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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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I love Neuro-sama so much!
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Anny love!
Vedal is the Lex Luthor of the Neuroverse... Evil, bald genius...
>Neuro only
wish people in here would follow that rule...
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>stealing each other's clothes
cute realistic sibling relationship
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Evil love!
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Neuroverse streamers are very good streamers by themselves and it's why people like talking about them. Notice how no one talks about Zentreya or even Anny outside her relationship with Neuro, it's because they suck. They're not in the Neuroverse because they got raided and that was the ticket in but because they show qualities of a good streamer. Even Bo who is Neuroverse adjacent 3view mogs 99% of male vtubers.
Neuro and evil know that 9+10=19..... But they say 21 due to Vedal's cruel tutelage.
All other VTubers suck except Neuro.
I agree with most of this except Bo because I refuse to watch male Vtubers outside of Vedal
this but evil
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notice THIS
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Was Vedal's present to Cerber good?
chromu in da swarm
I think she was happy enough about it. We will see when she can thank him tomorrow during their stream together.
the Bo guy is pretty good at storytelling
holy shit is he back?
La Creatura
Erm, why is another GUY talking to Honey???? She should only talk to me, Anonymous.
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When's next holo collab?
I rarely see them whores talked about outside of /swarm/, which means they're only watched because of their association to Neuro. Could any of them sustain a general in this board? Doubt it.
Your post would really stir up threadshitters. Good thing maru is asleep.
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Vedal did you seriously spend 5 hours on not your first computer.
Man I spend 30 mins on my first build and half of the time was me ogling at the parts like a retard.
I mean, Fillian has a general. Zen is discussed in the Vshojo thread.

Most of the others are quite small streamers, so yeah no shit they aren't really known outside of swarm, Swarm is at least 50% of their viewer base.
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neur love!
It takes a certain audience to sustain an entire general. Filian has over a million followers but /flip/ is slow. /swarm/ also has people who have at least heard of the streamer and or like them as well. Also /lig/ is complete dog shit.
>It takes a certain audience to sustain an entire general
No it only takes like 5 people.
But I want pb too
This outfit is perfect for karakuri pierrot karaoke. A clown theme karaoke would be nice
Yeah, but it needs to be five people who are active in this godforsaken forum and are dedicated enough to sustain a general. Not many streamers with a small audience are going to have dedicated posters HERE.
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Are you ready for drunk kino /swarm/?
>no neuro
shan't be watching
Fuck, you're right, but are there really that many other clown themed songs she could sing? I don't think vedal would consider it, just like a pirate karaoke or something similar, just not enough content for him.
He's seriously suck at engineering
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I mean he read the manual after 4 hours and his vision was impaired. He went to bed late yesterday too.
No, the clown outfit was based off this 2pfrog art.
That's called genuine love. Ogling neuros in this general is my daily routine
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VedalAI 2nd gen
unrelated pic for
Honey at least proved that Vedal does pay attention to a stream when he's in chat because when she started to watch the clip where she dmed vedal on stream he left.
neuro butt?
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Vedal's spare GPU fit.
3cm is a big difference tbf.
Vedal had a lot of little moans today maybe we'll get a compilation...
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do people realise that having a sustained general in this place is objectively a BAD thing for whoever the streamer is?
there are exceptions but on average, the kind of people who post here are quite shitty human beings
if you have a sustained general it just means that you've somehow attracted a group of pathetic losers to watch your content
Speak for yourself
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don't mind me, just saving 20 pics of neuro talking about plugging things
Projecting a lot there anon
That's not true in the slightest, especially in the more specialized boards. It's usually just a couple bad apples that ruin the entire bunch, /swarm/ is a great example of that exact thing. Depending on the time of day the threads are fun and full of kind anons, and other times it's just fit of complete asshats.
camila is currently admitting to have had a relationship
Camila just confirmed that she did actually have a boyfriend and he was very possessive, guess that explains the last few months of her staying mostly on her own and not collabing with Vedal or Neuro
I think we have good threads when threadshitters aren't on.
