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New cards being revealed starting tomorrow!

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info
I'm going to keep the thread alive this time, so we have a place to talk about the reveals when they happen.
Doubt! Also thanks
Yeah, we'll see how it goes. I think these threads will have it rough until there's a proper English release of this game at least.
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Thank god someone else made this thread. Didn't want to feel like I was spamming the board with these.
Personally, I find Kiara-Lui a lot more fun than Polka-Kiara, but I can definitely see why Polka-Kiara is a lot more popular. Though it mostly comes down to me liking to draw cards by
So what are the main gimmicks Purple and Yellow will have?
We know Red is aggressive, Blue is spread damage and Green throws dice and heals.
love me cards
For purple, we've talked about how debut Calli's cares about the archive, but I wonder if debut Shion's abnormally high defense might be a clue too. Maybe purple's natu
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Bird up
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Is Polka okay with Zain as the only fan card?
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Decks that use Polka as the initial carry do just that. Have your Cheer Deck setup for the correct color, then Zain for the reds.
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Any prediction for today reveal?
Is it Holomembers first or Support cards first?
How healthy has the card game been since release where it's come out? Is stock consistent or has it been selling out?
My friends and I are going in on a case on English release regardless, but I'm curious how it's doing.
It would make sense to start with the member cards to make people talk.
I think it sold better than expected. There's a two box limit on the Holo official store. And it seemed like geekjack might have been backed up from what I heard one anon saying. That being said, I don't think it's hard to acquire cards or anything.
dont get spooked
the game is cringe.
What time will it be?
Probably evening JST. (Or early morning on the US)
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Welcome back, card game thread, reminder of what's coming up

>Oshi Holomem cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Holomem Cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Ayame (Red)
Choco (Purple)
Okayu (Blue)
Marine (Red)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Spot Holomem Cards
Holowitches (Luna, Miko, Kanata, Marine, Shion, Chloe)
There was a catalog thread about how successful it was and how cover stock got a big bump after the article about it was released, so it's doing pretty well I'd say
how many colors are there in this game?
I think they'll do the Holomem first and it will be the ones from the premade decks.

Currently 4 but this upcoming set is going to introduce purple and the set after that will mostly introduce yellow so 6 overall. There are already cards in the current set with effective damage against yellow and Purple.
do the colors have a meaning or are they related to some type of decks/cards/mechanics?
Quick scan of the release of the first set, 2 cards are usually shown per day at either 20 or 21 jst.
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Some arts and skills only interact with specific colors and 2nd blooms get the ability to do bonus damage to another color with their arts. Colors do seem designed to have their own gameplay mechanics too.

>White: Drawing cards, Searching the deck for Holomem, and Damage Mitigation
>Red: Archiving Holomems+Fans and pulling them back out later
>Blue: Burning Cheers for various effects, mostly hitting the backstage
>Green: Gathering Cheers, controlling dice results, and healing
Wouldn't have thought Red of all colors have archive manipulation honestly, which decks would that be?
It's funny how white pretty much just gets the good stuff.
I think white has bonus life damage. Not only 2nd bloom Kanata, but Oshi Fubuku has a skill that will deal an additional life damage.
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Leader hBP01 Kiara has the ability to recover any Holomem from the Archive once per turn.
Stage 2 Kiara from hBP01 also shuffles 6 Holomems from the Archive to boost her 2nd attack
>Red Marine
Damn Reds are eating good.
>Purple Mori
Damn Purple is starting up good. Wonder if they will treat Purple like how OP and MTG treats Black.
>Spot Holomem Cards
Damn, I hope they are good this time.
>Implying Ina is NOT going to be a Purple card
I think Ina and Nerissa will both be purple. There'll be a lot of purple to balance out the total colors.
Accessories are up for sale
Nice. I'm not sure if I should buy new sleeves or just use my Weiss Schwartz sleeves.
There's an English release happening? Any idea when?
Nothing known other than it's happening
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So she will synergize with Lui more than PolKiara?
well that good enough knowing it will happening
how good is bushiroad at handling tcg?
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> Collab effect: your opponents collab holomem takes 10 special damage

