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Do you ship vtubers?
Yes. Kronii and Fauna should kiss each other
shiboo is better
yes with me
shiboo clears
I enjoy watching certain flirty dynamics, but I don’t want them to actually be romantic, that’s cringe.
Nah it's pretty weird especially when you ship girls who are clearly hetero. Shiroi is the straightest girl at hololive.
Have I already fought you over this?
Shiboofags deserve the rope
ships that are just friends having fun together are boring, you need some tension
I love yuri, but the idea of shipping real people is extremely weird.
You're going to summon him....
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Not that I'm aware of
>Shiroi is the straightest girl at hololive.
Dark Magician Girl daki
I've already had a Shiboo vs. Shioraven fight today, so I guess you can have this one.
FuwaRissa is better
How does that in anyway conflict with shiboo?
Yes, Chloe and Kanata are clearly fucking.
looks like the clown arrived
Yes, these two dorks, with the inclusion of my penis into the mix on Tuesdays Fridays and Saturdays
shipping is for girls
I don't care about any of the ships in this thread; I just want my one-on-one FaunaxShiori collab.
>implying Fuwawa will ever allow her a choice
Lets keep this discussion realistic
Kronii is for IRyS
People who ship Shioraven genuinely don't watch streams. It's been dead since Rissa came over to Shiori's house before they flew over to Japan.
>Rissa was being overfly flirty (as she does with everyone who has a pulse) with Shiori in person and clearly made her uncomfortable
>Told Shiori if she is uncomfortable with it, she can tell her to stop
>There hasn't been a one on one collab together since then
They're clearly still friends. But the ship itself is dead. Shiboo was clearly better anyway. They got so much closer during the Japan arc. But the canon ship is Shiori x Me
Hi Fuwawa
>Ignoring the BD kiss
drama and awkwardness make the strongest ships though
I never understood why /vt/ hates the canon pairing.
/inf/ and /who/ hates kromei
/hirys/ hates baerys
/ope/ hates shioraven
BD they're flanderized versions of themselves.
This is an actual cope and you know it. Deep down you wish you were hearing stories about Shiori and Nerissa spending time together in Japan going shopping and eating together and doing one on one collabs together again. But if you really do enjoy their typical conversations being "Shiori! I love you! You're so cute!" "Okay.",Then more power to you
I get /vt/ hating Shiori x Me. I'd be jealous too
>/ope/ hates shioraven
Honestly, I thought it was just us shiggers who didn't like it. I never look there though. Maybe we're not so different.
Kronii always was and always will be only for Sana
>ask Shiori ahead of time if it’s okay to do some fanservice
>she agrees
It’s that simple, and it’s much different from the off-the-cuff aggressive flirting that Nerissa used to do with her.
most splits hate the popular ships with their oshi because they get spammed to death.
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It will happen
Shipping is for girls.
>/ope/ hates shioraven
Stop lying Nerigga. /ope/ loves ShioRaven and hates only 3 Rissa ships. BloodRaven, Orissa & Rat×Raven
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Yes. Kiara is a gigastacy who has multiple girls.
>Kromei popular
maybe if your a twitter lesbian. Fuamei clears
Nerissa flirts with everyone though, why would they hate any ship?
vedal/your oshi
Compatibily and chemistry
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>Fucks your oshi
c/ope/ on da main
>maybe if your a twitter lesbian
Lots of dead air and awkward moments in their first 1-on-1 collab, especially the start and the end (middle section about old movies was decent). Entirely pushed by clipwatching twitter trannies and homobeggars which wish for ERB to pull Rissa into homocollabing but had an opposite effect of Rissa denouncing it even more.
It's Ollie
Most awkward pairing ever. Rissa kept bringing up topicss but Bae did not know a single thing untill Rissa brought up K--pop/drama towards the end of the stream. No chemistry whar so ever. One of the worst collabs in the history of collabs
>I never understood why /vt/ hates the canon pairing.
All those are pairings for the: Never watches streams twitter audience
They stick with the first pairing they see on debut and never change. Even if the ship dies in a bout a month like Kromei did
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Are they good for anything else?
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May I present an original?
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They ship themselves I just sit back and enjoy
I'm not a twitter lesbian, no.
