Previous: >>88603123
Important poll, please answer.>Does /#/ Support or Oppose Halloween?
I love spooky hololive season bros
*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>>> sites>>>> sites>>>>>>>>
CC is not evil
A good thread is a good thread and a shit thread is a shit thread
>>88610772I support it for all the candy put on clearance the day after
3D devs gotta give them more to work with they're all shopping at the same costume store
>>88610716* YESTERDAY’S FINAL TALLY *>58,913: Mio (Hololive)>51,877: Miko (Hololive)>49,592: Shion (Hololive)>36,392: AZKi (Hololive)>30,983: Kanata (Hololive)>30,016: Suisei (Hololive)>26,077: Kronii (Hololive)>23,302: Calliope (Hololive)>22,556: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)>16,350: Nerissa (Hololive)>16,279: Sho (Nijisanji)>15,683: Koyori (Hololive)>15,678: IRyS (Hololive)>15,080: Mito (Nijisanji)>14,954: Yashiro (Nijisanji)>13,987: Fauna (Hololive)>12,295: Fuwa (Nijisanji)>12,080: Fubuki (Hololive)>11,630: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji)>11,615: Debi (Nijisanji)>11,315: Elizabeth (Hololive)>11,107: Ririka (Hololive)>11,008: Fuwamoco (Hololive)>10,878: Watame (Hololive)>10,369: Sasaki (Nijisanji)>10,348: Ruri (Nijisanji)>10,219: Laplus (Hololive)>10,142: Dooby (Indie)>10,072: Bijou (Hololive)
Yeah Fauna isn't even gonna beat Autofister with an unarchived karaoke. Pathetic
>>88610599Jesus they really didnt do 10k for a branch collab, where they botted as well?
I'm a contrarian and I fucking hate popular skeletons have gotten over the past decade.
Fauna is sickeningly cute.
Deadbeats rise up
>dollars>rice fields>rivers>celebrities>grass>frames>reservations>box games>box pushing>box building>deliveries>simultaneous connections>riggers>burning>under fire>throwing of coins>convex wait>boom>papa>mama>graduation>gentlemen's club>v-otaku>v-buta>v-an>v-shin
Fauna sure looks lewd today
Will GG actually manage to spend the full hour stalling in safe zones and making no progress?
>>88610860OCTOBER 2024 GOLD>1) 122,380: Ame (Hololive) Final stream [19]>2) 57,651: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [27]>3) 32,628: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [20]>4) 50,864: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [19]>5) 117,346: Fubuki (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [32]>6) 77,935: Marine (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ui-mama [31]>7) 85,290: Pekora (Hololive) PekoMari GAY stream [29]>8) 59,253: Pekora (Hololive) ShioPeko drinking + psyche test [23]>9) 66,875: Pekora (Hololive) Offcollab NoePeko [21]>10) 67,925: Luna (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [18]>11) 100,983: Pekora (Hololive) holomem personal items auction [15]>12) 69,958: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) New 3D [23]>13) 75,335: Mio (Hololive) Inside Marine's head [30]>14) 76,602: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day2 STREET FIGHTER 6 [17]>15) 41,279: Subaru (Hololive) SubaOka Fushigi no dungeon 2 [18]>16) 52,895: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Master Duel 2024 tournament [20]>17) 71,209: Pekora (Hololive) Gen3 SUPER MARIO PARTY [14]>18) 44,406: Kagami (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginner's Course [16]>19) 160,447: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) New 3D studio debut [23]>20) 98,883: Lui (Hololive) Hololive DTB Tournament >21) 45,811: Pekora (Hololive) Hololive OCG unboxing>22) 89,909: Miko (Hololive) Liar’s Bar w/FBK, Korone, Kanata>23) 51,441: Miko (Hololive) Liar’s Bar >24) 58,589: Okayu (Hololive) Mario Party w/Subaru, Mio, Towa>25) 69,474: Marine (Hololive) 3D karaoke w/Flare, Noel, Pekora >26) 73,347: Miko (Hololive) Miko 1st Sololive >27) 383,139: Sakuna (Indie) Debut>28) 58,481: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >29) 45,417: Subaru (Hololive) Liar’s bar >30) 79,353: Sakuna (Indie) maro stream >31) 58,913: Mio (Hololive) Liar’s bar w/Towa, Subaru, Okayu > PER COMPANY25x: Hololive4x: Nijisanji2x: Indie> PER STREAMER7x: Pekora5x: Miko2x: Nijisanji, Marine, Subaru, Sakuna, Mio1x: Ame, Fubuki, Luna, Kuzuha, Botan, Kagami, Lui, Okayu, AZKi
Her singing is pretty good
>>88610868Fanta feet...
>>88610897almost everyone who ever lived is a skeleton, anon
Fauna sure looks prewd today
I want to tug Fauna's wings...
>you know what the purpose isWhat the FUCK did CC mean by this
I'm going to rape a deadbeat
>CCWe don't like that whore here actually we only like Updatilia
God I want to see Fauna's pale slender feet...
>>88610934OCTOBER 2024 SILVER>1) 79,262: Korone (Hololive) Bday + Gyakutotsu + New outfit>2) 37,935: Ex Albio (Nijisanji) NIJISANJI Extreme Match / VALORANT>3) 28,681: Subaru (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>4) 45,788: Miko (Hololive) Holomem family tree + announcement>5) 42,849: Fuwa (Nijisanji) 1Mil sub gyakutotsu>6) 54,572: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>7) 44,511: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>8) 52,966: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>9) 53,633: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>10) 59,994: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>11) 63,267: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>12) 65,001: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator KanaPeko>13) 60,797: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day1 STREET FIGHTER 6>14) 50,007: Miko (Hololive) Fubumiko HP sponsorship>15) 33,167: Pekora (Hololive) Soccer Watchalong Japan vs Australia>16) 44,525: Ao (Hololive) Ikemen karuta w/ Marine, Miko, Suisei, Iroha>17) 29,060: Okayu (Hololive) Important Announcement>18) 42,653: Miko (Hololive) Kinki Spiritual Affairs Bureau>19) 69,751: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 draft w/Kanata, Ririka, and AZKi>20) 51,334: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Blazing Sails>21) 38,273: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >22) 37,767: Shigure Ui (Indie) 2 million Subscriber Endurance Stream>23) 39,402: Oriens (Nijisanji) New Merch Announcement>24) 40,907: Kanata (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >25) 52,851: Miko (Hololive) Pre Sololive Totsu >26) 32,652: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >27) 54,839: Kanata (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >28) 44,942: Polka (Hololive) Pico Park 2 w/Flare, Miko, Suise, Noel >29) 41,784: Pekora (Hololive) Monster Hunter Wilds Beta>30) 77,046: Miko (Hololive) Liar's Bar w/Ao, Watame, Fubuki >31) 51,877: Miko (Hololive) Liars Bar> PER COMPANY26x: Hololive4x: Nijisanji1x: Indie> PER STREAMER12x: Miko3x: Koyori2x: Kanata, Pekora 1x: Korone, Ex Albio, Subaru, Fuwa, Botan, Pekora, Ao, Okayu, Kuzuha, Ui, Oriens, Polka
>>88611066she's trying
Autofister only bled ~600 ccv to Fauna starting, I expected it to be bigger
Fauna is literally the perfect women what the fuck
Ok. Fauna will not get 10k. If Fauna gets 10k I will do my best to get my sister pregnant.
