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Sunday Night Bedge Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

Mouse is LIVE! And is currently doing the VRChat Halloween party with Henya, Michi, Froot, and Kuro. Zen, Geega, and Haruka were also there earlier as well.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/Lunyaee/status/1850654718999101895

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/XsNqWKLp

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>88300943
bubi nut is purple?
This thread will be butter
I hope not. I prefer margarine.
Disgusting. We aren't at war anymore.
I like mouses voice today
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it's the microphone
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monke butt
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less squeaky?
older woman voice?
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The collab is now official. I wonder how this one well go?
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This stream is a panty shot goldmine
looks like olie but latino.
itll be so g- zzzzzz
This one seems more casual than the jurard one. I expect it will be okay but nothing special.
he seems chill just naive and young
I love them, Thank you Mouse for the great shots.
Shame she did not used the new model more to see what panties they had.
So the perfect mouse groom target? Poor guy is going to learn about mouse's triple g's. Groom, gaslight, ghost.
Yea it’s sexy
I love when Mouse says pussy
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Is mouse streaming more after vr?
we're probably going to need archive anon to get this portion of the stream
I wish I didn't love this elevator shit so much, I don't know why it gets to me
She said she will either stay in vr or get out and play another game so yes it sounds like it.
hopefully she does more vr gfe first earlier wasn't enough
you cucks are weird but do you
gfe anon can go fuck himself but Mouse did put a separate solo vrchat on her 'schedule' and I hope she does it sometime because I love solo vr chat.
looking forward to solo vr gfe
If the solo one doesn't happen now, you are the reason. Fuck you.
>Precious Family is something that means a lot to me.
mouse knows it's gfe if she doesn't do solo that is for other reasons
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You are very dense
he's so shamelessly creepy and that I feel like it's an attempt to get us to merge back into vsj to ditch him and I fully admit it would work on me if I was even 1% willing to go back
but I'd just leave the site
Even coomers aren't as weird as gfe anon
gfe retard anon ruins it again she just vomited reading his messages here
kuro is so effortlessly funny, love solo collabs with him and mouse they always have good-weird vibes
I don't get why you all suddenly freak out about mouse and gfe. she used to do much worse and be more blatant about it. the vr stuff she does now is tame in comparison. obviously she is fine with doing a bit of gfe since she does it every time she is in vr. you are overreacting again.
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you need to check out some real gfe, feeding you a vr hotdog aint it
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Mouse you have to stop
Mouse has vocally said she is not gfe and doesn’t want to be gfe.
Is mouse talking about rolfgator vr party's?
>freak out about mouse and gfe
mouse hates gfe idk what else to say
does this count as asmr?
mouse hates herself?
you realize there are different levels to it yes? some people prefer the softer gfe mouse does while others prefer when they go full on with it. that doesn't change that it still is gfe. I prefer how mouse does it the full on stuff feels too fake and cringe for me.
she can say that all she wants doesn't mean much when she does the opposite. actions speak louder than words and she is underestimating the effect she has on people.
you're an actual creep that doesn't listen hope you dont do this to any girl that is nice to you irl
god you're gross
does that count as a confirmation?
Mouse exposing for kuro some others streamer who were there back in 2021
mouse in Diddy parties
you already made that joke in chat and no one laughed there
Mouse acting like she doesn't have a box of sex toys stashed somewhere
a bunch of people did, and they're all shitheads
I just remember mouse tried to get connor into this shit, he would even be in one of rolfgator streams but never happened. I'm glad connor was smart and didn't get involved
this is worse anon than her toys
She never did her stream either, she only appeared on the Nyan one. It was Vei that was into it because Soda was on that thing all the time. That crew was trying to get everyone into it. Mouse and Connor weren't as synonymous as they are now, they were asked separately.
he was supposed to be in date night and pulled out quick mouse was supposed to be his wingman
I missed it did Mouse elaborate what she was dragged into?
I don't see what she could not say on stream, even if she was taken to a sex world she could have said that on stream its not tos to mention that.
What did she say?
He's the reason she's too scared to talk to much about this he made her think she is cringe and weird for it
retard comparing a dildo or vibrator to vr sex suits
She thinks its weird and cringe too.
it is cringe and weird and she gets that now
why you retards always think you speak for mouse when she's already gone on rants already but you don't care it seems.
