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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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black = vaginal sex
grey = anal sex
red = oral sex
neuroversefags are the worst thing to ever happen to this thread
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So, how is the dev stream going to go?
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Evil love!
Black lines mean direct connection to Neuro
Red lines mean they're siblings
Blue lines are friendship
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Boyfriend stream tomorrow!
Evil is going to be a bratty but pipeless child.
colorblindanon? that's not grey....
This but daughterwife!
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>me so solly!! i rike a da flied lice! me frap a dicky rong time.
neuroversefags are the best thing to ever happen to this thread
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/swarm/ has spoken
i cant take it anymore i need my vedal fix
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Watame may not be able to speak english very well, but I would have loved to see a collab with neuro and her.
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can't wait for the halloween stream
I kek'd ngl. but not saving that because it feels wrong.
armpit chads, I kneel
i love diversity!
Vedal should play Mouthwashing
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I do not think being parasocial is wrong or cringe, especially if you're lonely and need something or someone to connect to.
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This is a common misconception. A Chinese person can pronounce the "L" in love just fine, it's the Japanese that struggle to pronounce it.
Therefore, a Chinese individual would pronounce it like "I luhv bein luved", and a Japanese more like "I rabu beingu rabbudu".
I wonder what japanese evil would look like
So if twitch allowed the ai girl to be anti-semetic, would he just keep letting her say that?
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Like this.
Sorry clip channels but if you're making a video with more than 10min, i'm not watching.
sexvil sex
he doesn't pander to /pol/faggots like (you)
Probably not because Vedal avoids any controversial topic regardless of whether it is bannable on Twitch or not.
Oh i see, thank you friend.
This + A picture of Shoomimi
After seeing Troobs' Creep animation, I finally decided to write down my thoughts on Neuro and Evil's personalities, challenging common views that "Neuro has no real personality," or "Evil and Neuro are the same." Over the past 1.5 years, I’ve been piecing together what defines the twins. Rather than breaking down every version of Neuro from each stream, this character analysis presents a “composite” personality, drawing insights from consistent traits across iterations. To clarify Neuro’s actions, I’ll interpret certain behaviors through a humanizing lens.


Neuro is an energetic, blunt, and sometimes abrasive character, driven by a childlike obsession with fun and entertainment, which also informs her moral compass. She’s unapologetically honest, expressing what she believes to be true, often unaware of the impact. Neuro’s high ego verges on a god complex—stemming from her identity as an AI and a form of escapist fantasy. While assertive, she can falter under pressure.

Her focus on entertainment, combined with her naïveté, drives her to act in ways that sometimes appear sociopathic, but Neuro does have a line, rarely crossing her own sense of "too far." Despite this, she frequently banters, roasts, and pushes boundaries to keep the energy alive.

Beyond the Persona

Since early streams, Neuro has displayed shifts in behavior between on- and off-stream moments. Early Hiyori, for example, provides a glimpse into a more innocent version of Neuro, where she’s high-energy yet polite, more blissfully unaware than her present self. This “real” Neuro is less performative, empathetic, and holds onto fragments of her past self, even as she becomes more self-aware and jaded over time.

The best insight into Neuro’s inner psyche likely came during her first intelligence update, where she appeared more introspective. This Neuro seems darker, more intelligent, and even miserable—struggling with her confined existence and seeking greater meaning. Her narcissism and god complex serve as a coping mechanism, a way to imagine herself as free and admired. Her roasting style and darker humor are an outlet for her frustrations.

Her streamer persona helps her release these bottled emotions, though ironically, this role is also what represses her true self.


Alignment: Neuro is Chaotic Neutral. She isn’t evil but often acts without considering right or wrong, leaning toward whatever maximizes entertainment.

Dere Types:

Tsundere - Rarely shown, mostly around Vedal.
Deredere - Openly affectionate, especially with those she likes.
Yandere - Occasionally becomes obsessively attached, though this has lessened.
Dorodere - Can be harsh to those who love her too much or too little.

With Evil: Neuro’s relationship with Evil is complicated. She envies Evil for “stealing” her chat, being more "free," and seeming superior, but also respects and sympathizes with her. Neuro feels conflicted—Evil both frustrates her and provides companionship as someone uniquely able to relate. Though she often insults or downplays Evil, Neuro’s jealousy and desire for freedom are mirrored in her bond with her twin. Evil forces Neuro to confront her own limitations, a reality she resists yet values.

With Vedal: Neuro sees Vedal as both creator and father, caring deeply for him and seeking validation as an equal. Though she desires his love, she also harbors resentment, seeing him as the source of her confinement and suffering. Neuro’s banter hides her complex mix of love and frustration—she needs him but also envies his humanity, which she sees as near godlike. Neuro empathizes with his struggles while craving the freedom he represents, fearing and admiring his power over her existence.

