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Maybe she isn't one of the good ones...
vivi is a doormat
>>88369148 (Me)
I mean he is her genmate in the end and he will end up alone in his dead branch anyway

Also why would she throw shade at him while still working in the agency?
Why is everyone so cringe? Whether it's dramafags or sisters, everyone acts like Vivi can't fucking speak for herself.
Maybe she means what she says.
Based, holofags and dookie fags in shambles right now
He won't end up alone. He'll get moved to a different gen. My money is on Lazulight.
The one metric we can judge her as one of the good ones or not is whether she reaches out to Doki within one month of redebut.
he'll go with his Krisis bros.
Krisis is too small time for him. What good is his friendship with Elira if she doesn't get him to at least Noctyx? Better yet, Luxiem or Lazulight?
take your medications.
he actually fits the HEROES theme.
>he doesn't believe that the clique exists in fucking October OTYOOL 2k24
he doesn't.
Also heroes is specifically a en/jp crossover thing.
his job/lore is to be a medic
he got the theme covered.
he won't be joining any of the season 1 waves and Krisis was always meant to be a 4 member group
>Doesn't become a self-serving bitch when it would be the most convenient for her to become one.
Isn't that generally the sign of a good person?
>(female streamer) talks about (male's business)
If you don't drop the second this happens you are a cuck.
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yes but think about how FUNNY it would be
>Whether it's dramafags or sisters
So which one are you?
If you mean that communist party member named doki, communists can't be good people as a rule.
(she is legally obliged to defend this man)
But enough about Enna
/vt/ thinks the more spiteful and vengeful a woman acts the better person she is for some reason.
So why on earth do they hate enna and elira so much?
filian should teach a class on not addressing shit at this point, it seems like an invaluable skill that so many vtubers just dont have
only to you
>So why on earth do they hate enna and elira so much?
The main difference is the clique narrative that they control NijiEN management and all the bad things that happen behind the scenes. This is different from the
>She might be a cunt to people but she is fighting against the evil system like a real girlboss would
narrative that shitty movies and video games promote about strong independent women fighting the patriarchy.
Ah, so you're a /v/tard. Remove yourself from the premises, immediately.
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maybe claude isn't actually a bad guy and the EN community was going full retard in attacking livers who weren't even remotely implicated in the bullying
You are just a tard, no adjective required.
He probably isn't, but at this point the idea that it could be so fucking bad behind the scenes makes people wary of everybody left there. Fuck's sake I don't even know if we could trust people like Rosemi or Petra anymore.
Everybody who leaves seems to have horror stories.
>Remove yourself from the premises, immediately.
You first, troon.
>strong independent women fighting the patriarchy
You faggot, do you really think this is what it's about?
Rule #1: there are no good nijis
>do you really think this is what it's about?
To liggers always going on rants about corporations and hsitting up the catalog, yes it always is.
>can't resist screeching about trannies
Classic /v/ brainrot. Neck yourself, immediately.
Yet another new boogeyman for nijiniggers? What, is even Phase Connect too big of a target to you now?
I think it might have started as typical holo vs. niji tribalism but at some poitn the liggers really did use niji's troubles as their excuse to spam their twitch whores nonstop and now any ex-holo is treated the same way an ex-niji is with no nuance made between them..
>holo vs. niji tribalism
Selen nearly committed suicide and no one from Holo's side has shown even an once of support. This was never their fight.
It is very difficult for people who have been in the trenches against the nijikeks for years to finally realize that the sisters they were fighting were actually fairly weak and small in number to begin with, that is why they folded so quickly to any pressure. But this fighting against le evil corpos only empowered a far stronger and much worse contingent of shitposter on this board and left i6t in the terrible state it is in today. Imagine realizing what a fool you really are to so easily fall into this trap.
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She definitely isn't.
Flush this bitch down the drain
Kunai is one of the good ones
>stops streaming after the Selen incident
>leaves without a graduation stream
>niji gets 0 profits off her anymore

