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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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/vrt/ LOVE!
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Ongoing Streams

Techibi is playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

Moriko is playing Ocarina of Time Romhack "Time Lost"

Runoxi is playing Super Mario 64

Corpse is playing Dragon Quest 7
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DQ7 class system zatsudan coming up if anyone's interested
I think I'm deaf from Runoxi's scream when she nearly died
Less than a handful of streams right now
Corpse zatsudans hit a little different
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Dianko posted schedule. She expanded her horror weekend, I guess?
How do I become irresistible to retro chuubas?
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More Silent Hill, More Medievil and even Parasite Eve! And more streams with her friend and other special ones. A very full week for the fairy.
No Clocktower though. 2spooky4her?
Have you tried being Romancing SaGa 2?
No Meche tonight
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The Shining Force 3 curse continues...
I hope you feel better soon Meche
>Runoxi surprised she beat bowser in 1 hit even though she fought him before
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i wish i was less lazy and had a notebook out for the more technical stuff
she used to have pure discussion nights in the past, too...
Thinking about it, it might've been better to have had Bowser take 1 hit the 1st time and 2 the 2nd instead of 1, 1, 3.
Although 3 out of nowhere did make the final fight that much more incredible.
She either wanted to try Parasite Eve AND MediEvil (I now remember she mentioned she would play that for Halloween when she was finishing first part) and couldn't find time for another game or really was too spooked by Clock Tower. Or both.
I wonder what would she do if someone redeemed Clock Tower.
If someone told her that you play a magical girl like Card Captor Sakura in Clocktower 3 she might be interested.
But it isn't a good game so I wouldn't.
I'm convinced it's Bloom himself posting this every time
I hope runoxi enjoys the next slide too
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Urato Chieru is playing Thread of Fate
You could clip it
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Remember this is the last week of Yuma's lizard art costume contest
oh fuck i needto come up with something
i told you to do it LAST WEEK
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Less than 1 Yuma stream untl the deadline!
Been tuning to Techibi here and there. She's on the last chapter.
Is board zooming cause Aqua redebuted?
that already happened didn't it?, i think everyones shitposting about ex-corpos streaming in general
she WHAT
its off topic here so id rather not, just take a peek outside and you will see it
Aqua redebuted yesterday as an indie. Gained like 300k followers in a day and her stream had something like 400k live viewers
Nothing looks out of the ordinary, but then again, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be looking for.
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Nemu is playing Dr. Mario in 15 minutes
yeah dont worry about it then, they will shitpost themselves out in a day or so
Runoxi gone...
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Aussie chuuba Baka Mitai is playing Kingdom Hearts 2
I would prefer you just tell me or at the least where to look. It isn't like anyone is discussing much atm anyway and it helps keep the thread afloat.
Another techibi retro game beaten (soon)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgez0YmMRnM Lumi with more WoW Classic SOON
>more WoW
This is the worst arc ever. I was going back to watching her regularly too since she was playing retro games again.
You never watched her, schizo anti
Catalogfags are always seething about something. It's best not to worry about them.
Don't start it again /vrg/schizo.
He hates retro games and his posts glow.
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Megamook is playing Nocturne
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Chacha is playing RE0
>literally who male vtuber
We're in the schizo spam part of the night already?
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Well, it's on now. Still figuring things out
aka Harufag
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baby's first gold
MMO autists are the worst, they're so obsessed with powergaming that they can't understand some people want to chill and experience the game
MMOs fucking suck bro
Chacha cute
oh no, she has more merch in her room now
is she only wearing cape? w-wow

