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Phase Connect is good.
Better than Fauna, by far.
>fuck fdund
It is. After all cuckoldry is a thinking man's fetish.
Ceres Fauna (irrelevant has-been) is a GFE grifterchubaa who betrayed her fans and had a public meltdown about parasocials before going on a vacation to damage control.
I want to have sex with Tenma.
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This is you LMAO.
Good at having the most annoying fanbase in the world.
Every time I make the mistake of watching one of them, I actually almost enjoy myself for a bit and then she reads the stupidest fucking chat message I have ever heard and I immediately lose interest. This company will never grow past that niche fanbase because they will just keep pushing everyone else away.
Okay, but who is “Phase Connect”? Some type of crackden?
>Good at having the most annoying fanbase in the world.
That's Fauna and saplings (not friends)
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The survivor and winner of the small corpo wars that started in 2021.
Why are you masquerading as brownfeet, nijinigger? Do you think it makes you look less contemptible somehow? It doesn't.
Did you reply to the wrong post?
All a samefag.
That's like every fanbase though.
No, I have made 2 posts in this thread.
these are my posts.
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Phase needs more cunny desu
There's a decent amount, but unfortunately they're all in the shittiest positions family/health wise.
I'm pretty sure God himself has a vendetta against muyu
brat needs spanking, asap
Every thread and camping new ones to oost first
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he is highly mentally ill and has been for a long time
if you’re a troglodyte tranny yeah i imagine it would be
>Boyfriend connect
Isn't it funny how the 4chan org has the most cucking? Almost like you all enjoy it immensely
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Rather be brown than vegan. That's a fact!
>cuckposting and trannyposting
rent free? I think so
I’m going to kiss you on the lips for that, faggot
struck a nerve huh
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I still can't believe this company unironally bought 4chan ads. The girls are actually ok tho, wish them the best.
No, it's just funny seeing the same old playbook lmao
Homosexual behavior. What too much cucking and dicks does to a faggot.
What the fuck is this thread? It's like a holofag battleground that they didn't want to take to their own thread so they made a phase bait thread to do so.
nigga there's a reason everyone knows you cucks for donating to girls with bfs lmao
maybe don’t shill cuck connect on a holo board next time faggot

your kind will never be welcomed here
>surely, if I keep posting something, it will become true!
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the irony of a holocuck saying this
Better than people give it credit for
>surely if I repeat my schizophrenic ramblings it will be true! JUST BELIEVE ME! AHHHHH! BELIEVE ME ALREADY! YOU GUYS ARE THE KEKS!
the state of phasetrannies denying reality itself
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Yep whatever you say whack job!
uh oh melty!
...do newfags really not know about the furry?
Several of them are furries
actual schizophrenia
why do you think they still drop akasupas lmao?
What happened to yugo? did she die?
Rip in peace…
She told all her boobros she didn't want to GFE anymore, then graduated to go back to getting groomed by her original groomers on /k/
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>bros.. why do they call us cuck connect?? It just doesn't make sense...
>part of phase-connect
you forgot the part about /k/ faggots shitting up her thread for months bragging she'd choose them then she actually did kek
no, tell me more please
Jesus did they really raid /jidf/ that much?
>tfw the only reason we got the current Panko instead of Yuko using Panko's model is because of Uruka
Thank you Blue Bear!
I really liek this picture
we love our hotwife here
Fillan calling phase cuck connect really did destroy them kek
We love Fauna.
Please don't tell fuana that destroying land and killing animals supports her vegan lifestyle.
Fauna should eat me.
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I dunno op there a severe lack of pippa x tenma fanart compared to the other youtuber agency fanships :D so clearly phase is not that great
I'd say most of the girls are pretty forgettable and/or bad streamers. I do like Tenma, Muyu, and Airi though. Would watch Airi a lot more if she didn't have such a dreadful timeslot.
Did that actually happen
Yes, and it was clearly a joke
Can people just watch their own corpos instead of constantly seething about Phase’s existence?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for brown rrats
Or was it?
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I don't think setting up an art tag for AI art helping them either. It just further alienates artists, that is why Filian despite being most popular indie doesn't have a lot of arts but Bao does.
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on a more serious note everytime i hear of phase connect i think of that bitcoin scam :P and the guy yelling the name on stag
Filian's audience are children, coomers and coomer children
And Pippa is for "le based" /pol/fags that don't know how to draw so they just spam AI slop, your point?
Yeah, both of them are sadly repulsive to artfags
I love pippa because she's pro lgbt
Someone post the webm version where she shows her decaying yellow teeth pls
until they learn to stop being annoying on twitter artfags unironically deserve to starve to death
Senpai gomenne
fuck most artists who are up their own asses about AI, its a tool to be used
the ones crying about it are too fucking stupid to adapt
What is the point of using AI to create slop art of your oshi? I get it if you use it in the industry that actually matters(engineering, medicine etc). Just commission a person, art is actually not that pricey nowadays unless you comm from some very popular drawfag
The slop art is just shitposting
Funny because her eyes actually looks like that irl plus the long neck and giant forehead
Is it, though?
Their fans are absolutely horrid and 90% of all phase girls have reasons why I'd never watch them.
All "art" made for money is slop
Ogey edgelord
Pippa gets shit loads of art though....
No? Actually no one from western side of vtubing gets a shitloads of art, even vshojo. Funnily enough nijiEN gets more with their subpar popularity

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