>>88611095OCTOBER 2024 BRONZE>1) 62,569: Sendo (VSPO) 3D reveal>2) 36,944: Pekora (Hololive) Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster>3) 28,354: Bae (Hololive) FULL METAL ALCHEMIST KARAOKE>4) 28,038: Beni (VSPO) VSPO GODFIELD>5) 32,375: Fubuki (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>6) 50,953: Pekora (Hololive) Offcollab PekoAzu cooking>7) 31,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant>8) 28,114: Hajime (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Noel>9) 28,798: Mumei (Hololive) PROMISE ANNIVERSARY COLLAB>10) 41,642: Pekora (Hololive) PeKoyo offcollab utawaku>11) 31,951: Fubuki (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>12) 34,964: Kanata (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator KanaPeko>13) 59,215: Miko (Hololive) Soul Calibur VI>14) 42,993: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant>15) 26,538: AZKi (Hololive) anisong utawaku>16) 34,677: Shellin (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Pirate King project 2024 explanation>17) 28,641: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) DRAGON BALL SPARKING ZERO>18) 41,999: Botan (Hololive) NARIBIKIMURA w/ Lamy>19) 33,751: Subaru (Hololive) Ohasuba Freetalk + 3.0 debut>20) 50,661: Miko (Hololive) Run Pizza Run>21) 35,751: Akari (Nijisanji)Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building >22) 25,911: Roco (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! >23) 35,943: Subaru (Hololive) holomen family tree>24) 39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji) Owarimaten >25) 28,858: Korone (Hololive) Liar’s Bar>26) 32,465: Kanata (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >27) 41,529: Miko (Hololive) Post Live Retrospective >28) 22,003: Mio (Hololive) Morning Mio >29) 35,670: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >30) 50,814: Saiki (Nijisanji) Halloween Karaoke >31) 49,592: Shion (Hololive) Liar’s Bar w/Pekora, Ayame, Chloe> PER COMPANY2x: VSPO21x: Hololive8x: Nijisanji> PER STREAMER3x: Pekora, Kuzuha, Miko2x: Fubuki, Subaru, Kanata, AZKi1x: Sendo, Bae, Beni, Hajime, Mumei, Shellin, Botan, Akari, Roco, Kagetsu, Korone, Mio, Saiki, Shion
Dark Souls has giant skeletons come on Fauna get back into it
>hard stuck sub 8kYikes
>>88611150Bro just do it stop making excuses
>Fauna says she wants to do the one chip challenge>Kronii’s response: “… go for it bro”
>>88611170dw she will ask perms and her manager will tell her that she can play few days before they expire again
>>88610716*YESTERDAY’S EN COPE TALLY OF THE DAY*>10/31 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)4.477: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast (2)3.245: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast3.144: Ike (Nijisanji) | Undertale2.867: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Halloween Collab w/ Rikiichi2.822: Mint (Indie) | Little Misfortune2.734: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream2.723: Dokibird (Indie) | Finding Frankie1.989: Luca (Nijisanji) | Finding Frankie1.882: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Factorio1.879: Bettel (Holostars) | Unarchived Halloween Karaoke1.807: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Fear & Hunger 21.738: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Violin Karaoke Stream1.723: Shu (Nijisanji) | Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly1.444: Uki (Nijisanji) | Phasmophobia Collab1.433: Rin | Halloween Stream1.370: Jelly (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Stream1.332: Elira (Nijisanji) | Phasmophobia Collab1.324: Wilson (Nijisanji) | Variety Games w/ Vantacrow1.281: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Phasmophobia Collab1.246: Rosemi (Nijisanji) | Silent Hill 21.213: Dizzy (Phase-Connect) | Fingered!1.167: Luca (Nijisanji) | Finding Frankie1.061: Lia (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Stream1.043: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Halloween Violin Karaoke
>>88611146>Botsanji out of nowhere
this is a good song
>>88611170perms hort and she can't be fucked to set them up.
>7k karaokeshitter
will post corrected tally next threadif not, read this again
>>88611249>EN COPE GOLDS FOR OCTOBER 20241) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.933 - Just Chatting2) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.231 - VHS: Anthology - No, I'm not a Human3) Pippa (Phase-Connect) - 3.051 - Night Delivery4) Mint (Indie) - 3.983 - The Bathhouse5) Shiori (Hololive) - 3.269 - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.991 - Just Drawing7) Doppio (Nijisanji) - 3.177 - Announcement Stream8) Rin - 4.712 - Announcement Stream9) Alban (Nijisanji) - 4.320 - Animal Crossing10) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.764 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab11) Calli (Hololive) - 4.785 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab12) Doppio (Nijisanji) - 4.810 - NijiVersus Fashion Dreamer13) Kiara (Hololive) - 3.497 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab14) Calli (Hololive) - 4.352 - 7 Days to Die HoloEN Collab15) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.508 - Resident Evil 4 Remake16) Bae (Hololive) - 4.539 - Voice Mimicry Show17) Bae (Hololive) - 3.960 - Just Chatting18) Mint (Indie) - 4.750 - Mario Party Jamboree w/ Geega, Limealicious, Matara19) Luca (Nijisanji) - 4.051 - Cooking Stream20) Kiara (Hololive) - 3.700 - Tribe Nine21) Mint (Indie) - 4.705 - Handcam Stream22) Dokibird (Indie) - 3.869 - Backyard Baseball '9723) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.291 - Mouthwashing24) Nerissa (Hololive) - 4.980 - "Interview With the Vampire" Watchalong w/ Advent25) Cecilia (Hololive) - 4.988 - holoEN Assetto Corsa Competizione26) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.897 - Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader27) Fulgur (Nijisanji) - 3.617 - Unarchived Karaoke Stream28) Mint (Indie) - 3.438 - Halloween Karaoke Relay 202429) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.906 - World of Horror30) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.655 - Squirrel with a Gun31) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.477 - Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast (2)>OCTOBER EN COPE GOLDS PER STREAMER6x: Shiori4x: Mint2x: Doppio, Calli, Bae, Kiara, Dokibird, Elizabeth1x: Shu, Pippa, Rin, Alban, Gigi, Luca, Nerissa, Cecilia, Fulgur
So is the monster out now?
>>88610881From the incline at the start potentially by about 3k yeah
>>88611290Autofister barely bled, which makes this pretty good box numbers.
>>88611333>OCTOBER EN COPE POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)213p: Shiori213p: Mint211p: Dokibird208p: Meloco204p: Luca203p: Shu203p: Alban201p: Bae200p: Doppio200p: Calli---------------------------------------16p: Elizabeth9p: FuwaMoco7p: Wilson6p: Raora5p: Fulgur4p: Bettel, Tenma, Sonny3p: Rin, Daisy, Uki, Airi, Vantacrow2p: Dizzy, Ike, Goldbullet, Maria, Jelly, Runie1p: Panko, Scarle, Shiina, Cersea, Shinri, Uruka, Victoria>POINTS PER STREAMER (Small agencies/indies) (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)57p: Mint45p: Dokibird7p: Rin, Nene6p: Cersea5p: Kanna3p: Daisy, Narin2p: Yena, Miori, Roca1p: Kou, REM, Lisa
Youtube is working for me today thank God. Nerissa's karaoke was unwatchable. Was Mori's live this morning giving people problems too?
Fauna is extra sovl today
>>88611402I don't know I don't watch homo cumrags
>>88611150Y-you just nvm
>>88611402are you on firefox?
