Why did Kronii tell a member of her own chat to commit suicide?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvva6hIi-44
>>88650665>Friendliest Kronii Response To Chat After Die With Challenge
>>88650665If you don't see why he deserved it, you need to kill yourself too.
>>88650665because she felt that him telling her to eat two chips was equivalent to him telling her to kill herself on stream
Food is meant for enjoyment not memes.
>>88650908stop coming here, Kronii.
>>88650665because you wont
>>88650665We don't call her and alpha female for nothing.
>>88650665because he was a faggot, probably. kill yourself.
>>88650665A life for a life seems fair
>>88650665She could have told them to eat themselves and it would still work.
>>88650665It's called tard wrangling, a concept lost in SEA.
>>88652578"Concept lost at SEA" was right there, man
>>88650665He was a magatard
>>88652759WTF I love Kronii now
>>88650665>the retard implied that he wants her to suffer againHe deserved it
Is everyone just pretending to be retarded or ESL? She's clearly saying "why don't you kill yourself" as how she interpreted that message.
>>88652759Back to /pol/ with you
>>88650665Dude, come on. Grow a thicker skin. You antis are starting to sound like hyper sensitive SJWs looking for a reason to be outraged
>>88650665Because that chat member should kill themself. Immediately.
>>88650665>Why did Kronii tell a member of her own chat to commit suicide?>Post video evidence of why she said it.Like do you have ears? Is your attention-span less than a minute? Holy shit you're so dumb. I don't even like Kronii, but I can tell she didn't tell the chatter to kill themselves for no reason.
Based lmao
>>88650665the memeber deserved it for being a dumbass who was practically telling her to commit selfharm
>>88654566>to commit self harmShe's probably into that
>>88650665She's just verbalizing what the chatter essentially was asking of her, not telling the chatter to kill themselves you ESL
>>88650665... Have you ever SEEN kronies?
>>88650665It's called banter
>>88650665Holy BASED
>>88659454what a chad
>>88650665exactly what should had happened retard
>>88650665First time?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPjUzNcxFHk&pp=ygUeY29jbyBraWxsIHlvdXJzZWxmIGltbWVkaWF0ZWx5BASED KRONII
>>88652759kronii based af
LTG edit when
>>88650665I wish Kronii would tell me to kill myself
>>88661577Just tell her Sally will NEVER have sex with her.She'll either tell you to kill yourself, or she'll kill herself.It's a coin toss!
>>88650665Because 3/4 of her fans are 4channers as is she and the remaining 1/4 are brainless thoughtless normie gooners no one cares about anyway
>>88650665>chip-based insta losshot
>>88662208>insta-lossshe held in there for the long run though?
>>88659454Lmao, at least he's still better than Gabe
>>88650665Have you ever tried to tell a silly little joke to a woman while she's in pain, anon? "Kill yourself" is getting off easy. She was probably really mad.
>>88652759Big if true
>>88650665Based, fuck chat
>>88650804just enjoyers
>>88650665The world would be a better place if all Kronies killed themselves desu
>>88650665Someone actually died taking the one chip challenge
>>88663616this it's super funny how mad they get until you realize they come from a background of brujas and they've cursed you with sterility and incontinence for the rest of your life
>>88652759YOU MISSED!
>>88659454Fun fact: that guy is the reason Kronii never opens up prechat more than half an hour at most before her own streams.
>>88650665looking at this board every single one of you should go
because she's based