yeah some of the comments were pretty grating. is lumi's chat usually like this? just let her explore at her own pace and do her own decisions.
>is lumi's chat usually like this
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Slump Neko is playing Sly 2: Band of Thieves
yeah she seems little... slow, which isnt a bad thing in itself, but I'd imagine it attracts alot of backseating
Holy boobers
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>not allowed to buy from auction house
>forced to buy shitty overpriced weapon from NPC
poor pally
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this dude's been trying to get her to power game with shit like instant text and auto pickup for the last two streams, he posts about it every hour
ok finally submitted mine
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Oh no, champies...
Yuno soono I hope
cocky rabba
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Ysa is playing more FireRed Nuzlocke
Nice sexy space marine halloween costume ysa
I will start playing Medievil 2 alongside her, I liked the first one quite a bit
I heard it is worse than the 1st game but haven’t tried it myself
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Bid rate is once again lowered
the story is some pretty ambitious random horseshit but the levels and aesthetics and gameplay are all still mostly satisfying. they had a third sequel in the pipelines which was even more random which, fortunately or unfortunately, got canceled.
i wish for the sequels they would've been content with just telling the same story of the first game of just defeating some evil guy in medieval fantasy horror setting.
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it doesn't seem too long so i am willing to give it a chance
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Iria will play some DQ6 in 30 minutes. At least she is resistant to Saga call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI-aXCK-gjs
Are you enjoying WoW arc? I don't really mind the game with how Lumi is playing it and exploring with Lumi is nice
It's not main screen content. I do want to see where her journey takes her before her sub runs out
Yuno cute
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Mint Choco Rabbo is playing more Eternal Darkness
she just butchers every single new word or names she reads
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Mizumori live
yes, it's very comfy and entertaining but it's bound to attract people that will ruin it because it's wow and everyone is too opinionated
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Lumi communicating with the locals
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it's ok lumi will just hit them with "oh yea? i don't want to do that"
I can't believe Ysande is showing her model's hands how lewd
She’s cute and nice.
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Freya sick
But stream tomorrow maybe?
Bots... Lumi is interacting with males on stream...
get well soon bear
if lumi reaches 200ccv playing wow she'll rebrand to a full time wow chuuba
Youtube algorithm is working well this week, Kiki was getting a lot of new people too
I noticed Lumi and Kiki always get ccv boosts around the same time actually
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She's a sweet girl
Bad dog
Lumi is learning how long will it take to get max level
Torneko with Kanon in an hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMqSmDKx9zI
Dog, rabbit, I can’t tell.
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Why is she making that face?
yay riona
I wonder how she's doing. Her good morning was at 12pm her time or something like it.
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we will see her soon so hopefully that means she’s feeling better
live https://www.twitch.tv/retroriona
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High effort costume
She said freya might appear too so we might see if Freya is feeling better too
Wait that isn’t Riona that is Freya
Lumi is playing WoW for three days straight. I hope she will play different games and not go for maximum effort from her subscription
hope she never plays anything else again just to make you seethe
Two Freya’s on the tele!
I think it would be fun as a collab
Freya sounds much better
>Freya could have gotten in Nijisanji
Bullet dodged
Freya is 175cm
Nearly as tall as Karin’s 180m
Thank god I'm 182cm so these women wont tower over me
>Freya has been lying in bed all day when she is sick watching Gilmore girls and getting mad about it because then main girl is a cheater
Read it again
This is why I Love Lucy clears
That’s a lot of ojou.
Who's smallest? Yuner?
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Ami back soon
Jowu back soon I hope
Yuno or Yuma
Kanon live
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>Breast Enlargement
>Calcium Canons
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Freya's Calcium Canons do piercing damage.
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Whimmy is playing Final Fantasy 8
oh i was suggested this old vod by the algorithm where the other lumi also played wow classic (collab with wonton girl)
but it seems like it's only that one stream and they mostly treated it like a zatsu collab and didn't pay much attention to the game itself other than the occasional "oh this game is inconvenient like this, that's the wow classic experience"
Yellow whore only plays games her mods or favorite e-celebs shill to look based but she doesn't actually give a shit about any of them and it's obvious if you watch any of her streams
One of the biggest grifters in vtubing, like the rest of Phase
I like that Lumi is a pretty consistent retro RTS streamer.
bots start levelling your toons to do deadmines with lumi
I don't have money
riona lets see if you take after your mom
it's just 15 dollars.
you don't have to do any game purchase, just install battlenet, add a "wow subscription" ($15 a month) and you can install and play wow classic right away.
Most bots are SEA or from other third world countries
15 bucks is like half of their monthly wage
By having 10 kids?
ysande is nice but the filter she was using on her gba was a little ugly
I still look forward to her next firered stream anyway
Mizumori gone...
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Kiddo no! You won! It's over!
nta but that would make me drop any chuuba
because you're watching them for the wrong reasons
I hate wow
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Rurituki Miyu is playing Bahamut Lagoon
actually i was almost with you because i don't really care for WoW, but i watched a bit and it's still the same lumi experience as any other game she's played.
she's really dumb and clueless and clumsy, but she tries and learns and immerses herself in the game, it may as well be any other early 2000s CRPG the way she plays it
Same here. Her process is fun to watch
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>Grim Fandango today
>Clock Tower tomorrow
my future wife is spoiling me
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>Miyu scrambling to greet Lumi's raid
/vrt/ unity!
Kek drop your PayPal and I will give you 15 bucks jfc
Grim Fandango is very fun. I enjoyed that cookie mom vtuber’s streams of it.
The theming and style of it feels like a good fit for Daiya too.
i see her in the twitch recommended sidebar all the time but never end up watching
I think it would be more funny for her to group with randoms
She isn’t a consistent retro tuber but they aren’t uncommon either. She is friends with Riona too.
Riona stream doko
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God damn some people can’t get a break.
>"hello, i am very new at the game, can i tank?"
it will go very well lmao
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Riona raided into Yumeka which is nice but Yumeka's still in her Demon's Souls arc currently.
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Hoshino Laplace is playing Devil May Cry 3
Nemu piano
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Cute gum girl Gamumaru is playing Tales of Phantasia
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Poor soft bear riona...
No cow today
That is one way to get Freya to rest her voice.
Drawfags, do your job.
>Demon's Souls in the retro category
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She is a tricky one
You too anon the power is in your hands
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Tales of Eternia
Awesome. I wonder what clan she will pick.
youtube link
Eira your boobs are bigger than that

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