Interestingly, Ayame gets a new #shooter tag. I guess this is going to go to girls that play a lot of shooting games. They could have given it to Ame...
> The holomem who this tool is attached to gets arts + 10
> If attached to a 1st or higher Nakiri Ayame, gain this ability: The holomem who this tool is attached to gets arts + 10
> Only one tool can be attached to a holomem
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> Collab effect: when this holomem has <poyoyo> attached to it, during this turn, your center holomem gets arts+20.
always amusing when that happens

axe without the self-damage. feel like I'd rather have something with a more distinct/unique effect
rough start for reds. those are shit cards.
these are from here SD, right?
Yeah these are starter deck cards
Here's to fatto catto's starter deck being more interesting
Make Nakirigumi retrieve <fan, mascot, tool> support cards from archive on attach and she can replace SPOT Pekora in 12fan Polkiara.
>>88664029 (me)
Or reference her MC fishing as an Event Support to retrieve 3 cards from archive.
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Also, here's Ayame's basic debut card (unlimited copies in a deck), since it hasn't been posted yet.

I have a feeling that Poyoyo is going to be made to synergize with Fubuki. (Since Fubuki designed her mascot) Do Nakirigumi even have a design?
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The ghost with horns, iirc. Although not sure if that was canon.
4 colors is too low
they should add steel and fairy
Oh, like the ones in the art on these cards?
Ayame's ghosts are named Karma and Shiranui. I don't think they're her fanbase design.
Oh, so that's why her 業 collab effect was translated as Karma. Thanks anon!
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Before I stuck the art onto MtG tokens, now I've stuck those tokens on my site
I'm just relying on https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=pool%3A23479 and any future arts I happen to catch posted here, so I don't know how often things will be added.
Pretty cool. We'll probably get some more art when the next set comes out.
Where are you getting these? Would love to have them
nta but look two posts above yours
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I got some of them by directly finding the artist's twitter and some from the danbooru page the other anon linked.
Actually speaking of that, I just checked and found the Bae card that wasn't uploaded on danbooru. Maybe I'll see if I can find some of the other ones later.
The artist names are listed in the card catalog on the official website, so it only takes a little bit of digging.
>>88674910 (me)
The artist only has 22 likes on his twitter post, so it would be cool if you could give him some attention.
what's the optimal deck ratio in this game?
>Play 2 Holomems + Evolutions
>Play as many Nodoka, Standard PCs and 2 So you're my Enemy as you can
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>12-15 Debut
>8-12 1st Blooms
>4-7 2nd Blooms and Buzzes
>0-3 Spots
And then you fill in the rest with Supports. What you need depends on the deck but usually you'll have some copies of debut PC, Nodoka, Mane-chan, and maybe So You're the Enemy.
Forgot to add these are very loose estimates I got by skimming over the decklists on this twitter.
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>there's a "shooter" tag.
Oh boy.
Apex Slut archetype soon?

Jokes aside, I could see a gun tool that increases damage to the bench when equiped to a "shooter" holomem.
I hope they do some more interesting things with the tags other than pull the 4 from the top of your deck.
I imagine once they've printed one for each tag we'll start getting more unique effects. It would be a real waste otherwise.

On that subject, who will be the shooter holo?
- Ayame (confirmed)
- Roboco
- Twappy
- Botan
- Lap
- Akutan ;_;
I think that's the list. Ame could have gotten that tag too, but she already didn't.
Does Ollie not have the tag?
She could! They haven't revealed any of her non-oshi cards yet.
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When is the Fauna cards coming?
They'll announce when she's coming.
new cards doko
7 AM Eastern
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Seems like this card only went down by like 15 or so dollars
Price is going down but very slowly
Probably 1 or 2 releases from now. So 5-8 months.
>Still a whole $604.50 over the other SEC in the set
The Suisei Price buff is something else
It'll be interesting to see how the value maintains as new sets release.
Bump before I go to sleep.
no Twi, no play...
i actually enjoyed the Kanata deck
deck out
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I hope they release a mobile version of this tcg like pokemon did with theirs
cute pic
Probably not happening anytime soon, but it would be nice
New card in 15
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