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So they added Coco, didn't remove Aqua and Mel but somehow they didn't add Rushia to Holocure?
Where's the consistency? And regardless of what you think about Mike, she has been a part of Hololive for years. You can't just act like she didn't contribute to Hololive as a whole.
Nah fuck that whore. She single-handedly ruined unicorn image for some alien boy's dick
Aqua and Coco both had graduations and it's safe to say Cover has no issues with them, Mel and Rushia are a different matter... Mel was already in the game long ago, no reason to remove her, and Rushia well yeah, not happening, no one wants that.
cry about it
She would find something wrong with her portrayal, and sue. It's too risky.
mfmf is a girl.
Mel didn't do anything out of deliberate malice, IIRC she got fucked over by someone she trusted. She didn't menhera out either. That's a completely different ballpark than Rushia.
Mel was already in the game. She was terminated under the least unfavorable circumstances possible and people still like her.
Rushia was not yet in the game. She was terminated under hostile circumstances and there are a lot of negative feelings about her.
Don't know why you even brought up Aqua since she graduated, Sana's still in the game too.
it's a fan game he can do what he wants
>This idol is 100% belong to me! She's not allowed to get her own happiness!
You don't know what happened nor did you ever watch Mel.
>She single-handedly ruined unicorn image
She didn't have to try too hard for that.
I watched Mel and she is one of the sweetest amd least controversial members in Hololive

She did not cause any drama for others and her only crime was ultimately venting to wrong friend, according to her own words. No one but Rushia treated dramatuber Korekore as a friend and a go-to person for "drama damage control"
It's not inconsistent to treat a different situation differently, and Rushia's situation is definitely different from the others.
The options were "add Rushia to the game" and "don't add Rushia to the game."
There was no good option. Kay went with the less bad option.
Graduated on mutually amicable terms, was given a big happy send off by YAGOO
Terminated on hostile terms for malicious breach of contract, and has since been very vocally opposed to Hololive threatening lawsuits
Terminated due to her stupidity, her leaking wasn't malicious like Rushia's was. She realized what she did was wrong and accepted responsibility without slandering Cover.
Graduated on mutually amicable terms.
Also Mel and Aqua were already in the game, but even if they weren't Aqua 100% would have been added, and Mel... probably 75% would have been added, depending on the exact timing.
nobody cares, make an onlyfans already.
And it gets worse (for her) - she nuked her own Hololive career in order to keep the fact of her marriage hidden from her fans, only to divorce Mafu a few months later anyway, and then the fact that they had been married and subsequently divorced wound up becoming public knowledge because of the lawsuits she filed.

She threw away everything for GFE.
>There was no good option.
But you just listed one. "don't add Rushia to the game."
....you're not wholly wrong.
I hate it, too, but you're not going to get sympathy from anons.
Yeah, Mel leaving was necessary purely from a legal perspective, you can't allow undesired precedents in a company otherwise it'll bite you in the ass, I'm tempted to say that she's still on good terms on a personal level at least.

Rushia though... Yeah, I doubt anyone wants to be close to her, like at all, she's didn't get the menhera queen title for nothing.
I want to daily impregnate Rushia
this game looks really boring I usually skip the streams
>no one wants that
I want it.
Rushia deserved better
No one wants to associate with that menhera prime
You have to pay for the Russian Invasion expansion
The consistency is Mel, Aqua and Coco didn't go full retard and cause their reputations to go to complete shit. Willing to bet if Mel wasn't already in the game that she'd still be added in.
She deserves to be in the same place as the pink tranny that one brownfeet is shilling for
Yeah, wouldn't it be hilarious to have one of her skills to be a wedding ring or something
I dislike the idea of having less characters to play but at the same time with the long development of this update you can give some slack to Kay for cutting corners.
Mafumafu is a horrible glimpse into herbivore men, this twink just let Michael cat walk all over him
>Carnivorous Futanari girl vs Herbivorous Trap

