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/xhlgg/ is a thread to discuss all female ex-hololive chuubas that stream under a new identity and are not attempting to hide this past life from their audience.

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Taffy nyah
Also her Youtube channel is this one
Previous >>88332731
>female only
but why
Homo hate
>it's "hololive global" not "hololive productions global"
Yappari, it's still a hololive thread in spirit
/xhlgg/chads, we got JP, CN and EN
When is ID joining us?
Until they explicitly state their PL, they are trying to hide it.
Ollie SOON
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>Same illustrators and animators
>Long time no see, hehehe, this is so awkward
This is not hiding it, retard
You just don't want a thread to discuss former hololives cause you think they don't deserve to live
did /LIG/ reject them or something? why need their own thread when they are practically indies.
Go cry about it on the Amelia and Aqua threads too, then. At least be consistent.
I dunno about that, she seems to really love Hololive even if it doesn't love her back
Nothing wrong with more specific generals. That's always been the /vt/ way
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Okay, but only Kaoru is allowed.
Homo fuck off
Where's holo CN?
I wish I didn't forget all the chinese I learned in highschool
It's right there, anon
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Namie love
No faggot. go beg in orc+ to make it a ex-homo general.
>check the live tab
>go to most popular
>top two is asmr and a wife roleplay stream
Is there a set date for Mel's reincarnation?
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Halloween, of course!
it's just a weird general, doki, mint, and ex-niji would benefit more from this kind of thread since ex-holo by default would get recognized by anyway.
Fuck off niggers
Fuck off
okay... so make it?
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Be the change you wanna see in the world! At the very least, once Vivi graduates, making one would be the best time to do it (or like a few days before she does).
Absolute KINO
I just want to talk about ex hololives, man. If you don't care, don't click.
Which Mel? Mel Nekomata?
Just use Dooby or Sakuna threads retarded fucking plniggers.
Yozora Mel, dude...
Did you post in the Aqua and Ame threads instead of global?
>"""pl""" is fine when it's in these two generals but not in this general, because... because I said so
Fuck you
We don't like the homos here.
We don't like mike either, but she's at least fun to talk about.
Holy esl, learn some reading comprehension
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Don't see you crying about this, faggot
mike was exonerated in a court of law.
so what were the "differences in directions" that Aqua had with Clover if she's going to be doing literally all the same things? what sort of crazy shit was going on behind the scenes or is planned for the future that would be an inexcusable dealbreaker? are we about to see a huge wave of graduations?
Melody Projekt
I would guess having to fill out paperwork weeks in advance to do a simple game stream that any indie can roll out of bed and decide to do. Or maybe she's too old for learning new dances, idk
hello is this the designated Mike anti thread?
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CEO of Sex
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management hate her.
hope holo burn
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I will watch every Sakuna stream until she plays Apex and then I will drop her forever.
Probably having to be in nonstop conventions and meetings and collabs
She's already hinting that there's gonna be not many of those
No this is the holo anti general
Cover anti general, maybe
We love hologirls and former hologirls here
>overwork artists to the point government have to step in
>overwork livers to the point they graduate
black company
ah so basically it's a general for schizos, kinda like /#/
The only schizo this thread supports is Mike
Ah, it's only been a second general and we already have a resident schizo: Mikeschizo. Every general has one, so I'd say having a schizo just legitimizes this thread existing in the future.
She, along with the alien twink both backed out before anything actually interesting happened. They’re both just as guilty of being horrible people as they were before.
Mikeneko is the ultimate vtuber. None of her insanity or quirkiness is an act.
Choco soon
That's just a wedge in the doorway to anti-ing the girls.
>we anti cover, black company, we love hologirls and former hologirls here
>why did [X] say they loved hololive or working at hololive despite it being a black company? they must be part of the problem
>anybody still staying at hololive, a black company, and not graduating out of moral principle alone is guilty
You're making shit up no one said to get mad
Thanks for telling us in advance what your falseflags will be
I think you just don't want people to discuss, enjoy and support "traitors" that left cover, anon, and this is your way of making that pettiness appear righteous
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there's a segment in one of those ASMR streams where she pours some sort of fluid, and it's probably a piss fetish thing. and what's always amused me is that if you translate her live chat, her chinese fans seem very brazenly horny. it's extra funny to think about considering she's kind of the CN analog to Luna.
