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Sudden bread part deux edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/28:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (10,077)
2: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,541)
3: https://twitch.tv/dooby3D (5,008)
4: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (3,347)
5: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,298)
6: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (2,459)
7: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,428)
8: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,281)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,078)
10: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,856)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,509) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (4,517) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (3,752) *Russian

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
November 4th - Bella Beyumi
November 9th - Bao & Leaflit
November 11th - Mint

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Prev: >>88665169
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What if your oshi was pink?
I'm autistic?
that's a man
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
this thread is gonna be worse
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I don't know how I would feel about pink Saru.
Just doin’ my job
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should've been a flobal
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womp womp
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Metal Pipe Sound Effect
I'm happy until Layna decides to stream again and spoil this fine day by her unbearable cuntery
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>Oli switched off the dadrock
Can't believe marimari_en had sex with 84 guys...
I love Tanya so fucking much, if any of you hurt her I will kill you and your entire family.
what if i gently and tenderly make love to her in the butt
the only content I've seen of lucy is her old ff14 videos
what does she do now that ff14 is shit?
Tanya is my wife and we have sex in the missionary position, looking into each others eyes, making babies every night.
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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I love my wife
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I Love Lucy
She'll make black souls look like a fucking joke
Complains that FF14 is shit, like all FF14 players
Variety. She's played a bunch of horror games this month and then just chatting. If someone mentions ff14 she'll go on a tangent about the state of the game.
>fang is a redhead
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Saru had a good nappy!
all me
Happy that you finally regained your sight blindchama
I’m putting together a retarded Liggerman team
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good post.
Is meredith GFE?
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I'm in
You son of a bitch... I'm in!
post the nude version sinder i know it exists
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based based based

