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The 286th Wind


>LAST STREAM:【SILENT HILL 2】And so it begins... I will NOT get jumpscared!!!!

>LAST COLLAB:【Stardew Valley】Raviolin Time! (Raora's channel)

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>88337172
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someone forgot to wind the otomos....
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who? I thought this was the immergold thread
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It was night before Monday, what do you expect?
I prefer Immergold over Immergreen. Immergold is a honest hardworking girl. Immergreen is an evil liar.
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isn't she technically immersilver?
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but I love evil women
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Otomos get rejected by Grems like Ceci get rejected by Gigi
>attentionwhoring again
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I need her Zeitplan to plan my week.
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here you go
>mon: breakday
>tue: maybe breakday
>wed: game! 9PM CEST
>thurs: collab 10PM CEST
>fri/sat:game 9PM CEST | collab 3AM CEST
>sun: game! 8PM CEST
Thanks Updatetomo
She's taking today off, and tomorrow is the autofister x grindstone collab. Biboo's Zeitplan is already out, so just look at that for the time.
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2 weeks until CC's birthday. You still have time to do something nice for her.
I am useless.
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i'm debating whether it's worth making a discord account and joining ceciCord to see if there are projects I can help with, but I'm too autistic for that kind of place.....
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I will never be any form of added value to anyone important in my life...
I've already stopped comparing myself to others because I know that I am worse
I offer her my whole body
he's literally me fr fr...

even a single bacteria (bacter??) has more intrinsic value then me
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good. we needed more spare parts for something she's building.
Nice, now start grinding to do something for anniversary, I too realized that I don't have time to learn anything for her birthday.
realistically, what can we do in 2 weeks.
a collage art?
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how about posting cc stickers on random places all over the globe
CC is on AZKi's team btw if you guys want to watch luckswing
That feel possible, a bunch of chibi CC art collage
thanks for the heads up, did I miss anything? how are her stats?
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I can't speak Japanese
NTA, but she just started playing. These starters are not good...
I don't think it's likely that she will be making CC's character this stream.
the second roll looks worse...
We're gonna be here all night anon
Did they drop the reroll limit after Koyori luckshitted her way to victory on 2nd roll?
It's just a character in the game, she's not actually there, right?
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What are you looping?
the rerolls?
>rerolled 363 pitcher
She's going to end up with a mid team after 50 rolls...
>gets 363 stars pitcher
all of you have more value than fdundschizo, so you can still hold your headbodies high
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GG CC Kaela collab around tuesday... or is it today at midnight? Or tomorrow at midnight???? I have literally no idea.
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>offhand mentions some namefag as if everyone knows everyone from their twitter clique/discord
not bullying kronies was a mistake. Go back
>>88382462 (me)
I forgot >GG CC Kaela collab
Technically Wednesday.
Also we're past cest, it's CET now.
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idk much but here's what i understand, basically the higher the stars the better the character.

Color on their names:
>Red/Pink: Pitcher
>Yellow: In-fielder
>Blue: Catcher
>Green: Out-fielder

stats and skills are graded from 'S'-'G'
>S: 90-100
>A: 80-89
>B: 70-79
>C: 60-69
>D: 50-59
>E: 40-49
>F: 20-39
>G: 0-19

(left side of picrel) From top to bottom:
Higher numbers mean higher trajectory. This can lead to more fly balls (which are really easy to catch), but when paired with high Power, can lead to more homeruns.
>「ミート」= Meet / Contact
determines how likely your characters are to hit the ball when you’re batting.
>「パワー」= Power
determines your character's batting strength
>「走力」= Speed/Running Strength
your character's speed when running/stealing bases and defending.
>「肩力」= Shoulder strength
determines how fast your players can throw the ball during defense.
>「守備力」 = Defense
Higher numbers help your players make bigger plays and defensive maneuvers.
>「捕球」Hokyuu = Catch
This determines how well your players catch the ball.

(right side of picrel) are their skills/traits (i think)
>Gold/Yellow skills: really really really good. really rare.
>Blue/Green skills: generally good.
>Red skills: Bad.
>he doesn’t know azki
Literally me at work (I want to watch CC vods I've missed live)
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Generally correct. Abilities above the skill are ranked E to A and can be very important.
>チャンス improves stats when batting with loaded bases
>対左投手 improves stats when batting against left-handed pitchers
>キャッチャー improves stats and stamina efficiency of pitcher when catching
>ケガしにくさ injury prevention (irrelevant in this game mode)
>盗塁 improves reaction time when stealing bases
>走塁 improves stats when running bases
>送球 improves stats when making passes
>回復 injury recovery (irrelevant in this game mode)
Generally it's a good idea to get a strong battery (pitcher + catcher) during the initial rolls because strong defense will allow you to win games and winning games will boost the rest of the team a lot. There are some other strategies but you need to get into esoteric skill combinations and/or pants on head retarded tactics so we'll probably not see it in holokoshien.
>Her earlier roll is better
This one is probably stronger in the long run due to the golds. Still no catcher though.
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>344 stars player
>two gold skills
>rest of the team is kinda garbage
is it better to keep it or reroll?
it's gonna be a waste.... gold skills are like shiny's no?
I think it’s better to talk about this in azki’s thread
This is /grün/.
I get it but also... we argued about pancakes and other offtopic things a few threads ago you guys are seriously gonna police now?
Pancakes and non-stream stuff is fine, but right now you’re live chatting about someone else’s stream. If CC’s stand-in does something cool, post about it. But don’t start going on about the game mechanics and discussing what Azki says, because most of us aren’t watching it. And before someone flips out, I don’t hate her, I just don’t like it when splits turn into /hlgg2/.
There is big difference between talking about pancakes after CC mentioned them and just talking about a different vtuber.Why can't you just use her thread?
>Pancakes and non-stream stuff is fine
When she’s not streaming, I think it is. But if a bunch of kronies came in and started talking about kronii’s stream, it’d get pretty annoying, right? It’s the same here.
Why do I care what you think? Post about CC or don't post.
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That’s literally what I’m telling you to do lol. But since your ego is as fragile as your dick is small, here. Now shut up about azki.
technically it's still related to ceci, I'm only watching cause I wanna cheer for in-game ceci.
Then only mention the parts with Ceci and stop treating /grün/ like it’s azki’s chat.
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>That’s literally what I’m telling you to do lol
No, you are literally telling me that shitting up the thread is fine if you feel like it.
at least she has infinite rolls...
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I hate it
Hey otomos, on a scale from Gigi to Ame how strong is CC against horror games?
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Now do Ceci's face on Gigi
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I'll celebrate her birthday by celebrating mine.
Man, i love being reminded of the passage of time.
>rusty otomo lashes out at what he can’t comprehend
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Keep fighting!
Yes, I truly can't comprehend why people would reply to hours old posts on 4chan or post about third world people playing league or some shit instead of doing literally anything else with their lives.
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she settled for the 291 stars with a golden skill and one genius player (idk if they're the same character) and is now doing character creation. she's only been doing JP members so far, I don't think mini ceci's gonna get created today...
>「電光石火」(Lightning Speed)
Running power increases greatly when stealing bases. Decreases Pitcher’s Control by 10 and increases Pitcher’s Stamina consumption by 10
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Otomos need hobbies.
isn't watching vtubers a hobby?
Hobbies usually have an output. Shitposting about vtubers could be a hobby I guess but it would be nice to have some OC posted here.
>Hobbies usually have an output
Retartomo please actually think about the things you say. Hiking is a hobby. Birdwatching is a hobby.
we need Blonde CiCi
>named Immergreen
>struggles to get immersed into things

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