>>88611125Fauna karaoke is not exactly a draw for tourists
Fauna said bullshit
OCTOBER 2024 HIGHLANDER>1) 122,380: Ame (Hololive) Final stream>2) 57,651: Miko (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>3) 32,628: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator>4) 28,038: Beni (VSPO) VSPO GODFIELD [B]>5) 117,346: Fubuki (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday>6) 77,935: Marine (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ui-mama>7) 31,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) Valorant [B]>8) 28,114: Hajime (Hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Noel [B]>9) 28,798: Mumei (Hololive) PROMISE ANNIVERSARY COLLAB [B]>10) 67,925: Luna (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday>11) 28,799: Alban (Nijisanji) 3D debut [4th]>12) 34,964: Kanata (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator [B]>13) 75,335: Mio (Hololive) Inside Marine's head>14) 76,602: Botan (Hololive) Shishiro Cup 2nd Day2 STREET FIGHTER 6>15) 41,279: Subaru (Hololive) SubaOka Fushigi no dungeon 2>16) 52,895: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Nijisanji Master Duel 2024 tournament>17) 29,060: Okayu (Hololive) Important Announcement [S]>18) 44,406: Kagami (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Beginner's Course>19) 69,751: Koyori (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 draft w/Kanata, Ririka, and AZKi [S]>20) 98,883: Lui (Hololive) Hololive DTB Tournament>21) 35,751: Akari (Nijisanji) Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building>22) 37,767: Shigure Ui (Indie) 2 million subscriber endurance stream>23) 39,402: Oriens (Nijisanji) new merch announcement>24) 39,812: Murakumo Kagetsu (Nijisanji) Owarimaten>25) 28,858: Korone (Hololive) Liar’s Bar>26) 25,554: Towa (Hololive) SF6: Tokyo Online Party 2024 Autumn 3on3>27) 383,139: Sakuna (Indie) Debut>28) 44,942: Polka (Hololive) Pico Park 2 w/Flare, Miko, Suise, Noel >29) 35,670: AZKi (Hololive) Hololive Koushien 2024 Power Pros >30) 50,814: Saiki (Nijisanji) Halloween Karaoke>31) 49,592: Shion (Hololive) Liar’s Bar w/Pekora, Ayame, Chloe> PER COMPANY20x: Hololive1x: VSPO8x: Nijisanji2x: Indie[S]=Silver[B]=Bronze[]* brackets indicate placement on tally [4th], [5th], [10th]...Blank is global GOLD
I can't watch Fauna now
>>88611507yes you can
The scientist at Nasa are currently working on Towa babies so strong that they will blow your socks off, white boy.
Faunas back looks pretty sexy right now
>>88611402mori had tons of buffering in NA and JP, i think EU was fine.
>>88611402Worked for me, but yes many had a problem
>>88610880IT'S TOWA
Fauna you granny
>>88611484Is there a problem with firefox? I was using Zen and the stream kept stuttering
>>88611443cool, but we're not talking about Botan
My heart went doki doki just then
>starts cuckpostingbrownfeet..
oh hey its the song about interracial sex
Pumpkins = her titsget it?
>>88611674few months ago after another round of google fuckery I had to change, firefox was unusable for me, stuttering even VODs with chat open
I, Kronii, epitomize the ZENITH of IMPECCABLE Perfection, mega kawaii SUPREMACY! Teehee~ A Time celestial PARAGON like, totally unrivaled in the WHOLE cosmos, an entity sculpted from the very ESSENCE of PERFECTION itself! From the celestial TAPESTRY of the Promised Universe, I emerge as the ultimate QUINTESSENCE of like, being perfect and stuff, my SOVEREIGNTY unchallenged, my eminence like, totally UNASSAILABLE, nya~! My transcendence transcends the paltry, like, LAME limitations of mortals, forged through like, super duper EONS of unyielding GANBARU EXERTION and stuff. In the like, super intense CRUCIBLE of combat, I am an INDOMITABLE, like, totally fierce kawaii colossus, my ki PULSATING as a super cute SYMPHONY of like, sheer MIGHT and stuff! Yet, beneath the facade of my stoic VISAGE, there's, like, totally an IRREFUTABLE kawaii truth: I am the super sugoi WARDEN of destiny, the ARCHITECT of Time itself! My like, totally AWESOME ASCENDANCY is like, sooo unquestionable, my SOVEREIGNTY, like, totally sugoi absolute! I stand as the APOTHEOSIS of like, super sugoi cute arrogance, a BEACON of, like, kawaii disdain amidst the frailty of like, lesser beings, for I Ouro Kuroni, and in my like, super duper cute WAKE, all shall totally kyunkyun TREMBLE, nya~!
>>88611402Mostly fine for me, but chat was full of guru-guru for every stream till 3-4 hours ago.
Which tally pisses off the most people?
>>88611746Those are clearly pumpkins
>open vt>a yellow raptor in my windowwhat does it mean?
I want to fondle fauna's pumpkins
>>88611754You little faggot, you're lucky I'm busy with Fish Tank. I'd fill this thread with Fauna otherwise.
buckshot roulette got patched with pvp multiplayer, who would make a good collab with it
>>88611888>Fish Tankcringe
Left the room to do laundry and came back to Fauna's breast envy acting up
Faunas being silly
>>88611787The actual twitch tally when the Korean vtubers were still there and mogging all of twitch used to piss people off a lot
Happy Halloween
>>88611888I got UUUUUUUU
>>88611888rip Luke bring my boy back
Women should not be allowed to imbibe in mind altering substances
>the shark
Fauna your hangers when you're bent over like that...
What triggered the homonigger now?
I hate myself for having such as strong preference for no swearing... I guess I still have fuwamoco
>>88611484Yeah it's not like a year ago when they were going hard on adblock but firefox/ublock is crashing streams
OCTOBER 2024 holoID>1) 4,513: Moona (hololiveSTAGE24 HYPE STREAM Vol.2)>2) 5,589: Ollie (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [3]>3) 9,967: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]>4) 9,654: Kaela (Fishing Planet ft. Timesmith)>5) 8,888: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator)>6) 5,169: Zeta (TCG Card Shop Simulator)>7) 5,565: Kobo (Panicore w/ holoh3roes)>8) 6,699: Anya (WATCHING HOLOGTA CLIPS WITH MOOMS!)>9) 4,673: Zeta (TCG Card Shop Simulator)>10) 8,077: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator)>11) 3,631: Kaela (Glyphica: Typing Survival)>12) 5,875: Risu (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]>13) 16,654: Ollie (3D Birthday LIVE) [2]>14) 5,516: Zeta (ZetaRiri OFFCOLLAB Clubhouse 51)>15) 4,634: Kobo (SILENT HILL 2)>16) 3,223: Kaela (Galaxy Burger)>17) 2,516: Zeta (Zetalk)>18) 4,990: Kaela (Don't Starve Together w/ Moona)>19) 6,127: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator) [2]>20) NONE>21) 5,010: Kaela (Dont Starve Together w/ Moona and Kronii)>22) 5,209: Kaela (Lethal Company w/HoloID minus Kobo) >23) 3,329: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC™ 25)>24) 5,061: Kaela (Don’t Starve Together)>25) 4,493: Kaela (The Strongest Tofu)>26) 3,269: Kaela (TCG Card Shop Simulator)>27) 6,564: Zeta (3.0 REVEAL SHOWCASE) >28) 2,449: Moona (Don't Starve Together) >29) 3,968: Anya (3.0 REVEAL SHOWCASE)>30) 5,708: Kobo (Gartic Phone w/HololID)>31) 5,871: Kaela (Jumpscare Scare Jump)> PER STREAMER15x: Kaela5x: Zeta3x: Kobo2x: Ollie, Moona, Anya1x: Risu, NONE*[brackets] indicate number of streams over 5k for the day. Omitted brackets means only 1**numbers taken from vrabi w/ filter off
>>88612093Are you 12?
