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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYFZdDii-M
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJa-g4zOnNQ
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Damn you're old
Has this stream really lasted 3 threads? Don't we usually go through them slower?
The first thread had 200 posts when she started the stream, then another thread died and we're here. The first 3 hours were very busy in the thread, but it's kinda slow now. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Root beer is ass.
I've only ever noticed the mint taste on diet a&w root beer. I know it's in most root beer, but it's usually pretty mild.
Biboo is not crazy. Some root beers go heavy on the wintergreen flavor, so I could see how she might think it takes like toothpaste.
Root beer floats are amazing, though
Fair enough.
lmao, that spider was just there
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Why does she hate me so much?
your existence is a SIN!
Yeah, me.
Biboo thinks men piss their hands every time they use the urinal.
A lot of girls think that for some reason. I only ever piss my socks sometimes
Probably because their bathroom time is messier than males so they project that?
How else do you clean your hands?
D-do you not?
suffering rock
Piss doesn't come out of my hands, man
No?! You have to have terrible aim in order to piss in your own hands kek
The faucet
thank god she speedran that part kek
I'm being an idiot. I think girls think having a penis is clumsy.
Imma be real with you niggas, I just blasted my way through here
I'm no expert but I don't think that's the lyrics...
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H-ha, yah, of course not! That'd be weird apparently.
Bro how tiny is your dick?
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I was watching Sakamata stream a few months ago and she was talking about how after shaving herself, pissing was super messy like raising the pressure of a garden hose with your finger. She then said that the hair there helps the piss go straight down.
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I thought I remembered Biboo covering Vanishment this World but it was actually Inside Identity...
Yeah but then you gotta wipe the hair. Thats why girls are always shocked to learn we dont pat the tip with paper. We get piss on everything in the bathroom except ourselves
Are you propositioning me for dickpics?
There she goes again with the helicotper kek
Helicoptering is just playing with it
>Hospital Otherworld, South Vale Otherworld, Historical Society, Toluca Prison all in one stream
yep she'll finish this easily on wednesday
This game honestly has not been scary in the slightest, it's just weird. That P.T in VR game is fucking scary
What's wrong with having fun?
>still gets surprised by the three hit combo from nurses
lol jreedy dork
If you're a woman maybe, that shit was an actual walking simulator
So this is how you trap the Biboo
>she might play 3
Oh hell yes
SH3 was the first one I played and it really fucked with me as a kid
How long is this session? I need my eep
>we dont pat the tip with paper.
I do
me too but only sometimes
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Until she finishes the prison probably
Not much left
i-its two hours past my sleep time, pebbro...
I think I can survive 20 more minutes. Thanks
>enough with the pronouns
>20 more minutes
>sick sick sick sick etc
What do you suppose they meant by that?
Despite it's popularity I feel 2 is the least scary of the original trilogy, 3 has better scares. And maybe it's because I'm a boomer but 1 is the scariest in the series for me outside the bad voice acting, might be because of the low draw distance and camera work
Oh right, abstract daddy is kinda long
She's not even at the labyrinth yet, chill.
>VOD unavailable
Remake moved the abstract daddy to before the labyrinth so it's more like the prison's boss fight
AD is the boss for the prison
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This rock is deceased.
These doors are tedious...
kek so I wasn't the only one
This is my monkey's paw for wishing the original silent hills didn't have so many unopenable locked doors everywhere
You're still teleported to the labyrinth after the noose puzzle, no?
Was that Japanese?
taihou shicchauzo~
yes it was
I'm pretty sure you're teleported to the morgue, then have to jump down a hole and then another hole and that leads you to the labyrinth, which is mixed with the Orosco's residence.
You do go down the long elevator and Angela's house is the very first place you go to, so technically it's part of the labyrinth but it basically serves as the boss fight of the prison
oh damn
She's near the end!
Abstract daddy this stream, let's go
that's for the best
the prison has been a slog
I probably would have quit the game by now, but I'm thankful for Biboo noises
Might be one of the few changes better than the original because:
1. More space between the next two bosses
2. The boss fight is better and the area is less blatant than the original's "pumping room"
3. And most importantly, the abstract daddy doesn't randomly become a generic enemy in the last area which was always a baffling decision
>sword icon
>she doesn't get a sword
I quit at the labyrinth
The remake one actually made me feel anxious kek
>randomly become a generic enemy in the last area which was always a baffling decision
I always thought that was supposed to symbolize her brother who also abused her, he was an abstract daddy but smaller.
Her brain is fried
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>The boss fight is better
No it isn't. It's terrible
It was terrible in the OG too so they were faithful.
That pebble that said she wouldn't finish all of prison in the same stream... lol
That guy is just hanging out, haha!
I chose the dad. What does that mean?
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Who's making all these puzzles? Is that what demons do with their free time?
Abstract daddy looks so disgusting in the remake it actually made me cringe
just think of it as a physical manifestation of James working through his shit
Stupid fucking chat
I hate chat
Her chat is so awful
Rapebros... we're being blueballed...
oh look at that, chat being insufferably retarded
who could have seen this coming?
Maybe it's better that she see this shit with a clearer mind than with a tired mind. It's been 6 hours of horror for Biboo, after all.
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yeah I'm thinking sex
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Are we not spelling Raptor?
oh hey someone was asking about this last night?
Why do holofags like Yakuza so much? It's mediocre
P head the thot slayer
Go the fuck back
Answer the question
I want to be Goro Majima.
Same tbdesu
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Wouldn't this be cute, pebbles?
I can't see her sticking with a 2D trpg
lmao the deadspace shills are nervous now that the schedule dropped.
It's just a fun game and she said she would play it
october is ending anon, she's not gonna touch horror games after SH2
Especially after people said Dead space is full of jump scares, and she fucking hates jumpscares
after people sent an akasupa begging her for it. Chances are she won't considering the month is ending and not a single Dead Space stream in sight.
Why are you like this?
I'm being realistic
Just stating the facts.
Jesus, bad time to be named Maria
Don't guilty me, Biboo. That's not fair.
Chat sure loves talking about dicks
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I don't want to hear about girl piss lore after the Sakamata thing.
I wonder if there is a study on why women go together
I want to sniff Biboo's nonexistant smell
Perfume is awful
Biboo's scent
schizo SC
Her hair probably smells nice
Can confirmed
I'm her comb
Don't you mean her brush
spoiler SC, impressive.
fucking retarded spoiler SC, from a member
I wonder if shes one of those girls who uses her brush handle as a...
>dyke game
No thanks
She doesn't masturbate
Shower head only
Time to ruin Biboo's day :)
There's a non-zero chance Biboo takes Friday off like she planned to and just plays Wilds. If she doesn't get perms for it.
That's my wife.
god she's so cute...
She already said that day off probably not gonna be a day off because she's insane. She said there's a chance of a collab happening that day.
Yeah she said friday will either be:
>The collab that originally may or may not happen
>A guerilla stream
>A day off
Which is why she put it as a day off on her schedule, in case that's the decision she makes.
My brooding wife...
tired goth girl voice biboo.
Good answer
It came to me in a dream
Even when sad, she can't frown....
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>It's so small, pebble...
she is talking about colons a lot this stream
She knows I have to poop soon
She's single-handedly convincing me to buy core keeper.
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Puzzle time!
If you're into these types of games, just buy it. It's an amazing time sink. Very chill but very fun. The RPG shit they added is enough to keep me invested
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Thanks for playing!
GG Pebbros. Not too easy, not too hard
Cute wife, I posted that when I was having my heart going crazy.
>got shadowbanned again
I think the pebble who said it might be a daily message/chat cap is correct. You're limited to like 10-20 chats max. Which is absolutely stupid. I can't find anything else controllable from my end. I HATE IT.