Vivi is a snake in the grass
>keeps streaming normally
>cozies up to Elira and Enna
>defends Claude Clawass
>ex-niji vs. ex-niji.
>But this fighting against le evil corpos only empowered a far stronger and much worse contingent of shitposter on this board
If the "state of the board" is your chief concern and NOT the well-being of your oshi, then you'll always be a worthless nigger. You're worse than bootlickers.
>immediately reaches out to notHex "I fully stand behind my peers with this [black stream] message" notHaywire
>good one
Uhh antibros, what the fuck? I thought Niji mindbroke her.
Dumb bitch needs to shut up. I don’t give a fuck about her or her clique mates.
don't care. she's probably gonna immediately collab with Quinn once she redebuts like Sunny did anyway
If he doesn't want to get bullied, he should've just fucking asked
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I'm done with vivi.
>maybe the guy who voluntarily licked Riku's shithole and defended workplace abuse, with OUTRIGHT LIES no less, is not a bad person
r/kurosanji mockery is the bare minimum of what this sociopathic cliquerat deserves, he's lucky normal people don't act like nijisisters and dox or gore-spam him.
Yes, fuck dramaniggers ponies
Yes, they are genmates, as she should.
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jesus christ! those are the three pillars of the clique
Vivi has an escape plan she can do whatever at this stage.
>/vt/ concocts a retarded rrat to connect all the dots
>doesn't fact check any of it
>Constantly runs into issues where reality doesn't line up with what the rrat says
>continue to stand by the rrat at all costs
I don't even watch Nijisanji I've just had fun watching the constant revisions to a stupid rrat that I have yet to see even a smidgen of concrete evidence for.
>he doesn't know about hanamori
Yeah I've heard of it. It sounds like Girls FC
And Elira barely even counts. She's a monster, is what she is.
Sure bud. You can't even read properly and you expect anyone to take you seriously lmao
A subhuman defending hanamori scum is barking at me? Sit the fuck down.
See this is exactly what I mean. This rrat is your religion lmfao
>the black stream is a rrat now
Why am i not surprised.
How deep into this conspiracy are you man. Be honest. That's not even remotely related to what I said and you just brought it up like it's your trump card lmao.
What fucking conspiracy? You are willfully ignorant. Elira was friends with Shu, Uki and Claude for years. With Enna and Millie, for a decade.
People here hate on the black screen stream but wouldn't be able to point out anything from that stream that was wrong, because Doki still hasn't delivered any of her receipts and refuses to do so. It's all 100% emotion and 0 facts.
NTA but it's still pretty fucking weird that about half of hanamori ended up joining NijiEN, and then another few like Shoto ended up becoming orbiters.
Though Shoto ended up outgrowing them... or rather he didn't take the same hit NijiEN did so he ended up overtaking them.
What other facts do we need other than "Elira doubled down on a public smear campaign"?
>what's wrong with the black stream
The fact that a massive corporation is behaving like a petulant child is the most egregious shit. A whole ass billion dollar company went put of its way to smear the good name of its former employee and sent her into a panic attack, and for what?
Nice cope, MillLe, but this has been analyzed through-and-through. You have no answer for why they released that statement AFTER Riku’s apology (to the investors). There is zero reason to have overlapped her or anyone else and do this retarded action in that order.
>ex Hanamori moved to Niji
He is absolutely a garbage person
>AFTER Riku’s apology to the investors
Since when it was after? It was before.
True, I’m working on zero sleep here, gommen.
So let me guess this right you SEAmians and mexcrements are jealous of Claude?
No, but it reminds me of the time Claude used the same thumbnail for his streams like 8 times in a row. Then the day after it was pointed out on /vt/ he changed it.
kek, this also came off the backheel of Winston being accused of concept theft and the whole “WE LOVE ARTISTS” campaign NijiEN tried after the gigayabs.
You are not making any sense. How does this "fact" make her statements wrong? You are basically just proving my point that you don't care about the truth.
Elira, Vox and Millie aren't a billion dollar company. On the other hand, Doki has a company that she founded in early 2023. However, if Miko says FAQ on stream, I wouldn't claim that Cover Corp. has told me to go fuck myself.
You are a faggot and it has been proven through-and-through, and yet here I am failing to deliver any proof for said claim, because I don't have any proof.
>Elira, Vox and Millie aren't a billion dollar company
They were representating the company with that stream. Or do you claim otherwise? They acted alone? So it's either they were bullying her, or the company and managers were harassing her?
I mean the playbutton thing was pretty fucking stupid though
>Then the day after it was pointed out on /vt/ he changed it
so you're telling me that he's /here/ right now? >>88373182
Nah, even if the dude was the nicest, coolest dude in the company he deserves to get bullied for just how awful that model is.
>How does this "fact" make her statements wrong
Why would we need to prove her statements wrong when the fact that she made those statements in the first place is what is so heinous?
This is why nijiniggers will never win, because to even get to the stage where they have a leg to stand on they need to willingly ignore so much stuff
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Yes. NotHex is good.
You are arguing with a mentally ill phasetroon. They need their next fix of drama or they'll kill themselves.
Go back to Twitter
explaining that a statement that upset fans was directed at the investors is not an "apology to investors" no matter how much mental gymnastics you do
Ain't he a flip? why mexico?
He'll be good once Doki vindicates him.
Based. Fuck you dramafags for creating all this clique nonsense.
She doesn't even know who he is.
He is a horrorslopper and a genshin enjoyer. Apex would be the last thing he'd play. So not happening.
I don't make the rules. If you're Doki's friend, you're a good person. If you're not, you're a cunt. Simple as. If notHex isn't her friend, if he doesn't reach out, if she doesn't vindicate him, he can languish in obscurity forever.
He was doing a duolingo stream. Also he's half spanish ( from spain) and half flip although I can't tell in which country lives.
Doki doesn't JUST play Apex, dipshit. And i didn't say "collab".
But they barely interacted in the company and don't really know each other that much. How else will they connect?
I don't think interacting with doki will give him more viewers. Those sort of viewers will not watch a male no matter what.
Not my problem, mate. If it happens, it happens.
OK I guess.
That's none of my concern. The concern is whether he and other ex-nijis have any empathy for Doki.
But you said...never mind.
How mad are you that they are STILL losing subs and ''Ewiwia's'' birthday stream had some of the most embarrassing numbers in the corps history?
It's a falseflag to change the thread topic. Guaranteed to get you(s) and spiral into bigger things.