Just like that we are back
I'm still surprised at how big Tame Impala got for a while.Just some autistic Australian making music alone in his ranch.
>mummy costume themed artis this some kind of trend?
10k dorya
>>88612093Yeah, I'm surprised at how many women are able to curse so freely
>>88612093The no swearing is best because of those little moments where it slips out
>mogs your entire branchnothing personal
Another mommy 10k
Another effortless 10k for the queen
>>8861219210k is like 5 Salomes these days
>>88612272My branch got 60k today shartie
>>88611150Post updates
>>88612189It's the preferd Halloween costume for art this year because of that Loser Heroine anime.And anon is posting only those from the Holoctober tag to celebrate finding out about it.
>>88612189Yeah from one of the seasonal animes apparently
>>88612298hello abdul
>>88612093You disingenuous little faggot.
Fauna is sex
CCGG almost didn't bleed... not bad
>scissor sisterswhy is fauna so white
>>88608295she wants to do 3D and Vtuber character consulting, streaming by herself is just a small part of that in fact I believe not-Ame wants to start her own company or group, pull a Riifu if you will she said something like that during her first burnout arc back when she actually talked about her issues "I should hire people to stream for me like yagoo" or something along those lines she can offer her expertise of innovative genius and a basic but very useful 3D studio now if she can get Gura to follow her + perhaps doki and mint we might have a serious competitor all of a sudden.
>>88612484go to bed SEAfag
>>88610772I hate it. And it wasn't even celebrated here but candy companies spent millions advertising so now kids expect candy from people.The worst of all is all the games/gacha games that have halloween events, by far the worst skin line always. Swimsuits are king, Maids, bunnygirls, cheerleaders, china dress, all amazing, but halloween skins are really lame
GG is going to make it
They really don't want Ironmouse and Vtubers in general to stay top of twitch charts huh. Clear favoritism.
>>88611150>>88612212Updates anon.
>>88612480I don't think Justice and Fauna/promise shared a lot of audience. ERB didn't bled a lot either.They have the own boxes
>>88612520>she can offer her expertise of innovative geniusPFFFF AHAHAHA good one
>>88612577He should've waited until next year and done it right on top of hers while also dointg it in a month where subs were cheaper to get more people to do it
>>88612520>she wants to do 3D and Vtuber character consultingwhat the fuck can she even consult about? her setup is scuffed and barely working. All her experiences are corpo related and I doubt she's well versed in how indie world out there works>she can offer her expertise of innovative genius and a basic but very useful 3D studio now if she can get Gura to follow her + perhaps doki and mint we might have a serious competitor all of a sudden.that's just delusional
>>88612145There's like 4 vtubers that don't swear and thousands that do. why are you bothered by someone having a preference for seiso vtubers?
>>88612606So much for the>b-but new gens will cannibalise existing viewerbase aaaieeeeBRING FORTH THE EN5
>bragging about 10k when Mint will get 40k
>>88612577It's just a way for twitch to make more money either way, and they really need it right now.
>>88612606>I don't think Justice and Fauna/promise shared a lot of audience.This is a full on lie as we've seen CC get completely consumed after Fauna starts
>>88612679>ennacuck annoucing it's botting
>>88612606you are wrong
>>88612647>that's just delusionalWelcome to the ex-corpo world. Featuring classic hits such as Vtuber Jesus and Hidden Gem.
>>88612520How long will that last though? she isn't exactly know for seeing things through and she doesn't have any ACTUAL expertise or knowledge. she hasn't improved at all compared to 2021 and still has tech hort and internet hort every stream.
>>88612647>what the fuck can she even consult about?She can recommend debuting males.
Did Fauna just try to put the broom between her boobs
>>88612720again and forever
>>88612695Right, I guess there's 14k diehard Gigitomos watching the Autofister collab right now then
>>88612520delusional enough that I can almost believe (You) are a real ligger and not a falseflagger
>collab hardstuck at 14k>Fauna has very visible flatline at 10k, before getting through and quickly gaining to 11k where she will be probably get stuck againNeal...
>>88612756no i know she wants to do itI'm just saying it's fucking retarded
NIJI 103 GOLDS DORYAAAAAAAAAAAAon the rollover tallyNONE is at 78x btwholo at 66x
Cecilia Immergreen, it is time to sneakily roll the timer back
Fauna kino
1 day without faunaseethe and homopostingennacuck challenge: impossible
>>88612520there are dozens of indies on twitch that can do the exact same shit she doesceci has been more of a la creatividad in a couple of months than ame was in years, and that's with less scuff.
>>88612933No fuck off Gigi is barely even scared anymore and this game is fucking boring
Anyone else here giving candy out to the kids and teens
Fauna la creatividad confirmed
>>88612756She just wants to be the ideas guy
>>88612982I hate the new gens' fans so much
>>88612961Hes obsessed with her
>>88612520EN curse isn't endearing when you are a consultant, does she understand that?
>>88612882>not half a chip
>>88612756Oh... she's like serious - serious, like don't get me wrong, she does have some experience, but I feel like she's heavily overestimating her how capabilities, not understanding that a lot of the ways in which she left an impact on Holo were because it was Holo specifically. It's less about what YOU bring to to table (you still need to bring something regardless) and more about how the fanbase is willing to receive and cooperate with it. I'm sure she will probably be very successful with it, since there's indies of there getting charged 10k+ for models and paying it like it was nothing, so the same people should be willing to pay thousands for a fomer holo to tell them how to be good (in this case it helps that people are always blinded by nostalgia, and will go under the impression that they're working with 2021-2020 Ame, and no the shadow she was by her graduation)
>>88612520Congrats on being dumber than Ennacuck
>>88612961He's multi thread drifting in global
Wait this game just looks like PT now
I am starting to think that horror "games" blow dick actually
Dino Homo did nothing wrong
>>88612756>foley artist>you bang objects or stomp around and record the noisethis is what she's bragging about?
>>88613159Ironmouse collab doko then
>>88613203Yea lmao she spent a couple of years banging on pots and pans to make cling clang noises for cartoons and people are acting like she was a fucking hollywood director
Luxiem 3view peak status:3 down, 1 to go
>>88613159Did this person say anything about Jurard's "they aren't who you think they are" comment?
>>88613203Nah fuck off dude. You can tell when Foley artists are fucking shit or not.
Fauna sounds so hot when she sings slightly deeper
>>88613222they're already collabed like 3 times
>>88611402It was horrific for everyone except eastern canada
>>88613203>>88613247so what have yall done besides fagging around here with the rest of us?
>>88613154Depends on the game. Visage just takes too long to get going.
>>88613286after the "she can take it" memgen when they postponed?
The two squeleton are female btw
>>88613203It might not be much, but is honest work
>>88613254People used to make fun of Finana or whoever for getting those kinds of numbers in 2022 and 2023.Luxiem has fallen incredibly far
>>88612520So she wants to be vtuber Jesus like Kekson? We all saw how that worked out. It's looking pretty grim.
>>88613329I have a real job
>>88613203a couple of them are good enough at it that you don't *quite* hear that it's some dude rubbing a balloon on his ass
>>88613159>memory holing hate marketting works
Shut the fuck up Nemu
>>88613347More like Vtuber John
>>88613159He literally bragged about drama baiting Iron lungs
Sorry Fauna, 11k is for grownups.
>>88613203she shouldve done some asmr if shes a good enough foley
>>88612520I give it one year before someone puts out a document about how she took their money and never got back to them
>>88613316yeah, I saw a 5ch screenshot where people were complaining about buffering too, so it looks like it hit just about everywhere at different times.
