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Why did she do it? Is she really an ungrateful bitch like everyone says? Is it wrong to take advantage of lonely men and then heartlessly destroy their fragile delusions? Is it based to own the parasocial fucks? Which is the the correct way?
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Why are you unemployed at your age? Cuck lol
>spam X across the catalogue
>make a new thread saying "WOAH IS X REALLY TRUE???"
you're fooling no one
I will forgive her.
fauna cute.
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we love Fdund here
Were just ATMs to them, like Lui said
They don't care
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With pic related as his life savings, he doesn't need to work anymore.
It says presume
What did she say on stream for the all the seething?
"you can't be friends with some one you only know through their online streaming persona"
She is aware of the parasocial affliction people have and tried to snap people out of it, requesting they simply see her as an entertainer.
Persume that I'm super retarded.
I am but that doesn't negate the fact that faunaschizo is a neet with poop socks
I haven't caught a stream of hers in a couple days, did she say this yesterday?
You're only an ATM if you pay them for their lies.
What does 'Fdund' mean?
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with that little money he can barely afford a shit meal at the local walmart the loser who took that pic should get a job
more like a 1 year + ago lol
damn, this dude hasn't let it go since then lmao
imagine you had a depressed family member who was in love with a cartoon jpeg and spent all their time and energy obsessing over it. If you cared about that family member you would tell them something similar to what fauna did, if you thought they were a hopeless sack of shit that was never going to be happy or amount to anything then you would do what is the norm which is encourage the delusion because if cant get any worse I guess.

fauna is too optimistic to see the reality that some of her audience is so far gone they are seeking the equivalent of palliative care while they rot psychologically.
>requesting they simply see her as an entertainer
That's the problem, she's not entertaining. She just consistently streamed during EN's rough patch so people started watching her. If Fauna's genmates were on form during that time she wouldn't have the relative success she now has. Her success relied heavily on the failures of those around her. After the arrival of Advent and Justice, you can now see just how bland she is. It's why CC is pretty much on her level just after a few months even though EN vtubing is absolutely saturated.

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