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>leaves because of perms
>streams the same FOTM slop anyways
Why are holoidulls like this even after graduating? This should be an opportunity to free herself and stream all the games Cover was stifling them from playing.
It was funny how she called it the game with the pig. Everyone just knows the pig.
can't wait for some cheeky names
do not enter
"le talent freedumb" is only thrown around by kson and vwhorejos.
While holos do complain about perms, I don't think they mean specific games, but the heavy scheduling and planning that goes behind every stream.
FOTM can be annoying for regular viewers not interested in watching the same thing on every stream, but casuals/clipfags eat it up so it works in generating buzz.
I don't know why some people expected Aqua to go on an Apex Legends 24/7 grind after going indie.
im guessing someone uses holomem names or references. like towa or suisei or something.
It's more of the having to schedule a game 1 month in advance and that having it to play on that specific day or you're fucked.
where the fuck is my apex
Hasn't it gone to the gutter this year?
That only applies to specific games like anything by From. My headcanon is that they just need to schedule a manager to set up the stream so they know it's not monetized for sure because their playtime is never limited.
this game is kino though
i was surprised to see liar's dice adapted as a video game (though most people just play the card deck variant)
well there's no real replacement game for solomas so
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The pig game...
The fuck are you doing an OP for Aqua, retard? at least promote an indie, someone people don't know. She literally has 30k viewers in the first 5 minutes, do you really need to shill her? fuck off
Piss off "ex-holo" retard
are you mad that a chuuba gets a general on a board of chuuba generals? fuck off retard
this is general for sakuna, wtf are you doing here? back to /xhlgg/
is this going to be your new bait after the "shes a traitor" and similar things have failed
Well this isn't working out.
thank you for the stream...
Can somebody explain to me why people only pick the pig? I don't get it, I thought it was a hololive thing but It's not
whoever thought of putting head movements into the game was a fucking genius
STEPPO gonna join in eventually screencap this
800x600 in 2024
it looks funny
they really need to add a jp translation on this one very soon
sakuna... the dialogue volume is 0...
I think Korone being naturally entertaining with it has just had people naturally gravitate to it as the go to avatar.
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>An old timer fan, huh? Since how many days ago then, hmm?
She's just messing with them now lmao
What, bloody connection went out
It crashed again...
we back!
Seems like the game has problem with Intel CPUs
She's going to need to learn to diagnose these issues herself.
really loving this scuffed vibe
i doubt she has the brain capacity for those
She was one of the very few holos to use a 2 PCs setup, don't underestimate her
Blue Archive mention
Genshin is a cancer with a fanbase that asks everyone to stream their favorite game just so they can choose to not watch that stream.
I mean seeing today's performance he's pretty justified underestimating her
Literally the first gaming stream without corpo backup
And she gone
seemed like the game was shitting itself so idk if its her fault
after what happened to Mike back then, i don't wanna see Sakuna deal with the same shit.
something to do with intel
i'm going to be fucked if she gave back her 13900k/RTX4090 PC to Cover as part of her resignation and she has to make up with a potato PC for the mean time
I have not seen anyone else have these issues so it's something with her PC that happens when combined with streaming

I'm pretty sure a ton of streamers including holos have 14th gen Intel which has the same issues people were talking about so I don't think it's that.
More and more games having trouble with intel CPU this year. First I noticed this was when a lot of my friends couldn't get GBF Relink to run on their PC during launch day while mine and several others were fine. Turns out the ones who had trouble uses Intel CPU, they patched the issue few days later.
The talent's PCs are their own, the only time someone was given a temp PC to work with was Anya because she was too poor to have a decent one.
There's next to to info or even posts about Liar's Bar crashing. Seems to be an isolated issue.
I've played it no problem with a 7800X3D. Hell, I don't think I've had a single problem with this CPU ever.
there's a number of negative reviews regarding GPU usage, if those people were also using recording software, they probably would be complaining about crashes
Yeah looking at the OBS window capture scuff on her debut the PC she's currently using is definitely not the 13900k/4090 one, no way she didn't know how to do it.
Don't think she gave it to Cover though. She mentioned earlier that she could just stream using another one of her PC, so most likely answer is she intentionally isn't using her best rig. She probably doesn't want to format all the memories as Aqua but also can't risk showing anything even coincidentally that could tie her to the old persona so she's using the scuffed one.
Also probably why she avoided talking about GPU intensive games that her viewers have been suggesting and only talked about gacha games
Gen 13 and 14 Intels are super common so I would expect there to be tons of posts about the game having issues with them if there really was a CPU specific problem.

Well that tracks with the only hardware related post I found where someone had their GPU overheating with the game. Seems like there's maybe some issue with the in-game frame limiter. I just found someone with a 4090 having issues as well.
I hope she doesn't go hyperfocused on the Intel stuff just because chat kept repeating it when it's most likely not the issue.
Ok, let this general die and go back to >>88644573 instead
kill yourself Doobytroon
It's Intel's 13/14 gen processors shitting the bed all around.
She'll have problems in other games too.
There are many replies on X explaining it so hopefully she gets the memo and builds a Ryzen PC.
But that's not the issue with this game.
Yeah the 13th/14th gen Intel might or might not be the cause.
She should try restarting her PC first then try exploring all the possible causes. From booting the game without any programs in the back, with her L2D, then with stream running and see whether the problem persists or not. If it doesn't then that means when she was streaming she left lot of shits running behind, but if even the first step fails then it should be the Intel.
Did you not read any of the posts in this thread? The game makes GPUs run at 100%
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i think 結城さくな sucks
she sucks my pp
Intelsister seethe

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