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Hunting Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/25:
1: https://twitch.tv/dooby3D (9,961 twitch, 38,780 youtube)
2: https://twitch.tv/filian (6,797)
3: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (3,994)
4: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (3,311)
5: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,114)
6: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (3,094)
7: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (2,826)
8: https://twitch.tv/Silvervale (2,630)
9: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,067)
10: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (1,951)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (4,774) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,515) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (3,096) *Russian

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 27th - VividlyVIVI
November 4th - Bella Beyumi
November 9th - Bao & Leaflit
November 11th - Mint

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>88384724
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Computer Gen me a chubby Latina Oli with thick thighs and a fat ass
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Neeeega cat
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Forgot to post yesterday. Nene schedule for the week.
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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Love me some bigger women but has anyone talked to Shonders about her weight??
uuuu one more week
*A thoughtful intelligent and polite observation about your oshi*
Oh that's so nice of you to say
The actual queen of /lig/ is live now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35q5phqIMy0
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I love my wife! I wonder what kino she'll have in store for us this week!
Oli thinks she can beat a fucking Wolf in a fight
*A schizo response that's clearly just me making things up about your oshi in response*
wow so you HATE [ligger you didn't mention]?!
Almost. She thinks she can beat OFF a wolf in a fight.
I wish yellow Vei had a nicer sounding voice, it's the main thing that filters me.
I Love Lucy
The reason Oli has such strong baby fever is because she is barren.
The real question is if the average olimpian could beat Oli in a fight
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Love my wolf wife
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this ligga was naughty in other threads
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What a fool you are
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dooby on oli stream
what was her name again?
Corpse Party turned into a surprise ASMR stream since Nene wants to make the VA binaural. Moving into her booth and setting up the mics now.
anny the fart
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will vari be on subathon for the rest of her life
Oli needs diapers
look at pictures again, name right there
since when Oli needs 'medicine' break? sorry, just joined
GaGCvvvbIAE8feM file?
*heartfelt agreement, but also something about pissing, shitting, or feet*
probably something to deal with the cramps, or she is still taking her heart medicine.
I swear dude just shows shit from ylyl threads from a decade ago and doesn't even put in the effort to read the captions right. Please stop watching his videos Lina
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preety boog
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I'm not doing so well bros..
these guys don't live that long :(
I'm always shocked whenever I see stuff like this, you would think that insects are so low on the brain processing power level that they'd be completely unable to get comfortable enough with primate man-handling like this, and yet here we are.
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What's wrong, pinker?
have you tried being happy?
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awww poor pinker
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making sweet and sensual love to Moriko "batatvideogames" Kyoho in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation
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Hope you feel better. I was awful yesterday because I was hungover but recovered this morning.
cicadas are pretty much brain dead and slow as snails unless they're flying
they're basically a feast for an insect eating creature
Has Ichika ever properly shown off her booba before?
Just some animal abuse video.
can you please just say boobs or tits or massive milkers or heavy hangers or literally anything other than fucking booba
chat, is it AI?
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Nothing in particular, everything just seems more and more pointless lately.

