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Why does hate saplings calling her mommy? Does she even understand why she became popular?
Mumei and Fauna just enjoyers
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does it even matter anon she made her self clear where she stands you can support her or not some vtubers simply arent comfortable with people being to close to them like a lot of dragoons adore doki to a rather unhealthy degree but most of us keep a respectful distance
They need to make this board show flags I want to see where this ESL comes from
Who broke the schizo today? Is it because Fauna numbers or something else?
She became popular by streaming video games and being entertaining. If you watched streams instead of living on /vt/ you’d know this.
I just hope she graduates soon. It’s not like she won’t succeed as an indie. Her fans will follow her anywhere at this point and her content won’t have to change for she’s just a gamer yapper. Hololive doesn’t offer that much for someone like her who isn’t creatively driven or idol obsessed. Don’t think she should go to twitch tho.
Brownfeet is from Canada.
He was threadshitting in uuu and they got him to admit, in his own words, that he was
>A NEET with piss jugs and poop socks all around my living quarters
He's been spamming the catalog ever since
What does Hololive offer to those who are creatively driven?
>searched the archives
>this happened TODAY
Holy fuck. I kneel, saplings. I will never make jokes about raping you ever again.
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He said "let's presume" you troon
Stop talking about yourself in third person.
Schizo aside, she does seem legitimately fed up with mommy role.
>the comments already are saying shit like "wow she's tired just like a real mother"
how dense are these people
and no im not brownfeet or any kind of anti
Reminder mods are protecting kekfoot as he continues to spam.
Do you ever sleep? You seem to create these threads 24/7.
She became popular by having the blue dorito attached to her name
Mommy fags are fucking annoying.
He's a paki immigrant to be more precise. Dude has been BTFOed multiple times but he has no shame.
Randi da baccha
>paki immigrant
Well, the thing is, the flag isn't gonna show it, is it?
yeah, vidya and yapping.
dox shit ruined her jobs.
Take the chattinx pill
It's off putting and creepy for the 9k normalfags in her audience.
It wouldn't be fair to do it just to please a couple of weirdos.
Are people still just mad she said she’s not your friend?
Literally nobody ever cared.
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>wait do mean mean like, an actual monkey?
Bullshit, she's a grifting bitch
>NEETfeet seethe
EOP false flag. There isn't a single language on earth with that syntax. Of course, EOPs, together with their de-wired synapses, dance around their own false flags like gypsies around the fire.
why does OP gay and SEA?
So dense that they keep responding to obvious bait
Yeah same happened to me

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