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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>88389673
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Waiting for Doobs o( ̄︶ ̄)o
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby's website for links and info: https://dooby3d.tv/
Backup rentry and additional info: https://rentry.org/Doob3D
Doob's discord logs: https://rentry.co/doobcord
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is generally discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Doob afternoon!
Have a doobday friends!
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ame and dooby both have cute pink nipples!
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Puff puff pass.
Her cuteness transcends her characters. It's so recognizable.
Dangerously cute
i love these doobas mane
i love doobas
Full steam ahead
the trainhoppers watch as the trainhopers turn into traincopers
i like the trainhoppers
i love your soundpost almost as much as this one
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They look extremely big here…
Put dooby first instead of Ame, one is active the other isn't. Get with it.
do you have the one with the amongus cookies? i really like that one.
I told you guys that she was exactly Ame sized and you gave me so much shit
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You are wrong tho
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I spent too much this month and won't be able to get the Hyte case before the discount runs out.
Don't forget to check out Amelia Waston's NEW eurobeat remix for her original song ChikuTaku on YouTube!!!
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just because she is not wearing a sking tight shirt doesnt mean they are smaller even then ames size vary a lot from outfit to outfit too, she is not even premium in the idol outfit
I don't think Doobies are Ame sized
Well I do, so take that!
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Dangerous road ahead! Be careful!
how many more like these until you get bored anon
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Ame will always come first. You're free to go to /lig/ or /big/ instead if it upsets you.
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uuuuh doob
I'm here until dooby retires, because I am an actual fan
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oh nevermind, I saw that you could split in in 4 payments with paypal, started the checkout and was met with this lmao
to confirm, you've never watched her before dooby right
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you uh live on mars or something bud
>arguing thru soundposts with the schizo woman talking to different versions of herself
we've reached peak
luv this bratty dork
I did yes
would ame vibe with columbo
I think dooby should sing doobvet
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amesame love
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some gators are very competitive about Ame being bigger than doob and are in extreme denial, they will come around eventually
okay i was reading the last thread and there is something that i still dont get if its shitpost, people are getting jealous of a long time mod, they did not even care about the rules she set and still get super parasocial with her? you guys understand that you dont know her right? will you start to anti her like those old gators and shitposters if she ever decides to play a game with a male? i thought the mature fans were the only left
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you sending this to brazil or something?
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what the fuck anon? Are you getting intergalactic shipping??? Do you live in a fucking island bunker?
Good thing shitposters are already on their desperation phase. Not even 4 days
They should be this big in canon, Doob needs Boobs
Cytube is just sitting on concoction again but will refresh in about an hour
its the usual shitposter trying go for another angle
Didn't catch the streams but say the discord updates, shame she's still having these issues. Wish that curse would just go away. Did we get a name yet? Trainhoppers?
probably Canada
you're replying to the shitposter anon
in relation to the US I might as well be on Mars but then I don't understand the point of them shipping wotldwide, luckily I found a retailer that can get it for me for a normal price when I get paid but it'll be without the discount.
yeah my fault for only reading the first sentence
Nothing chosen yet. I wouldn't mind trainhoppers, passenjerbs, or locomochi. I'll only accept steammates if Doob herself chooses it.
whats most hurtful about the internet / restream problems is that Dooby is really, really, really trying to put her best foot forward and show herself as a behind-the-scenes professional for VTubers. i honestly think the main reason she left holo is that she could no longer provide any necessary support and help people around her as the EN branch grew, and that's a fundamental motivation for her
dont call me shitposter it was a genuine question but i dint make it in the last thread since i had to wait 15 min and it was at 300 posts, but im curious how can people be like that since she put some rules
>her base mesh has underwear
so her bra is this tube top, what do her panties look like then?
good one
I don't believe that since basically everyone in EN said she helped them from what it sounded like a fairly consistent basis. She left Hololive so she can try and spread her wings, nothing more and nothing less.
Post the naked one
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she's not wearing any
if you werent a shitposter you wouldnt have typed all that extra shit
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you know what believe what you will and do whatever you want i dont care anymore
she should play FlipWitch - Forbidden Sex Hex
Doobs update, scheduled YT stream later
Doob update!
doob later!
Fuck i forgot to set the stream-update channel notification to all
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shes doobrotting...
this is obviously fake. At least try to synchronize the clock next time
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every time I open this image I expect him to explode but he doesn't
it would be neat if dooby tried out the monster hunter wilds beta. Apparently its only one hunt so it would be a good introduction so she can fuck around with all the weapons without worry
Boys, today the internet needs to be smooth as fck to shit on twitchfags
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go to sleep seafags
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SEAfags go to bed so only REAL fans can watch
nta, but how do you think dooby will feel if she learned that the community of her most dedicated fans are stuck in the past, coping and refusing to let go when dooby made clear with her actions and words that she wants to move on and open a new, fresh and exciting chapter in her life? how do you think this would make her feel?
They're not sending their best
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>type exactly like him
"they're" not sending anyone anymore, we're back to one split schizo
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I think Dooby would look fantastic wearing just her hat, potato, and suit top layer and nothing else.