>>88613329I saved a 50 yo woman when i was 16
>>88613459She did a candle ASMR
Sorry fauna, 11k is only for women who are my wife
I wish Fauna would drain me of all my blood
The timer... it's over...
>>88612756>commissions a couple of vr chat maps>now markets herself as la creatividad consultant
Sorry Fauna 11k is only for girls with medium or smaller tits
Fauna sounds good...
>actually goodnew teacher is goated
Sorry Fauna, 11k is only for cute kirins with pumpkins for breasts.
>>88613159Stars fans can't even watch clips of the homos anymore...
>>88613267No but he's he's a liar
>>88613367So you work to make someone else rich, while being handed crumbs? Sounds nice. I hope things work out for your master.
Fauna has torpedo tits
>>88612520Yeah the woman who can't even multi stream correctly is going to be a great tech consultant, you know what liggas are actually retarded enough to pay for that
fwmc mogged
>7%Good job Gigi
>11k for Black Parade
>>88613428>>88613513>>88613538>>88613580everyone, thank you for your service
People have said that Fauna is a horrible singer, but she seems fine to me
>>88613529You might laugh at her, but literally no one else in Holo even considered that idea of doing it
>>88613593As opposed to foley artists, who famously own the entire movie industry
>>88613461what's more likely is some dumb shitter complain about the consultation bring a ripoff for not getting result because they're boring 2viewormale chuuba paying the consultation fee for a 1-on-1. Sexpesting never stops
>>88613673How long is this fucking game?
Holy grim karaoke numbers
>>88613742under the first teacher that lasted until puddle arc she basically made zero progress, last 8 months she actually improved
>>88613752KEK, honestly its not fair if you kill that anon like that, what can he even say back lmao
>>88613806Too long
>>88613329Banged your mom and made her do cling clang noises
>>88613748I have the feeling that Kson did try to transform vshojo in hololite
>>88613742She was. She still needs a lot of work, but she improved immensely compared to even last year. Divegrass /uuu/ matches are always a jumpscare for me because it uses her old karaoke.
What is the absolute worst horror game for GG to play solo with no crutches?
>>88613742she admitted she's tone deaf this very stream
fauna is really white
FWMC mogged
Fauna makes me happy
>>88613892first outlast
>>88613742>tune in>every single notes wrongogey then
>>88613899she doesn't know what that means
CCGG are the better FWMC
>>88613892The PT demo
>>88613892Martian Gothic
>>88613269True, but its still just slapping some pots on each other for 99% of them
>>88613742No one will ever be on the same tier as Noel
>>886138925nights or Outlast, probably 5nights as she doesn't need to move
>>88613861Does she even have any friends in Vshojo outside of Henye (who she was already friends with before either joined) every time I see anyone post about her collabs it's either a Holo RM or some fleshie
>hear a ring at the door>see thisWhat do you do?
>>88613995I thought about it but how would she play it? Can perms for it even exist?
>>88614034whip out my cock
>>88613902Thats why we love her
>>88614031Not really
>>88614091Where's Nerissa?
>>88614013Is your job hard anon?
>>88614059I dbout it. You can't even transfer that shit to a PS5. Konami wants it buried.
>>88614031Silverdale in the alternative reality were didn't leave
>>88614133you might, but we don't love her as much as SNOCCRyS
>>88614133too mentally ill to get on the team
Incoming ennacuck melty
Should be a juicy raid
It's time
>>88614133she's mid western
Wait lol I was actually buying all the posts about Fauna's singing improving, what is this lmaoooooo
>>88614275Is Britney bitch
>>88614229>too mentally ill to get on the team>too mentally ill>When goob gets the pass>WHEN MUMEI IS IN
efortless 17k
>>88614258The Japanese are honorary Aryans
16k DORYAAAAAAAAAAAMeowthcuck lostFaunaschizo lostMy gallon is lost
>>88614031>>88614199>Henye>SilverdaleNo such thing as these vtuber names NOW GET IN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
>17kGood but we might actually loose the gold to Mint since she has like 4 holo guests live
I love how impactful CC's raids are...
>>88614335Nerissa wants to kill herself and isnt afriad to say it on stream off stream, on her RMs acct, on other Chuubas replies. Its literally not on the same level, the other girls are fine on stream for the most part.
Won't be enough to beat Mint
>>88614413Wrong thread /nijien/ is down the road
>>88614350But only those of Jomon decent.
UUuh Fauna?
My cock on stream
Honestly there's a non-zero chance that Fauna raids into Mint anyway
>>88614414>Good but we might actually loose the gold to Mint since she has like 4 holo guestsYou know you can just admit what you're about to do considering no one in the 14 man collab is going to reach it
>>88614413Sorry i'm watching HoloBut I call a 25K ccv for her stream
Raids transfer are so ass lately. Fix your shit neal!
>>88614425That's only happening if she's botted. Which I assume that's why you posted this.
>>88614501>Honestly there's a non-zero chance that Fauna raids into Mint
>>88614501yeah anon, there is zero chanse
>>88614497Isn Jomon like from the same haplogroup as Africans
Vtubing history is about to be made...
>>88614589Wrong thread /nijien/ is down the road
>>88614413What about fauna is streaming dont you understand
>>88614501no way, Fauna's an unironic holo tribalist
>>88614501Would she even have raid perms, those wild raids only happen for Kiara (who's desperate for validation) and the holos who had to open raids for everyone because of youtube music week
10K DORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>88614621Yeah, 2nd amendment Fauna's debut
>>88614413Wrong tab shitposter-kun
It's boring when Mint gets serious
>>88614678Mint manually set hers to open to everyone so yeah she couldI doubt she will though
>>88614678Kiara was in the youtube music weekend. That's why its open to everyone you tard.
He's actually fucking doing it. How pathetic.
>>88614678At least try to keep the mask on
kill yourself ennacuck
>>88614413Correct tab fuck these tribal monkeys
>>88614208Straight up making up units now
>mintkeksit will be ennacuck and a few subhuman shitposters
Wait the Haunted investigation is not a HoloEN only event?Nice
>>88614914kill yourself ennacuck
>>88614934Jp and regloss will be there too
>>88614934Bunch of JPs in it for some reason
uh oh Fauna ex mention
Holos should sing some Korn songs
>>88614413has a shit ton of buff so should hit minimum 20k ccv if she isn't totally shit
I would be so flattered if Fauna killed me
>>88614923Mousys > KuzuhaShe's too strong for the Vtubing sphere
>>88614934Yeah. They wanted to include every branch in hololive and they did it
Fauna is so bad at singing it hurts
Holy shit faunas sounding amazing
>>88614501There's actually no other EN for a while so who knows she might
>>88614959>>88614962ID is here too>>88615018Based
Effortless 15k for Mint
>>88615080She's awful and not in a "haha s-soul" way
>>88614934Sadly regross and ollie are there.
>>88614006Fuck off, moldman, this shit barely works
if Fauna actually practices her belting she may be able to leave Abyss tier in singing
I guess they really are merging if we're getting raided this bad
Genuinely absurd how many people are refusing to care about getting banned and just going again and again
>ennacuck meltyuh oh
>all of these deleted posts lel
>>88615202it does look desperate
>Fauna 16kKiara...
>>88614501Half of the EN branch is literally gonna collab with her soon anyways. Who gives a shit now man, im all for unity. Give me Mint x Kiara, Give me Mint x Raora, give me Mint x ERB, give me Mint x GG, Give me Mint x Biboo and for sure give me Mint x Fauna fucking pls.
