buy things to support them and they make more content for me.
Maybe I should try your approach instead, delude myself into thinking someone "cares about me" when they've made it clear with their own words they don't want to give off that vibe.
Surely, the merch and paid content she produces is because of love(the complete opposite of what she's said on stream).
>A Kronie who has apparently been seething for weeks about a reddit post(a site Kronii doesn't even use) started the shitflinging-- now he can't handle that I compared her to others and referenced a Kronii statement.
Gonna need a QRD on this
I'm noticing that you haven't taken your meds.
Holy based, finally a job for ME.
They show up more for EN events than Bae does.
They collab with EN every week. What are you talking about? Advent do a weekly collab. They just watched a movie all together. You are factually just wrong.
I can get past the annoying JP pandering and the blatant numberfagging they did every day until like a month ago. Theyre just fucking boring now and their awesome game choices they had a year ago will never return
>Verification not required.
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Averaging an EN stream every day...sorry your oshii hates you, but the dogs love us.
The Bae thing and begging for 1 million subs on reddit the same day they were celebrating Kronii's milestone were the most despicable things they've done.
It's pretty apparent that this >>88367668 >>88376828
Promisefag is seething and keeping his thread alive
>holobag stream
>kiara keeps including non-holo shitters

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