Not that I can remember.
Yes I could but I won't. Thank you for asking.
oli picking up dooby and smashing her into the wall while doob makes doob shrieks
mentioned midol so it might be menstrual
Just dodge roll and attack during the openings bro, it’s easy
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do y'all fw period play
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Lets pink!
I don't mind ketchup on my hotdog as long as the bun is tight
killing myself so oli will have sex with my dead body
the fearless sailor also sets sail on the red sea
I think Oli probably molested a couple kids not gonna lie
just fuck the ass
Doob afternoon
Oli believes in Luigi board, so will not join 3am Halloween party
sup doober
Not my favorite, but I will. I have a sensitive sense of smell.
Do NOT let Oli know that being hanged can give you a post death boner
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womp womp
booba where
she already knows, literally all women are into breath play
What happened to the class of person that browses here
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Inis made me believe in it. We saw the demons.
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Rainhoe live with Mouthwashing.
I want Oli to take my life
how is her voice so fertile?
too late, we saw this game 7 times already
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how did she kill her content so fast
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8th time the charm.
I haven't seen it at all yet on the off chance my oshi will play it
I prefer more conventional ways to get a boner
Refusing to shit on stream or post pictures of her shits on twitter
BF debuff is a real thing
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>you'd put her toe in your mouth and go "num num num num"
she moved to NA
I can't wait for Rainhoe to feed Curly her 16 inch logs.
by going away from what made her popular - suffering games like Jump King
This bitch is like 40 don't go teehee
she is a predator, it's natural
Why would she move to Namibia?
kept bringing her annoying bf on stream
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All hags should go teehee.
I made the Kitanya “raow” noise my text notification noise this is awesome. don’t let your dreams be dreams!
New model (v2) was shit, and she quit playing fun games like yump kang and started hanging out with that sleepy guy too much
I'm happy that you're with us Nene poster
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Anyone got a screenshot of Ikus new outfit? Couldn't make it to the stream
why is that poor max balding?
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Chibi Squ soon
Liggers that would join the order of dagon?
gives me the ick to think someone that old is playing with literal children on roblox
This is a bad game for oli to play, she used to say she wants her body to be preserved and used by chat to fulfill their needs after she dies, but now seeing how a body is preserved she wants to be burned instead
that is kinda weird how many streamers are playing that
i think doob played it last night
yeah, she played dressed to impress
Dressed to impress is like playing with dolls.
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Yeah, in my face
What vtuber does this most exemplify?
Stop recommending dogshit games to Olivia.
vtubers are female for the most part
Oli should release sex-robot. That way her body can be used by many
Nice butt
i would both love and hate to have a coworker like Oli
what if olivia played nintendogs
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no way!
Severely mentally ill vtuber titties
Kuu HATES Amanda the Adventurer
Para or Juni
I just find it endearing that women love girly stuff through their whole life
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It would be kino.
Squ is about to debut her new chibi model btw
Mortuary Assistant is actually good but Olivia strikes me as a Type 0
Kamala Harris looking ass
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I have a bunch of webms to make of her bountiful jiggling breasts, but I need to finish eating and go vote first
which part of a vtuber is not female?
You think this board will go into meltdown if Doob collabs with her blue best friend ?
I miss uranium...
Remember when tob used to do a voice?
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I was going to say you're being mean, but yeah, that's unfortunate
Ikus honking banzongas, her massive mammaries....
Based. Make your country proud
Olivia Monroe hag cackle my beloved
>That smile at the end
Fuck I need to womp again.
Her dead eyed stare makes her hotter
Look I just think its unfair that people can post naiyo's centipede tits and juniper's rtx naked breasts and fupa but when i post cyphi's singular tit or nyatasha nyanners' almost wholly covered enormous pink areolae i get jumped by jannies and put in the prison from Old Boy
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
how many times has it been today womper? don't break it
literal semen demon
it's really funny how the centitis never get deleted
None of those things happened
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So far only thrice. I usually only get going in the afternoon.
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Your dick is going to fall off
based turbo coomer
is there a way to play back voice notes at like 1.5 speed in discord?
Sex with egocider
Stop giving attention to that one chatter.
it's about timing.
only page 10 is safe to post nsfw
oli you need to banish my dick demons with your babymaker
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>i am small
I am that one chatter.
One day you will become that one chatter too, and realize that there is lots of chatters just like you. There never was that one chatter in the first place
that's really fucking cute!
I wouldn't let her repair any of my equipment. My shit is custom.
Not true. I got bopped before for posting nsfw on page 10 after the new thread was already made. It depends on how much the janny cares at that moment.
>juniper's rtx naked breasts
this chick that kuu raided into has the worst audio...
don't crash my dreams dude
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Good night saru! I had a little nap but it was filled with nightmares about my parents at first and then about you so I'm still tired. Hope you have a nice night.