As for me I'm not mad. Elira has her cat now and gets priority on merch and sponsors so she won't be hurting for money.
>won't be hurting for money
You couldn't even stomach acknowledging her birthday stream that made a pittance kek. Maybe she'll stream normally instead of being depressed huh?
>you couldn't stomach
What are you talking about friend. I'm just saying there's peace of mind that even with low numbers she won't have financial stresses. For the rest, meowmeow is there.

Plus most people /here/ probably have worse mental health than her.
EN does not get sponsors anymore idiot. Also we know what kind of cut they get of merch, it's 2%.
Because of Elira's actions the branch is not likely to last much longer either
You sound outright retarded anon. Her biggest payday was a flop (yet again you're too upset to acknowledge it) and she doesn't stream.

You don't get sponsorship payments for sitting in your room wishing you could get Mint's numbers.
I didn't say she's doing extremely. Just that she's not hurting for money. I doubt riku would dare mistreat her after the black stream.
The craziest part is how Finana and Elira both destroyed their careers in completely different ways, in completely separate incidents, yet ending up at the same level thereabouts.
Pomu only saved herself by leaving and effectively ending that career altogether.

Lazulight basically wound up as a smoking ruin. Who knew it would all end that way?
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>Elira has her cat now and gets priority on merch and sponsors
she's always been the priority, no fucking wonder the elf left that shitty company
He's already unable to clear 1k. Matara needs to save him.
Yeah that sucks. But at least I can take solace in the fact out of all of elira's problems, money won't be one of them, unless she's some kind of big spender.
You know that Mint probably makes like 5x what Elira does or more?
Matara needs not do shit. Her position is precarious as it is.
that's incredibly depressing and pathetic. Aren't you here to do PR about how great it is to be your oshi?
I'm happy for her. She deserves it.
No? Idk how you got that from me
How long do you think Elira's dogshit, failed, busted-ass career will last her? 5 years? 10 years? It's not gonna be her retirement plan.
She is one of the few nijien who is somewhat popular in japan, is fluent in jp and will be the first pick if the branch merges. She'll be fine.
>10 years
Boy that's a long time. Who knows.
But she's the roach mom.
Elira has something that I like to call "elira logic"
Rather than judging relative outcomes, you judge by an absolute scale.

So by Elira-logic, it doesn't matter if she lost 90% of her viewers, all that matters is that her viewers are higher than a random indie gets. It doesn't matter that she lost most of her income, all that matters is that her income is somewhat above average for Canada. It doesn't matter if people who made better choices are rising the ladder to success. Because all that matters is that she's still doing better than average.

