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The 291st Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【MONSTER HUNTER WILDS】Chatting lots and playing the Beta!!!! (Hi it's me hehe)

>LAST STREAM:【JUSTICE'S HAUNTED VR INVESTIGATION】It's Halloween! Time do dress up! hehehe

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>88645117
*mlems her*
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dual blades look really fucking cool
i kinda want to switch to them
but its not really monhun if you arent wielding an xbox huge weapon
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Five autofister collabs this week. How are we feeling
>Five autofister collabs this week. How are we feeling
GG is upset they don't have Monster Hunter Language in Wilds
I didn't know she was a MonHun autist
I'm counting four, and they barely evrn interacted in one of them.
...do they though?
a little stuffed
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Did Gigi confirm today will be a collab?
this feels immoral...
nope. CC and GG are probably just going to do their own thing today. 4 collabs is already pushing it
I was just wondering since Ceci is only streaming 5 times this week
>put my finger in her butt
no surprises
I really doubt it.
Maybe there's a tiny chance if CC gets filtered hard by a hunt and decides to ask for help, but nothing planned.
Those are some ugly siblings.
Name your children after CCCCCCC
>dialogue options
Not entirely correct, messy hair glasses girl is fairly cute
no (yes)
question (yes)
sarcastic (yes)
every time CCCCCCCCCC is in the frame I feel a sense of relief
I've adjusted this rating to "kind of"
Is that higher or lower than fairly?
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thank you! No, that won't change the framerate sadly

Great idea with the credits! I tried AI but it just looks off. I overlayed the frames so it has slight ghosting but it looks better now imo

love them, making those scenes was great fun

Modern game
Unfortunately lower
So the other players are just in the camp for ambience? Like the ghosts in souls games?
She's in trouble!
its over
Would CC get bodied by a Great Jaggi?
alright spinning to winning has sold me on dual blades
is every monster in this game a raid boss that takes 10 minutes+ to kill?
Anything that makes her do silly noises is a win in my book
They seem really easy to use and super strong.
This is my first MH so I tried Great Sword thinking it's the easy "default" weapon when I started and while it's cool it's really tough to do anything with it
my new alarm
Yes. Most of the endgame fights can take a lot longer depending on weapon choice and other factors
Yes, it’s a game for minmaxers to grind and improve their build so each boss takes less time to kill so they can grind faster
Yes. 10 minutes is just the easier ones too, the big guys approach an hour.
Alatreon in tri and 3u comes to mind
Dire Miralis actually isn’t that bad
>10 minutes is on the shorter side
jesus what a slog
Once you get into it though you don't notice.
Yeah. When you get to the endgame bosses it's often a challenge to beat them in time before the mission fails.
Like the final final final boss in Worlds you had a 40(?) minute timer and even after learning its patterns so you don't get murdered by everything it does it's still a struggle to optimize damage enough to kill him in that window the first couple times.
It's only a slog for the easy monsters.
The bigger more aggressive guys don't leave you the time to think about it, endgame hunts get VERY tense.
Not if you enjoy playing the game you're playing, which I recommend
Never fight Caedus or Jhen Mohran then
you are too stressed and immersed to really notice how much time you spend desu
thats kinda why these games are so dangerous. you start playing do a few hunts and already spent 10 hours before you realize it
Ceci has shit taste...
>30 player hunt
Would be an actual nightmare
spin free or die
Let people have fun
MH Frontier had 16 player hunts for the big guys
Are Palico like pet ? They can talk and smart enough to do job so feel weird to treat them as pet
They are pretty much a slave race.
The MH world is pretty fucked up.
>CC familiar with vacuum bellybutton trend
theyre like onaholes that can consent
the humans are the palico's pet
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You and 29 LS users.
My shins...
I said a nightmare, not hell on earth
This weapon seems to do a lot less damage than her just spamming attacks with the dual blades
I always wonder what it would be like for New World babies to try freedom unite
Really? It seems the opposite to me.
>slavery is LE BAD
>11 minutes for a random penis worm monster
I think I'm too ADHD for this
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You have to kill the penis monster if you want to be able to hunt the dragon monster and get its armor
yeah but then you just use the dragon armor to hunt a bigger penis worm AND IT NEVER FUCKING ENDS
It usually does end though. You can keep on going on hunts if you want for armor and weapon mats but there’s almost always is a final monster to hunt.
Can anyone tell me? It seems a bit like a wannabe mmo, but you don't see others runing around.
Time to tank a railgun blast.
I assume you can see other people but you can’t go on quests with them unless you invite them to your party.
Yeah, the town is a shared hub. It's basically aesthetic only, and will not affect actual gameplay.
Ok this guy is just Zinogre with wings
>attacks get telegraphed on the health bar

