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>Why these two?
Eat the curry and discover.
Anya 3.0 reveal on the 29th, 9 PM JST!
ID collab on the 30th, and supposedly another collab on the 31st or November 1st
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What a round head.
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recycled OP
Maybe, I messed up the numbering.
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recycled post
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what she cooking?
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stuffs for 4th Anyaversary in December, most likely
Speedy stuffs it seems
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it's painful
A terrible situation even
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Petra will be here on days 1 and 3 with multiple performances each day.
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tickets not available in japan?
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Obsydia & Zuttomo huh? pretty neat
Maybe they mean the streaming tickets?
tickets from Stagecrowd, that is
for Japan residents offline tickets is available in many Aeon Cinema theaters
online tickets will be available through Nicovideo
at least that's what I get from the official site nijisanji.jp/events/nmf2024
Petra's fat loaves of bread in a micro bikini
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I see, that makes much more sense now

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