Damg Rushia took this away from us with her menhera stupidity
you say that as if mafumafu isn't just male rushia. both of them are legit horrible dogshit people.
I will impregnate Mikeneko
Whores who cucks their audience don't deserve anything
Horrible people deserve nothing
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Shut up, bitch
And his dicked failed to satify her, he became miserable. Then cheating happened
He got really pissy about people modding Pippa into it out of fear that Cover would have a melty.
The order to kill Mel came from management alone. Foob cried cuz she couldn't stop them.
At this rate they will add brothel management in the game before GTA 6 came out.
thread theme
Why did Rushia attack Gurame?
Did the new version get released?
When are they adding Civia and Spade Echo?
Very valid reason
that's cool
Based of him.
the percentage of players who would want this is much smaller than the percentage of players who would be put off by it
Keep in mind that HoloCure is explicitly *not* part of the HoloIndie program precisely so Kay Yu is free to do whatever the hell he wants with it- there's probably a line he could cross with it where they'd become uncomfortable about letting the girls stream it, but I'm not sure if Rushia is over that line.
Would you be put off by it? I would imagine most people would be indifferent.
Is it possible Rushia could still be added as a final last patch before the game becomes abandonware years from now? I get not having her right now if it makes those who want to stream it feel uncomfortable if she shows up but when he is done with the game for good and moving on and it’s choice for streaming content is on the wane then maybe finally she could be added to make the game whole and complete? I just want to one day play as my little green necromancer who pulled me into the rabbithole all those years ago.
Shes suffered enough, leave her alone
But that's every vtuber
>strong logical reasoning
>also nukes beggars
The holomen would be put off, no one even says her name out loud anymore.
Yeah suck my dick faggot
Fandead family, if you actually cared about her you'd never show your shit on this board again and go support her in her streams
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You have to buy the DLC to get RUshia because she is super famous bros
I bet Mel still would have been added if she weren't already. I doubt "being terminated" is his criterion for leaving out Rushia, but the circumstances of her termination is.
Better pray for some modder add her.
That would be if the devs even remember her at all by the time the game becomes abandonware. Right now her name is only in the public consciousness because of the trouble she gets into.
I understand why but I still think he's a bitch
Yes, they decided to hate Rushia for her betrayal.
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I'd like her to be added just for completion sake and it'd be kinda funny to see her actually try to stream a Hololive game.
if rushia didnn't make it in the social order squad ain't, even the ones who did nothing
the game is a passion project, and the main dev probably enjoys whatever business relations he holds with Cover.
modders will make it happen. wont be the same quality as kay yu but it's better than nothing.
I remember when this board thought Rushia did nothing wrong lmao
I can’t wholeheartedly trust any holo anymore after the incident if even the gfe chuuba herself is a lying whore
Coco had a proper graduation and left with a good image.
Aqua was already in the game, and also graduated with a good image.
Mel got terminated but was already in the game and still had a good image even with the termination
Rushia made a fucking mess when she graduated which left her with a terrible image
too bad he hasn't killed himself
They both got fired for the same thing, leaking information to people outside the company. Leaving Rushia out is a cowardly move and the reasoning is full of revisionism. Pekora and Marine both said in the days after Rushia got fired that they were still allowed to mention her and that the company wouldn't pretend she never existed. Now Hololive "fans" themselves are trying to unperson her and wipe her from history.
Mel admitted her mistakes and never went against Cover afterwards. The green necromancer, on the other hand...
Rushia love, but I get it. Aqua and Coco graduated honorably, unlike Rushia, and removing a character is different from just not adding one. Including her could have caused trouble between Kay Yu and Cover, and made things awkward for Holos streaming the game.
Still, I wanted to believe...
That's it, I'm not playing Holocure anymore. First the game is more and more repetitive, too easy with always the same objects combo, now this. I won't play the corporate-approved slop. Thing was funny when it was new.
Holo enemy Michael Cat.
Mii-chan, Imma otw home, see you soon
that would be the equivalent of niji adding selen
>married to mfmf
>had the audacity to release a wedding ring merch to the fans to mock them
>ruined unicorn image
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Dear lord, have some mercy on the child you'd bring into this world. There is no way she would not be a toxic mother.
Simple, because mikecat is a lolcow now.
Look, i like rushia and her kamikaze dive in front of watamates in minecraft is still make me laugh. But still, all these yabs from mikecat sour that memory.
The same happen with kay yu.
I believe he want to add rushi, heck he probably have her sprite and movesets ready. But again mikeneko yabs would just ruin the experience for fans.
Especially, for 3rd gen.
You really think flare and noel would play the game if rushia is there?
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to this day, we still don't know the full picture why mel got canned
Probably, she unintentionally shared some private info about talents or company.
And it's probably not her first time she's done that. So, seeing she's just that stupid, they have to let her go.
Then again they should've just let her graduate, but they can't because of nda.
that's how I feel about it
I'd like to have Aloe in it too(yeah yeah I know there's not enough material for her)
Private project. Creator didn't want her. Don't like it? Make your own game.
Rushia shouldn't have been an idiot then.
By circumstances, I mean that Rushia is a bitch that doxxed her coworkers.
He got pissy because someone was using a leaked build to mod pippa in.
>Mel was already in the game long ago, no reason to remove her
And nobody hates Mel. She made a mistake and paid for it, but nobody really thinks she is an awful person like Rushia turned out to be.
After all the shit that came out about both her time at cover and her behaviour following, pretending she doesn't exist is probably the kindest thing you can do. Remembering how she was rather then what she turned out to be, etc
Damn we still have Mike defenders here?
>They both got fired for the same thing, leaking information to people outside the company.
Leaking shit to dramatubers who trade in gossip for a living is very different from possibly leaking something to another vtuber that you shouldn't have.
Dev said months ago he decided against adding Rushia.
I still follow Mikeneko, and she's a bit of a mess that seems to get herself into so many other messes that it's astounding. She also has created a "lolcow" status for herself with how reactionary and thin-skinned she is. She needs a tard-wrangler.
It's kinda sad to see, but she is a literal menhera... bit he career isn't over. There's FAR worse people who still maintained their fanbases and success. The internet is full of stupid people.
It actually killed Yagoo to have to terminate Mel and she was the one the voluntarily step down and take responsibility for her mistake. The difference is night and day
The person who leaked it also had the audacity to propose that they work together to implement modding when he had already said he didn't want to
Hating Mel is like hating kittens or puppies, yahoo probably had tears in his eyes when he realised he had to old yeller her
On top of what the other anons have said, its just not worth it to make a character for her.