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I agree
i love the chimney hairpin and how it shoots out steam, its one of those once in a lifetime perfect design element ideas
don't worry, she's just getting them to fix her internet problems, or her scaffolding, whatever
I disagree since it reminds me of Maijin Buu.
and what is the problem with that?
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she's almost as bad at this as you guys
Of those she has said, it is the best
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You got a problem with Majin Buu?
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Uhhh, thanks for the streams, doob, but let us handle the names. You just worry about doobing your own thing.
she's totally having fun making up bad names and seeing the reaction to it
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This is by far the best suggestion I have seen so far, an excellent choice, as expected from such a brilliant individual as Miss dooby3D
Pudding eating FAT FUCK
>>88405887 (me)
nvm I'm retarded and can't read. English is only my first language. Please don't yell at me doob.
she's not sending her bests
Isn’t steamers the thing you use on carpets
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The fucking full-bodied laugh I had when I saw this.
it's what you dump in the toilet bowl post taco bell
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It's the thing I leave in the toilet at 2am after $20 of Taco Bell and a Colt 45.
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this game has VIOLENT nudity??
now recommend AC6
Yes, actually.
>self destruct mode makes 2Bs clothes fly off
i mean. yeah?
i wish she'd play nier replicant
Cannibalism? I don't remember the cannibalism.
man GG is so cute lmao
Have any Advent or Justice followed her on either accounts?
I like how this soundpost loops. True to life
Does anyone know if she played Wick no way out i think it is a good horror game, dont know if someone recomended it
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i only know about notGigi, notRissa and notERB, no idea about the others
wrong thread?
either way i want to huff the stinky gg crotchium
wrong thread
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True, very
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she's Ame's lover and she's playing Ame's game so it's okay in my book
nope, i just wanted to say that because she's playing outerwilds
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wrong fanbase...
Cool thanks, surprised more of them haven't compared to full myth and promise minus irys
I didn't have enough money to auto renrew my Ame membership... it's really over bros...
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We saw that
did anya follow her?
>blue and red is green
>shes playing the dlc
>shes doesnt do well with horror
>the sun is going to explode before she can leave the starting area
yeah its going to be kino
yea, sadly i cant keep watching much more because i havent finished it yet...
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Come hang out: https://awat.420699.xyz/
get out of bed already woman
Do you think she’ll ever show us her gun collection?
gun cleaning stream when?
twitch will nuke her and probably youtube will as well
kobo showed off a gun in one of her handcam streams and got bonked
Doobvet bros...
Most people that play 2Booty game never plays the 1st and it makes me seethe everytime
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Favorite Dooby fanart?
Also, how do I find untagged art?
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My favorite.
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>Favorite Dooby fanart?
The one, you know
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Why won't you give me a (You), anon?
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>ggcc each have some traits resembling ame
>dooby has gg hair+cc eyes
like pottery
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Only thing you can do is follow as many fan artists as possible. That's how I do it.
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I don't have a favorite yet but this one is really cute. As for untagged art, either hope the for you tab shows you them or maybe go through some of the artists twitter and find other dooby art accounts like that
not!Ceci follows The Doob. She's pretty "based".
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dis wun
I've always known about Cleveland steamers so this was the first thing I thought of
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I think notCC followed her before notGG did or vice versa I can't remember exactly cause I lack sleep.
whats the password?
Cleavelandmates... we're ngmi...
>will schedule as soon as i crawl out of bed
>still no schedule stream
Bro.. i think she might have fallen asleep again
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here's a hint
who do you love? the answer is the password.
Why does she have to stream so late. Anti EST streamer
********* one of those is a space
I only know notERB, notRaora and notCC so I couldn't say.
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Full caps and a space.
I won't tell you, if you do enough research you will get to the answer.
Dooby reminds me more of a little monkey than a rrat. There aren't enough monke vtubers, she should embrace it
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amesame hot
I hecking love this! I want to make it my alarm sound but after a few months I'd grow to hate it..
dun lookuh!
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She looks kinda dry, like a Popeyes biscuit.
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Thanks! I figured it out.
another rodent
Can't believe Pekomama followed her
Still can't find it
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Nabi is streaming.
doob evening doobsters
Remember to love your Ame urchin
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As long as we're fat and green, and somewhat related to reptiles, I'm fine with it.
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Love me urchin ame and tsundere clock lady. simple as.
Just say their names if they aren't fleshies, you can do that here instead of trying to pretend.
Her hair whistle is peak. Is it actually embedded into her head or is it like a hair ornament, ala ame's hair monocle? Also I feel like it'd be better if it didn't whistle everything she talked and just on command instead. Like an actual train whistle.
maybe i can, but i dont want
clock love
Nah, I like it being tied to her talking.
Oro-mama too
>cute shota model
what the heckuh you guys told me the artist was a fat old man
She said its suppose blow when her mic peaks like when she gets angry
But it seems like its a little sensitive
So, Oro-mama got Yoolie pregnant, and then Dooby was born.

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