Cyphi hairjob.
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>Saru puts on a valley girl accent
>makes her model pink
I would cum
I won't be watching
why does he have human feet?
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sex with vtubers
So kaffer is like nigger in Afrikaans and it's how a lot of older people refer to their workers, like "the nigger went to fix it", and every time saru is saying keffer she pronounces it just like english peiple say kaffer and she uses it in the exact right way and it makes me laugh every time like she's calling the little bot a slur
perfectly groomable former cult member
PGFCM if you will.
oh deat lord...
Reading Tom Sawyer to understand Alice's family lore
i hadnt looked at her twitter before
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What do you think of Lucy's candy tier list?
is heavenlyfather the forsen of vtubers?
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Holy fug. Need Gyaruei
where are her cock and balls
wtf i love shondo now?
heavenlyfather posting fell off
>saru is mixing her coffee with a knife
Woman opinions are always cute (and frustrating to hear)
why is she so sweaty?
>bimbo saru
my dick is confused yet aroused
girls dont have cock and balls
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What if your oshi had multiple colors
She's one of those aliens that doesn't like chocolate?
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ai has gotten so good
She plays whatever her community suggests, which mostly includes souls games and horrorslop.
what kind of person gives out apples and toothbrushes for halloween
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Giru is going feral over this new model
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Somehow worse than Rummy's (she likes candy corn and is allergic to chocolate)
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Love my wolf wife
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[Anon's News] I have started Gosling over 3D SaveHymn
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Good question hmmm, awoo guy? Idk man she always uses "fans" when she talks about us
She said chocolate hurts her teeth for some reason. She'll eat twix, kitkat, and butterfinger though.
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>can I blame being dumb on eating too much tuna and getting brain damaged
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Tuna made my pookie retarded.
Yoro live answering questions
post the bench scene
how'd he get in there?
what do i have to do to get sandwiched between naiyospede and juniper actias nibbling on me with their fucked up bug fangs
>mercury poisoning from eating too much canned tuna
No wonder she isn't potty trained
I always knew there was something fishy about the French
Are any of these new or are they all from yesterday I can't look rn
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Yeah, me.
All new
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Be an edgy twink (having sex with other men optional but preferred)
Can't wait to see the unabashed smut people submit
Saruei is retarded and has a mercurial pussy
Lucy picked the last game herself. Most of the community suggestions have been real stinkers so she's not depending on it as much.
BPD thread
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Sadly I don't have it, but I found this cute one as well
>I started to drink mocha because saru used to drink it every single stream at her old warehouse for 2 years
>saru: "chocolate in coffee? Ew. Wait, didn't I used to drink that? A latte? Was it that? Or mocha?
I am genuinely becoming concerned about sarus bad memory
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I have never received a toothbrush on Halloween
Boo that's a shit joke. Mods, remove this mans testicles!
God I love Giru
Trapped under that seal? Yeah, me
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There was a dentist's office in my neighborhood and he would give them out
No that’s a fish joke. Shit jokes are reserved for Germany.
is she okay?
Awoo Pack works fine, thanks for your help
whats the difference?
Saru's steaming tuna filled diaper
Gross don't put tuna in there
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one is relevant the other isn't
I have never seen giru draw this much suggestive art before jesas
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Always was
don't worry she loves swimming
He found a muse
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i think shondo should kiss other cute girls only
gee alice what big eyes you have
I know it's amazing
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bnuuy cnuuy
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Made for vore
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>Oli's chat picked Jessie over my girl Lightning
I'm an Oli anti now
Did I miss Oli reviewing deodorant?
Lightning fucking sucks. fuck you. kill yourself.
no she's doing a vidya game waifu tier thing with chat
I need to lose like 50 pounds
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I mean
long back no ass
Buy the new super drug
thank god for mods to give these girls justice
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may your woes be many and your days few.
I’m sweaty, which liggers want to lick boy sweat?
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>I need to pee, who's going to clean my panties~ you? YES
fujo-coded post
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man.. vtubers are boring, I guess women are boring, are they only good for sex?
that's a ladybug you fat retard
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>saru: I need to pee! I'm going to pee my panties! Who's going to clean it? You? Yes!
>saru: I did peepee! I did peepee!
God I need full saru DDLG, but I dont think her chat would be able to handle it
did they put leeches on her eyes
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why were leeches used for that long if they werent effective
All french women are babus
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Good afternoon lig I blub my oshi!
LR doesn't count
they are still used there are some actual applications for them. they are specially grown medical leeches
Ligger for this feel?
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>>88670972 (Dead)
wvt oppression of 4views continues
because one guy said they were effective and he taught that to his students and then the medical tradition just didn't question it. same thing happens today with things that are just believed.
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Nina baby...
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She is very pink today
Guess that's why she has 2 fingers in her.
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No, she said that pic isn't sexual
You can donate them to your oshi
my oshi hates fat fucks
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can you eat them
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just slimed up a goo
You really think she wasn't finger blasting herself to the thought of being tied up and gangbanged by a bunch of strong military men?
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Don't know who Luzy is, but I give away all the stuff she says she loves Hallowcon for, and she gives away all the delicious treats I like. We would complete each other theoretically as I always ended up with that stuff that makes her say she loves Hallowcon, and I'd always give it away at the cafeteria the first school day after Halloween growing up. I hated smarties so much, and yet I'd have bags of the stuff.
she's staging her baby birth live on stream as some medical emergency
yoro, is a virgin???
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Yoro is the same as Char in that she's too autistic to ever talk to people
Bloodletting was considered effective at the time due to the belief in body humours and people accepted at the time that some people just had too much blood in them. This probably wasn't helped by anecdotal evidence of it being effective because there probably were lots of people at the times with actual blood disorders (that people had no conception of at the time) that showed temporary improvement from bloodletting.
What does this mean?
Has she ever shown her hands?
she would take the 2k ccv
You are lonely.
we have a leechschizo?
who buys $1k figures holy shit
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10 days till Mint Castella's birthday, be an oomfie and contribute to the card. Standard rules apply, submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions in multiples of 200.
References: catbox moe/c/2c711o

Some of Mint's interests/hobbies:
>twitter accounts for animals
>Being a bimbo
>Guesser games
>Baking and eating
>Oomfie her chat mascot
>Heavy Hangers
>Smoking weed
>Her wife Hen of Mimi
>Girls FC her vtuber group
>Cabbage Dog
>Danny Macbride
>The Sapranos
>James Cameron's Avatar
>Twin Peaks/David Lynch
>Here is a grid of her favorite games https://files.catbox.moe/u5iove.jpg