Most people who were fans of Rushia have ether
A. Moved on and dont care about her anymore.
B. Follow her new persona
C. Hate Hololive
D. Hate Rushia

The amount of people, especially in the EN side that are still huge fans of Rushia while also still being Hololive fans is slim. Its just not worth the effort nor dealing with controversy to put Rushia in the game for what is, a small amount of people.
She leaked the details of the holododgers collab to Kotoka and that's why nijisanji rushed their nba rakuten collab to upstage them
IIRC, she did mention that she was still in good terms and even got help from them shortly after leaving
It's like when a guy got fired from my work for driving with his feet out the window, the boss didn't want to do it because he was a good person and worker but you have to follow the rules
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You're right, they should add miguel and picrel for consistency. :)
I sure hope so. If mknk streams holocure playing as Ru-chan, I'm watching it for sure.
go away evil spirit
>the trailer shows their as talent pronouns
Homos are 100% confirmed going into the game
Soviet Rushia hate Nazi Gurame
they were enemies in wii 2
having a bf isn't being an idiot, stupid chud
there's plenty of people who believe she was wrongly terminated for having a bf
it's not slim
Unironically yes. She knows the rules and so do I.
And they don't watch hololive.
Mostly vtweeter or dramaleech.
Most of them probably hate Hololive and i would imagine Kay would not want to cater to those people.
You would have to get checked after you fuck her whore pandemic pussy.
Rushia is orders of magnitude more malicious than she is stupid, but she's still really stupid
One left on good terms whereas the other left on BAD terms and kept being a stupid bitch and kept on bringing drama whenever she went.
But do you want to know the BIGGEST scandal? Flare doesn't use a bow like the proper elf she is.
This wasn't mel first time though she broke the 3 strikes rules by the time she "vented" to her "friend".
Two graduated under normal conditions, one graduated under terrible circumstances but had goodwill and a good relationship with pretty much everyone, and the last one is a cunt that self-inflicted everything that happened to her.
Who cares
Mel also treated a dramatuber as a friend and go to person for help - Narukami, who is a far worse person than Korekore. She leaked information to him in the past. The only reason she didn't get fired that time was because it was about her stalker manager and punishing her would have been a Nijisanji-Doki tier pr blunder
Yes. Next.
>least controversial
oh no no no
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I always knew there was something off about the Kotoka accusations, but Occam's Razor is anathema to rratposters.
In what world does removing content based on graduation/termination make sense? I'd get the complaint if Rushia was in or at least teased but then taken out, but this ain't it.
why is this even a thread the answer should be obvious
Mike pulls her panties to the side and ask you to get on your knees and eat her pussy would you do it even if there's a possibility it was creampie by another man 30 minutes would you?
Yes, that's a no brainer. I would be licking that dirty cunt squeaky clean right away until it becomes filthy again and again.
He is cute. I would bash his face in (affectionately).
Noel has a great moral compass and that's all I need also Flare too, I might not like her but I respect the fuck out of her moral code
Mikeneko Wazowski...
Anon, normally i don't agree with unikeks, but she was selling a hard GFE. And she wasn't even happy with her marriage anyway
Mel was in the game long before the exterminatus happened, same with Aqua and she got proper graduation.
Worth noting that despite being technically fired, Cover did not went full scorched Earth on Mel. We even got post-termination appearance on Honeworks CD, something that most people believed will not happen.