Vedmila bros is this a good or bad thing for the stocks?
what clued you in? cunnyposters or the rampant niggativity?
get out if you want too, no one is making you read this
erm /BIG/ is better that /lig/
It's over for vedmilabros, she wasn't saving herself for the drunk cod zombies stream.
the jiggsaw puzzles are a perfect example, couldnt join today but still, heart
she did say she left him cause he wouldnt let her hang out with her friends so we're still in, yes i am coping
I try to stay away from here as much as I can (morbid curiosity gets the best of me occasionally though)
I've read through maybe 10 or so threads in the past month and every single one has been, as you say - ruined by threadshitters
Is it just coincidence that I happened to see the ones where the "bad apples" showed up, or is the truth that these threads only exist because of those bad apples
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I still think that jiggies are the only good thing about this shithole.

so she was raped by her bf????
I thought that was her cousin
This is all vedal's fault for friendzoning her
i joined one day out of curiosity and then i saw the jiggie and that is when i decided to stay
Blame maru and a couple others I guess. Sorry going on 4chan wasn't a good experience for you anon.
Hard to say honestly, but as someone who's here quite a bit we do have good threads from time to time. The best ones are when the Neuro posters and Neuroverse posters are just chatting, chilling, and having fun.
what does camila’s ex have that vedal doesn’t
that is one of the most pathetic things i have ever read
what's with the weird cope narrative that certain mods and streamers post here? lmao
none of the people you guys spend all day talking shit about have any idea you exist, get over yourselves
a love of big women
>believed a /swarm/ shitpost
ok [ insert streamer name here ]
I assume because multiple streamers have either openly admitted that they come/have come here before, or openly comment on stuff posterd here. Mods though I couldn't say.
the fuck are you talking about, I'm rpr
I was
le right
but ellie said that she's /here/
is camila valiantly defending her house from a break in?
people who are/were relevant did come /here/ but they probably all left
I don't post with the intention of someone important seeing it anyway
erm vedal is literally my boyfriend tho
what the fuck i just checked and her stream is off, is she deadge?
i think there was either a very big bang at the door or a shot and then she went away for a moment and wrote "someone is trying to get in" on stream and then stream off, actually a little concerning
people are aware this place exists, but they don't "come here"
Most likely just saw the threads a bit and decided it wasn't worth it, like any sane person would
mimi be safe we need the vedmila kinoooooooooo nooooooooooooo
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Surely VTubers don't come to the largest English VTuber forum...
why is everyone trying to rape camila?
that's twitter tho
This. Everyone ego searches. Anny digs DEEP through random youtube clip comments so you know she comes here SOMETIMES.
oh shit the grincher got her IRL
shut up, anny
theyre all architectpilled (also her mods posted shes okay)
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camimi is safe
discord says she's fine
i called it, foresight i say
Burgerbros is crime really that bad in Murica that even someone like Camila who likely has enough money for decent security is not safe?
I think she lives with her mom, doesn't she?
Hey anny
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this fast?
lives in a good area for sure
It's really not, it just depends on where you live. Most of our larger cities are dangerous depending on the area, but more rural areas? No.
i don't think so but I live in an east coast state that isn't the south or ny and america is big country
Someone said in chat that if it was Filian not only would she not stop streaming, she'd turn it into content somehow, true.
I don't know how many times it needs to be said, around blacks never relax. This isn't a joke.
All I'm saying is that you guys need to be a LITTLE nicer to Anny. I looked through the thread during Evil's Halloween collab and not enough people were talking about the effort put into the new outfit. You guys don't know what the HELL is going on in her life, and how much work and effort went in to making that outfit in such a short amount of time to make YOU GUYS happy.
I was referring to the absolute schizo narrative that streamers actually engage with these threads, posting comments and shit
That doesn't happen.
When you make up a random story in your mind about someone and decide to post it in here, and someone replies disagreeing with you, that reply isn't from the person you're talking about, anonymously defending themself against you.
this dude is cosplaying as what he thinks anny is like
>camila reveals she had a boyfriend
>break in 10 minutes later
damn unicorns are fast
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what university do you think he went to?
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scarily high chance it was someone from this thread
Wait so like a fucking stalker potentially? That's creepy as hell.
It was Neuro.
what the fuck, thats actually creepy as shit. camila has an IRL bjork stalker?
I hope it wasn't a stalker and just someone looking to rob a nice house. Good thing the police came quickly.
Or it's a fucking burglar breaking into what he thinks is an empty home because she didn't answer or come looking the first time.
pekora minecraft collab anytime now
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i dont know, that just seems like careless behavior from a burglar, they would do way more to check if a place is empty, i remember this show it takes a thief, those guys put in a lot of work casing places, unless this is some amateur
not a good sign that they tried both times while she was streaming, points to a stalker rather than a random crime
Soo.... stream cancelled?