I wonder if Mouse getting dragged to something she was not comfortable with at his party is why Conner never went on his show.
I remember very well mouse and connor talking about it on stream, he said it looked fun and she immediately asked if he would like to be part of it. So yeah she was the reason he got invited, she said she would ask someone
nta but I don't read anything there that implies they are talking for Mouse, more like they are just assuming stuff
Yeah because he was asked
Yeah mouse had a collab with him before that one event and kept coming up with excuses to stay instead of going. Eventually he brought up her being nyans wingman or him joining too probably realizing how nervous she was about it. I think it was planned for him to join a different night but someone else pulled out and then it was never rescheduled
I just remembered i think the person mouse was talking might have been Lacari and vei made him nut
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moving goal posts all the time just kys weirdo before you hurt someone
I bet that freaks crazy sex party is what made Mouse uncomfortable with the idea of doing lewd content even though that shit is way weirder than doing lewd content.
>>88374740 (me)
Or maybe that was a different event? Idk it's been so long now
This pixel brb screen and the 3d one are my two favorites
nah it's proably due to her getting bigger and i bet kids or teens are watching her now being that big and her r18 stream is meaningless if you don't get caught
That was my first message in that conversation kek
mouses r18 streams are very different than actual r18 twitch streams by miles
Well I'm not up for hours if tcg today, night all.
Anon she was already uncomfortable with it, only people who are too autistic couldn't tell and kept asking for it. Like that GrandmasterRNG guy who dropped a tts asking which of her friends she'd like to see join Mel for a "yoga" stream.
No her analytic is still mostly 30s from what she said last and any kids that get found get perma banned
Tbf that was because she wasn't comfortable not knowing who would be okay with it. Mouse has said she watches Mel often on the other site.
nta but they mentioned that because Mouse also started to talk about herself.
A fansly account for Mouse to stream games she can't on twitch would be unironically great.
She expressed interest but I doubt she would do it unless someone else pushes her to try it
>More VRChat
Lets Go, I wonder if she will ever do an actual 3d stream somethie
could have been anything else but no a game with 5 hours of fucking content is what she has to play because shes retarded. god forbid she stops playing a boring fucking sim game in a reasonable time period and moves onto something else
Mouse your trackers must be set up bad. index is some of the best tracking but you need them set up correct and cover any reflective surfaces.
Also have at least 3 set up
its not happening same as last time she said shed do more vr. she does it once then forgets it exists for months
I hope one Mouse covers is the CPR one
mouse misread "how are you?" as "how old are you?"
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>sub goal
lol lmao even
>If I do, I'll invite people
RIP solo VR
Rip any chance of solo vr just like that
gfe anon ruined it
>Tbf that was because she wasn't comfortable not knowing who would be okay with it.
That was the angle she probably went with because she didn't want the ttsfag to get lynched or banned because they were dumb and maybe didn't realize the implication of "yoga" being masturbation and not just joining Mel to chat. Generally asking someone which of their friends/coworkers they'd like to see masturbate on stream is pretty fucked up unless you have some degree of autism or you're a coomer that's too fucking far gone.
coomer autism rot brain definitely
they tts every stream
99% of coomers know how to be a normal people
>Chat you did amazing today, I'm proud of you.
when will Mouse collab with Dooby?
Why is she not using the HOLOLIVE mod
Wait, how is she still level 25 at day 73? I am on the same day but I am 11 levels more
she isn't very good at games
Chotto matte kudasai
I came back before and she was talking about someone telling her not to stream tomorrow, what was that about?
her mom doesn't want her to stream tomorrow
Mouse even if people did recognize you most of the time it will be a nice interaction.
Its kind of sad she's that scared of her own fans.
she told her mom that she's staying up late to get a special card
Have to be, a turd in a box of chocolates sort of situation.
Not saying she shouldn't be cautious but it feels like she's terrified of it. Its just sad to think if you did somehow recognize her and said hi and left, you probably would give her a panic attack.
Twitchcon 2024
I'll be impressed if mouse continues playing tcg now
candi about to ruin stream
In this case I would consider it improved
I would love a good Candii collab. She's such a good friend to Mouse so are the rest of vchiban.
agreed next to pete candii is by far the nicest person to mouse
everytime I check this thread its just retards crying that mouse isn't fingerblasting herself on stream. kill the split and go back the vsj please
I swear we better not miss out on the Froot collab because Mouse decided to be an idiot with her sleep again
mouse should fingerblast herself on stream
>fingerblasting herself on stream
I would love that, but we all know it will never happen.