Good night lig.
Anon was right, Oli doesn't enjoy chat recommended games
goodnight frogbro
Oli should play with her clitoris on stream
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I think Squ doesn't want to be sexy anymore
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She's now taller
I'm not gonna say my microwave is without a few spots on the side or the tray that could stand to be wiped with a wet cloth, but holy fuck. Why would you let food anywhere near that thing?
It's because her chatters have no social skills to recommend games that she even could enjoy. They just recommend stuff that they themselves enjoy, like some immature kids.
Good night sarubro
Oli should play the last of us so we can watch her cry on stream
understandable. being a sexy vtuber on twitch is a bannable offence
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despair is all that is left
the trick is boiling some white vinegar inside (for no more than a minute) and clean it right after
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naiyo rtx
looks like it should be singing
>after sex smoke
what if you were gonna be late for your oshi's stream and when you finally got on and opened stream, there was text on the screen that said "waiting for [your name] to get here before starting the game" even though you didnt say anything about being late
She's sweet, hardworking, funny, and cute
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Holy damn were her tits always this massive?
>people want their favorite streamer to try and enjoy stuff they did
I'm fat
t. mint
I'd be embarrased and incredibly flattered.
Making Beri watch this movie while high on painkillers and she starts crying about the cars dying.
Post bmi
Hope your dreams turn out better. I would hate having nightmares about my oshi.
yeah, bim has always had a nice rack, even before she changed into a sex demon thing
i think she has them hidden most of the time under an asset
Post genitalia
>I liked rape, so you should too
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saru some time ago
i would delete my account
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kuu ended early I blame the amanda game
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bnuuy cnuuy
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When is my wife coming back?
Well she clearly hated it
Trial and error horror slop just isn't fun IMO.
We're all thinking the same thing, right?
Nigga its gaming not rape. Olitards is wild
this is the most retarded strawman are you room temp iq or baiting
honestly the only good part of the stream was the yap and sing in the beginning
This, but Squ?
I can't wait for October to be over so vtubers can play something other than horror games!
"look at the lil fleshstreamer trying to pretend she still cares about vtubing"
no, probably not
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If you guys don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna recommend Shenzen I/O to Oli and then you'll really wanna kill yourself.
sex with kyoharuvt
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I want to play it myself.
Even Manly didn't like it and he plays a lot of horror slop
do it
finally sweet release
does period blood smell or taste different from regular blood
She sounded so excited to buy some unity horror sloppa from the Steam sale it was kind of adorable
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>bodega and oli in the same place
my urge to impregnate someone is peaking
Once it becomes too dirty, it becomes too hard to clean. And it's not like you're going to eat the microwave
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she said she's picking something scary from the sale for tomorrow so we can expect kino
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>And it's not like you're going to eat the microwave
When will he become a vtuber
i would just put that shit on the curb at that point, a new microwave isn't expensive and you can just start fresh and occasionally fucking wipe it down
I love watching autistic girls
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I could answer you but my desire to backslap you across the face is stronger
Do you like Chiwa
ive never watched her before
Whose gonna tell him?
He already collabed with some of them so there's no actual point i guess
Why are you mean to him just because he hasn't had sex? With a woman, in any case.
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I'm having conflicting feelings about this
what's the problem with shenzhen I/O?
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Last day to buy one if you're interested
>if you're interested
i'm not
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Yeah it tastes fermented.
nah I'm good lucy, thanks though
i know its the lining of the uterus being shed but idk does it smell or taste bad?
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just dont eat any of the chunks
because it has nothing to do with vtubers and also he can find out himself when he does. I have faith in posters getting laid.
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hey look at this for a sec
thanks for looking at this
im going to
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Tanya live!
Can you guys not smell blood? There's no way period play would ever happen for me
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Even in me?
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*distant womp calls*
You never taste it when you get cut? The iron is delicious
yeah it smells and tastes metallic but what else does period blood have to make it smell and taste so bad
does it mix with sweat when it comes out
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Fuck, I knew that I was an outlier.
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I think there are plenty of couples out there who fuck each other without sampling the period blood
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No one can
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Why don't we all just have sex with each other?
periods arent caused by sex thats a hymen or perineum tear that causes bleeding
tldw but I said taste not smell
I want Bipsy to get a 3d model so she can smooch Katie on stream
i NEED to impregnate coqui
Virgins are also ugly
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periods are however caused by a lack of sex
He literally says that metal has a distinct odour
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I looked at that for more than a second
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The Queen
batposter rape
of absolutely nothing
>you go to a bar and discover your oshi
>she has bf
>you don’t do anything and drink the night away
>after a few drinks her bf approaches you and says”I see you looking at my girl. You think she’s hot? You wanna fuck her?
>he slides you a condom and gives you a room key
>says he gets to watch