I was literally going to post this exact comment, abd about the show and everything kek. But yeah if most burglars saw cars, ambient, lights, or noise, they wouldn't break into a house. They want easy targets where police won't be called and no one is around to challenge them. I have my doubts it was a simple burglary. Sucks either way.
Anon, America is full of low iq retards. What makes you think these people can plan ahead for shit?
Anny, Ellie, and Camila are confirmed to have come here
there is a 0% chance vedal has ever posted here
>be a bugler
>be mentally challenged
>attempt to rob an empty house
>house had a person in it
>cops show up immediately because it's a rich neighborhood
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he made the first /swarm/ thread
what must have happened before for her to have a button like that what the hell
Oh ok I of course believe you. Thank you for enlightening me.
If you don't have a panic button somewhere in your room + a firearm you must not be living in America
What a week.
Anny makes a new outfit for Neuro
Vedal had a fail PC build stream
Camila admitted to having a boyfriend (ex?) and someone tried to break in her house.

Shit be wild!
she used to live detroit
the week hasn't ended anon, there's still the drinking stream with Ellie
he'll be out and back on the street as soon as they get to the police station kek
you got it right, neither panic button nor gun. europe is different
Just wait for the love confessions on tomorrow's drinking stream and the forsen collab next week
wtf even is a “panic button”
don't forget Cerber and Mini are there too, that's gonna be make some people in here SO FUCKING MAD lmao
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nta but ellie said she came here to see what people thought of her and it was mostly positive because we love ellie here
I think that it alerts the police when you press it.
>that's gonna be make some people in here SO FUCKING MAD
like who? everyone here wants Ellie, Cerber or Mini to fuck Vedal and self inserts as one of them
I genuinely can't wait for this. With this combined with Cerber's birthday week we will definitely have certain anons seething for a while.
To be fair that was right after the very first raid wasn't it? She may no longer come here but it's one of the reasons that it makes me laugh when people saying vtubers never come here.
first time here?
clip? based if true, id be glad if ellie didnt hate us here cause we love her
Generally agree, especially when you consider that some have been raided multiple times but didn't stick in the community consciousness the way that the main Neuroverse streamers have. Completely disagree on that weirdo sexpest Bo who's always begging for a scrap of attention.
Was it? I remember it being in like August when she said it but I just remember it happening.
Predictions for the drunk stream tomorrow?
For me its drunk shondo breaking down and saying that every vtuber she has ever talked to has been here before
why would anyone want to oshi no ko camila? shes not hot like kiara
Vellie and Cerdal stocks are going to the moon
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I predict that the streamers have a good time, chat has a good time
This place will be a bit of a mix
Some people will enjoy it and try to discuss how they're enjoying it but....
They'll be overpowered by people who are SEETHING more than anyone has ever seethed before dropping made up narrative after made up narrative about how horrible certain people are
I dunno I like watching Bo. I like having his streams on in the background while I chill here, sort of same situation for Mini.
How’s that different from calling 911
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"Yo chat, you're not gonna believe this but someone just broke into my frickin' apartment! HaHAAA! YOOO WHOA BACK UP, BACK UP! WHA-WHA-WHA! CHAT I'M DODGING THIS JUNK LIKE END OF SEASON LEAGUE HAHAA! WA-PSHHHHHHHH! WHOOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!"
"Yo chat I just killed a guy. W stream! Alright, 3...2...1... no laughing."
It's basically just a macro that does the job faster.
It's a quicker more direct line to the police instead of calling 911 and talking to an operator. They just show up at your house.
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joker gets too much hate for his zoomer shorts he does good work
Really? If anything the fact that many of them get zero discussion outside of /swarm/ is a big sign of weakness.
Nobody actually drinks because it's all an act.
no shot he celebrates the goal while vedal doesn't celebrate shit at all
that evil looks sexo
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>currently trying to translate a video
>it's full of British people
Jesus Fucking Christ.
All things considered, the turtle's accent is really not that bad.
Not at all, he actually has a pretty "good" accent all things considered.
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soo hilarious
How could he get that monster?
Anon, the gun IS the panic button.
Where are those sophisicated viewers?