Rushia fucked herself over, went full menhera mode and burned all the bridges behind her. She's the same category of radioactive topic for Cover as Hitomi Chris.
Maybe she is a hidden character, you don't unlock her by the debut gacha since she is terminated.
Kay yu has the possibility to do the funniest thing possible and add in Aloe after not adding Rushia, despite Aloe not having any material to work with and being scrubbed from Holo’s website, despite graduating. Just imagine how much Mike would seethe at that.
The difference is Rushia was menhera, retarded, and maliicious.
Mel on the other hand was retarded, like dumb enough to probably almost meet the legal definition, but she was sweet and earnest from everything we'd seen and heard from other members. The thing that stuck out to me most about Mel's termination was how everyone assumed concluded that it couldn't have been her fault or done out of malice and she must have been tricked or made a mistake
Aloe content is already in the game, her headphones are still an item
I mean as a full character.
It's almost like she had nowhere to go when the scummy managers were trying to protect one of their own.
Respect the talents, not the garbage companies behind them.
Cover is no better or worse than any other company - Cover is simply better at tricking pea-brained fanboys than most other streaming talent companies are.
They simply have good PR.
With everything that has leaked out about the internals of the company over the years, it is FAR from the fucking happy family image they spread everywhere and fanboy retards regurgitate constantly.
Why the fuck do you think they are trying to create their own social media? CONTROL.
I lost respect for Cover years ago. Just a shame that so many wonderful people are signed with them now.
They seem fine to me, I've never run into anything that paints them as outright malicious. Incompetent at times sure
People wanted a reason to hate kotoka too at that point.
the vampire slayer meme was funny
as a rrat peddler, that's all the evidence I need
She was going to get added to the game until more of her antics came to light later.
Why do members still talk about hanging out with Coco and Aqua and we get no news about Rushia, what a mistery
I think she should have been added because she was a prominent member for a very long time and is definitely an important part of Hololive history, despite the way things ended. But ultimately >>88632385 is correct.
omg you so right, why didnt they remove ame from the game smhsmh
fucking retard OP
I don’t care if Flare or Noel play it, I want to play as Rushia one day
Let me guess, rima evenstar fan?
They unironically should've put Rushia in the game it would be so fucking funny
>dealing with controversy
What controversy? lmao as if the Holo antis need a valid reason to hate anything related to Holo.
Fuck that cunt, every time I try to find someone else I see that cunts name
I don't even know who it is, but fuck them for having the same name regardless.
Roboco and Azki are almost original characters with barely any resemblance to their stream personas. If he wants he can do the same with Aloe.
I think AZKi's moveset is getting updated to fix that. I can't remember if Kay confirmed that or if it was just speculation
And the people who believe she was fired for boinking MFMF are fucking imbeciles. Cover themselves had just put out a statement, a few days before firing Rushia, that all of their talents are grown-ass adults and that whatever they do in their bedrooms with other consenting adults is none of the company's business.
Then they found out she was leaking company DMs to KRKR, and sacked her for that.