If you are on the fence or unsure what to do a number of smaller 200x200 tiles with simple drawings or happy birthday wishes, to help round out the card dimensions, are appreciated.
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A reminder that Lord of the Board begins TOMORROW, 1pm Eastern. Liggerman will of course be the star of the show

Our matches:
Day 1: November 2nd
>1:15pm - People's Champion Title Match : /haha/ vs /lig/ (/lig/ defending)
Day 2: November 3rd
>4:35pm - Group B : /corpo/ vs /lig/
Day 3: November 9th
>2:35pm - 2 Group B Elimination Matches (if /lig/ fails to qualify in 1st Group Stage)
>5:45pm - 30-Man Final Call Rumble (if /lig/ fails to qualify in Elimination Matches)
Day 4 participation hinges on previous qualification

Link: http://vtleague.420699.xyz/
Slandering someone isn't a funny joke
People who never heard of a McDonald's happy meal.
It's liggerin time!
what does any of this mean
I'm banned from her hyper political community.
The worse crime here is lying. There's no way that Shondo thinks there's an unsexy way to eat someone
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Slight shelay in the Shondo's sharaoke
Hell yeah
death to all sleepyheads
Did her dad beat her again?
Well, this is going to take a while. This is why I hate talking to people and having to remember what they say. At least Google helps.
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
God, I hope so
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Stupid dog live
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Kiba is live for a Supermarket Together collab
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Once I get jacked and shredded and make more money and fix my hairline and figure out how to talk to girls without getting scared I will get an Olivia Monroe girlfriend
whores. all of them.
Imagine an orgy with those 4.
I miss Periwinkle already
Whatever happened to the anon who used to post about how much he liked Katie's boobs?
post kiba slap
Post brand new liggers
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New as in just got partnered or new as in never posted here before?
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just got partnered
Ding dong of Boston https://files.catbox.moe/bo00ok.mp4
where are her cock and balls
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Wife live with a special stream! She's taking us back to school!
thats a man
Is she lewdtubing now?
obese x4
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It's time to celebrate the holiday spirit
Kiba is a sticc
which liggers are ovulating rn
i dont recognize a single person in that image, what do i need to know
is she actually political? The fat weed dog girl?
Sure, here. No idea anything about her, but her accent makes her sound mildly retarded.
none of them, they're the megabloks of liggers
That would genuinely be a shame. I kinda liked the clips I watched of her
oli taking a big fat dump
She's a fat, commiefornian weed-smoking leftist, are you surprised?
krumroll should kill herself
You can sneak back in with a tile and she will never know
I'm not that fat. No need to be mean.
>christmas karaoke
>2 months off
Christmas is just a week away
Can you believe it guys? Christmas! Just two months away!
on my chest
Out of countless of loli models out there i've seen, this one's my fave
I dnno why
why do fugly chuubas show their faces when there would be nothing for them to gain
There is not a single ligger that I wouldn't happily have sex with. There is not a single one that is too unattractive for me to not want to bang.
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Sugar Plum Shondo my beloved
>Nina bullies you for having an erection during class
she would look sucking my dick and stroking her own
thank you
good im tired of halloween shit
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has that mirror always been there?
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They've become delusional in this world full of toxic positivity that we live in.
great a rerun again... can't we get some new stuff?
I'd clap his fat cheeks while Coqui watched in jealously
Easy https://x.com/HeavenlyyFather/status/1611812495525560321
that model looks so uncanny
chuuba armpits
>sarus close friend makes a game
>it contains multiple easter eggs about saru
>She shills it to discord
>this was months ago
>She never played the game herself
Kek. Makes me feel better about her never playing astridsons game
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Callie's Halloween outfit kinda makin' me want to sell my soul
he looks like a friendly guy
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It's uncanny how sex she is
I love Rummy
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I was feeling kinda bummed Lucy was not feeling good enough to stream today, but then my dad offered to take me to a great Japanese place this evening since we haven’t hung out in a bit, and Warframe gave away a tun of stuff including an Umbral Forma (for people that don’t play that’s a very rare valuable item for character builds). And I took a nap. I’m feeling kinda better bros.
The outline around her hair is way too smooth, it makes the whole thing look like a mask.
Also her head proportions are ridiculous, why is her head the same size as her torso?
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why isn't your head the same size as your torso
which ligga is this
>ligger bells
>saru smells
ecto peed the bed
I hate this
you guys aren't very funny on fridays
i wish ecto would pee on me
chiwa miwa collab
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>you guys aren't very funny
all me
I own a bunch of 2-300$ ones
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Fat vtuber tits
I look like this and do this
That's because we don't got no job and we ain't got shit to do.
yes yes we know you're a mindbroken sperg, move on
I can't imagine you get a good figure for $2
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r u srs dud
Seething here wont get you your """career""" back pedo, keep your sperging in /vsj/
Futa ghost in Shondo's chat
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christmas starts after halloween in the retail sphere
When is demon lord zeraxos streaming again?
There's still Thanksgiving batard.
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she has been following for years why hasnt she chatted before? lmao
Post something funny then, so we can learn to be better
She's been a fan for a long time, she always likes my shondo fanart on twitter
As a chuuba it is typically more comfy to chat on an alt account so I get it
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cute retards
go back
>Managed to get the skull right
AI nowadays is wild, it wasn't that long ago we only had dall.e
>Shondo gushing about how cute The Pentagon is
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Surely soon
>no Filian
>no Dooby
>no Lucy
>no Vei
>no Lemon