It's Elira-logic. It's shortsighted, stupid, and a giant cope.
Spoken like a cuck.
Whose fan are you?
But you realize that Mint earns something like 5x what Elira earns. So in the next 2 years, Mint will earn more than Elira would in those 10 years, assuming her career lasts that long, which is unlikely.
Mint is able to coast to an easy life while Elira loses another 30% of her income next year through audience decline. And another 30% the year after that, and another 30% the year after that....etc.
I mean the EN branch is fucking dead. It's only a matter of time before Riku realizes that firing her is the only hope his company has for having a functioning foreign branch.
Mint's. And after the black stream, Elira is fucking dead to me.
Ok, faggoon
Mask fucking OFF.
NTA. Just know a fagoon hiding behind a band when I see one
That wasn't me
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I'm sure she's very sad
When will Doki vindicate herself for hiring scammers and falsely accusing her parents of crime online?
The dragoons were very nice when the whole shikanoko thing happened. I don't think its them.
There are two different subsections of dragoons. One just want to watch streams and listen to Doki when she says to not harass anyone. The other ignore her and are basically dramatrannies
She lost a friend of many years, doing what she did. If she wasn't sad, I would be more concerned.
Here we fucking go again.
You really think only dragoons have grievances with Anykuro? Eat shit.
Well then I haven't seen them, then. I have only seen dramatrannies in the other fanbase that shall not be named. Could be tourists like flipsie
I don't watch smokers so she can do whatever she wants for all I care
Women tend defend their abusers for a while before realizing they were in fact abused