What i would never op ...whisle
The problem with shipping is every single time it just feels so forced. Like the pairing wouldn't really act like this in a million years unless they were encouraged to by a higher power.
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based DokiMint chad
I am a walking cringe compilation but even for me shipping people is too much.
Nobody cares about your irrelevant EN whores.
Watching Hololive has made me realize I largely do not care for Yuri outside of porn. We don't give enough appreciation to "ships" that are just two homies being homies. I still think Reine going on about her favorite /u/ pairings is nice though. She's so passionate about it.
>Like the pairing wouldn't really act like this in a million years unless they were encouraged to by a higher power.
two straight women who do this because it's apart of their job
IRyS is for Bae get clock outta here
Shippers are a plague in any and all hobbies.
>taking another girl on a 1 on 1 trip to the Maldives is 'for the job'
They had lesbian sex. Nerissa said they did it in Maldives and then Kiara had to redcon it. Same for the showering together. Kiara couldnt remember which excuse they used (which was they showered with swimsuits on). Then also the sex in Austria. And Nerissa telling in membies that she took Kiara as her +1 to a wedding in Italy
Coworkers can be friends. Why is this surprising to you?
yeah sure, Kiara just happens to take a girl every year to one of the most romantic vacation spots in the world because of friendship!
You mean the art, right? Most of the streams are just the girls acting normally. The rare times when shipbaiting is intentional, it’s immediately obvious and feels awkward.
Keep living in your little fantasy world. I don't care.
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Also Nerissa met Kiara's mom, who cooked for them and Kiara discord calling with Nerissa for hours. + Kiara going to a naked onsen for the first time despite being uncomfortable about being naked with other people, because she went with Nerissa
With this much proof it's even more incredible that you dont
MoRyS is better
>We don't give enough appreciation to "ships" that are just two homies being homies.
May I introduce you to Autofister? They have the same dynamic as two straight bros who threaten to suck each other’s dicks to make the other one gay.
Shipping is done exclusively by transsexual virus accounts on xitter
if it’s a vacation you talk about on stream, it’s a tax write off
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i swear every yuri hater is some parasocial incel that feels cucked because omg another women stole my waifu :D
I prefer mogomei myself
Oh shit. I got the two mixed up lol.
>Ina : you know how loud I can get
>Calli : ah ..
This right after Ina let Calli stay in Her hotel room in Japan several days
But every clipfag is a takamori shipper so only people that watched the stream saw their flirty interaction live
That's hot.
>The problem with shipping is every single time it just feels so forced.
You don't watch streams do you? You've definitely never watched a Promise stream
I get that it's rare or unheard of wherever you're from, but women being bi/lesbian isn't exactly uncommon in the western world
No, you may not, faggot, fuck off. That's faggotry in its purest distilled form.
I think Fauna and Kronii should have hot make up sex
>being so insecure that even jokes cause you to question your sexuality and lash out in anger
No wonder you’re throwing such a fit.
No, shipping is weird. Especially shipping actual people.
This but unironically
I ship Fuwawa and Mococo
I call them Mocowawa
That's how they got into this situation in the first place
this kills the Shioraven. Nerissa didn't even bring in Shiori during the Mamarissa stream.
No, shipping is incredibly stupid even in anime.
Shiboo is forced as fuck.
They have zero romantic and shipping appeal. Only this shitty contrarian board tries to force those two together because everyone else ships Shiori and Nerissa with someone else.
It's just what >>88382238 said. They may have chemistry as good friends but there's fucking nothing to latch on as a ship.
They should just do it until they stop being catty to each other.
>That one guy who made a ship chart and didn't know MuBae when the two had a week of offcollabs together
Honestly baffling.
>but there's fucking nothing to latch on as a ship.
Aside from the fact they genuinely enjoy each other's company. Do you realize that's important for couples, right?
What part of "that's boring as shit shipping-wise" you didn't understand?
When you ship someone, you're seeing them as a couple.
You have zero understand of this matter.
Here's your last (you)
Yes. But my interest in a ship drops the moment that shipfags are pandered to. I prefer having my own delusions instead of getting fed what they think fans like.
The only ship I can stand behind is Roberu and Mea, I have to put in absolutely zero effort and I never talk about it
>BD they're flanderized versions of themselves.
>D-Doesn't count
Holy cope.
