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Last Thread - >>88287030

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_Ue4fOMNP8
Archive - >>88128223
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.
Most recent stream:
so we're ignoring this thread right
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Obviously, like always
oops, my bad.
Oh boy, he took a screenshot. He's gonna spam it every thread now.
>page 10
he just confirmed he was OP, that's too embarrassing lol
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Who are you talking to?
he's so mad lol. at least we know how he keeps the thread up 24/7, he legit has no life outside of fantasizing over saplings cock
Based, he deserves to be laughed at. Imagine defending the schizo that hates Fauna. Cringe tbdesu bruh
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I hope someone makes an animation out of her bike story.
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I feel like they have to be very careful when depicting the thief
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Anybody know anything about this schizo your oshi has recently? almost every other random catalog thread or even some generals have some retard crying about Fauna not being his friend, i'm aware of the epic Fauna moment from the SC but I don't get why some retard keeps spamming it in the threads recently.

Was it some Orca tier gachi or something? Any familiar SC names you don't hear her say anymore?
seems to be pakifag
Why are you going into every bait thread on the catalog?
>Orca tier gachi
lmao, it's just an anti with barely enough government gibs to sustain itself
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Pathetic...well you guys seem alright here dumbass would never take this to home court it seems, take care
I don't like the vacuum mouth
>Anybody know anything about this schizo your oshi has recently?
He's been doing that for years, pretty much since she debuted. Think he is actually a day 1 anti.
The reason he's so focused on that is because he was desperate for her to have a yab. So when that SC and little speech happened he spent days and weeks spamming and falseflagging about it, in the various generals and on the catalog, spent every waking moment on it.

Then he went completely schizo about it because anons from numbers kept pointing out that by every single objective measure, it didn't effect her. Every metric of hers has only gone up steadily and quite a bit since then.
So the only people that seemed to care about it were antis who hated her anyway.
hi, tourist here, sorry to intrude upon this thread. as a catalog viewer, i am confused at the amount of fauna seething there is in unrelated threads such as niji threads. i'm just genuinely curious what happened for fauna to attract all these antis as she just seems like a sweet girl in all the collabs i watched with her in it.
oh i'm sorry. i see you guys are discussing the anti already. i should've read more before posting.
>to attract all these antis
The sad thing is there's a very good chance it's all one schizo.
I guess probably some opportunists because general holoseethe seems high at the moment

As to why, good question. There's been some theories, but she doesn't really seem to get any new schizos. They always seem to be the same ones, or one. So any that try base it on things she's said and done never really line up.
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She needs to do an ASMR video where she squishes me between her thighs
Go ask /uuu2/ about him
Good night /uuu/. Hope we get Sipent Hill tomorrow.
dusty keyboard and house
>As to why, good question.
It's not that complicated, it's just mental illness unfortunately. It's unfortunate y'all have to deal with this so frequently
Just perfect
Fauna will always be the queen
Millie will always be a gaped whore (literal whore too)
you could just draw Shen (the bike cuck) stealing it and it’ll be his completed character arc
I think I saw a clip come across my feed showing the thief as a ninja which I feel was kind of funny
how do I cope with the fact that both fauna and I would be Ms in the relationship
If any other anons check here wondering why the schizo is melting down all over the catalog it's because he admitted to being a NEET here earlier:
She's into that, isn't that enough?
As short as that game was there were some prime kirin noises in it
She’s been into yandere rp since before hololive. I think that lends itself a little bit to S.
Oh right yeah sorry. Well good news Koyori asked her during the mario maker tournament and she admitted to being a switch/both
why is the pink fox like this
Mayodog loves her senpai
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Did it really get so much worse that we have multiple people come to ask?
Fauna is testing us
Not only kept making threads but started spamming in every catalog thread at one point, no matter what the topic was
buy an ad
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when did she remove let me stay here from her homepage?

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