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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>88370926
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Doob testing stuff
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby's website for links and info: https://dooby3d.tv/
Backup rentry and additional info: https://rentry.org/Doob3D
Check Dooby's debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLyB0b3V88w
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is generally discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Uhhhhhh experiences technical difficulties on the tracks atm....
is there a cool and trendy train themed name for teapots?
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Doob doob
Now would be a good time to remind ourselves that this was a test stream.
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After today's stream I quit expecting Dooby to perform like Amelia.
Sayonara minasan
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tik tik
owari doob
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Test is over
Doob night friends
At least with just one the streams starts shitting itself at the 2 hour mark
Hard to feel sorry for her when this issue has been happening for months and she never fixed it.
uhh I guess she's still streaming kek
People are saying even Ad is not working, so there might be something extra going on
Yeah and restarting her router helps
whatever she did seems to have messed something up
I'm still surprised there's no testing area for streamers.

At best, you can only have.YT member streams to do testing
>Jumpscares in Dress to Impress
Are we back or twitch is retarded and we're seeing past doob?
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Pretty sure that was just the past Dooby, like the Ina incident that happened a while back
So how in the hell are we seeing content from like 10+ minutes ago? Is Twitch lag that bad?
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>stream is technically already over for her but twitch is several minutes behind
what the fuck is going on kek
teapotting was a thing right after debut
She didn't stream much at the end of her hololive days, so let's not ask her for professional skills.
you're saying we are seeing gggggggghost dooby!?
Past doob, she had a csgo stream as ame like this once whre she ended while lagging and it still went on
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>I was watching vods all along.
you are a faggot
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I can’t imagine this has helped her anxiety much.
Remember that today was a maybe test stream day
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bee hopeful for better internet too
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>gura: this is uh i guess our last one-on-one
>ame: for now
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>I guess I'm the ultimate ground pounder FOR NOW.

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
It sucks, but hopefully this whole double-ISP thing can be fixed by tomorrow.
If she finally hires a professional to come see her setup and settings to fix things, it's worth it
well, this shit sucks. I really dont mind or care, but im sure the threads are going to be so fucking annoying for a while. GoodNight bitches
As long as she's trying her hardest, and we know she's trying her hardest, what antis say shouldn't matter. Just don't respond, report, and hide their posts.
Eh, it was a test stream.
I didn't think it was that difficult to get a router with two wan ports and set up failover
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She's a hard worker for things she's interested in but pretty slack with actually important shit like this. As an indie people won't be as willing to give her the benefit of the doubt so these test streams actually could do major damage in the long run
It's a test stream, at least, it didn't happened on her debut (except for the scuffed ending)
despite the issues I'm happy we got a stream, doob so kyut
I believe!
She basically doxxed herself so she shouldn't have any reservations now about hiring an IT guy to sort her shit out
im assuming that cry mode screenshot was only half a joke...
The flash games were cool Atleast
It might be am OBS thing, considering she mentioned it was having issues
>delays Nier to find a place with good internet
>drops Nier after getting good internet
>cursed afterwards to never have good internet again
Joseph won
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damn, even the vod is all fucked
good luck watching it vodmates. doob nighto
She's balled up in the fetal position now for sure. Poor baby
She should have stayed in that second place. The termite nests are preferable to bad internet.
termite studio literally gave her the gluten problem
How can someone check if they're getting DDOSed? Not that she is but it's just something to rule out.
idk if this soundpost is it *the* moment
i don't see how her mentioning those things tracks with hiring an it person but sure
At this point i don't care if a m*le helps her out, I just want to watch a stream.
you're so cute thinking an it guy can fix an inherently isp problem
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As for me I'll be head off to bed now, but come hang out if you wanna: https://awat.420699.xyz/
So uh, how can this be fixed other than moving out?
Cartman if he was really gay for Kyle.
Maybe she should talk about her ISP problem with other indies in her area
Change main isp? Like really really push to get it fixed? If not uhh take some hostages or send in a nail bomb?
You're really bored tonight aren't you
Twitch's traffic is too much.