yo, that is actually genius
The camp has room for up to 100 players. You can chat with them and form groups with in there if you want, but the moment you leave the area and go on a mission out in the wilderness it seamlessly changes instances and only the people in your party will be present.
I've had randoms jump in a few times when I'm almost done killing stuff
Gotta lock your room anon
Kinda wish these bosses had a health bar. I have no fucking idea if she's close or this thing is still at 90%. It seems like it's barely taken any damage at all
Doesn't really bother me, but I still might later
You have to watch for tells. Limping means it’s low and drooling means it’s tired which makes attacks slower and knockdowns easier.
Rip vod
>CC pre-emptively logged out of Steam friends

she's so responsible, bros
That's half the fun
It's the same as yesterday, a big pile of nothing. She didn't kill the vod then either
Did anyone get a screenshot?
I forgot how shit the new roars sound
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I miss real monster hunter...
She didn't lock her room..?
Did she even disable Voice Chat?
>MP is opt out insted of opt in
Based hunting horn
Maybe it's my Warframe brain, but seeing single digit numbers just fucking triggers me
You know what really shows that old monhun is dead? They changed the bbq animation
I can't believe fucking Sonic Frontiers had a more faithful cooking animation than World/Wilds did.
Eyo leave my bby out of this shit World was faithful on that front nigga
it's beyond over
Will we ever get a classic Monhun game ever again?
Hahahaha...no. That ship sailed the moment 5th gen became the best selling gen.
I'm just sad that Rise had such a huge impact on Wilds as it seemingly did, World can be considered old gen compared to what I'm seeing in this demo
I know it’s not but I’m going to head canon Olivia on ggs is a vtuber
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Good night.
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Give source now
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Feeling good
So those are just Gigis feet, not shoes?
Gigi confirmed she has normal feet.
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Those are Gigi's shoes
Thank god
I love this German doll like you wouldn't believe
Skeletons, ghosts and jiangshi are actual things. What the FUCK is a mushroom witch?
Is Raora anything specific or just a ghost bride?
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>What the FUCK is a mushroom witch?
This is one
Did she ever play this?
I might be able to tell you if you tell me what "this" is.
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The best metroidvania game
Raora and Gigi are talking shit about Ceci behind her back.....
She never played it as far as I know, but one of her friends did like 3 streams or so. Maybe she watched it.
Interesting, maybe we'll see something when Magnolia comes out
She would love how cute Lily is
the cutest kind of witch
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last time they played a game together they saw and wind-up key and started talking about ceci, they're obsessed with her. (as they should be)
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I wonder what song Ceci is releasing a cover for on her birthday
It will be an original that she wrote herself.
I’d love that, but I don’t think she had the time to
did she say she was releasing one?
No, but it’s pretty much a given.
I honestly thought she would debut with owe, so I am assuming that she has been working on it since predebut.
How did I type it like this? The key for W and N aren't anywhere near each other.
I stroke out sometimes too, don’t worry about it.
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stop using dvorak
That's my cum btw.
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Realized at the end of the stream that she got more than just the art credit wrong
would a pc building stream be possible? i kinda wanna see her do it on stream
depends on how cover feels about brand computer part names on streams i suppose
I thought she said no stream but I looked it up and turns out I misremembered, she only said that she will talk about the PC so it's still possible
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Cute looking creature
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get away from her freak
this is so cute
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I want a femgrem wife…
you'll find lots in the grem thread, go be a fag over there instead.
I don't because I don't think it's worthy of going rtx, and neither does CC. At the same time we both recognize there may be zoomers out there who don't just want to see her arms and actually are wildly impressed by it. But is it worth it, we ask?
want to molest a femgrem isnt gay
I don't think I've seen a low earth orbitomo yet
keep looking, we're up here
Has anyone checked if this is legal?
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