I will now replay Prism no Mahou to feel a bit better.
I bet if you buy youtube premium you can chat more
>buy youtube premium
I hate this so beeping much. Chat was working normally like a few months ago around April maybe? I HATE IT. HE HATES IT.
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I bet the meeting was this.
that "OR" is definitely gonna turn into an "AND"
Yeah that's pretty much what happened to me back when I chatted a lot on another chuuba's streams, one day it just started this whole 10 messages in any stream and then bam, shadowbanned for 24 hours thing. Try chatting on the Youtube phone app the next time it happens, somehow I was able to get around it that way. You can also try making an alt and slowly moving your subscriptions there in case this thing is about youtube flagging accounts for some reason.
>making an alt
But all my holo hearted comments...
Let's fucking GOOOOOO
Happy for her. I might even try to get in
i was the one saying there's a daily cap and 10-20 messages sounds way too low, i usually get hit with the shadowban after like 100+ messages in chat or near the end of a 7-8 Biboo stream.
There's no way you get shadowbanned this quickly unless every single one of your messages is in caps or something and you somehow triggered a spam bot filter.
>>88375205 (me)
7-8 hours* Biboo stream
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God, I would murder people for a hug from Biboo...
Same tbdesu
Silent Hill really brings out Biboo's sexiness.
She totally, completely, and perfectly destroyed chat after dropping her lines about flying with her.
I would literally do ANYTHING in life if I have the chance, even if this is just a wacky kayfabe.

I had dreams with her in the past, all of them wholesome and happy because we were doing like walks, cooking, and watching Advent plays, let me tell you, seeing her smiling next to you, AT YOU is just... Fulfilling.

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