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Why didn't Yagoo hire them instead of these jobbers in justice?
Raora is way cuter than Panko. It ain't even a competition.
from top to bottom
Better Mori
Better Ame
Better Gura
Better Ina
Cece is like a premium version of Uruka desu.
>discount anything
you are trying to hard for nothing.
>not calling cecillia discount mel
This bait could have worked if you were more subtle.
It’d also work better if this weren’t the 50th time OP had posted that same image
I think you mean Doki.
What are you on? I get cute aggression every time I see Panko, she's the cutest.
To be honest I just want to see Panko and Raora interacting, they're both cute, just different. Panko is cunny, Raora is mom. Perfection. Cover, do the thing.
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They already do on twitter, it is a matter of time
sounding same does not make them similar as gigi has actual personality and smarts
gigi is more like eimi but not a crybaby
80% of shitposts
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Beside Panko no idea who's those whore you're talking about anon
90% of the headspace of Holofags' craniums.
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brown thread

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