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Why are most of you guys like this?
Why are you a homobeggar? OP is so hip using alpha tier trash memes. Kys
They're sad people who have never felt love in their entire life.
Hi Ernoul
Because a collab = bed-shattering sex. A vtuber belongs to the fans. Two vtubers of opposite gender cuck both their respective fanbases.
????? Take your meds gaeboi
Isn't he a falseflaggot phasecuck?
Most so-called Holostars fans don’t actually watch the Holostars and are just thinly-veiled Hololive antis who use promoting Holostars as a cover.
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>Holofan watching stream
>homofan seething while virtue signal
Why are they like this?
The drake version of this meme was better
Why I would I watch male anime streamers when shonen protagonists are 100 times cooler than them lol
Because they’re based?
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Why can't hololive and holostar fans be friends?
>check profile
>19, they/she
why are all homo fans like this?
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I don't really hate holostars
>so that means you'll watch th-
Seeing Shaq doing the time out pose cracks me up.
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Based on numbers the vast majority of hololive fans are like this.
Can someone put Kevin Hart next to Shaq please? I can't get a sense of scale with these images.
vesper and magni ruined it. Simple as.
Based on number, even homofan doesn't know they exist.
Doesn't seem like that to me
im sure xhe must watch a lot of holostars then
But the only hate still allowed is against pedos, so no room for that sadly - there's a social ladder for which to dance a little monkey dance.
If you love reveling in the land of brownie points so much then stay there. /vt/ truly can't live with an 'agree to disagree'.
Nice explanation: wishing them well without any actual interest.
Cynical explanation: "I hope she (the actual audience for tweet AND streamer) sees this"
holostars are not hololive.
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Preparing for this year.
incels are desperate for interaction with a female, not a male. simple as that.
This isn't even just a Holo thing, male audiences seldom watch male vtubers ignoring rare exceptions like Vedal. VShojo fans are even very accepting of male collabs, yet Kuro who used to be huge in Luxiem only gets a third of the CCV of Michi.
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Send this back
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honestly i'm indifferent i don't really watch any of them that said i will always support mooms :D
Not many people actively hate the stars, but the vast majority just don't care at all.
cute moomki
Holostars are hololive though.
I only watch collabs between these groups. Solo streams and collabs with their usual "friends" get old fast.
back to discord seaturd
Like this how? Black...?
Why don't these fags just watch streams? Homos barely reach 1k on good days.
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So you watch maybe 3-4 streams a year but still somehow stay in touch enough with homo/holo schedules to know when a mixed collab is happening? Is there a beggar hotline or something?
too busy fighting the internet war
Because, just like yumes, unicorns are a blight. It is inevitable but still highly annoying.
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Huh, what are you on about? Where did I beg for them?
I see it on the catalog, you people spam about it whenever one is announced, I don't need special source for when it happens. I only watch holos when it happens because all the other streams are plain boring.
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I think every homo should be terminated instantly. They are all sex pests, grifters, and leeches. Yagoo fucked up making them and should punish them severely for ruining his dream. Cover should do everything in their power to permanently ruin their lives. Have some teenage girls come out and say they were raped by a homo. Make an example out of them. Once this is done, we'll never see this shit again.
The funny part is if this happened it would take months for homobeggars to realize it. "Why did nobody tell me my oshi got arrested for raping a 13 year old!!?"
Pretty much this.
People who shill for a holo x homo collab are actual trolls and live in a third world shithole.
At the end of the day, it all just comes down this. They just don't wanna watch streams. It's like their kryptonite or something.
So you hang around on /vt/ until a homocollab happens and despite not liking or watching any of the participants usual content you will watch and enjoy the collabs because ???
If you aren't shitposting that's a sad look into the dramafag mind.
Male Vtubers are boring

t. Gay guy
why aren’t those 6.6k likes helping their popularity?
I laugh every time I imagine this guy reading through all the hornyposting on that site while he’s searching for posts to seethe about
Holostars IS Hololive
What dream did they ruin? What did Yagoo want?