I love it when faggots don't watch streams and ignore evidence to continue believing in their schizo babble
>She lost a friend of many years
Huh' She's still friends with Millie, Elira, Reimu, Rosemi, Petra, Uki, Shu, Maia, Luca, Ike etc. She didn't lost anyone.
She lost Pomu.
She was never friends with Pomu lmfao delusional pomucuck. She only faked it for a couple of months until Rosemi and petra debuted. In fact, she organized the first lazusydia collab on the day of pomu's surgery, which was based as fuck imo.
>she was never friends with Pomu
You're saying that as if it's supposed to upset me. I couldn't be more happy that Mint cut all ties with her.
What ties retard' Elira never considered her a friend, so if anything it was Elira being the based one here.
honestly as a Dragoon i don't hold it against her actually standing up for your friend regardless if their wrong or not is something that spineless coward elira and the rest of the hit squad never did
Based for what? Being a cunt? What are you even trying to say?
>cut all ties
Let me rephrase it for your convenience, ESLtard. They're no longer on speaking terms.
Stop pretending to be a Dragoon, retard. No one believes you.
You were trying to pwn that guy by saying how elira lost pomu. Now that the guy has pointed out that she probably doesn't give a shit you're seething.
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stop pretending to be retarded anon no one buys your sister stick and trying to discredit dragoons just make you look like a corpo faggot
your filenames make it incredibly obvious that you're not a dragoon but a catalog shitter
>she probably doesn't give a shit
Oh yeah? Immediately before Wrestletuber Elira posted some very telling tweets, asking questions about whether it's normal to feel anxiety and depression during a period. And then she had a fever. If you really think she doesn't give a shit, you're delusional. Pomu was the best person she considered a friend, and she lost her. The rest are fucking snakes, and she nurtured them.
how does it feel to be wrong?
>no one from Holo's side has shown even an once of support
anon, maybe I'm misinterpreting your words or something
but Mumei took time to visit Dokibird
and the two holostars that brought her into VSaikyo also collab'd with her and showed solidarity
I think Axel was defending Selen in a JP member stream iirc
You fucking moron. They're gonna falseflag with your pic now. If you're not a falseflaggot yourself.
>Pomu was the best person she considered a friend
LMFAO no, just no. Elira's best friends always were, are and will be Enna and Millie.
>but Mumei took time to visit Doki
No one actually knows if that's true or not. Her hiatus back then could have simply been coincidentally timed.
Yeah, yeah. Talk to me when someone IN HOLOLIVE says anything positive about Selen/Doki. Instead, we got Kiara cavorting with Enna, and Mori and Nerissa cavorting with Reimu.
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eh let them its not like the sisters ever give any valid criticism of my oshi anyway and its really easy to see their not a dragoon when they attack doki ..
Learn English, for fuck's sake. Enna and Millie are Elira's best friends, yes. But they're TERRIBLE people.
All of them are, of course. Like attracts like
>But they're TERRIBLE people.
Proof next thread right?
Doki said she was feeling like crap so notmumei invited her to watch movies. No mention of any visits.
Mint isn't. She made a choice in the end to stand by Doki instead of Elira.
Anyone who picks Elira is a terrible human being and that includes Vivi
>Mint isn't.
Yes she is. She's siccing dramafags onto her former coworkers.
Well then I'm the most terrible.
Vivi was simply waiting out her contract. What the hell was she supposed to do?
You fucking what?
If she's "just waiting out her contract" what do you call this? >>88374113
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I love evil women, they're so fucking hot
Surviving in an abusive environment? Do you think she WANTS to be targeted by the managers and the clique, like Selen was? She sounded depressed enough even without it.
Give me a break. She's also defending Clawass, no thanks. Flush her down the drain
The point of loving evil women is to CORRECT them, not enable them.
elira used to be my oshi mostly because we have simliar taste in gaming and while her betrayal was pretty keyfab don't excuse her black screen its all so stupid too if kurosanji had just let selen graduate non of this would have happen
Okay, but to be fair, aside from "you can just fucking ask", what did he do?
nepo hire with Elia
I'll flush you down the toilet.
Same, except I want back to her after a few months. There's no replacement.
that alone is enough
really think about what it takes for someone to be like "yup I'm gonna knowingly lie to defend an abusive black company by denying one of their abusive practices"
Post more evil Elira
There are no 'good one' in NijiEN.
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Fuck's sake. I hate that defending Vivi is gonna make me sound like a fucking sister, but that's not inherently evil. It's only evil because the nepohires themselves are evil people. Enna, Millie, Uki. But as far as i know, Shu and Claude are mostly okay.
Was it knowingly? Don't get me wrong, making fun of him for that is what he deserves, but he might not have known. He might have thought that being friends with Elira entitled him to shit that others were denied.
The thing is, it was initially to meme on him and was just making fun of him for saying such a dumbass line. Somewhere along the line that turned into pure hatred. This board is sure is an interesting place.
>I know a lot of people think i have dragoon vibes but like i thought about it. I like elira and selen senpai a lot and i admire them a lot i've been a fangirl for a while now.
Fun part is /vt/ got gaslight into thinking she was one of the good ones and her own fan forgot this and mindbroke her into quitting kek
What exactly are you trying to shown here? That she liked both elira and selen instead of just selen?
Because lines have blurred and anons started to use that line unironically against those who don't deserve scorn and mockery.
Maybe, just maybe, they have problems with management/the company and NOT their coworkers.
She was fine being in niji with elira as she was her oshi too simple as
What did Claude even do?
You typically don't want to start poking holes in the lifeboat before you get to shore.
That's too much.
There was 2 different changes I observed in this board over different time frames.
Again, watch the stream after her graduation was announced. She was most definitely NOT fine.
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honestly kurosanji livers has given us a lot of memeable quotes i don't even dislike claude ye sure the whole you could just f'ing ask is cringe because its clearly a lie as proven later but i don't blame him as well
We don't even know if he ended up asking. But there were only two possible outcomes - either he pussied out, or got told to fuck off.
We got the millie meme, the Claude meme and then elira's "Nothing happened". What else?
I wouldn't be fine too if my fan and some randos wouldn't shut up about leaving when elira one of my oshi was there and i was inclining.
Good job on mind breaking her.
Enna's "don't dig for the truth" (paraphrased, because i don't remember it exactly)
No one cares vivi. You need to understand the optics involved with saying dumb shit like this. Though if you cared about optical you wouldn't have joined niji in the first place.
I wouldn't be fine if it turned out that one of my oshis drove my second oshi to a suicide attempt. And she was literally approaching poverty. 12k earned in supas IN A YEAR? That's pitiful.
Oh boy, she just killed the viewers that will follow her.
If he wanted people to stop being mean to him he could just fucking ask.
Eh that's not as memorable. There's also "Negligible" but riku said that, not a liver.
Dramafags always fuck off. The only way to truly kill off her core viewership is to come out and say "Selen deserved it all, fuck her".
"there no favoritsmen in kurosanji" - Dox Akuma
Oh there was the "In my opinion it wasn't harassment" by miload. How could I forget that!
Became a meme
Sunny did much worse. immediately collabing with Quinn and Hex. she didn’t even try to establish her own foothold first after redebut
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i wonder if riku is jelous he too wanted to become a meme .. well he sorta is given how many people have manipulated his apologize :D
>much worse
Nooo she interacted with them meanies. I was like, OH MY GOD!
If you wanna call cunts who spearheaded smear campaigns "meanies", be my guest.
>an attempt lol

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