Just use YTlive or give up Twitch archive and all problems will be solved to some extent.
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Ame has always been stubborn about stuff like PC and internet like this. She'll always try fixing it herself
I mean it's a fair suggestion to find out how other streamers in her area do it, if there are any other streamers there
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>Want to give her encouraging words like I did with Ame.
>No comment section.
>Open Discord.
>Close Discord.
this never happened when she was streaming with holo...
This happened like twice
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Remember when twitch came up with that retarded function of being able to chat while watching a vod and it just inserts your comment into the vod chat?
>upload throttled
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i think we found the issue
There's no way it's a unique problem that only happens to her and getting a solution from people in the same line of work is more valuable than randos from internet
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she could kill 2 birds with 1 stone by roping herself.
What causes an internet to be this shitty?
so surely she just fucked something up right? She's not actively getting throttled this hard right...?
you forgot /s
Upload speed doesn't get this bad while download speed is still 600mbps+ unless the ISP corporations are intentionally throttling her internet.

If there's ANYTHING a schizo would like to say to dispute this fact, do so now or forever hold your piece.
she's getting throttled because her content is trash and the ISP doesn't deem it worthy for their uplinks.
Literally what is she paying them for
I just wanted to have hope....why the fuck did she buy a house? Why didn't she take her family and get out? Why is she even paying these "people"
Why did you reply to the weirdo who wants her to hang herself, Smol Ame posters really are the worst
I don't have enough time to explain the history of ISPs in America becoming oligopolies right now.
The curiosity rover has better upload than her
>>88377226 and >>88377190
Why can't she just get starlink? At least as a backup
>inb4 muh elon bad
Time to move back to Phoenix.
Today was her test with her backup solution. It didn't work so maybe she'll try others if it can't be fixed.
>baseline 100ms ping for the girl who wants to play counter strike
Because it has worse ping than fiber.
she calls herself a professional streamer...More like an inept retard who should stick to playing in their mom's basement. lack of skill and talent is an insult to real professional streamers.
>hate watching
Go watch your oshi
>he's still awake and at it
i guess you clearly don't have a job to go to today
His oshi was /hlgg/ but now he'd be offtopic there.
gay........................................................................................................fuckin shit
Bad pings is much better than 0.5 Mbps upload
what if she uses that for her streaming connection and uses her actual internet for gaming
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Btw there are bot posts in other threads too. So if you see some shitters, just treat it as bots, more than usual.
ISPs in the US, especially cable providers, but fiber providers have started to as well, tend to offer high download and low upload.
they tend to have higher upload speeds behind a business plan. she probably will need to call her isp and "upgrade".
You want her to use three ISPs instead?
If she doesn’t already have the top tier internet they provide she’s an idiot.
its not like they advertise higher upload plans to residences. she might be paying for close to gigabit speeds, and on the isps website, it might be a high tier plan. but business plans may or may not be available to her.
I meeeaaaan...
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if only ame stayed for a few more weeks...
it'd work, but it's also extremely shitty to have to do

that's not how it always works. my internet literally has one upload speed no matter the download speed
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Ame should get a Morbius one.
really nigga?
It's been years, she should had tried them all by now and see which one is the best around the area. People will not be so forgiving now that she is an indie. I hope this gets resolved
I forget, how many times has she shown an image like this of her abysmal upload speed? She needs to fucking demand her ISP to give her a reliable plan already, even if it's more expensive.
Hololive is definitely retarded, but Ame is even worse.
I love you soundpost anon, thank you
>4 streams today!
she loves us!
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Back to Halloween stream.
idk man
Dooby cute. Hope she figures everything out and gets good rest.
doobmorning roinguslings
What did I miss?
ISP hort
I give it a year.
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She needs to sort it out, she can't afford this kind of scuff as an indie.
idk, she would have met higher expectation as a corp vtuber, ppl don't expect much from an indie
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What options does she have?
Does Starlink works for streaming? Is it reliable?