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I used to watch holos, but they became boring. Later I watched homos, but they became boring too. Now I watch 1 indie and watch holos only when they collab with homos, because those streams are fun. What drama are you talking about? I'm here, because the indie I watch is talked about in one thread. What's wrong with you? The way you act is exactly like leftist cultists, just attacking everyone who doesn't conform to your crazy beliefs. That ain't normal.
The real question why do you care if people don't watch holostars? You are doing them a disservice by begging like a child for people to watch and this goes for anything. If people don't want to watch certain things they won't if they do then you'll see them watching the boys streams. I wish people would leave others alone and let them do what they want
I really don't care about holostars like at all. It is the beggars that are insufferable.
Unless it's Kronii, Bae, Ollie, and ERB doing what they want, eh?
The existence of other males gives the unicorn vtuber watcher the feeling that the female vtuber he watches has a "choice" and just having a choice is enough to disqualify him for being chosen. In order to keep up their own fantasy, they must be the only male they interact with. With that in mind, you can understand the hate since Holostars are, theoretically, the closest males Hololive girls could possible interact with.
You don't understand unicorns or are deliberately playing dumb.
Go ahead.
It's funny how not even the Homos like these retarded beggars and have actively called people out for doing it yet it still happens.
Because the last guy got fired
Sorry I don't believe you are sincere at all/ When you claim ALL other streams and collabs are "boring" and the mixed ones are the only fun streams and freely admit you don't watch either group outside of that I just assume you are a dramafag who's oshi is the board and only considers a stream "fun" when someone is melting down about it.
Male vtubers are all sex pests. Professional collabs are fine. It has nothing to do with being chosen.
Well they will keep using them as a way to be like the other en girls should collab with the boys to even though they have said they don't want to. I don't even think kronii really does male collabs anymore to be honest. I think if they are fans of the girls you have listed they should show respect towards them as well even if they do collab with guys spamming multiple times and on your Twitter account this is embarrassing
I'm not a nigger, so I'm completely different.
Right, that sounds rational.
True but this catalog explodes everytime they collab with homos on their own accord.
Good. Now you understand.
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most indie vtubers who are exposed to those retards agree
this is like asking why boys as kids liked playing with action figures of superheroes, transformers etc instead of with barbies. you're never gonna get that kid to organically want to go play with the barbies unless he legit is homo to some degree. same applies with asking adult men to go watch prettyboy anime bishonen, wannabe-host-club/male idol guys be all prissy and gaybaiting all the time. the average straight dude is gonna go "no thanks." the entire, ENTIRE aspect of trying to go "they're the same thing you're a bigot if you don't watch them" is shaming and guilt tripping. but actually, it really has no basis. we don't fucking owe anything to hololive, we are not obligated to try to reprogram our basic instincts to try to please them. they are here to please us, not the other way around.
People who watch vtubers love the CGDCT aspect of it. A lot of holostars "fans" don't even bother to watch them and use the boys as pawns for their retarded culture war. I'm sure this person has watched about five hours of tempus stream time in total and that's being generous.
Well it is what it is you can't tell people how they should react to things wether you agree or disagree. You just focus on watching the Vtuber that you like. I'm tired of hearing the words unicorn and incel being tossed around back and forth
hate =/= don't want
You mean shitposters start spamming shit until people stop biting? Mori keep doing them and she was down in dumps ccv wise until recently too.
>you aren’t allowed to tell the shitposters to stop spamming Holostar X Hololive shit!
It’s literally less than 1% of their streams and that’s all they wanna takos about.
why do i hate leeches?
That is wrong in the picture? Is the girl whining because someone she's not interested in tried to shoot his shot?
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I don't hate them, but let's be honest, male/female collaborations would only work when the male is the successful one, and Holostars are far from being that so collabs would damage both more than anything.
That's why I don't want them to happen, not because grudge or anything.
I don’t hate them. I even watched them a bit before Magni and Vesper terminations, but around that time holostars began to pander hard to female audience and became weirdly sexpesty.
Their 3rd gen was nail to the coffin. They are literally the worst. Gayest faglords and most annoying brownest pinoy
>I hate Holostars
But I don’t? I just don’t watch them, I hate beggars who only use the dudes for their little war against Hololive not the Homostars
>why you call them homos then!