Then two years later, the world found out that she is not merely the Queen Of Menhera, but the God-Empress Of Menhera. And it turns out that the menhera filter that Holopro uses in its hiring practices (that Calli mentioned on stream that one time), which they started using after Gen 3 but before Gen 4, and which could have kept Rushia from joining the company, was NOT put in place because of her. They probably didn't find out about her being a spouse-beater or a cat-abuser until the same time as the rest of the world.
He did mention it a while back. She was added to the game before she revealed just how absolutely cracked she is at Geo Guesser.
It won't be the first character rework - Ina and Mumei had their passives and Mumei's ult updated, and Ame's gun was changed to fire in all directions instead of just horizontally. But the Azki rework is probably gonna be bigger than that.
More like kotoka the vampire layer, hehehe
Probably this.
IIRC the Halloween stage uses a remix of a song she was part of and her symbol is on the wall along with those of the other three people in that song. Kay was very obviously teasing that she'd be added to the game, but then she started setting things on fire.
>Cover is no better or worse than any other company
Wrong, they are certainly better than any other company. You can quit with your obvious falseflag hiding behind "I only support the talent" no you're not, you don't watch them, you only care to use them as your ammunition while conveniently ignoring the talent when they praises the company.
>She single-handedly ruined unicorn image for some alien boy's dick
and even then it was the host clubs that ruin her financially.
No they hacked her card
it isn't my narcissistic projection and I'm not saying that everyone is like this 40 years old menhera, but I bet my left nut that in Hololive there is still more than one manipulative whore like that
I will never forget how the fanbase she had here spent a year worrying that Vshojo would corrupt her only for her to end up being less GFE than Melody
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not playing that shit anyway unless he adds Advent
don't give a fuck about your roguelike/crafting/card games/football manager/FPS new modes
add the fucking girls properly
I hope he adds all of the dudes before them specifically to spite you, because it'd be really fucking funny.
Motherfucker you hadn't even heard of a vtuber until shit aidshole of a board was created.
I saw YAGOOs cute ass face before Hololive existed.
We are not the same.

Despite this, it still doesn't change the fact that management is rotten now.
Somewhere along the way something clearly happened and YAGOOs dream got corrupted by middlemen.
No wonder he cries all the time. Poor fucker must be stressed and sad beyond belief.
Not just him, the talents as well, and many of them have mentioned these gripes especially over the past few years.
Her happiness of cucking and mentally damaging mafumafu?
>I want to suck cock to make you mad!
You do you, bro.
They updated her model in the preview, safe to assume she's getting her skillset updated as well
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I miss my condom wife.
The "dev" for this game is a fucking cunt, thinks he's all high and mighty and a modern Da Vinci or some shit as a polymath
Look at this jelly brainlet
Mikeneko will never love you
See: >>88657635
I don't think he's that bad, but it's funny how people were sucking his dick for not charging money. The reason he does that is because it's an ego project.
And because he legally cannot charge money for this game anyway
>seething over a fucking fan game

The only one seething here is you.
Hell, here's another reason why he's not charging any money: you get shielded from criticism because you're doing it for free.
>>I want to suck cock to make you mad!
>t. Rushia to her husband
it's like you just learned what a comfort woman is

being a comfort woman is a lot like being a murderer, once you do it, you can't just unmurder someone, you've committed
You know that idols can retire anytime they want if they don't want to play the game anymore, right?
It's not like a retarded feminist YA novel where they are forced into "idolhood" until they die.
>grown-ass adults
Very bold of Cover to include such language in their official statement. I respect that.
dude is pretty chill what?
didn't cover change their mind about that? the guy is probably too lazy to change to a paid game anyway
Mel wasn't a dick about it. Rushia did all the wrong moves and pissed off her fans by being a generally terrible person. The fact that you can't understand really basic shit means you fandead are a lost cause.
He doesn't want the responsabilities. If people were paying, they would complain at the feature creep, favoritism, and would ask why he was dicking around with a crappy spin-off game.
As it is, it's a vanity project, not a job.
Hypothetical question: Imagine Fubuki was fucking EN homostars every night and then got terminated for leaking secrets to Nijisanji. Would her character get removed from Holocure?
It's a Holoanti wearing a fandead mask even though none of them come here anymore
>YAGOOs dream
You talk exactly like a clipnigger, larping faggot, Yagoo dream is VR, newfag
Yeah, no shit. I saw his videos back when they got posted