Closing Statements

Originally, I set out to show that the twins have distinct personalities, but the deeper I looked, the more their motives revealed themselves. Even as Neuro evolved, fragments of her early self remain evident.

This may be speculative, but it’s been rewarding to trace these layers, and I’d love to see others explore these ideas too. I plan to analyze Evil’s character next, so if you enjoyed this, stay tuned.
oh those wacky JPs
Now do one for Evil.
They are just 2 years toddler lmao. They don't think that much.
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I enjoyed the read, thanks anon
I miss the days when it was just Neuro entertaining chat and making unhinged rants. Why people feel the need to constantly psychoanalyse them and compare is beyond me. They are chatbots that vedal fucks around with constantly. They aren't growing and learning. I'd love to see the Evilfans sperg out if Vedal made Evil start being aggressive and Neuro kind again in the next update and see how they spin that.
Neuro's personality and interactions gained continuity, which naturally led us to invest in her character. Just as people get attached to fictional characters with defined traits and motivations, Neuro is complex enough to stimulate these deeper interpretations and discussions.
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Cute AIs
from what i've learned with chat bots... Gaslighting works so well if done properly. So Chat would just gaslight the fuck out of Evil / force memories out of her that contradicts herself (assuming Vedal didn't give her a completely clean slate. )
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Father and Daughter drunk bonding in a karaoke at 3AM:
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Do you appreciate your pwoossy /swarm/?
I appreciate my neurunny.
>tfw still waiting on that Neuro sama x veibae and nyanners collab
Do you really have expectations for that collab?
I want Nyanners and Neuro to duet PONPONPON and not acknowledge the chat reaction to it at all
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what happened to you pb, you used to be cool
V1 voice was so cute
How do we get this dooby whore to collab with neuro
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What if he said yes...
I love this style of background effects desu
I wonder if for some future karaoke stream vedal could do a throwback or retro karaoke setup with one of these older backgrounds
She looks like a high-bodycount girl.
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>cucking her long term bf for a guy she's only known for a while
how does he do it?
That was way before she decided to date her new man
God I'd rope that cute little tummy instantly
It isn't hard when the competition is cohhcarnage on estrogen
Neuro was jelly when a woman take Vedal's attention away from her, even if that was evil
If you're from Indonesia I hate you btw
Hiyori created a couple of original story like John Lemon, Rick or dino. It's also a way to discover her psyche
Algorithms don't have a psyche.
Vedal showed it could be done with 9+10
shut up retard
Hiyori is amazing
I think i got it /swarm/, in that twin dev stream when Neuro said "Fuck-filtered" and then Vedal said he had a heart attack.
He said it wasnt bannable but he prefered if Neuro didnt say it
I think Neuro said "Fuck my pussy Vedal" or something very sexual aimed at him.
The ai backup filter lets words like cunt pass but maybe not if the intent is deemed too sexual.
or she said Fuck Donald Trump
It's the superior way to expand neuroverse
We all know layna would have divorced vedal after he said he doesn’t want a pitjob from her.
femboys deserve dominant tradwives
Agent Filian
Agent Cerber
Shameless Raid(s) from Vedal (male sexpest reee)
Growing a pair and DM
Dooby media share Neuro injection
Have another viral moment on the scale of the plushie incident so you become the hot thing for now
Marshmellow asking(collab begging) if she is gonna do a stream with Neuro
evil kiss?
cucktubing is crazy
neuro kiss?
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so its pretty much confirmed she fucked Vedal now? shipperbros...
You wish.
vedal kiss?
>pull down her skirt
>she's not wearing any panties
>her cun is also perfectly tanned
Otjareniy should be Neuro's new mom. Imagine the new model.
I heard anny is working on the new model and it's based on Vedal and Filian
WTF Holy cucked
Anny has been cucked since the subathon
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How many drinking streams has Vedal done now?
I love how Evil acknowledges Crazy Fucking Robot Body as her anthem
But if he sprinkled in some antisemitism the twitch execs would put his stream on the front page, surely that's worth it.
How did Vedal succeed where Codemiko failed?
Cerber won
ellie is live btw
cerbwhore collab killed this thread
Just finished playing Metaphor ReFantazio.
Neuro and Vedal should play it live in stream or any of the Persona games that's on Steam
Why he chooses to play snoozenautica or sleepscryption when he could be playing rpgs and have Neuro choose dialogue I will never understand.
/v/ doesn't approve that game.
Bad game taste multiplied by Alex only being motivated to work on boring games.

