what is her appeal?
>>88546605Sex with rocks
>>88546605Cute and funny. Literally.
>>88546770I'm gonna nutty in her putty
>>88546605Sex appeal
>>88546605Smug brat in need of desperate correction
>>88550187>Noooo I don't wanna be lodged deep in her nutty putty!
>>88546605She's sexy and cute and enjoyable to watch and listen to.
>>88555841She's a child
She streams. And is not too deep into the kayfabe like Fuwamoco
>>88559922Silica based lifeforms eschew such menial classifications also, hot ToT
>>88546605>great personality>great comedic timing>great bratty energyLove her
>>88559922Yeah, out of 10
>>88559922You're on /vt/
>>88546605She's a skilled gamer, streams for really long periods, and is really sharp at the banter
>>88546605Clean content
>>88546770yeah would
>>88546605She's funny
>>88546605luna without the obnoxious voice
>>88576213>without the obnoxious voice
>>88550187>>88559410This is how I want to die
>>88568082only when she's not collabing
>>88564287Reddit thinks she's sexy now too thanks to the wiggle
>>88546605Replacement loli for attention starved chumbies.
>>88558603I second this.
>>88546605>gets every reference even the ones she's too young for because research>actual gamer who keeps trying every game and understands how games work>scaredy cat (protecc bait) but also stands up for herself against chat idiotsthe perfect woman
>>88546605Extremely rapeable.
>>88559922holy sex
>>88546605Impeccable comedic timing.Meme savvy.Very good at gaming.Occasionally sings in-key.
>>88577069>gets every reference even the ones she's too young for because researchthe geologic record once again proving to be one of the most comprehensive known to man
>>88546770*crunch* YEEEEOOOOOOOWWWCCCCCHHHH!!!!!!
>>88577303Just about all of the Holos want to be her big sister. Even Bae wants to be her big sister. That's how much power this little gemstone has.
>>88546605I dunno but she streams at like 2-3am my time so I'll never watch her, much like most of EN.