She's not going to move anytime soon but anon mention some streamers rent a streaming office, that could be an option
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she's definitely here
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Bratty Dooby, but I will always be loyal to my wife Ame.
My ESL brain farted, sorry
The white eyelashes are a cute detail
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doob morning. Seeing how things went makes me happy I life in the midwest with fiber and not in the tech capital of the US (lmao)
why doesn't she try it when she's in hololive. i don't think hololive bans it. we know they can stream on twitch whenever they want. they may advise not to multicast but noway then ban it
Show me one hololive playing three CN flash games in one stream.
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>mfw she's really here
Hello Doober, good luck.
We will continue to provide anonymous tech support.
>streaming office
She’s not going to leave her house every day to stream. Especially seeing as she has this crazy expensive setup.
She has found so many supposed solutions to her internet problems that ended up not working, like the new Ethernet cable. I’m skeptical.
Besides the fact that people would still expect the streams to at least work. I think he means that before she could still rely on being part of Hololive to keep an audience around, but now people might leave and never come back if the streams are always a pain in the ass to watch.
She's working on it tho, I'm guessing it'll be fixed by next week.
Move the setup to the office?
I thought the point of the test stream was to test stuff & there's a high chance things are breaking apart?
the month after debut is crucial man
Your first mistake is assuming Ame cares about numbers.
>>88380034 (me)
wait I just realized where this soundpost came from.....ironic lmao
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She read my post. Yeah we're married, sorry guys you lost.
oh shit. she saw all the cringe i posted. i'm sty dooby
I want to offer her encouragement through more than just emojis, even if I know she probably won’t read it.
oh yeah its a speed test isnt it kek
She's /here/, you can just say it.
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if moving out isn't an option, I cast my best spell for ISPs and all responsible for throttling our internet to be inflicted with testicular torsion
I pray we all escape this hell state someday, or at least move up north
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She saw the mean things I said here fuck
roll 1d8 for testicular torsion. you need a 7 to pass.
back to discord brownfoot
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I'm surprised more people in here aren't talking about how sexo that pic is
It's not "noombers" it's literally her job to keep people around. Nobody is talking about her not having all her tags and titles completely SEO optimized to maximize audience retention, or whatever people in /#/s talk about. Just that she should probably have functioning streams to keep enough of an audience around to make a living, and be able to pay for all her 3D stuff.
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late hours. It is calm. Cheeky girl has been really loving her poses lately, can't help but notice
i dont have much hope, she had this issue ever since she moved in to this place, pretty much every stream from the new place had some sort of a drop, it was less apparent because she streamed rarely and yt fixes the vods after the stream.
I guess sliver lining is that if she can have it like the last couple of ame streams with about 10 seconds of stream going down every 2 hour that wouldnt be too bad and workable for the most part, but i dont know how would that work with multistreaming since even though yt alone is okay at fixing the stream multi setup has all kinds of issues with stream picking it back up
BROTHE-, wait wrong thread.
Glad she's working out her technical shit now, and having fun playing games on stream she probably didn't get the chance to play before. I'm kinda wondering what her social networking game is like. Kinda curious what kind of collabs she does when this is all fixed. Probably has the pick of any indies and small corpos she wants but will she take the initiative, or will they come to her?
Just say "Doob you're the sun to my sunflower." "You're the coconuts to my horse trot". Something like that.
They’re definitely coming to her. Some random indie raided her during the stream. She invited them to ask in the debut stream.
She literally talked about this during debut. She basically said that she wants to collab, but knows that she's kind of autistic, so indies should please reach out to her if they want to collab.
I'm just worried about her, hope she finds a solution soon, for her and for us too, I want to watch her streams in peace man...
yes exactly this, there is a difference between numberfagging hard with clickbait titles/thumnbails, chasing the fotm games and just being able to broadcast without stream shitting itself every 5 minutes. That is just basic courtesy to people that want to watch you, and its obvious she wants to do that
She got a big raid and didn't even say the person's name kek. It's no wonder all the Holo gals loved her; she must be a master of hard-to-get
It was a test stream. I rather watch her struggle on-stream than off-stream. Same with singing.