The funniest thing about Mi-chan's discord yab is that it was entirely self-inflicted; she would always pester mafumafu to give her constant updates on his whereabouts along with her general henpecking about the possibility of him interacting with other people besides herself (all while taking dick behind his back at the same time of course).
Doubt it. Plus, that would mean removing the sukonbu, wouldn't it?
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It is when you lack the professionalism to maintain the propriety of your business.
Women can't comprehend keeping different things siloed and want all people in all places to validate all things in their life, no matter how heinous, inappropriate, or irrelevant.
If you want to get in the race, don't complain when driving out of bounds gets you disqualified.
Too menhera
It's actually kind of fascinating in a morbid way how much of a piece of shit vile person she is, it's like someone took her out of a JCS investigation video.

On a side note I'll forever be disappointment that her simp general thread had already disappeared by the time the truthbombs came out and all those fucking subhuman cucks could just slither away pretending like they never worshipped her.
>another pointless mike/Rushia thread
dude she's a lolcow
The actual funniest thing is that Cover defended her when that got leaked. If she did nothing, she'd still be in hololive.
What got her fired was her attempts to defend herself.
Her happiness should be belonging to me. You have cuck mentality that if your wife would tell you she will be happy to jump on BBC you would let her. And that’s a good thing because I’m black.
She was just in full panic mode from losing everything, and went a bit menhera
retarded thread
Based thread
How the fuck do fancucks still exist here? She was exposed as being in the wrong about everything, and worse
and she's still somehow a better person than flare
>So they added Coco, didn't remove Aqua and Mel but somehow they didn't add Rushia to Holocure?
It's called having integrity.
It's a free game, and I still want my money back
He should add Aloe.
It would be funny.
This is where modders should come in
I will never forgive Rushia for invading Ukraine.
no. in 2 more weeks (not a meme)
also the animal abuse
Every true Holofan celebrated when Rushia was fired.
Every true Holofan supports Coco, Aqua, and Mel even today.
She was cut from development after all the additional info about her came out.
The cat-abuser thing was a mistranslation of the MTL. She was the one acussing mfmf of hurting her blind cat.
>They probably didn't find out about her being a spouse-beater or a cat-abuser until the same time as the rest of the world.
They knew. Everyone that had close contact with her knew.
There's a reason so many of the Holos were visibly relieved and not even a little bit sad when she was fired.
proved false
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It fucking hurts you know. I still like Rushia the character and what she represented in the hololive mythos.
And now it's all fucking cancerogenic radioactive shit, Rushia (Again, the character) is fucking dead and the killer was the actress herself.
Like man, imagine Tom Holland recording himself killing cats with joy, happy fucking spider-man you have there Disney.
I know it's understandable, putting her back is so unjustifiable that it's unreal, but still it fucking hurt watching the trailer and her just... not being there.