So this is the power of /lig/...
gay sex?
fuck them, they la'd their last la decades ago
I joined the war on christmas, we're taking harvest season back bitches
that's nice
like the bulding in washington?
I would play Overwatch with Oli but I’m worried she’d think I’m gay because I like to play support
We have Oli sitting at 3k.
bots don't count newfagchama
fuck my aim, meant for >>88674597
you are
Yeah, Shondo was talking about how she just learned that a third tower was hit during 9/11 and then chat brought up The Pentagon and she got happy when she learned it was actually shaped like a pentagon
I don't like Oli because she got filtered by Elden Ring and Hollow Knight, and she spends too much time talking.
there he is.png
chiwa... your bitrate...
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You're playing Overwatch in 2024 that ship has already sailed. Even if a girl asked you to play with her it's just a trick like when they ask you to cry
i wasn't able to post this yesterday, but why wasn't snuffy at coqui's party?
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Laimu laivu
gameplay is boring
Oli beat Elden Ring
because her dad got into a car crash
I only play overwatch because of the pretty asian bitches
t. juno/kiriko main
disgusting clout chasing bitch.
>when they ask you to cry
does this actually happen
I have no idea what the context behind this post is, but isn't she an OG?
you're responding to a schizo, friend
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It'll never happen because Dan Clancy is a coomer and probably gets his dick sucked by any twitch whore he wants, but I really think it's time for twitch to cleanse itself of all non gaming related streams. Any streamer who has less than 85% time streamed in a videogame should be permanently banned from the platform.
cutie dooby
proof? or it didn't happen. also, that's not a valid excuse to skip out on her REAL friends party. is her dad hurt? if not than she should have shown up.
that's actually pretty good
Enough about Filian/Sinder/Oli/Chibi/Layna/Vedal/Giri/Shondo/Rainhoe.
she abandoned her real friends, meat and coqui for dokibitch and vshojo.
She's sitting at about 700-1200.
why is it lumpy
if meat and coqui were my friends I'd also ditch them for pretty much anyone else
t. limeshart
Vedal doesn't clout chase, he is the clout
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I miss Vesper
recommend me mother liggers
this is what stupid retarded, faggoons/limeshart think.
You're eight years too late for this war, your ideology lost the second Pokemon GO released and gave birth to IRL streaming. There was already a period in Twitch's history where autists were calculating exactly what percentage of a given stream was gameplay-focused by measuring the amount of the screen that the game capture took up and the length of time spent playing the game, and reporting e-whores who fell bellow the required percentage of gameplay outlined in Twitch's ToS
schizo accidentally jorked it to a tranny and can't cope lol
Limeshart might be the worst insult I've ever seen. Is that really the best you can do? Seriously?
FangGuu posted a cosplay pic yesterday and she looked very pretty
uuuu any updates?
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I know about that, I just think this experiment has gone on long enough and it has clearly failed. Eradicate all the whores.
what made her decide to put cocksucker on her shirt anyway
also mint's new model looks like dogshit. do mintards really like that trash? lol
yeah pretty ugly
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>commits hate crimes
Vesper please...
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>Oli schizo
>mint schizo
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it's a shame there was never a rear view of this costume. these fingerbones have to be coming from somewhere, I like to imagine there's a big skeletal hand covering her whole back
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It's a sperg trying to shit up large indies so that people post in /big/ instead. That's the context
bro slammed into a parked car at 35mph while riding a motorcycle, so waddaya think? you cunt. It's all on her discord
>kiki thought ringo meant "piss" in japanese
>the other girls don't know why she thought that
What the fuck are you even talking about?
no such thing, her botting (or being botted, whatever you prefer) is well known, theres way to many things that dont add up, her chat speed being prominent among them
you are not fitting in faggoons.
Anon, your aim......
vtubers I would hug without consent
Mari Mari
Bodega Rat