This is word-for-word what happened with Project Kawaii after their gen 3 mass graduated and NijiEN.
Dooby is live on twitch btw
We don't give a shit about actually watching streams, we're here to stir shit.
youtube love
What the hell, why didn't she tweet about it? It's hard to keep track.
Cheers, anon
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imagine a Halloween Night cover with mikeneko and some other /xhlgg/ girls
Apparently this is why we're supposed to be on the discord
But I don't want to get a discord account
>holo CN
>no holostars
the bias is unreal
Yeah, biased towards tits
delutaya is ex holo?
The people have spoken anon
Chinks > homos
She was Aloe, yes
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Unforgivable. Sora-chan should have been in the middle.
This is /xhlgg/ not /xmans/
Ah, the wonders of uncensored internet and freedom of speech. If only the boomers that compose the CCP weren't so hellbent in making everything political and cringe (like requiring vtubers to show an ID) we would have so much kino and cross-cultural pollination...
This feels like a weird general to make unless they're going to be interacting with each other in some way. There's not really any cohesion here other than "fuck hololive"
>The people have spoken
oh really, was there a poll?
The cohesion is keeping track of all the ex hololive girls and not missing any
Why the fuck is this generating so much confusion?
I can even accept that maybe the last thread was created by a shitposter as a joke, but either ways, clearly enough of us see an actual purpose in it existing
>unless they're going to be interacting with each other in some way
Give it time, anon. Delutaya and Rica already made a livestream together, so this may as well be just the beginning.
kys trash taste watcher
love ALL ex-hololives (by definition, female)
hate Cover
hate homo sex pests
simple as.
Yeah, it took place in my mind.
Stop getting so fucking defensive of clover in qdvance, you weirdo.
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I'm guessing she kept making very stupid requests. Her management is smarter than her so they understood that these were terrible ideas and turned her down each time. But she's a dumb onion so she did not understand. In the end she decided to quit so she can do these stupid things herself and tank her career. You'll witness her downfall within the next couple of years as she does these stupid things she couldn't do before.
talk about yourself.
One of you, just a few posts above, said this was an anti thread for Cover/HoloPro (>>88372564). Okay, you say you won't anti current holos. That's great and all, but what about girls like Fubuki or Sora who are heavily invested in Hololive and constantly run PR and damage control for it, and talk about how much they love working for it? How are you going to anti Cover but not Fubuki when her own personal statements align with them? None of the ex-holos, bar kson, have shittalked Hololive, so how the fuck are you going to be a Holopro anti thread while still "loving" the girls that love it?
Tune in to find out
This is the shittiest falseflag post I've seen in weeks. At least try a little.
It's pretty simple, anon. Love the talents, fuck the corpo.
Some people are really offended by this general's existence.
Not even 2 threads in and it has attracted schizos. Grim.
And if the talents love the corpo or defend the corpo?
That's their right, we don't have to agree with the girls on everything.
More to the point, people like Towa, Mio, Fauna, etc, do criticize the corpo but ultimately, they think the good outweighs the bad. Nothing wrong with supporting the girls where the bad ended up outweighing the good.
Not a false flag. Just something I thought could be a possibility, knowing how she often made very dumb decisions that ended up burning her.
Boy do I really, really hope you stick by that. We'll see I guess, but I've seen it happen twice before, and I don't see any signs this time will be any different.
Why are you here if you don't know?
Anon, I'm sure there's gonna be shitposting here like there's shitposting in every general ever. But if the thread has a real purpose to it which is to keep track of the increasing number of girls that are leaving hololive but sticking around as vtubers, then in my opinion it's doing more good than harm.
Which holos will join soon? Any predictions?
I mean Gura is pretty obvious. She's been silently checked out for longer than Dooby was and clearly they're letting her do anything she wants so long as she stays on board. If this affiliate shit works, she's definitely gone by 2025
Why wouldn't I? I don't even hate Cover per se but I'm not really fond them either and I'm really tired of their bullshit in general, so I'm glad to see ex-holos flourish outside of that awful work environment. That doesn't mean I'm going to shit on the girls who do like Cover and working there though. If they're happy then that's all that matters.
Dooby just playing random flash games is SOVLful as fuck
>anybody still staying at hololive, a black company, and not graduating out of moral principle alone is guilty
That's literally true.
Kson and notChoco had fun at their Taiwan Halloween event
Can you ksonigs stop posting dox?