Yesterday I looked up Hololive *live* tag and I saw Hakka and Bettels thumbnails and holy shit they were gay as fuck. Idk why they think a straight male would click on that
It’s ok when top guy streamers don’t collab with women tho. Ninja was based for saying it like it was
>looks up profile
>Hololive slander but simultaniously Collabbeggar
>former Nijisis
i desire total homo genocide
That's ok, they are not forced at all to collab if they don't want. I'm just saying that a dynamic where a man is the one in a worse position than a woman only makes him look pathetic (Or in this case, a leech like others are pointing). I think this is the reason why holostars get so much hate to begin with, because their lack of success makes them look like a bunch of losers
I see
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this behavior is so commonplace they've started memeing about it
they live in israel and also post blacked/tranny threads on gif
I don't hate them I just could not care less about them and forget they exist entirely until someone brings them up, which isn't very often.
Not even hate, I just simply don't care
Name one good reason why Holostars should be liked to begin with
It's common because it's normal. You get to know someone, spend some time together and if you get along you suggest dating if you're interested
Correct but I think it’s not really male or female, the problem here is that the girls generally getting 10x their viewership. It’s like some 2k streamer and his fans going and barking at Asmon to collab with them. Asmons fans gonna tell him to fuck off too. It’s the level of disparity between popularity that fucks them over, then the fans of the less popular guys make it worse .
Don't ask online women to date you. Especially vtuber women. They're already broken.
Two reasons for me

1. They share the same company as the holo girls, meaning cover's cut of income they take from the holo girls partly goes to the holo guys
2. They are obnoxious and unfunny, basically the nijisanji wing of cover corp, rely on degeneracy and vulgarity in their humor, and they have particularly awful people like jurard (hate marketing, openly got in through nepotism and isnt sorry about it, i know the girls better than you ever will, etc etc)
In my opinion is a combination of both because is not only the disparity between streamers' viewership but also in this case idol culture, denying that some fans are really parasocial is missing half of the issue.
But if I recall correctly Mafu didn't get any backlash from marrying Rushia at all, that's the difference.
>Twitter tread over a nijitranny >>88390012 complaining about Holofans
Someone post Miko Approval Seal of Shit Thread.png
I thought Mafu and Rushia got a lot of shit.
I’m indifferent to Hololive and Holostars
shaq is a big guy
sex pest kun...
I mean, outside of the vtubing space it was kinda normal. Certain creators would collab, some would get into a relationship, some wouldn’t, and most people didn’t really think about it
You are trying too hard
If those streamers aren't like asking for a date the first week after meeting I don't really see anything wrong. Is like your average activity with a friend but on internet and is natural that it happens like:
>You know a girl
>Meet her
>Do things together
>Your friendship grows stronger
>You start feeling love and want a relationship
>Ask your friend if she feels the same and want a relationship
Literally an ABC of life
I don't hate them, i just don't care about them. Got enough shit on my plate as it is.
I like girls and I don't like guys. Why is that so hard to understand, op?
I love hololive and I hate holostars
Don't use kronii for this when she just stopped the collabs because the ones she collabed with left
Do you actually watch them?
The "hate" holostars get is extremely exxagerated
I really do think homobeggars have pushed people away from watching holostars, In a significant manner. Perchance.
Only hate them when they and their fans are obnoxious parasites. Otherwise I'm so indifferent to their existence that at one point someone posted some male vtubers and after a while of wondering why anons keep posting about random male indies I learned that those were a homostars gen that apparently was out for ages and I had no idea existed.
I didn't even make a single "numbers" related argument
You know what's more pathetic, they will report any homo clip talking about "pls don't collab beg other holo". Even that ruze guy clip get deleted by homosister.
I don't hate them, but the men who get hired to be male vtubers are hired to appeal to women, and I'm not a woman. Every fleshtuber I watch is a man, but they're also not borderline homosexual. Why would I watch dudes gay bait and flirt with chat?
That one clip was deleted because the clipper channel was nuked for being a dramarino alt
The income part isn't about numbers?
homostars has overlap with nijisisters that are toxic, venomous and poisonous
You know, all of this catalog shitposting about holostars en made me realize that if most anons knew how to speak japanese they would also dislike holostars JP, imagine if they knew about the "roberu did it with all of animare" joke.