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This is what pure sex looks like, I could spend an entire week filling up her womb
i bet she keked you up herself bro its fine if it wasnt too mean for the sake of it
I wonder what she thinks of these soundposts
I will likely be asking espanol song(s) for karaoke at least once
She knows I masturbate to her. I'm ruined.
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that she's trying to fix it. But some people just seem to be defending the scuff as Doob "filtering the newfags" or whatever, like she doesn't want it fixed too.
That's not why she's doing it but it's the silver lining.
I was subscribed to ame on yt but wasn't a teamate and haven't watched her much past 2022, so I'm kind of curious, was she watching other non-holo vtubers? while she was planning on going indie was she thinking "I would like to link up with this vtuber/streamer"? No matter what I'll follow her for a few months because I'm curious what she cooks up, she's the first to leave a corpo like she did with plans like she did.
Ignore them, I am extremely confident that she doesnt want to filter people by making stream miserable to watch.
Retards who were seething at the discord rules or getting assblasted because she revealed she worked on some relatively big shows and her talking about her heritage now those are more like it.
Is it? I think people getting filtered because Doob is not for them is fine, but people that would've liked her getting filtered because they don't want to refresh the page every 20 minutes is kind of sad.
This, not all tourists are bad, some are potential new fans
I'm pretty sure she literally never mentioned a non hololive vtuber while in holo, maybe namedropped kizuna ai while talking about the origin of vtubers one time or something. So we don't really know. She does follow a bunch of indies on the doob twitter account tho, so you can look at that.
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Huh, I always see it as her polite way of saying no, at least that's what I learned when I worked in Japan.
>I want to but I'm not good at it.
Is basically I can't do it, at all.
Problem is a lot of indies are autistic themselves so reaching out is probably outside of their comfort zones.
I think she was asked at a con which non-holo vtubers she liked and she said Silvervale was nice and I think she mentioned Nyanners. She also mentioned Projekt Melody on stream once or twice.
If she actually meant that she wouldn't have also asked other vtubers to reach out to her.
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Dangerous road ahead! Be careful!
I made a rentry summarizing all Doobert posts from discord, 1 day = 1 long screenshot. I intend to update it in the foreseeable future. Don't know if someone actually needs this, we probably still have anons who won't join discord I guess? There's also historical preservation aspect. Most of her posts get posted here live, my rentry is more like for reading back day by day.
Sorry for my ESLness
ooo thats pretty nice, but it might be really difficult to keep this up depending on how active she becomes there. I have feeling she might become more active there once things calm down
Thanks anon. This'll be a good resource just for preservation purposes, yeah.
hi ame i love you
i hope she doesn't see those.
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Good morning guys, I see I missed a stream, or a few mini streams... Did she say anything important, or...? Is there a stream today?
In any case... big ahoge lol.
I don't like how she's not just using discord for alerts and is actively throwing herself into the community, people are going to become her favorites and try to groom her.
Nah, what actually happens with discord is that the vtuber ends up grooming you.
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I mean she’s already pretty active threre, some archive poster is surely autistic enough to save them all
There should be a stream today, but it might just be more testing. Her internet really took a shit last night.
She was way cuter than usual last night. This is dangerous for my heart, I gotta lay down for a bit...
If you don't like the Twitch culture, get out of here, SEAnigger.
I had her pegged as /here/ when she mentioned “voices in her dreams” during debut
She runs a tight ship,she’ll be fine
Is the archivemate going to combine these into a single stream again? Did I miss that alrady?
He did that for the Choo Choo Charles stream? Really? I didn't see it...
Have a doobday friends!
In respect to her being reborn, shouldn't we rename to 'Dooby and Amelia Watson' instead of vice versa?
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She can take her clothes off!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA
Yeah, he did. >>88361345
Oh hey, the little hair strands switch colors... on one side is black and white and on the other white and black.
Never realized that!
Ame is like an unattainable first love. she just broke a man forever.
If you're on her Discord, tell her never to stream on Twitch again.

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