vtubers I would not hug because they would fight back or yell at me:
Lumi (wolf)
is dooby ok?
>No such thing
>Goes on a complete schizo tangent
Not after I hug her, she won't be!
That, or a really nice brewery and burger joint nearby the Japanese place. This Friday ain’t so bad
my fucking aim...
Vei would probably knee you in the balls which is all the more reason to hug her imo. Once you fall over onto the ground in pain you're also closer to her feet which you can then kiss.
If it failed then they would have ended it a long time ago, but it makes them more money than gaming streams. It took a bomb threat being called into an airport for them to ban their biggest IRL streamer at the time
My oshi is offline today...
you're retared.
shut the fuck up faggoon. stop lying.
so are the rest on that list. the sister is mentally ill.
it's funny
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I agree with you on everyone except Oli.
>Chiwa is intimidated by Miia's autism aura, not even attempting to fathom her power level itself, and had to collab with Miwa instead
post proof that it happened.
which schizo is this I can tell them apart anymore.
what do you mean filtered by elden ring? she did multiple 12+ hours stream and went to work without sleep just to get back and stream more, how is that filtered?
The one who wants to give everyone hugs
I'm mildly disappointment that Shondo didn't just open with all i want for Christmas is you
I want to hold hands with Kitanya!
>faggoons lying about oli's views
stop deflecting from your scumbag oshi.
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now shut your whore mouth up
Oli doesn't have a job she is a proud Latina tradwife
That's obviously Ray Rabenstein you retard
I want to hug Tanya!
not a schizo, you faggot.
he looks fine, she could have still shown up. what a dumb excuse.
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I hope you die in a car crash
Why did you censor Snuffy's name?
Denpafish. Bitch is not only a lying schizo that speeds rats about your favorite vtubers but is also over 500 lbs. You want to fuck someone that fat and ugly?
might be true but chiwa and miwa have gotten really close, miwa drew that really good art for chiwas anniversary yesterday along with posting on her kudoboard
they also share some interests, like blue archive
Imagine being such a miserable, parasocial fuckhead that you assume your oshi must be lying about their parent getting into a car accident to get out of showing up to a collab.
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Juni should collab with Alice and Ray and NTR Alice by spending the whole stream molesting Ray
>there's a big skeletal hand covering her whole back
Yeah that's what I imagined too
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Why do you even reply to the schizo? It just fuels him.
Did Lucy play SoTE yet?
But you have to admit that's a pretty good excuse, that very people would question, for precisely the reasons you stated
why do you give in to the schizo? if he's so interested he can join discord himself, and if he can't than there's probably a reason for it
i didn't. i don't know why it showes up like that. i just did the from:snuffy search
>skinwalking batfag
you are not fooling anyone here faggoon.
this but limes.
>your oshi
Saru would absolutely fight back and yell at you.
That very *few people would question
Shondo is claiming Mint Fantome's new model as a win for flat-chested girls
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Would you be your Oshi's pet?
she is so hot now...
are all veifags like this?
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That says more about you than it does about the chuuba.
snuffy isn't my oshi, dumbass. anyway, it's not a good enough excuse to not show up at her real friends party.