Of course we're being raided. Sudden influx of seething at hololive, begging, unrandomised filenames, the whole package
Holy shit this Mint stream is absolute kino
It's the lesbian song again
>>88615267kill yourself beggar
>>88615169Mariya ?
>>88615024>>88615072>>88615119>>88615161>>88615181Mentally stable
>>88615202Yeah, this is ridiculous.
Fauna would be better at singing if she didn't try to deepen her voice
>>88615234It's just janny working overtime. They aren't even getting warned
>>88615267not before gun x your mouth
>>88615319holy shit
holoEN lost again...
>>88615229the Time of the Indie is NOW!!!! If Gura leaves holo and actually starts streaming its literally fucking over for corpos in the western scene. God Pls Gura just fucking do it already.
>>88615202It's so limp and impotent, Hololive has already had a great night and it's only gonna go better from here. This seething is so silly, I'm not offended or demoralized, kek
>>88615202It's kinda obvious that the push they did for EN was to prove it was still good, but it somehow got worse
those negro really set up some shit bots just to raid the thread
>>88615372How would you know
>>88615202They know mint succeding makes them look like shit, she can go higher than their entire fucking branch
Is Chapel Roan, Girl in red but for Bi girls
>>88615438but im watching Fauna and she is at 15k?? There literally no one else capable to challenge Holo, there is no way........ was it a lie?
>>88615465Yeah, hololive only takes gold the other 350 days of the year. It's over.
Its exactly the same...
Damn Mint been cooking
Kiara prediction?
God I hate dykes
>>88615276Whats the thing with how files are named? I've seen people comment on this before. Whats the difference, what do certain file names and formats signify?
>>88615479nta but if they were getting banned or were evading the gay baby warning jail they would be eating the 15 minute captcha timer
>>88615523To put Mint's 3.0 reveal into perspective, Fauna's latest outfit reveal got 47k CCV.
>>88615545what? booo
>>88615523There are atleast 3 holos showing up at Mintos stream, shes basically hololite
>>88615521Its a lesbo anthem right now
>>88615569SEA moment
>CC is better than Fauna at singing and she hasn't even taken any lessons yetHow...
>>88615582wait, I thought she was getting a 3D model. Im retarded
>>88615582>already deflectingNIJISEETHE, how did the branch collab do the other day retard
is the filepng guy a bot? I swear he's here more than ennacuck
>>88615545>>88615106>>88615229>filenamekek everytime
1st time watching mint and she pretty funny Nijisanji En had a good intital roster but fumbled due cliques.
>>88615608Good for them
I can't stop staring at the nipple ornaments on fauna chest.
Lets see how long he can afford the bots
>Fauna overlapping Mintwow they hate each other
>>88615593The only Hololite EN I now is Milkyqueen
>>88615579But warnings don't give any kind of slowdown, do they?
>>88615640IRyS hasn't taken any singing lessons. Some people are just naturally good.
>>88615505>oct 25Bae's live? I mean he aint wrong, Gura been invisible for over a month at this rate and the only place she came out to is some rerecorded Live. 1.Didnt do a anni stream2.Skipped out on branch event x23. Went back on her word and didnt join Mikos GTA Rp like she said before4. Got scrapped from a event5. Got scrapped from the Roblox thing and only Mori is left. like shitposting aside, im worried as fuck where or what Goob is doing or feeling.
How do you think it makes mint feel that after this stream she will fall back to 2-3k viewers and many of the people watching right now will never see a stream of hers again?
>>88615577No ones going to tell you how to falseflag better.
>>88615569We know you hate Hololive, no need to spell it out
>>88615640Fauna is unironically just really bad, CC isn't trained at all but she has a nice enough voice for certain songs
>>88615660that's not what he said? what are you, illiterate?
>>88615670It's lit just a screenshot copy paste name.
>>88615670What does it mean?
You brag and shit the thread yet you get BTFO by a fucking retarded Korean girl eating a chip. sit down a second.
>>88615668File dot png is just the standard copy-paste default
>>88615620I think beggar need to watch this guy instead of crying under Helmir tweet
>>88615746you can be blocked from posting for (x) amount of time without getting banned
why numbers aren't as high as dooby or doki debut
>>88610772we don't celebrate halloween but, we do celebrateAll Soul's Day the day after tomorrow tho
>>88615660>26x: Hololive
>>88615750she sees from youtube studio the 10k+ bots anyway
Boy ennacuck is seething his ass off today, even trying to hype up an indie shitter again. Is it just over the Niji branch getting melted down?
>>88615660You are goddamn insane.
>>88615747CC isnt good anon, being better than Fauna should be a baseline
>>88615620but i thought the homos were so good and they were just unpopular because of cover...
>>88615750Fine, I assumeSame as how Fauna will get 50k for events but never get that for a normal Minecraft stream
Fauna is capturing young maidens...
>>88615569Why? They make good vtubers, and write good murder mysteries
>>88615640>she hasn't even taken any lessons yetShe talked about starting lessons like two weeks ago
>>88615582they know
might not be botscould just be spamming using pecker or zecker
>>88615521I laughed a lot when I saw Chapel Roan and her fans complaining about parasocial creeps who expected her to show up for paid concerts. Very familiar behavior.
>>88615843vstats has longer intervals in the parsing, usually all the peaks come from vrabi
>>88615815The power of the holobox, having friends in hololive pays off
>>88615893She had had one introductory lesson at the time of her latest karaoke this weekend
>>88615748>im worried as fuck where or what Goob is doing or feelingNo you're not, you are just a falseflaggerGura bait is literally years old at this point don't even attempt to concernfag
>>88611598EU was not fine
>>88615836>todayennacuck already try this with Doki, Mint and Dooby
>>88615931you never watch Gura so you dont give a shit? aight faggot dont respond if you feel nothing to begin with anyways.
>>88615624You know that sea is ok with fags right, indonesia and flips have had trannies longer than the west has>>88615773I love hololive, I hate twittards like you who spam her chat with the fag flag and ship her with straight women
>>88615796BTFO by TWO (2) retarded Korean girl
>>88615884It didn't even break 100K? HOLY FLOP.
What's going on in here?
>>88615884At least it isn't Concord levels of grim.
>>88615577some devices have recognizable automatic naming conventionsraiders and paranoiacs randomize their file names to conceal what they're doingchad anons give their files names that make sense so they can find them again later
>>88615981underwhelming, let's cope she gets to 25k
>>88615981Be less obvious
>>88615983>"thank you for everything"....ugh
>>88616028wtf i love giant monster tits now?
This is the first time I have been in the thread all week and it's exactly like when I left. I'm good for nothing NEET, but this is pathetic even to me.
>>88616098idolkek what are you posting...
>>88616037its gura seethe hours again
>>88616015You're a falseflagger >>82112118
>>88615983okay this is extremely graduating coded though...
>>88613159>27 minutes>0 retweets 0 likes>2viewYou either follow this person or are this person
How do double perms work?Has to be on karafun and what, approved by the artist/record label?
So he got the hat kind right?
>>88615750The funny thing is only 200 of them bought her last 'concert' tickets, that makes you think. Btw, how is going the current one near hololive SOAR?
>>88616263We'll see soon.
>no group collab this yearwhat went wrong?
Don't care bring your guests already minto
>>88616263Nah it looks natty so far
>>88616223>>88616136>extremely graduating codedAre you mentally disabled? Its extremly graduated coded because ame was graduatingI swear to god some "people"
I want to mash my monster into Fauna if you catch my drift
>>88616323it got delayed to next month.
>>88615750She already called out bots once, she knows.