Some twitter niji en fan that uses holostars to fight with people online isn't an example of the actual stars fanbase
I don't hate them. But why would I watch male vtubers when I could watch someone like Vinny or Jerma or the plethora of male content creators and streamers out there who are far more entertaining and don't depend on fujobaiting in order to find an audience.
did you just browse /vt/ for like a couple days or something, why are you acting stupid
"numbers" is when people compare view count, subscribership and sales, not the general point that holostars is getting company resources that come from the income of the girls in the company which is obviously true
I'd just prefer they didn't exist under the same broad umbrella.
There is no benefit to it, and dozens of downsides.
Tell me a single name of a holostar that "fujobaits"
I just don't like male vtubers. I used to watch 5up but then he got a vtuber model so I don't watch him anymore.
I like cute girls doing cute/sexy things with other cute girls. I'm not gay, so I don't like guys. It's really not that complicated or deep.

The better question is why does this bother you so much? Why do I HAVE to like homocollabs and why do I HAVE to like homostars?
There's no solution to this really
What is this some kind of unholy spawn of 4can and rddit?
You mean Cover Corp
The first one is honestly a real problem we probably deserve to be more mad about than we actually are.
The fact that these faggots get to occupy the 3D studio while holos are being told to delay their shit is fucking insane.
nijisisters? I'm not even gay.
it's a Mysta sister
She has Hakka and Ike oshi marks
i also think about the recent graduations; the reasons for leaving arent directly made clear, but it essentially boils down to benefits not overweighing the frustrations
if you thought your struggles were worth it then you would stay, but if a huge amount of your earnings are getting a cut taken from it and you think the company is not putting it to the best possible uses, then you'll naturally think "hmph ill go do my own thing and keep more of my income"
Typical, lol
stop hating on fuwamoco Aku
If only all of those people actually watched homos. Maybe they wouldn't be a 3views
sister den
It’s the tempus sister site they made when the doxx site died. They always complain about the lack of mixed collabs and how unpopular the homos are.
Does anyone has any reps about this ernoul guy? I'm starting to think he and this "unicornyokai" account are the same person, his tweets are always retweeted by the same people and most of his followers are clearly fake accounts, and some accounts that interact with him have the generic youtube account look and when you look into them they're retweeting culture war slop, i think they're all from some Discord.
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That's because 95% of people who watch Hololive and vtubers in-general are ugly, retarded, forever-alone, pathetic, will never touch a vagina losers who only interact with and watch them to feign a fake relationship/interaction with a female other than their mom. I mean just watching vtubers is one thing, but watching vtubers while being vehemently against any one not female and with a penis is giga-revealing the reason why you watch them, and that you're a shit-smelling, near-future maggot-food virgin loser.
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I don't have any issues with JP Holostars. EN Holostars is fucking ass cancer though.
I don't hate holostars, I just wish they didn't exist. Kinda like mosquitos.
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What drive someone to act like this?
Idk anon you guys focus on 2-3 names that are unicorns but I see dozens of fucking names that homobeg and shit on Gura and IRyS. Also again, is the dudes were that popular that people cared about them and not just use them to Social Justice warrior shit with them then they would be popular too.
I don't watch Holostars nor I have any plan to do so ever, but I enjoy some of the collabs like Kobo and Altare or Ollie and Jurard (dunno if there's more desu), though they're like, what, twice a year maybe? I don't mind, it's extra content for my chuubas. If they collab, okay, if they don't collab I don't care
>are Holostars just accessories for the girls?
yes, less than that but yes.
I bet she has never sent a single supa or is even membered to any of them kek and no gifted members do not count.
They ruined anon's dream of having his oshis as his harem, don't you know? If not for the homos, (You) would be fucking all Holos by now
why is it always the latinx?
Your entire reply has nothing to do with my actual question, it's clearly not just two guys and i'm not even talking about your collab beggar nonsense i'm talking about a specific account, don't dodge the question.
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well just look up that goldbullet clip, yeah that one, that's why i don't watch holostars
im not "based and redpilled" i just dont relate to those vibes and i dont want weird twitterrotten behavior in my chuubas
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every fucking time
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>posts twitter
>"why is 4chan like this?"

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