>I-I-It was pre-planned! D-Doesn't count!
Another copelord.
Rissa is drooling over Kiara so it requires some copium
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Yes, with me. It feels a bit like a teenager thing to be invested in the relationship of two online content creators.
I really love cute friendships though
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>s-stutter response
Take a deep breath. It's okay that Shioraven died. The last time Shiori and Rissa had a stream where it was just them was before they went to Japan. Rissa is clearly more interested in spending her time with Kiara or ERB. Hell, when all of Advent matched for the AmeSame spellling Bee, Nerissa chose to match with Kiara instead. Shiori didn't join but we saw the .png she would have used and it matched with Advent.
Shiori is clearly more interested in spending with with Biboo and/or Autofister
I can't believe this anon missed the Shiboo - Autofister double date streams
Shioraven shippers don't watch streams. Big surprise
I really didn't miss them.
But sorry, still not good shipping material. People can be good friends and just be that. Ironic that people call Shioraven forced when Shiboofags are like this. I hope you can be healed of your contrarianism and hypocrisy someday.
>Shiori and Nerissa will remain in the US while DiamondDogs moved to Japan
Shiori and Nerissa could be next door neighbors and a stream together still wouldn't happen
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any Lia x Uruka enjoyers?
visual proof that they are both female?
And that's how they're going to get themselves out of it. Think, anon, think.
I fully believe in MiComet.
very good taste
>doesn’t see the difference between spontaneous flirting and a performance
not sure if retarded or severely autistic
You guys make it sound like Shiori and Nerissa fucking hate one another.
Of course not. They're still friends, they just want to stream with other people.
Twitter lesbian hated this man for telling the true
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do it, anon
fall in the miComet rabbit hole
you'll never come back
No not really I dont care for the forced yuri baiting. If the art is good I will appreciate it though.
Only the ones who have really good chemistry together and who tacitly or openly enable it themselves.
what do streams have to do with shipping
you're right, it was silly for me to assume people who shipped vtubers watched streams
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imagine Juna squishing another girls head between her thighs...
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No, it's obnoxious
This year has left me zero room for doubt
pretty much the only ship worth boarding in, the rest fake doo doo
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delet this
>entire thread consists of (yuri and en) ships.
yes, gigi with cece
My niggas
yes, hetships
Yuzu and Buffpup
Numi x any of the whore clan works pretty well too.
someone post the amesame pasta
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I ship these two.
based Kai
Is this the only holo ship that doesn't cause seething
Are the twitter trannies in the room with us?
>Honestly, I thought it was just us shiggers who didn't like it
The kill yourself schizo is not "us shiggers".
That guy is a Shioraven fan. He replies to himself and then spams in the thread. Shiggers like Gothrock
It's the Nerissa schizo. One of them atleast. There are many of those for some reason
I truly think it's an anti trying to push it enough in hopes of holo v holo in Shiori threads. Every single time it happens it goes alongside some pointless bitching, dox attempts, or homo mentions. Always remember to send them job applications to Ponty's if you see it.
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no that is subhuman behavior
gay girl art p gud tho
Could you give me a discount? Also some oats, hold the raisins
Ao x Meloco is kind of hot...
axel x zeta
Fuck that. Give me Vesperonii.
It was legendary.
...I'm not even much of a shipper but this is actually a pretty cool breakdown. I respect the effort.
I kinda want to make one now, not that I'd post it.
Model wasted on malecollabing n*ji
/vt/ likes to play the contrarian when it comes to ships
AmeSame and TakaMori? actually it is Bonebros
Kromi? no, Krofau
Shioraven for sure right guys? nuh uh we love Shiboo here
Autofisterfags are lucky because there is no real alternative ship in Justice
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That's a good point.
I fucking love these two, but there's really no tension, mostly just two idiots being insanely close and vibing extremely well together.
Based. Shippers are cringe and should rope themselves.
(you) x rope-kun
There is a timeline where they never hooked up again because both were too much of a coward to bring up the issue. I'm so happy they made up.
only people i ship is parrot and reimu
Vedal has entire fucking harem, it's impossible not to.
yes while pretending I was cucked, my tears make for good tears while I crank it to ship art
The only time it's ok is when it's Kronii and Kaela.

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