What do?
shondo on the right
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krum is dead...
and carving a pumpkin
i think there might be a nipple in this image
ligga I think you're trippin
Of spades.
I'm going to be honest, I can only ever think of the word "urea" when I see her mentioned
fuck her?
what kind of question is this
Please shut up
Probably say no because I'm scared I'd make a fool of myself
I fuck my oshi without the condom and get chlamydia.
exposed hips. tut tut tut
you're right. i must be crazy seeing things
I'd say no because my oshi doesn't like NTR. And if it turned out she was a liar, I wouldn't want her as an oshi anymore.
is she a koala
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It's okay, happens to the best of us
i'm never getting laid
*gobs in your eye*
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Blue singing is so cute wtf
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krum bought the worst pumpkin ever
her cutesy voice fit that song surprisingly well
what the fuck is that
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Our Queen.
Oli is taking a suspiciously long time in the bathroom
glass him
she said she has to make a call, at least she put the good playlist on this time
you can easily erp as a bull online, I bet there's even vtubers enjoying that
She's doing mountains of cocaine to cope with her horrible situation of playing boring games
Why does it have a prolapsed anus?
It funny watching people on twitter and YouTube simping over layna, wonder how much psychic damage they take when they learn she has a bf?
This but a good game that would make her cry, like Mother 3
do you ever get tired of this bit
oooooh, like bad posters
krums hole is too small...
>Mother series
Why does Deme's model look like she'd be Filian's mom?
I’m a different guy from that other anti poster but not that anti poster
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It's two weeks till Mint Castella's birthday, be an oomfie and contribute to the card. Standard rules apply, submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions in multiples of 200.
References: catbox moe/c/2c711o

Some of Mint's interests/hobbies:
>twitter accounts for animals
>Being a bimbo
>Guesser games
>Baking and eating
>Oomfie her chat mascot
>Heavy Hangers
>Smoking weed
>Her wife Hen of Mimi
>Girls FC her vtuber group
>Cabbage Dog
>Danny Macbride
>The Sapranos
>James Cameron's Avatar
>Twin Peaks/David Lynch
>Here is a grid of her favorite games https://files.catbox.moe/u5iove.jpg

If you are on the fence or unsure what to do a number of smaller 200x200 tiles with simple drawings or happy birthday wishes, to help round out the card dimensions, are appreciated.
>nene running into the butter your pooper line in corpse party
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tanyan my beloved.
Yeah she already played 2 and the ending blew her mind and she cried, 3 would be fun to watch her play
I hate mental fatigue from seeing this card for a month
yeah how did that other vtuber get picked to be her mom, this seems like a better match
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doob sexo
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Need Nina clunge
I wonder how incredibly camp Olivia's boss is
you should ask her that in her chat
fatfags love to be obnoxious after all
It's only been posted for a week schizo
Fingers crossed for barbies christmas party
exposed shoulders HMMM
on thin ice
the krumhole is loose...
do say that she gets very mad
get out of here cat gura
madi mint posters please come back she is sexy im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry please come back please plesa kitten will be good now :3 :3 :3
i need to get the shank ya clip later
I will not watch your rapebait chuuba
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Pink Cat Good!
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yes you will
Laimu cute
dunno why but over the years I got kinda attached to this lewd pic
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all chuubas are rapebait dumbass
What did they even mean by that? Are women really rubbing butter on their asses?
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>Oli is Meat's little heal slut cum dumpster
filian is based
Do they have the lovense set up?
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why wouldn't you be attached to an image of your wife?
*loli kiss*
definitely need to fill her kumhole
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I am here at least 1 hour a day fucker
fill it with what
What did she do now
>krum hours
guess i'll stay
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I love this fishe! I love Kitanya!
it rhymes with ecto piss
kum. hence the name.
more more butt i need but pics i love maid butt gahoo gwoo **slobbers**
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What's the deal with this mouthwashing game? I thought it would be some dentistry simulator.
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Personally I like 3 the most since I'm a huge fan of ruined mascara.
krum hours? more like cum hours lmao
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She's a glowie!
It's a fujo game about a doomed ship crew getting drunk off of a shipment of mouthwash
good post
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i have the impetus to sex kiba
why doesnt anyone talk about chibi here
It's a story on how sobriety inherently is not worth it.
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idk it's just not the same but then again that's probably the point
killed most of her posters with nonstop unfunny male collabs, and the retard model
people used to talk about her. but now we dont like her.
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Maybe when she gets her official model
i like her small furry onahole bod, same feelings for not_anny
when will she leave the bad place?
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forsenga :mega: FORSAAAAAAAAAAN
never. she's in the clique. people need to stop coping that she was innocent
I just wasn't a fan of the content she was putting out for a while and then I found other chuubas to fill in that time slot
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I dont watch male collabers or con orgy attenders.
da wose
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when will shondo lose some weight
she is not live?
Who the vtubers lig doesn't like
chuuba golden elixir and delicious chocolate logs
Begone Mr Skeltal
your oshi
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I'm gonna put on dire straits and hope I feel better..
if everyone leaves there's nobody left to turn the bad place into a better one
i forget, does mintcastella stream on monday evenings
Anything not 3am, bugs, or 2views
fleshtubers and ones that have sex
not true I like bat very much mmmmm morko love morgy mrrrrg
anything not 3am+
i hab evidence that shondo may or may not be streaming on twitch dot tv
>watch streams? ugh.
>lets shit talk people not live
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bro you're gonna cry
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so many pumpkin carving streams
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look how they massacared you stinkies
sup meat
What's bothering you?
how many have you carved
>even has the ring kinda
meme magic i swear!
i was gonna mention why did she goatse the pumpkin kek
when I'm down I listen to asmr
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Layna schedule
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I HATE LAYNA!!!!!!!!!!!
is she going to play urge with tomato? it's his favourite game
Fuck off faggot
she doesn't look like that
>she has sticky keys enabled still
its wild to me that she puts so much effort into schedules that she isnt going to follow anyway while whoreclan and their orbiters only do half assed discord posts schedules and are better at sticking to them
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she does
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Why are sticky keys suddenly coming up in many different places?
i guess naiyo isn't the only one with some screws in their heads loose
She will when I'm done with her!
take your meds schizo
All chuubas should look like this
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>are you down there wigger boy?
faggotchamps should DIE
don't post these edited images she just started carving
this is what shondo looks like cop and sethe aunties
Shoobies is actually hot. She would incline so fast if she got a milf model. Too dumb to realize that ig
>she gave the pumpkin a anus
I will when I go to bed.