>>88616330please nijinig
>>88616263Wasn't her waiting room over 7k?Could just be natty, unironically. It's not like the 30-40k crazy bullshit or anything, and she did bait with Holos, so that is a buff.
>>88616323 again threadshitter
>>88616323had to get a 2nd job to afford a PS5 I'm afraid, no time
19K DORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>88616098Uoh tiny junaur
>>88616098>>88615577It's a newfriend confused be kind
>>88616225He's under one of the "I love Hololive; I hate Holostar" quoted tweet
>>88616212?? literally have no clue what you are trying to say schizo
>>88616396That's literally a duet with him and the spicc faggot???
>>88616378>NijinigKeep seething sister, you shitty branch cant even do 10k anymore
>>88613748Yeah because they had actual real 3d. EN did it because they had 0 access to the actual studio and basically all of them after the Halloween except the aquarium were forgettable because they were just wander aimlessly around for an hour and a half
>>88616323Either>No funds anymore due to dumb and dumber killing the branchor>Hate marketing
>>88615577The mintbeggar uses it exclusively, and it's easy to tie him to holoan posts
>>88616396anon this is a duet cover with hakka
>lost to a chipmint....
>>88616449it hurt your soul having to type that uh baba?
>>88616098>electric guraImagine the prostate stimulation...
>>88616449what did he mean by this
>>88616469>exclusivelyNo? I post file dot png all the time, it's just pasting a snipper tool screenshot into my quick reply box.
>>88616225it's a invisible war thread
>>88616503>Leave Niji>Become more popularIts that simple, get ready to learn japanese buddy
>>88616443sure thing buddy
>>88616323It's a combination of no cash, his plan on not having repeat guests and no file responding
>>88616098I see. I think having them be random would be weird and hard to find.
>>88616447>>88616470holy cope
>>88616323Ina visa issue
Fauna please show your feet
>>88616396anon that's just romeo and cinderella and he's doing that one by himself
>>88616561please baba stop don't betray your "family" like this
Fauna is a foot slut..
Man I love Mint
>>88616526NijiEN doko?
>>88616578retardchama what are you attempting here everybody can see the teaser and people already find the song
I love Fauna
Fauna's overlap cucked Mint out of 20k
Bald minto
>>88616668>ESL shitter
This has to be one of the best model reveal streams ever
>>88616578Go back to /mans/ no one care about your sexpest
Of course the faggot who desperately tries to force his /pol/shit is here too
>>88616704did the fag that draw that did the same spergout against cover also on x or xes scared to lose follows?
>>88616736Explain why in detail
mint just fucking died
>>88616704Isn't this the faggot who was shitting on Cover and saying he didn't respect them anymore?
I mean even if Axel cant get EN girls anymore he shown up to JPs group songs so he probably got JPs anyways.
>>88616802I don't care his art makes my dick hard
A win for mint is a win for shiori
Effortless 20k DORYAAAAA
>>88616834Based, fuck cover, we love hololive here
>>88616814One kino la creatividad segment after another
>>88616834can you honestly say that YOU respect Cover
>>88615808Sheepfucker gets higher "ccv" from the homobeggars than notfagni, let that sink in.
>>88616890AI will replace your sorry ass soon enough faggot
HOLOLIVE MOGGED>>88616865unironically dont think SHiori can get 20k for a costume anymore.
>>88616851Isn't this kinda grim? Is it even going to get cripple gold for today despite all the twitter hyper and holobegging?
What did Mori's 3.0 get CCV wise?
>Niji 3D 13k>Minto 3.0 reveal 21kIts boring when its THIS easy to humilliate them
Dooby is bring the second impact, Mint, Doki and her will dominate the EN tally for the foreseeable future
>>88616917Fair enough, happy for you guys
>>88616943Who know, Shiori is the aesthetic chuuba
>>88616965Alright so going by the timeline the next update should be the first round of JP homosI'm hyped
>>88616834You an IRyStocrat? Because IRyS probably one of the ones who has suffered the most thanks to covers incompetence. Sure the guy is a dramafaggot but cant say i love Cover, i love IRyS
>>886169422 more weeks faggot
>>88616965>>88616979November 15 release
A win for Mint is a win for Raora, ERB, Nerissa and Kiara
>>88616979>poe2 nov 15 launch delayedsus
>>88616851The hololive buff is real
>>88616965>>88616979That mother fucker really just said>sorry guys something important came up in life thank you for being patientJust to drop this
she looks like she's about 15 years younger
kek it looks like some vshitshow model
Wtf she looks like she's 12!!!
>>88616965>>88616979TWO MORE WEEKS HOLOKEKS
the new model looks good, looks soft and fluffy, also elf ears
She looks so good holy shit
>>88616859i wonder how much of that is managment mandated, cuz i dont fucking understand how Lui would think that having homos would help her career
>It's fucking Gura
she looks fat, gross
>>88617034uh oh melty
>>88617128>elf earsMaaaan
that's a gorgeous model, wow. nice rigging too.
>>88617128iron lung forma de ex niji
>Mint is cunny now
>Mint's new design is just to be a childOkay based actually
An elf????
Bad numberfagging to go instantly to the head, could have probably milked a few extra k if she did the slow drop with the feet first
>>88616965Flare is a Sans ref?
>>88617149Lui only cares about being viewed as a singing Chuuba
>Minto 2.0 was a fraudKino
why the fuck is faufau overlapping mint's debutwhat a bitch
>it's not fucking dropping hard after face reveal?
>>88616996Bait used to be believable
>smaller titsruined
Ah, Fauna's singing this song
>>88617281You know why
>>88616834What did they say exactly? I can't say I'm full of respect for Cover either. They're not malicious, but their retardation makes the holomem's lives more difficult more often than it should.
>sisters raidgrim
>>88617272>loves her fans more than leech fantomeBASED BASED BASED BASED BASED
>>88617128She look like a Loli
>>88617281personally I'm waiting for the guests
>>88617317Nigga do you not know wicked
>>88617251Flare has killed sans 1000x for fun
>mfw nijiEN gets merged
>>88617340Please be patient to them, their last branch project couldnt even crack 10k
>>88617128wait she turned into a child?
>>88617128too moe, prefered the previous one, should have just updated the rigging
>>88617329dramabaiting with the rigger revision thingy
This is still one of Fauna's best songs
it's already dropping before 20kmaybe it will peak when the holos come on
I don't like the new model
>>88617389I'm not black or gay.I know Wicked, but never watched it.
>>88615267settle down pomucuck
>all the shitposting about how Mint was gonna join Vshojo, try Hololive, do this, do that, etc etc because of her posting about having a big change upcoming>turns out it was just that she hated looking like an adult woman and wanted to be a cuter childish girl with softer featuresShe's such a fucking woman fucking Christ
Props to mint for getting a new mama and not just copying doki who cant leave the past behind
>>88617281She has the karaoke teased so theres a reason for the more touristy types to stay vs most reveals where its essentially over at this point.Its dropping a bit but not falling off a cliff as a result
Why are her hands like that?
>>88617554This but Aqua roru
>>88617554based, fuck doookie
Her rigging's so good too, I'm glad she isn't stuck with the shitty 2020 corpo rigging
>>88616962CHU CHU MTFK
So she's just cunny now?
>ice cold ghost handjob with painted nailsI'm gonna cum
>>88617554wasn't she close with her artist? wonder why she didn't go back.
>>88617393Based this piece of shit deserve nothing but death
>>88617613Girls fucking love long sleeves man
So is there anything that can realistically steal cripple gold from Mint?