>kill the split and go back the vsj please
No fuck off
I'd pay a years wage for it
Mouse forget the challenge and join Candii in MC
leech to the max truly thank you for wording it like that anon.
Mouse why can't you have this same dedication to games we are excited about?
candi tried luring mouse to MC what a boring leech needing help tsk tsk.
that anon said candii not connor
ya candi i dont see the problem fellow anon?
tourist chan
By being in MC?
Don't be that sad anon. I would be happy for Mouse to play MC with her.
ignore connorfags they are trying to start shit
You're worse connersperg
i’d be happiest if both games inexplicably crashed and couldn’t be recovered so mouse was forced to play an actual fucking game
i doubt that it felt poetic when the mouse friend spergs outed themselves as connorfags i always knew they were but nice to know for sure
>outed themselves
you saying that is yikes especially using candi is your go to all the time kys
wait till he uses that one collab guy on wensday
cap this.
Any anons who slag off Mouse's friends beyond mild complains is fucking cringe.
it was obvious from the start they never complained when he showed up only when candii and others did
unless he ends up being some angel why would i care mouse likely will never collab again
candi loves monke and would surrogate if mouse asks her to 100%
ty im glad there is a sensible anon
she had to pretend to like him for mouse sake
>ty im glad there is a sensible anon
That includes you dumbass
boy i love that mouse has now put 59 hours into a low quality sim game because of a retarded challenge instead of one of the many sub goal games or something new
monke being gone for a week with his parents having a great time meanwhile monkesperg still having a daily breakdown is just sad.
ive never said a bad thing about mouse friends
silent hill 2 is 12hrs kek
dead space is too and shes over halfway through
Let me guess Connor is not a real friend or some other bullshit like that?
he acknowledges monke is God tier bf in his eyes and hates him
Anyway, When is Mouse going to release one of her 3d models and I can't be one of the fanmade ones surely.
>easily accomplished sub goal
lol lmao even
when they write a 100page eula on her model
collab partners not friends a real friend would not take advantage and abuse mouse
There it is
It only needs a few rules. Don't us it for commercial purposes and don't use it to impersonate Mouse.
so her making him do things he didn't sign up for be abuse?
I've already found someone willing to use her model for me. That plus mouse's vr bedroom will mean a lot of fun nights for me in my future.
and this is why mouse shouldn't release it oh lord almighty smite this gooner.
he only does what he wants and makes content multiple times he ignores her wants stop being an idiot
that chatter is correct, she should take a break from this retarded challenge permanently
She's not going to not release it because some people will coom to it. Mouse's stance on this sort of thing has always been what you do in your own home is up to you.
Mouse damn well knows what people will use it for she herself talked about how much chatters goon to her and other members. That isn't going to stop her from releasing it she doesn't care about that. She isn't some naive fool.
newfags acting like mouse gives af about coomers. she used to actively encourage us before.
You can tell how much Mouse wants to find the card soon so she can just leave and join Candii on mc kek.
shes never going to release it because its a subgoal and she doesn’t do those
ofc candi is using vshojo server as bait for mouse to bite.
I for one enjoy these chill yapping and music sessions with mouse through these sim games. Although i do also like when she plays solo AAA games
no you don't
Go back to the other thread with your endless whining
telling the truth to delusional anons isn’t whining
Yes i do and so do many others considering sim games always win votes
I simply do not believe you
yeah their so g-zzzzzzz
oh sorry fell asleep since nothing interesting was happening
the vote is always fucked for they know mouse only wants to do sim games or poop horror only
don’t dis poop killer like that, it’s 100 times better of a game than sim slop
Crazy how normal people vote for something they know their oshi will have fun with so they also enjoy themselves. Interesting idea that.
God you anon don't deserve more gaming streams.
We only get a few hours of just chatting each day and karaoke once a month. Fuck you guys bitching when gaming is most of what she does these days.
Would you want Mouse calling you a loser and bullying you asmr?
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It is sad how much people have forgotten
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I liked the top comment best.
Yeah Mouse being an admitted perv was peak entertainment
love me 3rd monitor content
at this point I think that is mouse's goal
That was almost a moan from Mouse then. Its been a while.
desperate huh
damn candi dropped mc less than hour since mouse didn't bite kek
nooo impossible…
No I just love when Mouse graces us with the occasional great moan on stream.
not surprised one bit
I think the last great moan was from qsmp funnily enough. And then before that was the one with vchiban. Mouse has been planning more collabs with them we might get more soon.
Nope she did some just before subathon, when playing that egg flipping game
Did she? Damn I must have missed those. Guess I'm searching for them later.
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Fuck him
Nice ty anon. Not the best she's done but not bad.

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