Who had the best halloween stream?
who's the first one?
>>88628555shrek's child
>>88628398watch the streams at least. they haven't even ended yet. jesus... dramafags...
>>88628398The second one only because the mongoloid retard from numbers botted it just to beat Fauna and Fauna raided into her anyway making him waste money once again.
>>88629916Do you understand the concept of people making threads, you fucking newfaggot? Lurk 50 years.
>>88630505No?It looks pretty natural. Especially since after fauna raided, more holos started singing
>>88630505>>88632254>/#/fagging about unrelated bots here.Back to your post faggots.
>>88628398Mint definitely had the best one but the shitpost deserves an honorable mention, holy shit can’t beieve she did it all the way, no remorse.
Did Mint say why did she chose the knife ears? Everything is good except this mistake