>>88617662No. She can't say or imply that without starting drama with her fanbase
>mint lolified herselfI unironically hate it, this shit doesn't fit her voice.
>>88617612That sounds like cope because we've seen when girls do extra and it either goes up, flatlines, or continues to decline
>>88617509Kinda.It's too different and has that grossly, exaggerated bounce Twitchies keep getting.Face is nice though, will be easy to get used to.>>88617613Full body proportions are very off though.
just as an aside from the retardation going on right nowwhat do you guys think of the rigging itself?personally I hate it when its so jiggly like this, it reminds me of interpolated 60fps anime scenes
>>88617718Not now ennacuck
>>88617128>cunny modelwtf I love mint now
>>88617613im subscribing because of the loli-fication
>>88617554I would have been cool with a model from her Niji illustrator since I really loved the Pomu model but Ayamy is cool too. Maybe she can get an alt outfit from him.
>>88617694Probably her AI shit
>>88617613not bad ig
new reaction image just dropped
>>88617749too much jiggle for no reason but face rigging is very good
Are major corpos the only places where the majority of the designs lean towards sexy lady instead of cute child?
Why does the Mint CCV graph look wavy?
>>88617732You mean the girl who, first tweet after leaving Niji, was gushing over Blue Archive cunny?
>>88617745*goes back up
>>88617063You're noticing too much anon
>>88617732i would respect her if she tried, and im not even a lolicon myself
>>88617826I only save holo images
>>88617749Little bit more bouncy than I'd prefer but some people like that.
>eehhhh? maji?
>>88617749Face tracking is good. Kinda bouncy, but not TOO bad to me.
>>88617748>>88617749kek, back to back.The face rigging is great though.
>>88617749The majority of people here are not watching. If you want a real opinion, post the link to the rig when it gets uploaded on Twitter
>>88617840Usually if someone says this he posts a graph and since no one is actually posting graphs imma say its all Natty. 20k for Mint, feels good.
does she sound different?
>>88617694Iirc her last pomu arts including graduation one from that artist apparently used AI as a base which is a red light since it means their getting lazy even on official corpo stuff for big occasions. Not the kind of person you want as your mama going forwards.Meanwhile shes actual friends with this one.
>>88617613That's a tall loli.
>>88617128>>88617194>>88617238Holy shit mint is joining idol?
>>88617836Twitch vtubers pretty much all have balloon tits
>>88617749looks fine but it has that indie jello movement that might filter some, it doesn't bother me though
>>88616965>>88616979Two more weeks is finally here?!
>>88617840you know why
this is the first time i heard the full version of this song outside of edits
>>88618019>do you know minto?
Fauna is beat off the deadbeats
God I love Mint so much
>>88617063That shit had a launch date?
>>88617949They changed the actress with the artist change
>>88617063you know too much anon
are we being railed
>>88617874sure anon
>>88618137Stuck in 2020
>>88618090this is so blatant lmao
>>88618137She reminds me of Watame here
>>88616979>2 5 member gens>9 charactersMake it make sense
Is Fauna gonna keep going until the Halloween collab starts?
can i please get some numbers?
>>88618137Nijis don't either, nor VSPO, it's just not the stylistic meta that Japanese corpos do.
>>88618160It's been a while since I remember it being this bad, something has them riled up
>>88618208Mint gold
>>88617462Ugh. Cover did fuck up with incompetence there and it's fair to criticize them for that, but I'm guessing you mean the guy was blowing it out of proportion nijinig style
>>88618183>there's no holo streamBe less obvious
>>88618137We already know.Because they give riggers a fix time frame to work on rigging and revisions and still ask for revisions after, because they get sub-par work.
After watching this new minto model, I kinda wish Rica had Ayame sensei as her new model mama but she's cute too.
>>88618160yeah for last 2 years
>>88616979>still missing gen 5,6, ReGloss, Advent, Justiceat the rate he's going justice will be in 2026 maybe.
>>88618241Yes he was being overdramatic and saying he didn't think he could support Cover anymore.
i shall masturbate to mint later
>>88618241>Not paying artists to fix shit they fucked up in the first place>Cover fucked up???
>>88616965>>886169792 MORE WEEKS
>>88618137Because Holos are a product with a fixed amount of resources going towards thiem.
>>88618292Who did Rica get?
>>88618244bro has selective reading
>>88618308Next update will be Advent and Justice
>>88618308How many new gens by then?
>>88618292Towa + Sakamata
>>88618195>The missing Green
>>88618354No, no, not that. The bit where they were 18 months late for payments for work that WAS completed and accepted.
>>886182086, 8 and 13
Can we go back to seething about the Holostars again?
>>88618436>unrandomized filename>begging
>>88618354ligger you are supposed to keep the raid going not make a fool of yourself
they really gonna pretend the over the top bubbly copy pasted shit rig every fucking indie get is "good"
>>88618354Brother that's definitely a fuckupYou can say "based" to it but it's generally good to have a good relationship with artists, Cover's strong suit is its gentle business relations with people and they had to overcorrect to fix that this time
>>88618308It honestly depends if the updates come with a microgame in the update.
>>88618495It's the only thing they have, that and "creative freedom"
long-hair minto sex
>>886182082 9,9L,6, 7, 2 45, 1,
Is Rica forever blacklisted from being able to collab with holos?
>>88618559Eh, same difference honestly
Mint is a loli now? nice
>>88618535a lot of people who have worked with Nikki have said the same.
>>88618524Who the fuck is Kithera
>>88618609On their Holo characters yes
>>88618573The government said it happened. Cover said it happened. What the fuck are you talking about?
>>88618609Probably, anyone terminated should be black listed if it was me
>>88617389I read the book. All I know about the musical is from songs that Holo girls have sung. I got like halfway through the sequel book to wicked but there's a random gay sex scene in the middle that kind of ruined the rest of the story.
>>88618367problem is that better 3D or better rigging doesn't actually generate more money so there's no reason to invest in it. Their goal is to do just barely enough to keep the girls mostly happy.
>>88618609Your question implies that there's ex holos who are collabing with current ones on their holo characters
>>88618238>>88618463>>88618595Brothers I cannot get jiggy with this. I need some of those pretty graphs to go with the numbers
>>88617128>>88617238retards her ears were like that since the start
>>88618436>Missing That green has been in Hololive for years
>>88618686Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?
Oh she climbed back to 15k
>>88618609>Ricaevery ex Holos
It's funny that nijis rigging is way worse than hololive's but they dont ever get shit on because no one watches niji anymore.
>>88618733 >you can only like Holo!!!Kys retard
>>88618482...are you actually stupid?Can you at least follow a simple thread?
>>88618709Gay girls or gay dudes?
>>88618759small bit of mint funnel
>>88618609>more beggingYou never watched her before
Yeah Fauna's definitely bottom three on the singer list
>>88618686That was for ongoing revision work you retardWhy do you think they only had a grand total of 5k to pay up? are you well in your head?
>>88618666just looked her up she did an Idol vtuber model
>>88617826more like avatarfagging for falseflags
>>88618859no use arguing with a ligger
Mint forcing 1000 revisions onto artists
>>88618895Oh this abomination again
>>88618841bottom 1 easily
>fauna is being really cute right now>most of you faggots would rather watch nijiEN’s cum sockImagine being this gay.
Confirmed, Mint's new mama is Ayamy
>>88618841She doesn't know how to sing this song. Her dumbass doesn't realize she's not supposed to use her chest voice for this. It's head voice.
>Fauna bled more to Mint than CCGG bled to FaunaWhat does this mean
>>88618927Surely she paid a separate invoice for each of those revisions and didn't get any of them for free right?