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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous Thread: >>88345348
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I love my wife so much!!
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Day 27! Give it up for day 27!
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Gura cute Gura cute!
She's going to join her. She's just waiting for her contract to expire because she doesn't have the guts to confront management about quitting.
I love da gooba
I don't know what she's planning, but she's definitely leaving. But you're also wrong. She isn't going to come back. She's simply going to disappear forever.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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Sorry I forgot to spoiler this terrible image
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This is what I fear the most honestly
What would you do if Gura quit and came back, but during her first stream back on a new channel, she said that she's married and has been for 2 years?
Doompost bait begone.
This is what I fear the most >>88372137
As long as she streams idc
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I'm not really sure what to expect or even how I feel anymore. I'm just... existing. Waiting.
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Hey chumbuds, I beat silent hill 3. I want to see gura play this masterpiece in the future
Did you play SH1 first?
Sex with a fembud.
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I havent played the OG. Will try in the future but damn 3 was good
it certainly is an existence, and I personally bounce between totally fine and wildly deranged at random intervals
Sorry, but you're a complete retard then.
SH3 is a direct sequel to SH1 and completely spoils the entire thing.
I'm not sure why you zoomers never have any literacy when it comes to consuming media. Especially with something as narratively focused as silent hill.
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same desu Most of the time I'm OK, or just kind of numb, but then sometimes I feel like I'm gonna lose it.
I think it's because zoomers are raised by netflix and so they never had to seek out the stuff they watch or play.
I'm guessing you thought you could just go from the remake of 2 to 3. That was a big mistake. 2 and 4 aren't connected to any other games, but 3 is a sequel to 1 so you kinda botched it.
You'll probably still enjoy it though, but the mystery of everything will be ruined.
I hope you don't feel too bad. SH1 is still really really good, especially for its time. And some of the story isn't totally spoiled by 3.
But yeah, SH3 is my second favorite in the series after 2. You're right about it being a masterpiece.
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Gura would just get horny at these penis arm guys.
Lmao, I never thought about it, but Silent Hill 3's intro song is literally Chumbud's theme song about Gura.

You're not here
Looks like Gura caught a new pokemon...
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I got spoiled of silent hill's plot years ago. I wasnt too familiar with sh3 so I gave it a try and I knew beforehand that sh2 isnt part of the main narrative so I played it regardless. Hope that clears some things up
I forgot to paste the link. :D
Ace combat 4 was actually a lore reboot. Its actually ok to play it first
Fucking kek

Blue sky to forever
The green grass blows in the wind, dancing
It would be a much better sight with you with me

If you hadn't met me
I'd be fine on my own, baby
I never felt so lonely then you came along

So now what should I do?
I'm strung out, addicted to you
My body aches, now that you're gone
My supply fell through

You gladly gave me everything you had and more
You craved my happiness
When you made me feel joy it made you smile
But now I feel your stress

Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair, no
And who has time for tears?
I never thought I'd sit around and cry for your love,
'til now
Gurandma my beloved
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Garandma my beloved
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Gura the cutest!
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Since we're talking about it, I could literally listen to this song for hours, and I actually have. It's just so soothing and comfy. Really helps me deal with bad shit going on mentally.
You should drop dead
Not sure why you're even angry.
Why are there so many Silent Hill ambience videos on Youtube?
Aren't you supposed to be scared of Silent Hill, not find it relaxing?
It makes me really sad that good game OSTs are dead.
Nvm, Im angry for no reason, I am sorry
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MY Gurandma.
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Imagine gura in the silent hill nurse uniform
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But they're not? I'm not exactly a video game music connoisseur, but just off the top of my head, Elden Ring and the recent Zelda games have had really good soundtracks. I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of at the moment.
Depends on the scene, maybe. But most of them are probably just various videos set to Akira Yamaoka's music. (The calm tracks like >>88376086, not the scary tracks of grating metal and static and anxiety drums.)
They're pretty rare nowadays, chumbie.
It used to be that you couldn't even release a game without having a good soundtrack, basement_clown_farts.wav from the original Resident Evil 1.0 release not included.
I haven't played any SH games yet, but I like this track very much
That's one of the best ones.
You might like these too.
I miss my wife very dearly and no I will not aim better
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based and same desu
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I can't believe this is from 25 years ago.
It still looks really good.
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I imagined.

Or tried to, at least. Getting the hang of the latest AI stuff again. Definitely has a lot of potential, I'm just not very good at it yet.
Baguraette honhonhon
That looks great for 90s CG
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real slop hours
I don't get the point of spamming images from the vtai thread
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What about this?

PS Warcraft 2 is almost 30 years old.
We love AI here
the orc fleet looks like a bunch of turds floating in a toilet bowl
Really impressive for its time, but the CG in silent hill is quite a bit better. Although I remember Diablo or Diablo 2 looking even better than that. Also, SH was on a console instead of PC, but I suppose that doesn't matter too much since cutscenes were all prerendered FMVs back then.

If you like this kind of stuff, then I suggest looking up FF8's cutscene transitions, which were really cool because many of them, like at the prison, transitioned from gameplay with prerendered backgrounds into CG FMVs by moving the camera along the background painting and then playing the start of the FMV with the same image so that it looks seemless and as if you're controlling the characters into the cutscene. It's a really cool effect and I've never seen any other old game from that time do it.
Another nightshift another dollar
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What if Gura has been streaming this entire time but we have just missed it?
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For King and Cunny!
>2 weeks
If you used gura to shitpost about any other holos you deserve this
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I love Diablo 1, still do even with all of it's retrospective flaws. Was one of my first "scary" games that I played that ensnared me with it's atmosphere. I've always been more of into a games atmosphere rather than great gameplay
Pointing out that other Holos are kinda garbage isn't shitposting, just facts.
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For wings and nuggies!
Did you train the AI by using claymation?
How do i become a sload?
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goob morning
i love gura
Become? Ha, inferiors like you don't deserve to be slug men.
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No, just 3D dino renders

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