It's hard to put into words. I just feel completely drained of energy and joy. I skip doing things that I ought to do, and then get more depressed because I'm not progressing on the things I feel like I want to do. There are things that if I started dealing with them when I realized they were bothering me, would be resolved now. But they're not, because I didn't, and that just demotivates me even more. It's been going on for years and it just doesn't get better and I don't know what to do any more.
She gets more viewers that 99% of indie vtubers.
I'm noticing a pattern of liggers all have massive body image issues. Is this just a woman thing or is this what drives them to become vtubers?
stinks gotta come from somewhere
woman thing
beta mindset. why stay as a raindrop when you could be the ocean
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a vtuber with a boyfriend means she's a grifting whore. the type of girl to go on dates all the time for free food. the sooner you accept that the only reason you watch vtubers is the feeling of connection with this woman you feel is as lonely as you, and having a boyfriend breaks the unspoken agreement just so she can double dip on money from men, the sooner you will be free and happy
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I want to see Oli's feet
I had a dream that Olivia Monroe talked me into going to a haunted house. I said this isn’t a good idea Olivia Monroe but she protested she said “do it for meeeee.” I got scared in the haunted house and threw a punch at one of the performers. The guy immediately dropped the act and said “what the fuck, man.” This manager guy with a headset popped out and Olivia and I were escorted out a side door and told we had to leave. She tried to explain it was an accident turned to me, nodding, promising that it wouldn’t happen again. It didn’t matter, they had a strict one strike you’re out policy. Cant touch the performers. Olivia Monroe started to walk to the ticket booth at the front to get a refund. I tried to make a joke with the guy behind the plexiglass at the counter. “They put me in a self defense situation and my fight or flight kicked in. I threw a mean right cross and got tossed out. ” A pity chuckle followed by a “sorry man all sales are final.” Olivia Monroe tapped on her phone and didn’t talk at all on the 45 minute drive back home.
Are you working to maintain your body correctly? Sunlight, diet, exercise, sleep? Usually a general bleakness and lack of energy stem from your body not having the right balance of resources it needs to keep everything running smoothly. If you can maintain that balance, you might start to see your energy return to you
This Olivia Monroe character sounds like a bitch.
faggy retards.

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