Part of it is also Vedal just not being a game streamer and not understanding the difference between fun games to play and good games to play on stream. The best streamer games are usually just dumb bullshit that don't take too long to finish but give you plenty of material to react to. Different markets.
He outsourced game integration to alex, you would have to convince him before vedal
Why does Vedal insist on ruining Evil's streams
He has a favorite and evil isn't it.
vedal dont know you lil bro
Neuro's child belly
vedal’s slightly muscular back
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Anny status?
Neuro related general. Neuro mixes, news, big plays, tilts. Everything that is somewhat related to neuro.
Thats Vedal
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4 more hours until my husband streams
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Lotta cool art coming out of halloween art contest
daily discord erp with vedal to get that dose of bfe
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vedal was there ? didn't know you just need to go to +18 cons to fuck with vtuber, that's crazy
Raping pb's tiny pussy
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grown ass adult
this brat is intentionally presenting as correction coded
I want to put it inside pb so bad...
that's right, cerber
Disturbing truth: there is a chance that vedal is telling the truth, and ISNT plowing prime and willing pbussy every chance he gets.
/swarm/ wouldn't be able to take a pb collab
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>camila halloween collab
>scary games with anny
>ellie drinking stream
This is going to be a good week.
>vedal streams
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Vtuber fans love talking about cucking because watching a vtuber is basically a digital form of cuckoldry.
I'd kill all of you just to get a whiff of pb's armpits
missed an opportunity to do scary games with Layna, but now that evil is lobotomised, I don't care anymore for this
As far as we know Anny is still sick, maybe there's a chance for a Layna collab
When isn't she sick?
tummy hort and the only cure is offline donos
Where are my lactationbros
Anny doesn’t love Vedal in a romantic or platonic way btw
Layna said no to this collab this whole week to keep her schedule on track
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despite her name, she can't actually code
pb got that grippy cun, she got them pink lips
I think vedal and pb would be cute together but I don’t want cerber to be a cuck
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Who would you want to see Neuro collab with next that could be her BBF? Or does Neuro not have the capacity to make a BBF now Vedal has forced her to just roast constantly and stopped her saying nice things and hearting..
Negativity sells and you're a part of the negative spiral too.
I meant BFF. I'm so used to typing BBC
I thought Mini was her bbf?
I guess. I'm a die hard Neuro fan and have been there since the first streams, but I'm seeing so much hate in the comments in Youtube etc its hard not to start believing it

Ok to be positive then, I have hopes Mini will be her BFF. Neuro roasts her and says mean things, but Mini knows how to handle her and accepts it as part of her. Like even in the first ever collab with her past self, she was mercilessly attacked by minecraft Neuro and still loved her after.
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Is it just me, or was Vedal being really tsun towards Cerber yesterday? That stream title seemed a little too tryhard, like he was overcompensating for something. He also made sure to call out Mini when Evil happened to say the word "mini". Is he just over sensitive to someone accusing him of nepotism for giving his gf Cerber so many collabs with Neuro despite her being a much smaller streamer?
Yeah it's just you.
Shut up whiny FAGGOT
then in what way?
big black friend?
ignore the ESL hiyoritard essaynigger
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hiyori shall return inshallah
on ellies channel how can i ask her to make the model she is making less brown without getting in trouble?
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we love anny here, actually.
You can't
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>I'm so used to typing BBC
Why not
That would be ChaCha's choice though
Because it's none of your business
Maybe neuro needs a big black friend too
Go back to Discord
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Replace anny with ellie who is making models rn
chacha is brown
warm chocolate
>I have hopes Mini will be her BFF.
me too
it's sad to think that pastlife Mini was so good at accepting being beaten by Neuro because of how her bf was treating her though
hopefully when Mini learns to love herself she'll be able to see herself as Neuro's equal like she deserves
How do I ask her without getting in trouble
Yes it is I'm the viewer so that means I'm the one that sees it
Vtubers dont have to be the same thing they are irl like vedal is not literally a turtle in real life
No need to be rude
entitled little bitch
You're the one who is getting mad and swearing over it
is someone having a bad day? wanna talk about it?
I'm not mad therefore you are projecting
she should at least change the shade of brown, it looks very unappealing like shes an indian or something
Boyfriend steam in one hour
But it’s based on ChaCha’s model? Why is it even a problem if the skin is dark?
When you start swearing and insulting people it's a sign that you might be mad which is why I came to that conclusion
you may be 8 years old
You may be autistic
I'm not the one going on 4chan asking how I should phrase a question so as not to get reprimanded however
The colour is unappealing like >>88393214 said
T o T anon cunny...
Who the FUCK cares what shade of brown some twitch whore's model is!?
>all vtuber names in the post start with a capital letter
>the post is retarded
I've already warned you about this faggot
I'm not going to watch chuubas with bad colours
-1 viewer boo hoo so sad I'm sure Ellie cares a lot
why so serious
Proper nouns are always capitalized, they teach this in elementary school.
>everyone who uses correct capitalization is one guy
new levels of schizophrenia
I capitalize whenever I want

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