Fuck mikeneko, can only hope she gets her shit together and fucks off from the internet till her last days.
Why does Rushia make so many people seethe?
>Every true Holofan celebrated when Rushia was fired.
Retarded history revisionist
Once again, its mentioned that Mikeneko's heinous allegations and rrats were proven false, and all anyone will ever do is plug their ears going lalalala.
this. she had been steadily inclining shortly after leaving holo, people were willing to look past the initial yab, and kay was likely still planning to add her in. but then the whole spousal abuse/animal abuse thing came to light and soured everything.
>fandeads still coping years later
She is still a very shitty person, so eh
>additional fabricated info
where were you when Dead Rising took out Erotic Photography?
that's right, you were being a little BITCH over someone who didn't want to stay in line
Because people have a truly retarded amount of loyalty to clover for some godforsaken reason. Like the fucking vtubers don't have this kind of loyalty.
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Mod it in
Fancucks/cuckfami aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. They were warned many, many times but they refused to believe anyone and just insulted others saying that just because they are cold, emotionless creatures that had never experienced true love it didn't mean that the love between fancucks and Rushia wasn't real. She would never betray them, they said. They kept claiming the mafumafu/mikeneko married rrats were all fake and "debunked" too. Which made the revelation that she was actually married to mafumafu all along that much more funny.
Very few fanbases are as mentally ill as that one.
I will always love Rushia
i dont really give a shit what michael cat did, i just wanted a playable rushia in holocure, she still exists ingame in the tv of the office stage and Halloween stage.
How would she play if she was in?
I would have liked to see her necromancy used in some way along with an ult like subaru's but omnidirectional. also make the cutting board one of her strongest items
b-but coding is le hard!
good idea
Based. Get bent whore.
What's worse, the lawsuit was settled out of court with both parties agreeing to give nothing besides never interacting again. So she went through all that shit for nothing at all, only harming her reputation even more and painting mfmf, who she wanted to take revenge on, as even more of the real victim, so he got a buncha new yumejo saviorfags.
And then she suicide baited again lmfao.
Female dramatuber who hangs out with the likes of parrot, depressed doxUsagi, and the grifting lawyer. Horrible SEA accent too.
All of which I wouldn't mind, but then she only releases half the info in her drama videos, always trying to paint the vtubers in as good a light as possible. Even her fucking Rushia videos.
mod it
Fandeads haven’t had a drop of good news in years, huh?
> ruined unicorn image
do holokeks really
As long as there's no face shown. I don't know if she already fixed her teeth, but even by yaeba standards, her mug is hella busted. And even then, isn't she like 30+? I don't think the few whales she has left would drop much more for her mid minus af nudes. Only good thing about her is her voice, unless you're not only quite self-destructive but also a cuck, so you're into yandere ntr, in which case Michael is the perfect woman, onlyfans or not.
It's very addictive actually. I've bought a few Vampire Survivors-like games, and I'd argue it's the best one by far. Let me check my Steam and GOG... I'd say this is the order, from best to worst:
1 - Holocure, it's much more fluid and polished than any other in the genre
2 - Halls of Torment, because my favorite game in history is Diablo II, and Halls of Torment is pretty much Vampire Survivors with Diablo II coating on top
3 - Vampire Survivors
4 - Brotato - I don't hate it, but the previous 3 listed are so much better it's not even funny
5 - Sexy Mystic Survivors - the porn is alright, but the gameplay is quite slow and the weapon animation feels like a cheap mobile game
6 - Typecast - pretty much a honorable mention because, while it is also a reverse-danmaku, the core gameplay is different enough for it to not make sense to call it a Vampire Survivors-like. Fun though, even though it has more in common with TuxTyping that Vampire Survivors

Holocure also has all that extra minigame shit. Fishing, farming, building your house, and now they formally announced the casino. The fact it's free is seriously fucking amazing, all the other games I listed, if cheap, are worth something, and some like Brotato even have paid DLCs.
Honestly, isn't it a good thing rushia hasn't been added?
You just know mike wouldn't be able to stop herself from playing it, ending up in a cycle of menhera fits when she realises, yet again, that she'll never be a Holo ever again.
That and the fact that there's noway any of the actual holos would ever play it with her in it either, considering how toxic rushia/mike/w.e else she goes by now, is now.
>for completion sake
He should also add Hitomi Chris then.
>made cover huge amounts of money
>literally the top earner for years
>cant even get in a fan game for historical reasons
Lol. Fuck Mikeneko but Kay Yu is a bit of a faggot for not adding Rushia. It's a big virtue signal, there's nothing righteous about pretending she never existed.
Following this logic, Rushia was literally worse than Hitler.
Rushia didn't even hang out back when she hadn't been fired. Hell, she barely ever collabbed outside huge events and shit like the holoserver.
They havent abandoned this yet? Why
VS fotm is over and this makes no money
>VS fotm is over
Halls of Torment announced they'd sold 1 million copies, like a week or two ago. VS fotm is here to stay.
You shut your whore mouth about Suisei.
Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say

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