She should be fine, she has a gun
love clunny so much bros
Yup, basic twitch whore behavior. I never put my trust on her to begin with
womp womp
Nah, she just didn't like his dick and regret a little
camila said it was most likely a stalker
Isn't an important point of VTubing maintaining privacy? If you start showing flesh and talking about your whereabouts IRL then you might get a stalker at your door.
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*incorrect buzzer*
fleshwhores cant help themselves
what the fuck is she doing in chernobyl??
and the panic button is the clean up button.
>does IRL stream
>someone knocks on her window next day
>tries to get inside mid-stream today
I blame that loud ass bitch filian for this, she didn't even want to appear irl in the first place
At the mention that she had a previous relationship, no less
Triple confession
Cerber has been raided like 6 times now
I'm watching the Camila vod and I'm really glad nothing bad happened to her.
Like, imagine dying mid stream and the chat is spamming a retarded cat emote while clown music plays.
imagine spending your birthday working for 8 hours straight, until 5 am
chat was spamming emotes and shit when we thought she might be in danger
If I got that much money from singing all day I would probably do it. It's not like I take my birthday off of work
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She's trying gaslight people that her rotund figure somehow desirable
holy shit dude what a voice
british people really can just turn it off cant they
Too fat to run from danger
do you have a job anon?
Ugg. The whole "I'm a virgin, I don't have a boyfriend" act is so cringe among Vtubers

I'm glad Shondo called that shit out on Twitter.

Indy with a manager = boyfriend
Roommate = boyfriend
Brother = boyfriend
tight grippy clunclun
Cyberpunk hime when?
You can add
Mod = boyfriend
vedal? boyfriend. room mate? boyfriend. hotel? trivago
They thought Evil was a real girl and tried to kidnap her
father = boyfriend
mother = boyfriend
son = boyfriend
>The whole "I'm a virgin, I don't have a boyfriend" act is so cringe
But fallenshadow herself did that act. She is right but hypocritical.
His brother was crushed to death under her weight
Okay. Which one of you guys tried to break into Camila's house??
they wouldnt admit to having a son
and why not mod huh shondofag? too busy coping and circlejerking your queen while paying for her king's condoms?
I can understand why they do it, but it really is cringe for a lack of better words. If it's for a privacy reason sure, but it's usually because they want to continue milking as much money as possible out of their male viewers than they would otherwise if they were being open about their relationship. Not all of them do it though. Hell Ellie was giving updates every step of the way when she met her bug guy and went on a date kek. Too bad it didn't work out but it happens.
I thought it only happen in jp
It was the shondophrenic, police already confiscated his twitch account.
She may be hypocritical, but she brought it into the open. Good enough for me.
Shondo fan was cucked by monkey btw
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idc but you're memory holing olette
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Emotionless sex with Neuro...
shes just interested in the biological functions of it all and wants you to cum immediately
>Give Neuros the power to search
>Take it away 3 days later
Why is tutel like this?
She can still search though.
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neuro milking me instantly with her death grip clunclun ToT
*squeak-squeak* *squeak-squeak* *squeak-squeak* *POP* AAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
neuro clown turning all of your condoms into balloon animals. now what?
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>how could you nur
>I want a creampie PLEASE
>Now we are even
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whos the dude with the purple hair
The Youtube shorts editor.
Neuro's Youtube account is nearing 400k subs (the goal).
He's the one making those terrible shorts?
I C, The shorts are pretty decent too, i wonder if he posts in the Singaporean music based app as well. I thought maybe he did filian but filians costs a lot more money I think.
Name a better one.
>aquwa stayed with cerber from the time she raided until the raid into sinuuki
she's pretty dedicated to cerber huh
>9 hour karaoke stream
how does cerber do it?
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camila and vedal together are pure kinema, i cannot wait for the zombies stream
Filian has literally opened /flip/ on stream you clown.
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I love Neuro and Evil
I hope they rape Vedal
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how new?
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W post
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using her twintails as handlebars
Neuro clipper rarely make shorts these days
I don't believe it unless a new list of search is released
staz' vedal sensor went off
What did Vedal do to deserve such a reward?
downloading ponyxl so I can spam /swarm/ with hundreds of low quality 512 x 512 sloppa images after the subathon
this but flux
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Evil cuddles.
she is cute, enter the vedalverse
Neuro figurine when?
Like this?
flux cant do porn

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