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Yeah, they just don't give a shit anymore
I bet you he's internally hoping that nijisanji fires him with a book of grudges firing statement, it'd be the biggest boost to his indie career he could ask for
Literally who?
El Joe mama
Can you blame them? The three stooges irreparably fucked the entire branch.
this Vanta guy seems quite based
Oh man you didn't even include twisty's comment.
I'm being completely sincere when I say this for everybody in the image: Who?
think about it, getting fired means skipping the queue.
>vrantracow bringer
what does he bring?
The guy in the QRT used to be Hex Haywire from Nijisanji (#cut4hex), the other guy is a current member of Nijisanji
cock to her sisters pussy
how is hex doing now compared to under niji?
He's a 3 view. But not as bad as quinn.
The catch is that management knows this. And between management knowing it and the fact that the stock has lost nearly half of its value due to the still-ongoing Selen Shock (including a 22% drop in one day), management is not in any particular hurry to terminate any of them no matter how much they reach for that emergency exit.
The only way to skip the queue is by contract expiration. The only two ways they'll fire anyone is if any of them commits a major felony, or if they close the branch and fire all of them en masse at the closure.
How is Quinn doing now, compared to when he was in Niji?
Consistently less than 500 viewers, but who cares. He's a fleshtuber now.
I thought vanta and doppio were one of the good ones
There are no good ones at nijisanji
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Case in point
To add to that, he became a fleshie after spending tens of thousands of dollars on a vtuber model - he flopped so hard that he crawled back to fleshtubing.
hes anti loli, supports the tranny cause and joined every retarded twitter >boycott
You mean based?
Doppio's one of the good ones.
Yes. He doesn't follow follow kyrio from his PL .
Daily reminder: This guy follows ironmouse and aethel but they don't follow him despite interacting with him back when he was hex.
I still don’t get why they have no problems openly interacting with people like Kyo and Hex that were openly nothing but trouble for the branch, but shrivel up with people like Mint and Doki that were the glue that kept NijiEN from falling apart.
>Anon is shocked at people having friends.
wow it's almost like leaving nijitrannji doesn't automatically make you a good guy.
They're all fucking scum, some of them just happen to not also have Stockholm syndrome so they left the sinking ship to get indie money
Literally why the fuck would anyone care.
The company doesn't care and they want out so fuck it anything that breaks contract who cares
t. retard
Considering his interactions with Twisty I doubt he’s anti loli, he also only joined the boycott when people started complaining to him
>hes anti loli
>supports the tranny cause and joined every retarded twitter >boycot
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Noooooooo anon hates meeee
Cower toward mcd protester is a definition of not based.
The boys need to cling to Nijisanji to remain relevant.
The girls are much more successful leaving Nijisanji behind them.
Do you even know what "based" means, faggot?
He's twisty not blood related step brother of course he based, twisty can't get enough of him you know what.
Founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms.
As a slang term, you pedantic retard.
The company is in such a bad state where they don’t have the bargaining chip of threatening to fire you anymore, that’s considered a plus for their post-Niji career.
A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.

The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.

The latter usage is the original use as coined by rapper Lil B, and the word originally took off on the meta-ironic website 4Chan with the latter meaning. For that reason the word is largely used meta-ironically (without context you can't tell if it's being used ironically or sincerely as it's used in both ways) and was popularized in online political slang of conservatives and the political right before being adopted into mainstream online political slang (likely through shitposting websites or subreddits such as r/politicalcompass memes that are similar to 4chan in their meta-irony and "edginess" but contain a wider variety of political beliefs) and eventually adopted into general online vernacular.

When used in online political language it can mean "based in fact" or the opposite of biased due to the number of people who saw it being first used seriously by the online political right and came to the conclusion that is was related to the phrase "destroyed with facts and logic" in reference to right wing personality Ben Shapiro.
Exactly. That is correct. Now, how, exactly, is being anti-loli and supporting trannies "based"?
Oh I forgot to add NTA on my post. My bad
Then why did you answer the question that wasn't directed at you?
>t. came onto 4chan post 2016
>saying that on /vt/ of all places
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>The boys need to cling to Nijisanji to remain relevant.
Or they could try being entertaining streamers instead of douchebags, Mysta seems to be doing fine
Mysta was the top G of luxiem and is now part of vshojo. Completely different for other boys.
I genuinely have to wonder if this is actually the organ himself or Nijimanagement skinwalking
Nta but yes
You're not brave for supporting trannies and being anti-loli. You're just being a normalfag. And normalfags are the biggest cowards there are.
because he was an entertaining streamer and not a douchebag
>Mysta was the top G of luxiem
lol no he wasn't
OK vox
>being anti-loli and supporting trannies
Idk anon I've seen plenty normalfags against Loli and trannies
Poor Hex. Enna got his clutches in him before doppio could save him.
That's exactly what i'm saying.
Does Kyrio still have the same voice and pretend he can help solve various problems if people give him money?
NijiEN is hardly a monolithic entity. They're a cluster of multiple intersecting social groups and some of them rarely overlap, more likely so if they've debuted years apart. The fan groups usually reflect this interaction too.
neither do i lmao, who?
He has the same voice but he doesn't play a therapist anymore. And whenever he tries to flirt with chat they just roast him so it's a self correcting system.

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