Was it flesh?
The uninformed would say Gura but she never liked streaming in the first place. The real answer is probably Ina or Marine on the JP side. Ina never quite recovered from whatever the fuck happened behind the scenes in 2022, and has been doomposting on her PL a lot over the recent fuckery that Cover pulled on her (fucked up her VISA, fucked up the tournament, fucked up her recordings). I think she's teetering on the edge and one more small push will cause her to break. Marine of course already has one foot out the door as far as streaming goes and is basically only there for merch and sponsorships, give her a good out and she's gone.
what is this a rica redebut or a new channel?
>The uninformed would say
>The real answer is probably Ina or Marine on the JP side
>Marine of course already has one foot out the door
the fucking irony of this post
this entire thread would have been considered dox back in the day
The rules are obviously changing because multiple holos are leaving and people want to keep discussing them in their proper context. That's a good thing, by the way.
What is triangle doing nowadays?
Nah the rule was always that if they're currently in holo it's dox.
She was really happy that the fanart in the OP was tweeted out a few days ago
cute green triangle cute
Is it dox when the person in question doesn't even try to hide it?
The literal only reason this rule exists is to protect certain favorites who won't be named because of important information and controversy that might be harmful or contradictory to how they currently present themselves.
Ok, anti
Fuck off
Almost none of them try to hide it.
Depend on jannies like it or not. Twitch whores show flesh on stream but they can delete the post if they don't like it
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Yeah and December is still two months away
that Sakuna general is starting to tick me off. they should all just get rid of it and join us here, they should do as we say
Least obvious falseflag
Why would there be a problem with a thread for all ex holos and then a thread for specific ex holos? That's how it already works with hlgg and vtuber specific threads
Stop getting mad that this thread exists
Shut up
i went there to peacefully try to convince them to join us here and they basically told me to fuck off, how rude of them
All the memes about Sora being a goddess of a daisenpai aside, Miko is much more influential than Sora is.
Every holo is more influential than Sora, that girl is an unironic autist
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this thread is kinda of genius now that I think about it again, most of the holo-antis would gather here, and this can act as a containment thread for them. maybe we gonna see less hololive bait and the board will be more usable from now on.
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Ciyana reposted a Halloween song (and in English!) she did back in 2021, so might as well share it here
or here if you don't wanna give your info to Bilibili
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This is definitely Halloween themed
>She already has subs going
they were advised by the court to just settle it because it's going to be a waste of time for both of them. while Mike just accepted it and moved on, the twink doesn't seem to want to back down though.
It's literally just a shitpost general it's more exist because they want to keep dividing up and splitting threads as much as possible, most of these girls have nothing in common other than being ex holo and their fanbases won't get along either.
Whatever you say
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Ciyana a cute
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Yogiri and Spade Echo are the only CN we accept
Yes. never forget 2020.
>I support the talent not the corpo
Anyone who actually said this is either underage or just a retard or both, the talent and the corpo isn't separate entity even tho there is distinction, if you support the talent then you automatically support the corpo and if you anti the corpo then you're automatically anti the talent, you can't say hey I love the talent but I wish the corpo, their workplace to burn down. Also the funniest thing is that some people might actually think that it's the best for the talent for whatever reason like money or freedom but in reality it's just a bunch of "if"
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Civia is the only CN that got a warm send-off from YAGOO himself, apologize NOW
I just hate my oshi's manager and wish the utmost harm upon them
>the talent and the corpo isn't separate entity
It clearly is and you are in the wrong thread for even trying to imply otherwise.
I can't tell whether you're just trolling or actually a retard with 2 dimensional thinking
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add it
In case you absolutely didn't noticed: No Homos here.
I thought it was already confirmed that Civia had nothing to do with that inside job against Coco
She and the wheelbarrow creator ywwuyi are mutuals on twitter
Nevermind then
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Nice thread
Hitomi Chris Benoit...
Reminder that only Yogiri and Spade Echo are innocent
No one cares about Yagoos pet project. Those fags never deserved to be propped in the name of the girls.
yogiri and spade are the only one innocent from cn branch, rest are snakes
She's prepping
Based. Bilibili on top as it should be.
she did a VA work for an album or is it her music album but I don't remember
never would I have thought chinks and kson were in harmony in one thread.
not magni too
I don't think it will be once the kson monkeys find this thread.
She's in Taiwan right now kek

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