/containment board/i;boards:vt
/fitting in/i;boards:vt
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In a heartbeat.
Yes. Denpa is unironically my preferred body type.
as long as she lets me lick her pussy
The new model has clear fucking boobs are you and shadow retarded you must nit know what flat means
its bait sir
If she isn't your oshi then why do you care so much sister?
this post was meant for limes.
anyways, i'll be right back.
>Fil's mods blacklisted the word groomer after Shondo called them groomers
this anon wants to be Juni's incel snake...
Seethe boober
I thought very carefully about everyone on this list including Saru. Saru can get very feisty and bitchy onstream, especially a few years ago, and used to yell at everyone. Now she doesn't do that at much.
But more importantly, look at her demeanor at cons. Remember how vulnerable and anxious she looked during that viral clip of her skulking around in a timid hunchbacked fashion. She looked like a scared little waif in the forest. I would just sneak up behind her, bear hug her and yell "Saruei! I'm a big fan! I love you so so so so so so much" and hug the fuck out of her, then run away. She wouldn't do shit.
literally who
nta but he believes she (and others) have slighted his oshi, 3AM, and so he must sperg constantly about it
Juni's gamersupps cup is live

i cant believe snuffy cut off her dads leg for halloween
So you are a /ag/ faggot I see.
because she should be there for her real friends, coqui and meat.
3am doesn't even belong in /lig/ to be perfectly honest
>Too horny to eat
He's just like me fr fr
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she's part of the pettantheon
Oh it's the 3am schizo lmao no wonder
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>Even Shondo says that Fil tries too hard
Are you retarded? You must be.

Since the thread is about to die and no one will see it this woman came into my work and her heels are so cute it makes me jealous. I need more cute shoes chat.
why don't they make their own thread then?
why is anyone taking this retard seriously
Anyone have that funny clip of saru skulking around at the con a year or two ago. That was funny af
I couldn't imagine watching Filian anyways, nothing worse than an oppressive chuuba mod team.
even me?
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if she won't tombstone piledriver me into the dirt and ragefuck a clutch of eggs into me because i went 0.1m too far when i went to pick up our (her) order from raising cane's what's the point
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new Bao song, she pants like a dog in it.
stop feeding the schizo
You seem to forget she gets very violent when scared or startled. She wound elbow you in the face and bite your hand before screaming at the top of her lungs.
What is this thing
limesharts and faggoons can't help themselves from schizoing about 3am. kek
"You Will Never Be A Real Zoomer" - Fallen "Shnidoo" Shadow
I've noticed Lucy never gets included in these kinds of whore clan collaborations. Why is that?
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miwa is also in chiwa's chat a lot
bugshaker shaker cup
Shut the fuck up faggot.
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A Yoro
>heart of the backside of her panties
Made for anal
yall blame the schizo but the rest of the thread is dogshit anyways lmao
Bao's been releasing a lot of songs and covers recently
She's peak
What if I distracted her by pretending I had a care package for her (full of American foods like Cheese Whiz that I know she likes) and then while she was looking at it thanking me for being so sweet that's when I would make my move
butt looks smaller, but has an easy access panty hole. how is /mint/ taking it?
kill yourself, faggoon/limeshart.
what a ugly model. lol
Read >>88024828 before ever posting about shadow again you retarded shit eater
Remember how sad she was when her music video got low views. I don't want Bao to be sad. I love Bao. I also want to have sex with her bouncy Asian ass
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No lol
This isn't flat boobs have clear silhouette and are too big you retards don't fucking know what a real flat woman is.
real cuck behavior you got there lmao
>You HAVE to read my giant schizo nonsense
You may continue crying as much as you want
the only one living in a schizo delusion is you lol
is her profile pic her as Charlie
okay sorry
>real flat woman
no such thing. flatties aren't women.
yes, i dont have the full picture but it was made during her first collab with doki, the rest of it has doki as pim

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